:- begin_tests(st_render). :- use_module(prolog/st/st_parse). :- use_module(prolog/st/st_render). :- use_module(prolog/st/st_file). % These add the stream argument to the call. test_rendering(Call, Expected):- Call = st_render_string(Input, Data, File), !, with_output_to_codes(( current_output(Stream), call(st_render_string(Input, Data, Stream, File, [])) ), Codes), string_codes(String, Codes), assertion(String = Expected). test_rendering(Call, Expected):- Call = st_render_string(Input, Data, File, Options), with_output_to_codes(( current_output(Stream), call(st_render_string(Input, Data, Stream, File, Options)) ), Codes), string_codes(String, Codes), assertion(String = Expected). test(empty):- test_rendering(st_render_string("", [], dummy), ""). test(text):- test_rendering(st_render_string("text", [], dummy), "text"). test(variable_number):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{= a }}", _{ a: 123 }, dummy), "123"). test(variable_atom):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{= a }}", _{ a: abc }, dummy), "abc"). test(variable_string):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{= a }}", _{ a: "abc" }, dummy), "abc"). test(escape):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{= a }}", _{ a: '<' }, dummy), "<"). test(nonescape):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{- a }}", _{ a: '<' }, dummy), "<"). test(condition1_true):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{ if a=1 }}t{{ end }}", _{ a : 1 }, dummy), "t"). test(condition1_false):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{ if a=1 }}t{{ end }}", _{ a : 2 }, dummy), ""). test(condition2_true):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{ if a=1 }}t{{ else }}f{{ end }}", _{ a : 1 }, dummy), "t"). test(condition2_false):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{ if a=1 }}t{{ else }}f{{ end }}", _{ a : 2 }, dummy), "f"). test(condition3_true):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{ if a=\"abc\" }}t{{ else }}f{{ end }}", _{ a : 'abc' }, dummy), "t"). test(condition3_false):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{ if a=\"abc\" }}t{{ else }}f{{ end }}", _{ a : 'bcd' }, dummy), "f"). test(condition_else_if_1):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{ if a=1 }}b1{{ else if a=2 }}b2{{ else if a=3 }}b3{{ else }}b4{{ end }}", _{ a : 1 }, dummy), "b1"). test(condition_else_if_2):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{ if a=1 }}b1{{ else if a=2 }}b2{{ else if a=3 }}b3{{ else }}b4{{ end }}", _{ a : 2 }, dummy), "b2"). test(condition_else_if_3):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{ if a=1 }}b1{{ else if a=2 }}b2{{ else if a=3 }}b3{{ else }}b4{{ end }}", _{ a : 3 }, dummy), "b3"). test(condition_else_if_4):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{ if a=1 }}b1{{ else if a=2 }}b2{{ else if a=3 }}b3{{ else }}b4{{ end }}", _{ a : 4 }, dummy), "b4"). test(each):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{ each items, item }}{{= item }}{{ end }}", _{ items: [1,2,3] }, dummy), "123"). test(each_index):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{ each items, item, i }}{{= item }}{{= i }}{{ end }}", _{ items: [1,2,3] }, dummy), "102132"). test(each_index_length):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{ each items, item, i, n }}{{= item }}{{= i }}{{= n }}{{ end }}", _{ items: [1,2,3] }, dummy), "103213323"). test(include):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{ include tests/included }}", _{}, dummy), "i"). test(include_variable):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{ include tests/included_variable }}", _{ a: 1 }, dummy), "1"). test(include_variable_scoped):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{ include tests/included_variable, b }}", _{ b: _{ a: 1 } }, dummy), "1"). test(dynamic_include):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{ dynamic_include file }}", _{ file: tests/included }, dummy), "i"). test(dynamic_include_variable):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{ dynamic_include file }}", _{ a: 1, file: tests/included_variable }, dummy), "1"). test(dynamic_include_variable_scoped):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{ dynamic_include file, b }}", _{ b: _{ a: 1 }, file: tests/included_variable }, dummy), "1"). test(white_inline):- test_rendering(st_render_string("abc {{= a }} def", _{ a: 1 }, dummy), "abc 1 def"). test(white_unindent):- test_rendering(st_render_string("abc\n{{= a }}\n def", _{ a: 1 }, dummy, _{ strip: true }), "abc\n1\ndef"). test(white_collapse_line_end):- test_rendering(st_render_string("abc\n{{= a }}\n\n def", _{ a: 1 }, dummy, _{ strip: true }), "abc\n1\ndef"). test(white_collapse_indent):- test_rendering(st_render_string("abc\n \n {{= a }}\n\n def", _{ a: 1 }, dummy, _{ strip: true }), "abc\n1\ndef"). test(white_disabled):- test_rendering(st_render_string("abc\n \n {{= a }}\n\n def", _{ a: 1 }, dummy), "abc\n \n 1\n\n def"). test(comment):- test_rendering(st_render_string("{{= a }}{{% this is a comment}}", _{ a: 123 }, dummy), "123"). test(invalid_frontend_tokenizer):- catch((st_render_string("abc\n \n {{= a }}\n\n def", _{ a: 1 }, dummy, dummy, _{ strip: true, frontend: dummy }), fail), error(type_error(_, _), _), true). test(no_slot_content):- Options = _{ frontend: simple }, catch((st_render_string("{{ slot }}", _{}, dummy, dummy, Options), fail), error(no_content_for_slot(_)), true). test(slot_content_mock):- Slot = slot([text("a")], _{}), Options = _{ frontend: simple, '_slot': Slot }, with_output_to_codes(( current_output(Stream), st_render_string("{{ slot }}", _{}, Stream, dummy, Options) ), Codes), string_codes(String, Codes), assertion(String = "a"). test(block):- Options = _{ strip: true, frontend: simple }, File = 'tests/current.html', Data = _{ message: "Hello" }, with_output_to_codes(( current_output(Stream), st_render_string("{{ block div_slot }}{{= message }}{{ end }}", Data, Stream, File, Options) ), Codes), string_codes(String, Codes), assertion(String = "
"). test(block_scoped):- Options = _{ strip: true, frontend: simple }, File = 'tests/current.html', Data = _{ message: "Hello", block_scope: _{ who: "World" }}, with_output_to_codes(( current_output(Stream), st_render_string("{{ block div_slot_scoped, block_scope }}{{= message }}{{ end }}", Data, Stream, File, Options) ), Codes), string_codes(String, Codes), assertion(String = "
Hello World
"). :- end_tests(st_render).