1:- module(croxstock, [crstock_stats/4]).
5:- use_module(library(http/http_client)). 6 7:- dynamic stock_stat/4.
fails if the dow wasn't open, or hasn't opened yet for that day, or the server's down.
Note - while this server is open, the owner notes:
No technical restrictions, users are expected to use common sense, when in doubt, ask.
25crstock_stats(djia, opening, YY - MM - DD, _) :- 26 stock_stat(djia, opening, YY - MM - DD, error(Stamp)), 27 get_time(Now), 28 Now < Stamp + 900, 29 !,fail. 30crstock_stats(djia, opening, YY - MM - DD, Value) :- 31 stock_stat(djia, opening, YY - MM - DD, Value), 32 number(Value), 33 !. 34crstock_stats(djia, opening, YY - MM - DD, Value) :- 35 debug(crstock, 'getting value for ~d ~d ~d', [YY, MM, DD]), 36 ( YY < 100 -> YYYY is YY + 2000 ; YYYY = YY), 37 format(atom(URL), 'http://geo.crox.net/djia/~d/~d/~d', [YYYY, MM, DD]), 38 http_get(URL, Reply, []), 39 atom_number(Reply, Value), % fails if crox returns 'error' 40 asserta(stock_stat(djia, opening, YY - MM - DD, Value)),!. 41crstock_stats(djia, opening, YY - MM - DD, _) :- 42 get_time(Stamp), 43 asserta(stock_stat(djia, opening, YY - MM - DD, error(Stamp))),!,fail
Stock market stats (just the DJIA opening) from crox.net