1:- module(mustache, [
    2    mustache//2,                % +Variables:list, +TemplateCodes:codes
    3    mustache_from_file/3        % +FileSpec, +Variables:list, -Out:codes
Predicates for {{mustache}} templating system. Supports the all feature of mustache spec, with following specifics:
   19:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).   20:- use_module(library(error)).   21
   22%%% PUBLIC PREDICATES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 mustache(+Variables:list, +TemplateCodes:codes)// is det
converts mustache TemplateCodes into the rendered text by replacing {{ variable }} placeholders with the variables specified in the Variables list. Variables are of the form Var - Value or Var = Value. The value can be atomic, codes, string, or list of values
   29mustache(Variables, TemplateCodes) -->
   30    {   must_be(codes, TemplateCodes)   },
   31    mustache_impl( Variables, [ [0'{, 0'{], [0'}, 0'}] ], TemplateCodes).
 mustache_from_file(+FileSpec, +Variables:list, -Out:codes) is det
Same as `mustache//2 but loads the template from the FileSpec. FileSpec is resolved by `absolute_file_name/3.
   36mustache_from_file(FilePath, Variables, Out) :- 
   37    absolute_file_name(FilePath, AbsolutePath),
   38    read_file_to_codes(AbsolutePath, Codes, [encoding(utf8)]),
   39    phrase(mustache(Variables, Codes), Out).
   42%%% PRIVATE PREDICATES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   44close_placeholder( [_, [] | _ ], In, In) --> [].
   45 close_placeholder( [_, [ H | T ] |_], [ H|In], Out) -->
   46    close_placeholder( [_, T ], In, Out).
   48comment(Delimiters, In, Out) -->
   49    open_placeholder(comment, Delimiters, In, R1),
   50    { phrase(string(_), R1, R2) },
   51    close_placeholder(Delimiters, R2, Out),
   52    !.
   54condition_body(_, _, In, In) --> [].
   55 condition_body(Variables, Delimiters, In, Out) -->
   56    next(Variables, Delimiters, In, Rest0),
   57    condition_body(Variables, Delimiters, Rest0, Out).
   59condition_start(Delimiters, Variable, In, Out) -->
   60    condition_placeholder(condition, Delimiters, Variable, In, Out).
   62condition_negated(Delimiters, Variable, In, Out) -->
   63    condition_placeholder(negation, Delimiters, Variable, In, Out).
   65condition_end(Delimiters, Variable, In, Out) -->
   66    condition_placeholder(block_end, Delimiters, Variable, In, Out).
   68condition_placeholder(Type, Delimiters, Variable, In, Out) -->
   69    open_placeholder(Type, Delimiters, In, Rest0),
   70    variable(Variable, Rest0, Rest1),    
   71    close_placeholder(Delimiters, Rest1, Out).
   73delimiters(Delimiters, [Start, End], In, Out) -->
   74    open_placeholder(delimiter, Delimiters, In, R1),
   75    delimiter_start(Start, R1, R2), 
   76    delimiter_space(R2, R3),
   77    delimiter_end(End, R3, R4),
   78    close_placeholder(Delimiters, R4, Out),
   79    {
   80        \+ length(Start, 0),
   81        \+ length(End, 0)
   82    }.
   84delimiter_end([], [ 0'=|In], In) --> [].
   85 delimiter_end([C|T], [C|In], Out) -->
   86    { C\= 0'= },
   87    delimiter_end(T, In, Out).
   89delimiter_space([C|In], [C|In]) -->
   90    { \+ is_white(C) }.
   91 delimiter_space([C|In], Out) -->
   92    { is_white(C) },
   93    delimiter_space(In, Out).
   95delimiter_start([], [S|In], [S|In]) -->
   96    { is_white(S) },
   97    !.
   98 delimiter_start([C|T], [C|In], Out) -->
   99    { \+ is_white(C) },
  100    delimiter_start(T, In, Out).
  104expand_variable(Key, VariablesIn, VariablesOut) :-
  105    variables_key_value(VariablesIn, Key, Value),
  106    expand_variable_impl(Value, VariablesIn, VariablesOut),
  107    !.
  108expand_variable(_, Variables, Variables).
  110expand_variable_impl(Term, VariablesIn, VariablesOut) :-
  111    is_dict(Term),
  112    dict_pairs(Term, _, Pairs),
  113    append(Pairs, VariablesIn, VariablesOut),
  114    !.
  115expand_variable_impl(_, Variables, Variables).
  117instruction(Variables, Delimiters, In, Out) -->
  118    (   comment( Delimiters, In, Out)
  119    ;   loop(Variables, Delimiters, In, Out)
  120    ;   negation(Variables, Delimiters, In, Out)
  121    ;   partial(Delimiters, In, Out)
  122    ;   query(Variables, Delimiters, In, Out)
  123    ;   lambda(Variables, Delimiters, In, Out), !
  124    ;   placeholder(Variables, Delimiters, In, Out)
  125    ).
  127lambda(Variables, Delimiters, In, Out) -->
  128    condition_placeholder(normal, Delimiters, Key, In, Out),
  129    {   variables_key_value(Variables, Key, ?(Goal)),
  130        call(Goal, Value)
  131    },
  132    push_variable_codes(Value).
  135loop(Variables, Delimiters, In, Out) --> 
  136    condition_start(Delimiters, Key, In, Rest1),
  137    {(  variables_key_value(Variables, Key, Value)
  138    ->  (   is_list(Value)
  139        ->  List = Value
  140        ;   List = [ Value ]
  141        )
  142    ;   List = []
  143    )}, 
  144    loop_elements(Key-List, Variables, Delimiters, Rest1, Out).
  146loop_elements( Key-[], _, Delimiters, In, Out) --> % ignore the block on empty list and move on
  147    {   phrase( condition_body( [], Delimiters, In, Rest), _) },
  148    condition_end(Delimiters, Key, Rest, Out),
  149    [].
  150 loop_elements( Key-[ Var | List], Variables, Delimiters,  In, Out) -->
  151    { 
  152        Variables1 = [Key-Var | Variables],
  153        expand_variable(Key, Variables1, Variables2),
  154        phrase( condition_body( Variables2, Delimiters, In, Rest), Body)
  155    },
  156    condition_end(Delimiters, Key, Rest, _),
  157    Body,
  158    loop_elements(Key-List, Variables, Delimiters, In, Out).
  160mustache_impl(_, _, []) --> [], !.
  161mustache_impl(Variables, Delimiters, In) -->
  162    delimiters(Delimiters, Delimiters1, In, Out),
  163    mustache_impl( Variables, Delimiters1,  Out),
  164    !.
  165 mustache_impl(Variables, Delimiters, In) -->
  166    next( Variables, Delimiters, In, Out),
  167    mustache_impl( Variables, Delimiters,  Out).
  169negation(Variables, Delimiters, In, Out) --> 
  170    negation_start(Key, Delimiters, In, Rest1),
  171    (  { variables_key_value(Variables, Key, _) }
  172    ->  loop_elements(Key-[], Variables, Delimiters, Rest1, Out)
  173    ;   loop_elements(Key-[ [] ], Variables, Delimiters, Rest1, Out)
  174    ).
  176negation_start(Variable, Delimiters, In, Out) -->
  177    condition_placeholder(negation, Delimiters, Variable, In, Out).
  179next(Variables, Delimiters, In, Out) -->
  180    instruction(Variables, Delimiters, In, Out), !.
  181 next(_, _, [C|Out], Out) --> [C].
  183open_placeholder(Type, [DelimiterStart | _], In, Out) --> 
  184    {   memberchk(
  185            Type-Suffix, 
  186            [   block_end-[0'/], 
  187                comment-[0'!],
  188                condition-[0'#],
  189                delimiter-[0'=],
  190                negation-[0'^],
  191                normal-[],
  192                partial-[0'>],
  193                query-[0'?, 0'-]
  194            ]
  195        ),
  196        append(DelimiterStart, Suffix, Opener)
  197    },
  198    open_placeholder_impl(Opener, In, Out).
  200open_placeholder_impl([], In, In) --> [].
  201 open_placeholder_impl([ C| T], [C|In], Out) --> 
  202    open_placeholder_impl(T, In, Out).
  204partial( Delimiters, In, Out) -->
  205    condition_placeholder(partial, Delimiters, Base, In, Rest1),
  206    {   file_name_extension(Base, 'mustache', Path),
  207        exists_file(Path),
  208        read_file_to_codes(Path, Codes, [encoding(utf8)]),
  209        append(Codes, Rest1, Out)
  210    }.
  212placeholder(Variables, Delimiters, In, Out) -->
  213    open_placeholder(normal, Delimiters, In, Rest0),
  214    variable(Variable, Rest0, Rest1),    
  215    close_placeholder(Delimiters, Rest1, Out),
  216    push_variable(Variable, Variables).
  218push_variable(Key, Variables) --> 
  219    { variables_key_value(Variables, Key, Term) }, 
  220    push_variable_codes( Term ),
  221    !.
  222 push_variable(_, _) --> [].
  225push_variable_codes( Codes) -->
  226    {
  227        is_of_type(codes, Codes)
  228    },
  229    Codes.
  230 push_variable_codes( Atom) -->
  231    {
  232        is_of_type(atom, Atom),
  233        atom_codes(Atom, Codes)
  234    },
  235    Codes.
  236 push_variable_codes( String) -->
  237    {
  238        is_of_type(string, String),
  239        string_codes(String, Codes)
  240    },
  241    Codes.
  242 push_variable_codes( Term ) -->
  243    {
  244        format(codes(Codes), '~w', Term)
  245    },
  246    Codes.
  248query(Variables, Delimiters, In, Out) -->
  249    open_placeholder(query, Delimiters, In, R1), 
  250    { query_goal(Goal, R1, Rest0) },
  251    variable(Variable, Rest0, Rest1),    
  252    close_placeholder(Delimiters, Rest1, Out),
  253    { variables_key_value(Variables, Variable, Value) }, 
  254    {   once(call(Goal, Value, Result) ), 
  255        (   is_of_type(codes, Result)
  256        ->  ResultCodes = Result
  257        ;   atomic_list_concat([Result], Atom),
  258            atom_codes(Atom, ResultCodes)
  259        )
  260    },
  261    ResultCodes.
  263query_goal(Goal, In, Out) :-
  264    setup_call_cleanup(
  265        open_any(string(In), read, Stream, Close, []),
  266        (   read_term(Stream, Goal, [syntax_errors(fail)]),
  267            stream_property(Stream, position(Position) )
  268        ),
  269        close_any(Close)
  270    ),
  271    stream_position_data(char_count, Position, Offset),
  272    append(Prefix, Out, In),
  273    length(Prefix, Offset),
  274    !.
  276var_chars([]) --> [].
  277var_chars([C|Var]) -->
  278    [C],
  279    { 
  280        (
  281            code_type(C,csym) 
  282        ;
  283            memberchk(C, [ 0'-, 0'., 0'/, 0'(, 0'), 0'[, 0'], 0'\\ ] )
  284        )
  285    },
  286    var_chars(Var).
  288variable(Variable, In, Out) --> 
  289    {
  290        phrase(variable_impl(VariableC), In, Out),
  291        atom_codes(Variable, VariableC)
  292    }.
  294variable_impl(Var) -->
  295    whites,
  296    var_chars(Var),
  297    whites.
  299variables_key_value(Variables, Key, Value) :-
  300    is_dict(Variables),
  301    !,
  302    Value = Variables.get(Key),
  303    \+ memberchk(Value, [ [], undefined, null, false ]).
  304 variables_key_value(Variables, Key, Value) :-
  305    memberchk(Key-Value, Variables),
  306    \+ memberchk(Value, [ [], undefined, null, false ]).
  307 variables_key_value(Variables, Key, Value) :-
  308    memberchk(Key=Value, Variables),
  309    \+ memberchk(Value, [ [], undefined, null, false ]). % false values do not counts!