#!/bin/bash function validate_input() { oldIFS=IFS IFS='.' read -ra newarr <<< "$1" IFS=oldIFS if [ ${#newarr[@]} == 3 ] && [ ${newarr[0]} -gt -1 ] && [ ${newarr[1]} -gt -1 ] && [ ${newarr[2]} -gt -1 ] then return else echo "Error: Version should be in the format x.y.z where x, y and z are numbers" exit 1 fi } function step_one() { echo "1. Set version in 'pack.pl' file to $1, row to use:" echo "" echo "version('$1')." echo "" read -n 1 } function step_two() { echo "2. commit the file 'pack.pl'" echo "" echo "git add pack.pl" echo "git commit -m 'New version: $1'" echo "" read -n 1 } function step_three() { echo "3. Tag the commit" echo "" echo "git tag v$1" echo "" read -n 1 } function step_four() { echo "4. Push commit with tag" echo "" echo "git push --tags" echo "" } function step_five() { echo "5. Create a new release" echo "" echo "Go to the repos Github page (https://github.com/rq-abrahamsson/sudoku_utils/releases) and Draft a new release for version $1" echo "" } validate_input $1 step_one $1 step_two $1 step_three $1 step_four $1 step_five $1 echo "Done"