:- module(wl_windows_demo, []). /** Demo page for windowing */ :- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). :- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). :- use_module(library(http/html_write)). :- use_module(weblog(formatting/wl_windows)). :- http_handler(root(wl_windows), windows_handler, [id(wl_windows)]). windows_handler(_Request) :- reply_html_page( title('Windows Demo'), [ h1('Windows Demo'), h2('Clickable Popup'), \popup(click_popup_options, p('click me'), div(p('some random information'))), h2('Rollover Popup'), \popup(rollover_popup_options, p('roll over me'), div(p('other random info'))), h2('Footnote Popup'), p(['This is a footnote.', \popup(footnote_options, '3', 'some misc info'), 'It seems academic.']), p(['High density of footnotes was reported by Ogborn', \popup(footnote_options, '4', a(href('http://www.google.com'), 'Effect of footnote density on academic advancement, Jrnl Improb. Results 7-5')), ' to have a positive effect on academic tenure']), p(['Foonblat shows that laying down produces superior rest in sleep study subjects compared to standing position', \popup(footnote_options, '5', a(href('http://www.google.com'), 'Study of prone vs standing position on efficacy of sleep, Jrnl Irreprod. Results 17-3'))]), p(['Feendly, conversely argues that erect posture is better', \popup(footnote_options, '6', a(href('http://www.google.com'), 'A longitudinal, transgenerational, intercultural, bigendered, long winded investigation of many sleeping postures, including vertical bipedal stance, supine, and reverse Trendelenburg, and other postures on occurance of REM sleep in a sleep laboratory setting, Feendly, James, PhD, LoveDoc, Lawrence, PhD, HallOvit, Gustfor, MD, et al, Jrnl Irreprod. Results 18-13'))]) ]). click_popup_options(open_on(click)). rollover_popup_options(open_time(100)). rollover_popup_options(close_time(500)). rollover_popup_options(close_method(bounce)). footnote_options(footnote).