# Examples for querying BioTea pubmedgraph # # Uses the pq-biotea wrapper that defines the endpoint # --- # what does PMID:1 reference? # --- pq-pmg "references(pmid:'1',X)" # Find all publications that either reference a class, or a descendant of that class. # E.g., MONDO:0015229 ! Bardet-Biedl syndrome # # This is an example of federation: we use the monarch graph to get subclasses of # the disease of interest, and look these up iteratively on pubmedgraph # # For this we use the -e option as the outer query is executed directly in prolog. # The ??/2 predicate is used to query a remote triplestore. pq-pmg -e "(monarch ?? rdfs_subclass_of(C,obo:'MONDO_0015229')),(pmg ?? references(P,C))" pq-pmg -i mondo -e "subclass_axiom_validation(A,B,P)"