/* steps */ 'steps - child - arbitrary - true': {|xml|| 1 |}. 'steps - child - arbitrary - false'(fail): {|xml|| |}. 'steps - child - specific - true': {|xml|| 1 |}. 'steps - child - specific - false(inner)'(fail): {|xml|| |}. 'steps - child - specific - false(outer)'(fail): {|xml|| |}. 'steps - slash - specific - true': {|xml|| 1 |}. 'steps - slash - specific - false(inner)'(fail): {|xml|| |}. 'steps - slash - specific - false(outer)'(fail): {|xml|| |}. /* predicates */ 'predicate - bool - true': {|xml|| 1 |}. 'predicate - bool - false'(fail): {|xml|| 1 |}. 'predicate - other - true': {|xml|| 1 |}. /* attribute */ 'attribute presence required and given': {|xml|| |}. 'attribute presence required and not given'(fail): {|xml|| |}. 'attribute value required and given': {|xml|| |}. 'attribute value required and not given'(fail): {|xml|| |}. 'attribute - child - bool - true': {|xml|| |}. 'attribute - child - bool - false'(fail): {|xml|| |}. 'attribute - child - other - true': {|xml|| |}. 'attribute - child - other - false'(fail): {|xml|| |}. /* combined */ 'steps - combined - true': {|xml|| |}.