    2%  NomicMUD: A MUD server written in Prolog
    3%  Maintainer: Douglas Miles
    4%  Dec 13, 2035
    6%  Bits and pieces:
    8%    LogicMOO, Inform7, FROLOG, Guncho, PrologMUD and Marty's Prolog Adventure Prototype
   10%  Copyright (C) 2004 Marty White under the GNU GPL 
   11%  Sept 20,1999 - Douglas Miles
   12%  July 10,1996 - John Eikenberry 
   14%  Logicmoo Project changes:
   16% Main file.
   23:- dynamic(adv:agent_last_action/3).
   26  (adv:agent_last_action(Agent,_Action,Last),clock_time(T),When is T - Last) *-> true; clock_time(When).
   29   clock_time(T),
   30   retractall(adv:agent_last_action(Agent,_,_)),
   31   assertz(adv:agent_last_action(Agent,Action,T)).
   36% drop -> move -> touch
   37subsetof(touch, touch).
   38subsetof(move, touch).
   39subsetof(drop, move).
   40subsetof(eat, touch).
   41subsetof(hit, touch).
   42subsetof(put, drop).
   43subsetof(give, drop).
   44subsetof(take, move).
   45subsetof(throw, drop).
   46subsetof(open, touch).
   47subsetof(close, touch).
   48subsetof(lock, touch).
   49subsetof(unlock, touch).
   50subsetof(switch, touch).
   53% feel <- taste <- smell <- look <- listen  (by distance)
   54subsetof(examine, examine).
   55subsetof(listen, examine).
   56subsetof(look, examine).
   57% in order to smell it you have to at least be in sight distance
   58subsetof(smell, look).
   59subsetof(eat, taste).
   60subsetof(taste, smell).
   61subsetof(taste, feel).
   62subsetof(feel, examine).
   63subsetof(feel, touch).
   64subsetof(X,Y):- ground(subsetof(X,Y)),X=Y.
   66subsetof(SpatialVerb1, SpatialVerb2):- compound(SpatialVerb1), compound(SpatialVerb2), !,
   67  SpatialVerb1=..[Verb1,Arg1|_],
   68  SpatialVerb2=..[Verb2,Arg2|_],
   69  subsetof(Verb1, Verb2),
   70  subsetof(Arg1, Arg2).
   72subsetof(SpatialVerb, Verb2):- compound(SpatialVerb), functor(SpatialVerb, Verb, _), !,
   73  subsetof(Verb, Verb2).
   75subsetof(Verb, SpatialVerb2):- compound(SpatialVerb2), functor(SpatialVerb2, Verb2, _), !,
   76  subsetof(Verb, Verb2).
   78% proper subset - C may not be a subset of itself.
   79psubsetof(A, B):- A==B, !, fail.
   80psubsetof(A, B) :- subsetof(A, B).
   81psubsetof(A, C) :-
   82  subsetof(A, B),
   83  subsetof(B, C).
   88do_command(Agent, Action, S0, S1) :-
   89  do_metacmd(Action, S0, S1), !,
   90  redraw_prompt(Agent).
   92do_command(Agent, Action, _, _) :- set_last_action(Agent,Action), fail.
   94do_command(Agent, Action, S0, S1) :-
   95  declared(memories(Agent, Mem), S0),
   96  do_introspect(Action, Answer, Mem),
   97  queue_percept(Agent, [answer(Answer), Answer], S0, S1), !.
   98  %player_format('~w~n', [Answer]).
   99do_command(Agent, Action, S0, S3) :-
  100  undeclare(memories(Agent, Mem0), S0, S1),
  101  memorize(did(Action), Mem0, Mem1),
  102  declare(memories(Agent, Mem1), S1, S2),
  103  must_act(Agent, Action, S2, S3), !,
  104  nop(redraw_prompt(Agent)).
  105do_command(Agent, Action, S0, S0) :-
  106  player_format('Failed or No Such Command: ~w~n', Action), !,
  107  nop(redraw_prompt(Agent)).
  109% --------
  111do_todo(Agent, S0, S0):- 
  112  declared(memories(Agent, Mem0), S0),member(todo([]),Mem0),!.
  113do_todo(Agent, S0, S9) :- 
  114  undeclare(memories(Agent, Mem0), S0, S1),
  115  forget(todo(OldToDo), Mem0, Mem1),
  116  append([Action], NewToDo, OldToDo),
  117  memorize(todo(NewToDo), Mem1, Mem2),
  118  declare(memories(Agent, Mem2), S1, S2),
  119  apply_first_arg_state(Agent, do_command(Action), S2, S9).
  120do_todo(_Agent, S0, S0).
  122%do_todo_while(Agent, S0, S9) :-
  123%  declared(memories(Agent, Mem0), S0),
  124%  thought(todo(ToDo), Mem0),
  125%  append([Action], NewToDo, OldToDo),
  129% ---- apply_act(Agent, Action, State, NewState)
  130%  where the states also contain Percepts.
  131% In Inform, actions work in the following order:
  132%   game-wide preconditions
  133%   Player preconditions
  134%   objects-in-vicinity react_before conditions
  135%   room before-conditions
  136%   direct-object before-conditions
  137%   verb
  138%   objects-in-vicinity react_after conditions
  139%   room after-conditions
  140%   direct-object after-conditions
  141%   game-wide after-conditions
  142% In TADS:
  143%   "verification" methods perferm tests only
  145no_debug_cant(floyd, _).
  146no_debug_cant('floyd~1', _).
  147no_debug_cant(_, _).
  149apply_act(Agent, examine(How, Thing), State, NewState) :-
  150  (equals_efffectly(sense, Sense, _), equals_efffectly(model, Spatial, _)) ->
  151  Sense \== Spatial, How == Spatial, !,
  152  apply_act(Agent, examine(Sense, Thing), State, NewState).
  154apply_act(Agent, Action, State, NewState) :- no_debug_cant(Agent, Action),
  155  cant(Agent, Action, Reason, State),
  156  reason2eng(Reason, Eng),
  157  queue_percept(Agent, [failure(Action, Reason), Eng], State, NewState), !.
  159apply_act(Agent, Action, State, NewState) :- \+ no_debug_cant(Agent, Action),
  160   \+ \+ cant(Agent, Action, _Reason, State),
  161  trace, rtrace(cant(Agent, Action, Reason, State)), !,
  162  reason2eng(Reason, Eng),
  163  queue_percept(Agent, [failure(Action, Reason), Eng], State, NewState).
  165apply_act(Agent, Action, State, NewState):- act(Agent, Action, State, NewState), !.
  166apply_act(Agent, Act, State, NewState):- ((cmd_workarround(Act, NewAct) -> Act\==NewAct)), !, apply_act(Agent, NewAct, State, NewState).
  167apply_act(Agent, Action, _State, _NewState):- notrace((dbug(act(Agent, Action)), fail)).
  169must_act(Agent, Action, State, NewState):- apply_act(Agent, Action, State, NewState) *-> ! ; fail.
  170% must_act(Agent, Action, S0, S1) :- rtrace(must_act(Agent, Action, S0, S1)), !.
  171must_act(Agent, Action, S0, S1) :-
  172  format(atom(Message), 'You can''t do that ~w. (unparsed (~p))', [Agent, Action]),
  173  queue_percept(Agent, [failure(Action), Message], S0, S1).
  176act(Agent, Action, State, NewState) :-
  177  act_verb_thing_model_sense(Action, Verb, _Thing, Spatial, Sense),
  178  sensory_verb(Sense, Verb),
  179  related(Spatial, How, Agent, Here, State),
  180  sensory_model_problem_solution(Sense, Spatial, _TooDark, _EmittingLight),
  181  findall(What,
  182          related(Spatial, child, What, Here, State),
  183          %(related(Spatial, descended, What, Here, State),
  184           %\+ (related(Spatial, inside, What, Container, State),
  185           %    related(Spatial, descended, Container, Here, State))),
  186          Nearby),
  187  findall(Direction, related(Spatial, exit(Direction), Here, _, State), Exits),
  188  !,
  189  queue_percept(Agent,
  190                [sense(Sense, [you_are(Spatial, How, Here), exits_are(Exits), here_are(Nearby)])],
  191                State, NewState).
  193act(Agent, inventory, State, NewState) :- Spatial = spatial,
  194  findall(What, related(Spatial, child, What, Agent, State), Inventory),
  195  queue_percept(Agent, [carrying(Spatial, Inventory)], State, NewState).
  197act(Agent, inventory(Spatial), State, NewState) :-
  198  findall(What, related(Spatial, child, What, Agent, State), Inventory),
  199  queue_percept(Agent, [carrying(Spatial, Inventory)], State, NewState).
  201act(Agent, examine(Sense, Object), S0, S2) :-
  202  %declared(props(Object, PropList), S0),
  203  ((
  204  findall(P, (getprop(Object, P, S0), is_prop_public(Sense,P)), PropListL),
  205  list_to_set(PropListL,PropList),
  206  queue_percept(Agent, [sense_props(see, Object, PropList)], S0, S1),
  207  (has_rel(Spatial, How, Object, S1); How='<unrelatable>'),
  208  % Remember that Agent might be on the inside or outside of Object.
  209  findall(What,
  210          (related(Spatial, child, What, Object, S1),
  211           once(can_sense(Spatial, Sense, What, Agent, S1))),
  212          ChildrenL),
  213  list_to_set(ChildrenL,Children),
  214  queue_percept(Agent, [notice_children(Sense, Object, How, Children)], S1, S2))).
  218act(Agent, goto(Spatial, _How, ExitName), S0, S9) :-         % go n/s/e/w/u/d/in/out
  219  related(Spatial, child, Agent, Here, S0),
  220  related(Spatial, exit(ExitName), Here, There, S0),
  221  %member(How, [*, to, at, through, thru]),
  222  has_rel(Spatial, HowThere, There, S0),
  223  moveto(Spatial, Agent, HowThere, There,
  224         [Here, There],
  225         [cap(subj(Agent)), person(go, goes), ExitName],
  226         S0, S1),
  227  must_act(Agent, look(Spatial), S1, S9).
  229act(Agent, goto(Spatial, How, Room), S0, S9) :-              % go in (adjacent) room
  230  get_open_traverse(How, Spatial, OpenTraverse),
  231  has_rel(Spatial, How, Room, S0),
  232  related(Spatial, OpenTraverse, Agent, Here, S0),
  233  related(Spatial, exit(ExitName), Here, Room, S0),
  234  moveto(Spatial, Agent, How, Room, [Room, Here],
  235    [cap(subj(Agent)), person(go, goes), ExitName], S0, S1),
  236  must_act(Agent, look(Spatial), S1, S9).
  238act(Agent, goto(Spatial, (*), Room), S0, S9) :-              % go to (adjacent) room
  239  has_rel(Spatial, How, Room, S0),
  240  get_open_traverse(goto, Spatial, OpenTraverse),
  241  related(Spatial, OpenTraverse, Agent, Here, S0),
  242  related(Spatial, exit(ExitName), Here, Room, S0),
  243  moveto(Spatial, Agent, How, Room, [Room, Here],
  244    [cap(subj(Agent)), person(go, goes), ExitName], S0, S1),
  245  must_act(Agent, look(Spatial), S1, S9).
  246act(Agent, goto(Spatial, How, Object), S0, S2) :-            % go in/on object
  247 get_open_traverse(goto(How), Spatial, OpenTraverse),
  248  has_rel(Spatial, How, Object, S0),
  249  related(Spatial, OpenTraverse, Agent, Here, S0),
  250  related(Spatial, OpenTraverse, Object, Here, S0),
  251  \+ is_state(Spatial, ~(open), Object, S0),
  252  moveto(Spatial, Agent, How, Object, [Here],
  253    [subj(Agent), person(get, gets), How, the, Object, .], S0, S1),
  254  must_act(Agent, look(Spatial), S1, S2).
  255act(Agent, goto(Spatial, How, Dest), S0, S1) :-
  256  queue_percept(Agent,
  257                [failure(goto(Spatial, How, Dest)), 'You can\'t go that way'],
  258                S0, S1).
  260%  sim(verb(args...), preconds, effects)
  261%    Agent is substituted for $self.
  262%    preconds are in the implied context of a State.
  263%  In Inform, the following are implied context:
  264%    actor, action, noun, second
  265%  Need:
  266%    actor/agent, verb/action, direct-object/obj1, indirect-object/obj2,
  267%      preposition-introducing-obj2
  268%sim(put(Spatial, Obj1, Obj2),
  269%    ( related(Spatial, descended, Thing, $self),
  270%      has_sensory(Spatial, Sense, $self, Where),
  271%      has_rel(Spatial, Relation, Where),
  272%      related(Spatial, descended, $self, Here)),
  273%    moveto(Spatial, Thing, Relation, Where, [Here],
  274%      [cap(subj($self)), person('put the', 'puts a'),
  275%        Thing, Relation, the, Where, '.'])).
  277act(Agent, take(Spatial, Thing), S0, S1) :-
  278  get_open_traverse(touch, Spatial, OpenTraverse),
  279  related(Spatial, OpenTraverse, Agent, Here, S0),     % Where is Agent now?
  280  moveto(Spatial, Thing, held_by, Agent, [Here],
  281    [silent(subj(Agent)), person('Taken.', [cap(Agent), 'grabs the', Thing, '.'])],
  282    S0, S1).
  283%act(Agent, get(Thing), State, NewState) :-
  284%  act(Agent, take(Spatial, Thing), State, NewState).
  285act(Agent, drop(Spatial, Thing), State, NewState) :-
  286  related(Spatial, How, Agent, Here, State),
  287  has_rel(Spatial, How, Here, State),
  288  moveto(Spatial, Thing, How, Here, [Here],
  289    [cap(subj(Agent)), person('drop the', 'drops a'), Thing, '.'], State, NewState).
  290act(Agent, put(Spatial, Thing1, Relation, Thing2), State, NewState) :-
  291  has_rel(Spatial, Relation, Thing2, State),
  292   get_open_traverse(Open, _See, _Traverse, Spatial, OpenTraverse),
  293  (Relation \= in ; \+ is_state(Spatial, ~(Open), Thing2, State)),
  294  reachable(Spatial, Thing2, Agent, State), % what if "under" an "untouchable" thing?
  295  % OK, put it
  296  related(Spatial, OpenTraverse, Agent, Here, State),
  297  moveto(Spatial, Thing1, Relation, Thing2, [Here],
  298      [cap(subj(Agent)), person('put the', 'puts a'), Thing1,
  299          Relation, the, Thing2, '.'],
  300      State, NewState).
  301act(Agent, give(Spatial, Thing, Recipient), S0, S9) :-
  302  has_rel(Spatial, held_by, Recipient, S0),
  303  reachable(Spatial, Recipient, Agent, S0),
  304  get_open_traverse(give, Spatial, OpenTraverse),
  305  % OK, give it
  306  related(Spatial, OpenTraverse, Agent, Here, S0),
  307  moveto(Spatial, Thing, held_by, Recipient, [Here],
  308    [cap(subj(Agent)), person([give, Recipient, the], 'gives you a'), Thing, '.'],
  309    S0, S9).
  310act(Agent, throw(Spatial, Thing, at, Target), S0, S9) :-
  311  equals_efffectly(sense, Sense, see),
  312  can_sense(Spatial, Sense, Target, Agent, S0),
  313  get_open_traverse(_Open, Sense, throw, Spatial, _OpenTraverse),
  314  % OK, throw it
  315  related(Spatial, How, Agent, Here, S0),
  316  thrown(Spatial, Thing, Target, How, Here, [Here], S0, S1),
  317  hit(Spatial, Target, Thing, [Here], S1, S9).
  318act(Agent, throw(Spatial, Thing, ExitName), S0, S9) :-
  319  related(Spatial, _How, Agent, Here, S0),
  320  related(Spatial, exit(ExitName), Here, There, S0),
  321  has_rel(Spatial, HowThere, There, S0),
  322  thrown(Spatial, Thing, There, HowThere, There, [Here, There], S0, S9).
  324act(Agent, hit(Spatial, Thing), S0, S9) :-
  325  related(Spatial, _How, Agent, Here, S0),
  326  hit(Spatial, Thing, Agent, [Here], S0, S1),
  327  queue_percept(Agent, [true, 'OK.'], S1, S9).
  329act(Agent, dig(Spatial, Hole, Where, Tool), S0, S9) :-
  330  memberchk(Hole, [hole, trench, pit, ditch]),
  331  memberchk(Where, [garden]),
  332  memberchk(Tool, [shovel, spade]),
  333  ((
  334  get_open_traverse(dig, Spatial, OpenTraverse),
  335  related(Spatial, OpenTraverse, Tool, Agent, S0),
  336  related(Spatial, in, Agent, Where, S0),
  337  \+ related(Spatial, _How, Hole, Where, S0),
  338  % OK, dig the hole.
  339  declare(h(Spatial, in, Hole, Where), S0, S1),
  340  setprop(Hole, has_rel(Spatial, in), S1, S2),
  341  setprop(Hole, can_be(Spatial, move, f), S2, S3),
  342  declare(h(Spatial, in, dirt, Where), S3, S8),
  343  queue_event(
  344    [ created(Hole, Where),
  345      [cap(subj(Agent)), person(dig, digs), 'a', Hole, 'in the', Where, '.']],
  346    S8, S9))).
  348act(Agent, eat(Spatial, Thing), S0, S9) :-
  349  getprop(Thing, can_be(Spatial, eat, t), S0),
  350  undeclare(h(Spatial, _, Thing, _), S0, S1),
  351  queue_percept(Agent, [destroyed(Thing), 'Mmmm, good!'], S1, S9).
  352act(Agent, eat(Spatial, Thing), S0, S9) :-
  353  queue_percept(Agent, [failure(eat(Spatial, Thing)), 'It''s inedible!'], S0, S9).
  356act(Agent, switch(Spatial, OnOff, Thing), S0, S) :-
  357  reachable(Spatial, Thing, Agent, S0),
  358  getprop(Thing, can_be(Spatial, switch, t), S0),
  359  getprop(Thing, effect(switch(Spatial, OnOff), Term0), S0),
  360  subst(equivalent, $self, Thing, Term0, Term),
  361  call(Term, S0, S1),
  362  queue_percept(Agent, [true, 'OK'], S1, S).
  365act(Agent, open(Spatial, Thing), S0, S) :-
  366  reachable(Spatial, Thing, Agent, S0),
  367  %getprop(Thing, can_be(Spatial, open, S0),
  368  %\+ getprop(Thing, state(Spatial, open, t), S0),
  369  Open = open, get_open_traverse(Open, Spatial, OpenTraverse),
  370  delprop(Thing, state(Spatial, Open, f), S0, S1),
  371  %setprop(Thing, state(Spatial, open, t), S0, S1),
  372  setprop(Thing, state(Spatial, Open, t), S1, S2),
  373  related(Spatial, OpenTraverse, Agent, Here, S2),
  374  queue_local_event(Spatial, [setprop(Thing, state(Spatial, Open, t)), 'is now open'(Open)], [Here], S2, S).
  376act(Agent, close(Spatial, Thing), S0, S) :-
  377  reachable(Spatial, Thing, Agent, S0),
  378  %getprop(Thing, can_be(Spatial, open, S0),
  379  %getprop(Thing, state(Spatial, open, t), S0),
  380  Open = open, get_open_traverse(Open, Spatial, OpenTraverse),
  381  delprop(Thing, state(Spatial, Open, t), S0, S1),
  382  %delprop(Thing, state(Spatial, open, t), S0, S1),
  383  setprop(Thing, state(Spatial, Open, f), S1, S2),
  384  related(Spatial, OpenTraverse, Agent, Here, S2),
  385  queue_local_event(Spatial, [setprop(Thing, state(Spatial, Open, f)), 'is now closed'(~(Open))], [Here], S2, S).
  387act(Agent, emote(Spatial, SAYTO, Object, Message), S0, S1) :- !, % directed message
  388  dmust((
  389  action_sensory(SAYTO, Sense),
  390  sensory_model(Sense, Spatial),
  391  get_open_traverse(SAYTO, Spatial, OpenTraverse),
  392  can_sense(Spatial, Sense, Object, Agent, S0),
  393  related(Spatial, OpenTraverse, Agent, Here, S0),  
  394  queue_local_event(Spatial, [emoted(Spatial, SAYTO, Agent, Object, Message)], [Here,Object], S0, S1))).
  395%act(Agent, say(Message), S0, S1) :-          % undirected message
  396%  related(Spatial, OpenTraverse, Agent, Here, S0),
  397%  queue_local_event(Spatial, [emoted(Spatial, say, Agent, (*), Message)], [Here], S0, S1).
  399%act(Agent, touch(Spatial, _Thing), S0, S9) :-
  400%  queue_percept(Agent, [true, 'OK.'], S0, S9).
  401act(Agent, Wait, State, NewState) :- Wait == wait,
  402  queue_percept(Agent, [time_passes], State, NewState).
  403act(Agent, print_(Msg), S0, S1) :-
  404  related(Spatial, descended, Agent, Here, S0),
  405   queue_local_event(Spatial, [true, Msg], [Here], S0, S1).
  406act(_Agent, true, S, S).
  411cmd_workarround(VerbObj, VerbObj2):-
  412  VerbObj=..VerbObjL,
  413  notrace(cmd_workarround_l(VerbObjL, VerbObjL2)),
  414  VerbObj2=..VerbObjL2.
  416cmd_workarround_l([Verb|ObjS], [Verb|ObjS2]):-
  417   append(ObjS2, ['.'], ObjS).
  418cmd_workarround_l([Verb|ObjS], [Verb|ObjS2]):-
  419   append(Left, [L, R|More], ObjS), atom(L), atom(R),
  420   current_atom(Atom), atom_concat(L, RR, Atom), RR=R,
  421   append(Left, [Atom|More], ObjS2).
  422% look(Spatial) at screendoor
  423cmd_workarround_l([Verb, Prep|ObjS], [Verb|ObjS]):- is_ignorable(Prep), !.
  424% look(Spatial) at screen door
  425cmd_workarround_l([Verb1|ObjS], [Verb2|ObjS]):- verb_alias(Verb1, Verb2), !.
  427is_ignorable(at). is_ignorable(in). is_ignorable(to). is_ignorable(the). is_ignorable(a). is_ignorable(spatial).
  429verb_alias(look, examine) :- fail