1% SWI version.
    2% Since in SWI the name of the attribute is also the name of the module,
    3% we need 2 modules to define the 2 required attributes
    5:- module(quantif,     
    6    [% From module quant:
    7     quant/2,
    8     set_term_quantification/2,
    9     get_quant/2,
   10     set_quant/2,
   11     is_term_quantified/2,
   12     is_unquantified/1,
   13     forall/1, forallf/1, exists/1, existsf/1,
   14     is_universal/1,
   15     is_existential/1,
   16     print_quant/0, print_quant/1,          %FOR THE DEBUGGER
   18    % From module restrictions:
   19     set_restriction/1,
   20     set_restriction/2,
   21     get_restrictions/2,
   22     set_restriction_list/1,
   23     set_restriction_list/2,
   24     st/1, st/2
   25    ]).   26
   27%:- reexport([quant,restrictions]). In SICStus there is no reexport, so I do it by hand
   28:- use_module(quant).   29:- use_module(restrictions).