1/* Part of SWI-Prolog 2 3 Author: Jan Wielemaker 4 E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl 5 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 6 Copyright (c) 2017, VU University Amsterdam 7 All rights reserved. 8 9 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 10 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 11 are met: 12 13 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 14 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 15 16 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 17 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 18 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 19 distribution. 20 21 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 22 "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 23 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 24 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 25 COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 26 INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 27 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 28 LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 29 CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 30 LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 31 ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 32 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 33*/ 34 35:- module(cache_rocks, 36 [ cache_open/1, % +Directory 37 cached/1, % :Goal 38 cached/2, % :Goal, +Hash 39 cache_property/2, % :Goal, ?Property 40 cache_properties/2, % :Goal, ?Properties:dict 41 forget/1, % :Goal 42 cache_statistics/1, % ?Property 43 cache_listing/0, 44 cache_listing/1 % +Options 45 ]). 46:- use_module(library(rocksdb)). 47:- use_module(library(error)). 48:- use_module(library(lists)). 49:- use_module(library(apply)). 50:- use_module(library(debug)). 51:- use_module(library(option)). 52:- use_module(signature).
92:- meta_predicate 93 cached( ), 94 cached( , ), 95 forget( ), 96 cache_property( , ), 97 offset_check( , , ). 98 99:- dynamic 100 rocks_d/2.
108cache_open(Dir) :- 109 rocks_d(_, Dir), 110 !. 111cache_open(Dir) :- 112 rocks_d(_, _), 113 permission_error(open, cache, Dir). 114cache_open(Dir) :- 115 rocks_open(Dir, DB, 116 [ key(term), 117 value(term) 118 ]), 119 asserta(rocks_d(DB, Dir)). 120 121rocks(DB) :- 122 rocks_d(DB, _), 123 !. 124rocks(_) :- 125 existence_error(cache, answers).
133cached(G) :- 134 rocks(DB), 135 goal_signature(G, Signature, Vars), 136 ( rocks_get(DB, Signature, cache(G, Answers, State, _Time, _Hash)) 137 -> from_db(State, Vars, Answers, restart(G, Signature, DB)) 138 ; generalise_goal(G, 2, General, Bindings), 139 goal_signature(General, GenSignature, GenVars), 140 rocks_get(DB, GenSignature, 141 cache(GenGoal, GenAnswers, State, Time, Hash)) 142 -> debug(cache, 'Filtering ~p for ~p', [GenGoal, G]), 143 maplist(bind, Bindings), 144 findall(Vars, member(GenVars, GenAnswers), Answers), 145 rocks_put(DB, Signature, cache(G, Answers, State, Time, Hash)), 146 member(Vars, Answers) 147 ; cache(G, Signature, Vars, [], DB) 148 ). 149 150bind(V=V). 151 152cache(G, Sign, Vars, Sofar, DB) :- 153 get_time(Now), 154 copy_term(G+Sign, Goal+Signature), 155 functor(Signature, Hash, _), 156 Cache = cache(Goal, _Answers, _State, Now, Hash), 157 ( Sofar == [] 158 -> Enum = (G, add_answer(Set, Vars)) 159 ; Enum = (offset_check(Vars, G, Sofar), add_answer(Set, Vars)) 160 ), 161 setup_call_catcher_cleanup( 162 answer_set(Sofar, Set), 163 Enum, 164 Catcher, 165 commit(Catcher, Set, Signature, Cache, DB)). 166 167commit(exit, Set, Signature, Cache, DB) :- 168 answers(Set, Answers), 169 set_cache(Cache, Answers, complete), 170 rocks_put(DB, Signature, Cache). 171commit(fail, Set, Signature, Cache, DB) :- 172 answers(Set, Answers), 173 set_cache(Cache, Answers, complete), 174 rocks_put(DB, Signature, Cache). 175commit(!, Set, Signature, Cache, DB) :- 176 answers(Set, Answers), 177 set_cache(Cache, Answers, partial), 178 rocks_put(DB, Signature, Cache). 179commit(exception(E), Set, Signature, Cache, DB) :- 180 answers(Set, Answers), 181 set_cache(Cache, Answers, exception(E)), 182 rocks_put(DB, Signature, Cache). 183commit(external_exception(_), Set, Signature, Cache, DB) :- 184 answers(Set, Answers), 185 set_cache(Cache, Answers, partial), 186 rocks_put(DB, Signature, Cache). 187 188from_db(complete, Vars, Answers, _Restart) :- 189 member(Vars, Answers). 190from_db(partial, Vars, Answers, restart(G, Signature, DB)) :- 191 ( member(Vars, Answers) 192 ; cache(G, Signature, Vars, Answers, DB) 193 ). 194from_db(exception(E), Vars, Answers, _Restart) :- 195 ( member(Vars, Answers) 196 ; throw(E) 197 ). 198 199 200set_cache(cache(_Goal, Answers, State, _Now, _Hash), Answers, State).
206answer_set([], answers(List, List)) :- 207 !, 208 List = [$|_]. 209answer_set(Set0, answers([$|OpenSet], Tail)) :- 210 open_list(Set0, OpenSet, Tail2), 211 Tail = Tail2. % delay unification to avoid 212 % Tail becoming a reference chain 213open_list([Last], T, T) :- 214 !, 215 T = [Last|_]. 216open_list([H|T0], [H|T], Last) :- 217 open_list(T0, T, Last). 218 219add_answer(Set, A) :- 220 arg(2, Set, T0), 221 duplicate_term(A, A2), 222 nb_linkarg(2, T0, [A2|_]), 223 arg(2, T0, T), 224 nb_linkarg(2, Set, T). 225 226answers(answers([$|Answers], T), Answers) :- 227 arg(2, T, []).
234offset_check(Template, Goal, Expected) :-
235 State = state(Expected),
236 ,
237 arg(1, State, Answers),
238 ( Answers == []
239 -> true
240 ; Answers = [First|More],
241 ( First =@= Template
242 -> nb_linkarg(1, State, More),
243 fail
244 ; throw(error(consistency_error(Goal, Template, First),_))
245 )
246 ).
pairs. Generalization first turns a compound entirely into a
variable before preserving the functor and generalizing the
260generalise_goal(M:G0, MaxDepth, M:G, Bindings) :- 261 generalise(MaxDepth, G0, G, [], Bindings), 262 nonvar(G), 263 G0 \== G. 264 265generalise(_, Term, Term, Bindings, Bindings). 266generalise(_, Term, Var, Bindings0, Bindings) :- 267 nonvar(Term), 268 Bindings = [Term=Var|Bindings0]. 269generalise(MaxDepth, Term, Gen, Bindings0, Bindings) :- 270 succ(MaxDepth2, MaxDepth), 271 compound(Term), 272 compound_name_arguments(Term, Name, Args0), 273 foldl(generalise(MaxDepth2), Args0, Args, Bindings0, Bindings), 274 compound_name_arguments(Gen, Name, Args), 275 Gen \== Term.
282cached(Goal, HashS) :- 283 atom_string(Hash, HashS), 284 is_hash(Hash, Type), 285 rocks(DB), 286 cached(Type, DB, Goal, Hash). 287 288cached(sha1, DB, M:Goal, Hash) :- 289 ( Goal =.. [_|Args], 290 Signature =.. [Hash|Args], 291 rocks_get(DB, Signature, 292 cache(M:Goal, Answers, _State, _Time, _Hash)) 293 -> term_variables(Goal, VarList), 294 Vars =.. [v|VarList], 295 member(Vars, Answers) 296 ; generalise_goal(M:Goal, 5, M:General, Bindings), 297 General =.. [_|Args], 298 Signature =.. [Hash|Args], 299 rocks_get(DB, Signature, 300 cache(M:GenGoal, GenAnswers, _State, _Time, _Hash)) 301 -> debug(cache, 'Filtering ~p for ~p', [GenGoal, Goal]), 302 term_variables(General, VarList), 303 GenVars =.. [v|VarList], 304 maplist(bind, Bindings), 305 member(GenVars, GenAnswers) 306 ; existence_error(answer_cache, Hash) 307 ). 308cached(short, DB, Goal, ShortHash) :- 309 Cache = cache(GoalV, Answers, _State, _Now, Hash), 310 rocks_enum(DB, _Key, Cache), 311 sub_atom(Hash, 0, _, _, ShortHash), 312 !, 313 ( Goal =@= GoalV 314 -> term_variables(Goal, VarList), 315 Vars =.. [v|VarList], 316 member(Vars, Answers) 317 ; subsumes_term(GoalV, Goal) 318 -> term_variables(GoalV, VarList), 319 GenVars =.. [v|VarList], 320 Goal = GoalV, 321 member(GenVars, Answers) 322 ; throw(error(specific_expected(Goal, GoalV, ShortHash), _)) 323 ). 324 325is_hash(Atom, Hash) :- 326 atom_length(Atom, Len), 327 ( Len == 40 328 -> Hash = sha1 329 ; Len == 7 330 -> Hash = short 331 ; domain_error(hash, Atom) 332 ).
The cache_properties/2 variant returns all properties of a cache in a dict using the above keys.
350cache_property(M:SubGoal, Property) :- 351 rocks(DB), 352 Cache = cache(M:SubGoal, _Answers, _Time, _Hash), 353 rocks_enum(DB, _, Cache), 354 property(Property, Cache). 355 356property(count(Count), cache(_, Answers, _, _)) :- 357 length(Answers, Count). 358property(time_cached(Time), cache(_, _, Time, _)). 359property(hash(Hash), cache(_, _, _, Hash)). 360 361cache_properties(M:SubGoal, 362 cache_properties{count:Count, 363 time_cached:Time, 364 state:State, 365 hash:Hash 366 }) :- 367 rocks(DB), 368 Cache = cache(M:SubGoal, Answers, State, Time, Hash), 369 rocks_enum(DB, _, Cache), 370 length(Answers, Count).
to remove all data cached for p/2. Notably
will destroy the entire cache.
378forget(Goal) :-
379 rocks(DB),
380 Cache = cache(CGoal, _Answers, _State, _Now, _Hash),
381 forall(( rocks_enum(DB, Key, Cache),
382 subsumes_term(Goal, CGoal)
383 ),
384 rocks_delete(DB, Key)).
390cache_statistics(Property) :-
391 rocks(DB),
392 rocks_property(DB, Property).
399cache_listing :- 400 cache_listing([]). 401 402cache_listing(Options) :- 403 format('Predicate ~t Cached at~55| Hash State ~t Count~76|~n', []), 404 format('~`=t~76|~n'), 405 forall(setof(Variant-Properties, 406 cached_predicate(Pred, Variant, Properties), PList), 407 report(Pred, PList, Options)). 408 409cached_predicate(M:Name/Arity, Goal, Properties) :- 410 cache_properties(M:Goal, Properties), 411 functor(Goal, Name, Arity). 412 413 414report(M:Name/Arity, Variants, Options) :- 415 length(Variants, VCount), 416 format('~w:~w/~d (~D variants)~n', [M, Name, Arity, VCount]), 417 forall(limit(10, member(Variant-Properties, Variants)), 418 ( short_state(Properties.state, State), 419 short_hash(Properties.hash, M:Variant, Hash, Options), 420 format_time(string(Date), "%FT%T", Properties.time_cached), 421 numbervars(Variants, 0, _, [singletons(true)]), 422 format(' ~p ~`.t ~s~55| ~w ~`.t ~w ~69| ~`.t ~D~76|~n', 423 [Variant, Date, Hash, State, Properties.count]) 424 )), 425 Skipped is VCount - 10, 426 ( Skipped > 0 427 -> format(' (skipped ~D variants)~n', [Skipped]) 428 ; true 429 ). 430 431short_state(complete, 'C'). 432short_state(partial, 'P'). 433short_state(exception(_), 'E'). 434 435short_hash(Hash, Variant, Short, Options) :- 436 option(hash(long), Options), 437 !, 438 ( deep_predicate_hash(Variant, Hash) 439 -> string_concat(Hash, *, Short) 440 ; Short = Hash 441 ). 442short_hash(Hash, Variant, Short, _) :- 443 sub_string(Hash, 0, 7, _, Short0), 444 ( deep_predicate_hash(Variant, Hash) 445 -> string_concat(Short0, *, Short) 446 ; Short = Short0 447 ). 448 449:- multifile prolog:error_message//1. 450 451prologerror_message(consistency_error(Goal, Template, First)) --> 452 [ '~p yielded inconsistent results (~p \\=@= ~p)'-[Goal, Template, First] ]. 453prologerror_message(specific_expected(Goal, Expected, _Hash)) --> 454 [ '~p is not a specialization of ~p'-[Goal, Expected] ]. 455 456:- multifile sandbox:safe_meta_predicate/1. 457 458sandbox:safe_meta_predicate(cache_rocks:cached/1). 459sandbox:safe_meta_predicate(cache_rocks:forget/1)
Persistent answer caching
This module implements persistent caching of answers. The inspiration comes from tabled execution where tabled answers are kept as a trie of tries. The outer trie maps goal variants to answer tries and the answer tries provide the answers to a specific goal variant. The
(and library(bdb)) provide a persistent Key-Value store that can map a term to a term. The term is represented as an external record, basically a binary alternative to write/read. This binary representation is a blob for the key-value store. The representation represents a variant, currently with two limitations:A = f(X), B = b(A,A)
is a different B than you get fromB = b(f(X),f(X))
.A = [a|A]
andA = [a,a|A]
are considered different.Ignoring these two issues (which can be fixed), we can use RocksDB or BDB as the outer trie used in tabling. We could use a trie or similar structure for the set of answers, but in this case a list preserves the original order and is more compact. Our database basically maps call variants to a list of answers.
In addition, it does some book keeping. First of all, it uses
to compute a deep hash of the predicate. A deep hash is an SHA1 hash computed from the clauses of the predicates and all predicates called by it. The original goal, say m:p(a1, ...)
is translated into <SHA1>(a1, ...). This implies that changing a predicate or one of the predicates called by it invalidate the cache. Second, it keeps track of partially completed goals and fully completed goals. Re-running a fully completed goal simply retrieves the cached answers. Re-running a partially completed goal first retrieves the cached answers and then re-runs the goal with an offset to compute additional answers, updating the status. */