9:- module(html_form , [
10 validated_form/2,
11 error_message//2,
12 form_field//3,
13 form_invalidate/0,
14 length_input_minmax/2,
15 numeric_minmax/2,
16 value/1,
17 length_input_minmax/5,
18 numeric_minmax/5,
19 value/4
21 ]). 22
23:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). 24:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). 25:- use_module(library(http/http_wrapper)).
97:- thread_local html_form:'$$form_validate'/1. 98
99:- meta_predicate validated_form(0, 0). 100
102:- dynamic length_input_minmax/2, numeric_minmax/2, value/1. 103:- dynamic length_input_minmax/5, numeric_minmax/5, value/4. 104
112validated_form(FormReplyGoal, LandingReplyGoal) :-
113 debug(html_form, '=========~nFormReplyGoal: ~w~n~nLandingReplyGoal: ~w~n',
114 [FormReplyGoal, LandingReplyGoal]),
115 setup_call_cleanup(
116 setup_for_form,
117 118 119 ( with_output_to(string(_), call(FormReplyGoal)),
120 with_output_to(string(S), call(FormReplyGoal)),
121 ( has_invalid_entries ->
122 write(S) ;
123 call(LandingReplyGoal)
124 )),
125 retractall(html_form:'$$form_validate'(_))
126 ).
128setup_for_form :-
129 retractall(html_form:'$$form_validate'(_)),
130 http_current_request(Request),
131 132 133 http_parameters(Request, [], [form_data(FormData)]),
134 assert(html_form:'$$form_validate'(formdata(FormData))).
141has_invalid_entries :-
142 html_form:'$$form_validate'(validity(_, false)),
143 debug(html_form, 'form has invalid entries~n' , []),
144 !.
153error_message(Options, _TermHtml) -->
154 {
155 memberchk(for=ForTerm, Options),
156 html_form:'$$form_validate'(validity(ForTerm, true)),
157 debug(html_form, 'for=~w is valid~n', [ForTerm])
158 },
159 [].
161error_message(Options, TermHtml) -->
162 {
163 memberchk(for=ForTerm, Options),
164 html_form:'$$form_validate'(validity(ForTerm, false)),
165 debug(html_form, 'for=~w is invalid~n', [ForTerm])
166 },
167 html(TermHtml).
169error_message(Options, _TermHtml) -->
170 {
171 memberchk(for=ForTerm, Options),
172 \+ html_form:'$$form_validate'(validity(ForTerm, _)),
173 debug(html_form, 'for=~w is unknown validity~n', [ForTerm])
174 },
175 html(p('No validity check for ' - ForTerm)).
178error_message(Options, TermHtml) -->
179 {
180 \+ memberchk(for=_, Options),
181 debug(html_form,
182 'Missing for= option in error_message(~w, ~w)~n',
183 [Options, TermHtml])
184 },
185 html(p('missing for option')).
187:- meta_predicate form_field(+, 3, +).
192form_invalidate :-
193 assert(html_form:'$$form_validate'(validity(_, false))).
199form_field(Request, Validator, input(Attribs, Content)) -->
200 {
201 memberchk(name=Name, Attribs),
202 html_form:'$$form_validate'(formdata(FormData)),
203 memberchk(Name=Value, FormData),
204 205 call(Validator, Name, Value, Request),
206 assert(html_form:'$$form_validate'(validity(Name, true))),
207 filled_in_field(input(Attribs, Content), Value, FilledInField),
208 debug(html_form, 'the form field ~w=~w validates~n', [Name, Value])
209 },
210 html(FilledInField).
215form_field(Request, Validator, input(Attribs, Content)) -->
216 {
217 memberchk(name=Name, Attribs),
218 html_form:'$$form_validate'(formdata(FormData)),
219 memberchk(Name=Value, FormData),
220 221 \+ call(Validator, Name, Value, Request),
222 assert(html_form:'$$form_validate'(validity(Name, false))),
223 filled_in_field(input(Attribs, Content), Value, FilledInField),
224 debug(html_form, 'the form field ~w=~w does not validate~n', [Name, Value])
225 },
226 html(FilledInField).
234form_field(_Request, _Validator, input(Attribs, Content)) -->
235 {
236 memberchk(name=Name, Attribs),
237 html_form:'$$form_validate'(formdata(FormData)),
238 \+ memberchk(Name=_Value, FormData),
239 240 assert(html_form:'$$form_validate'(validity(Name, true))),
241 242 assert(html_form:'$$form_validate'(
243 validity('$$notreallyaname', false))),
244 debug(html_form, 'the form field ~w=... does not validate~n', [Name])
245 },
246 html(input(Attribs, Content)).
248form_field(_Request, _Validator, input(Attribs, Content)) -->
249 {
250 \+ memberchk(name=_, Attribs),
251 debug(html_form,
252 'The form field input(~w, ~w) is missing name field~n',
253 [Attribs, Content])
254 },
255 html([input(Attribs, Content)]).
261filled_in_field(input(Attribs, InsideHTML), Contents,
262 input(NewAttribs, InsideHTML)) :-
263 set_value(Attribs, value=Contents, NewAttribs).
265set_value(Name=_, Name=Value, Name=Value) :- !.
267set_value(KV, Name=Value, [Name=Value|FreshNCleanKV]) :-
268 memberchk(Name=_, KV),
269 selectchk(Name=_, KV, FreshNCleanKV).
271set_value(KV, Name=Value, [Name=Value|KV]) :-
272 is_list(KV),
273 \+ memberchk(Name=_, KV).
280length_input_minmax(Length, Operator, _, Value, _) :-
281 write_length(Value, Len, [max_length(65536)]),
282 Compare =.. [Operator, Len, Length],
283 call(Compare).
291numeric_minmax(Size, Operator, _, Value, _) :-
292 atom_number(Value, Number),
293 Compare =.. [Operator, Number, Size],
294 call(Compare).
299value(Value, _Name, Value, _Request).
302http_parameters_quietly(Request, DSL) :-
303 catch(
304 http_parameters(Request, DSL),
305 _E,
306 fail)
HTML Form Validator
This module handles the common web task of creating a form, validating the input, and, if not valid, redirecting the user back to the form with error messages over the offending elements
So, say the form is
The user enters their name but leaves their age blank.
they next see
They enter their age and click submit. They land on a landing page:
To implement this example we would define a handler
and then in login_form you do something like