30:- module(pack_info,
31 [ update_pack_metadata/0,
32 update_pack_metadata_in_background/0,
33 pack_file_hierarchy//1, 34 pack_readme//1, 35 pack_file_details/3, 36 clean_pack_info/1, 37 pack_archive/3 38 ]). 39:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). 40:- use_module(library(http/mimetype)). 41:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). 42:- use_module(library(http/html_head)). 43:- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_wiki)). 44:- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_html),
45 [ doc_for_file/2 46 ]). 47:- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_htmlsrc)). 48:- use_module(library(prolog_xref)). 49:- use_module(library(debug)). 50:- use_module(pack_analyzer). 51:- use_module(pack_mirror). 52:- use_module(pack). 53:- use_module(wiki).
59 62
63:- dynamic
64 pack_archive/3, 65 pack_file/4, 66 xreffed_pack/2.
75update_pack_metadata :-
76 absolute_file_name(log('pack-warnings.log'), LogFile,
77 [ access(write) ]),
78 setup_call_cleanup(
79 ( open(LogFile, write, ErrorOut, [encoding(utf8)]),
80 asserta((user:thread_message_hook(_Term, Kind, Lines) :-
81 ( must_print(Kind)
82 -> print_message_lines(ErrorOut, kind(Kind), Lines)
83 ; true
84 )))
85 ),
86 ( clean_pack_metadata,
87 mirror_packs,
88 xref_packs
89 ),
90 close(ErrorOut)).
95clean_pack_metadata :-
96 retractall(pack_archive(_,_,_)),
97 forall(retract(pack_file(_,_,_,XrefID)),
98 ( xref_current_source(XrefID)
99 -> xref_clean(XrefID)
100 ; true
101 )),
102 retractall(xreffed_pack(_,_)).
104update_pack_metadata_in_background :-
105 thread_create(update_pack_metadata, _,
106 [ detached(true),
107 alias(update_pack_metadata)
108 ]).
114mirror_packs :-
115 forall(pack(Pack), mirror_pack(Pack)).
123mirror_pack(Pack) :-
124 pack_mirror(Pack, ArchiveFile, Hash),
125 absolute_file_name(ArchiveFile, ArchivePath),
126 ( pack_archive(Pack, Hash, ArchivePath)
127 -> true
128 ; clean_pack_info(Pack),
129 pack_members(ArchivePath, Members),
130 maplist(assert_file_info(Pack, ArchivePath), Members),
131 assertz(pack_archive(Pack, Hash, ArchivePath))
132 ), !.
133mirror_pack(Pack) :-
134 print_message(warning, pack(mirror_failed(Pack))).
136assert_file_info(Pack, ArchivePath, file(File, Size)) :-
137 ( pack_prolog_entry(File)
138 -> directory_file_path(ArchivePath, File, XrefID),
139 assertz(pack_file(Pack, File, file(Size), XrefID))
140 ; assertz(pack_file(Pack, File, file(Size), -))
141 ).
142assert_file_info(Pack, _, link(File, Target)) :-
143 assertz(pack_file(Pack, File, link(Target), -)).
149clean_pack_info(Pack) :-
150 retractall(pack_archive(Pack,_,_)),
151 forall(retract(pack_file(Pack, _, _, XrefID)),
152 ( XrefID == (-)
153 -> true
154 ; xref_clean(XrefID)
155 )).
161xref_packs :-
162 !.
163xref_packs :-
164 forall(pack_archive(Pack, _Hash, Archive),
165 ( debug(pack(xref), 'Cross-referencing pack ~w', [Pack]),
166 ensure_xref_pack(Archive))).
168ensure_xref_pack(Pack) :-
169 xreffed_pack(Pack, _), !.
170ensure_xref_pack(Pack) :-
171 xref_pack(Pack),
172 get_time(Time),
173 asserta(xreffed_pack(Pack, Time)).
185pack_file_hierarchy(Pack) -->
186 html(h2(class(wiki), 'Contents of pack "~w"'-[Pack])),
187 { mirror_pack(Pack),
188 pack_archive(Pack, _Hash, Archive),
189 ensure_xref_pack(Archive),
190 findall(File, pack_file(Pack, File, _Size, _XrefID), Files),
191 files_to_tree(Files, Trees)
192 },
193 pack_size(Pack),
194 html_requires(css('ul_tree.css')),
195 html(div(class('pack-files'),
196 ul(class(tree),
197 \dir_nodes(Pack, Trees)))).
199pack_size(Pack) -->
200 { aggregate_all(
201 sum(Size)-count,
202 pack_file(Pack, _Name, file(Size), _XrefID),
203 Total-Count)
204 },
205 html(p([ 'Pack contains ', \n('~D', Count), ' files holding a total of ',
206 b(\n(human, Total)), ' bytes.'
207 ])).
209dir_nodes(_, []) --> [].
210dir_nodes(Pack, [H|T]) --> dir_node(H, Pack), dir_nodes(Pack, T).
212dir_node(leaf(File), Pack) --> !,
213 html(li(class(file), \pack_file_link(Pack, File))).
214dir_node(tree(Dir, SubTrees), Pack) -->
215 html(li(class(dir),
216 [ span(class(dir), Dir),
217 ul(class(dir),
218 \dir_nodes(Pack, SubTrees))
219 ])).
221pack_file_link(Pack, File) -->
222 { file_base_name(File, Label),
223 http_link_to_id(pack_file_details, [], HREF0),
224 atomic_list_concat([HREF0, Pack, File], /, HREF)
225 },
226 html(a(href(HREF), Label)),
227 file_hierarchy_info(Pack, File).
229file_hierarchy_info(Pack, File) -->
230 { pack_file(Pack, File, file(Size), XrefID)
231 }, !,
232 html(span(class('file-tree-info'),
233 [ '(', \n(human, Size), ' bytes',
234 \prolog_file_info(Pack, File, XrefID),
235 ')'
236 ])).
237file_hierarchy_info(_,_) --> [].
239prolog_file_info(_, _, -) --> !.
240prolog_file_info(_Pack, File, XrefID) -->
241 module_info(File, XrefID).
243module_info(File, XrefID) -->
244 { xref_module(XrefID, Module), !,
245 file_base_name(File, Base),
246 file_name_extension(Clean, _, Base)
247 },
248 ( {Module == Clean}
249 -> []
250 ; html(span(class('module-mismatch'), Module))
251 ).
252module_info(_, _) -->
253 html([', ', span(class(warning), 'not a module')]).
263files_to_tree(Files, Tree) :-
264 map_list_to_pairs(path_of, Files, Pairs),
265 keysort(Pairs, Sorted),
266 make_tree(Sorted, Tree).
268path_of(File, Segments) :-
269 atomic_list_concat(Segments, /, File).
271make_tree([], []).
272make_tree([H|T], [Node|More]) :-
273 first_path(H, HS, Dir),
274 ( HS = []-File
275 -> Node = leaf(File),
276 Rest = T
277 ; Node = tree(Dir, SubTrees),
278 same_first_path(T, Dir, TS, Rest),
279 make_tree([HS|TS], SubTrees)
280 ),
281 make_tree(Rest, More).
283first_path([Dir|Sub]-File, Sub-File, Dir).
285same_first_path([], _, [], []) :- !.
286same_first_path([H|T], Dir, [HS|TS], Rest) :-
287 first_path(H, HS, Dir), !,
288 same_first_path(T, Dir, TS, Rest).
289same_first_path(Rest, _, [], Rest).
296n(Fmt, Value) -->
297 { number_html(Fmt, Value, HTML) },
298 html(HTML).
300number_html(human, Value, HTML) :-
301 integer(Value), !,
302 human_count(Value, HTML).
303number_html(Fmt, Value, HTML) :-
304 number(Value), !,
305 HTML = Fmt-[Value].
306number_html(_, Value, '~p'-[Value]).
309human_count(Number, HTML) :-
310 Number < 1024, !,
311 HTML = '~d'-[Number].
312human_count(Number, HTML) :-
313 Number < 1024*1024, !,
314 KB is Number/1024,
315 digits(KB, N),
316 HTML = '~*fK'-[N, KB].
317human_count(Number, HTML) :-
318 Number < 1024*1024*1024, !,
319 MB is Number/(1024*1024),
320 digits(MB, N),
321 HTML = '~*fM'-[N, MB].
322human_count(Number, HTML) :-
323 TB is Number/(1024*1024*1024),
324 digits(TB, N),
325 HTML = '~*fG'-[N, TB].
327digits(Count, N) :-
328 ( Count < 100
329 -> N = 1
330 ; N = 0
331 ).
337pack_readme(Pack) -->
338 { pack_readme_file(Pack, File, Size) },
339 pack_readme(Pack, File, Size).
341pack_readme(_Pack, File, Size) -->
342 { MaxSize = 50000,
343 Size > MaxSize
344 }, !,
345 html(p(class(warning),
346 'Readme file ~w too large (~D bytes; maximum size is ~D)'-
347 [File, Size, MaxSize])).
348pack_readme(Pack, File, _) -->
349 { pack_archive(Pack, _, Archive),
350 format(atom(FileURL), '~w/~w', [Archive, File]),
351 setup_call_cleanup(
352 pack_open_entry(Archive, File, Stream),
353 read_stream_to_codes(Stream, String),
354 close(Stream)),
355 setup_call_cleanup(
356 b_setval(pldoc_file, FileURL),
357 wiki_codes_to_dom(String, [], DOM),
358 nb_delete(pldoc_file))
359 },
360 html(DOM).
362pack_readme_file(Pack, Readme, Size) :-
363 mirror_pack(Pack),
364 pack_file(Pack, Readme, file(Size), -),
365 downcase_atom(Readme, Key),
366 readme_file(Key).
382pack_file_details(Pack, _File, _Options) :-
383 mirror_pack(Pack),
384 pack_archive(Pack, _Hash, Archive),
385 ensure_xref_pack(Archive),
386 fail.
387pack_file_details(Pack, File, Options) :-
388 pack_file(Pack, File, file(_Size), XrefID),
389 XrefID \== (-),
390 option(show(Show), Options, doc),
391 ( Show == doc
392 -> !,
393 format(atom(Title), 'Pack ~w -- ~w', [Pack, File]),
394 doc_for_file(XrefID,
395 [ title(Title),
396 edit(false)
397 ])
398 ; Show == src
399 -> !,
400 pack_archive(Pack, _Hash, Archive),
401 directory_file_path(Archive, File, Path),
402 format('Content-type: text/html~n~n'),
403 source_to_html(Path, stream(current_output), [])
404 ).
405pack_file_details(Pack, File, _Options) :-
406 pack_file(Pack, File, file(Size), -),
407 file_base_name(File, Base),
408 downcase_atom(Base, BaseLwr),
409 wiki_file(BaseLwr), !,
410 format(atom(Title), 'Pack ~w -- ~w', [Pack, File]),
411 reply_html_page(
412 pack(text, Title),
413 title(Title),
414 \pack_readme(Pack, File, Size)).
415pack_file_details(Pack, File, _Options) :-
416 pack_file(Pack, File, file(_Size), -),
417 pack_archive(Pack, _Hash, Archive),
418 file_mime_type(File, MimeType),
419 format('Content-type: ~w~n~n', [MimeType]),
420 setup_call_cleanup(
421 pack_open_entry(Archive, File, Stream),
422 copy_stream_data(Stream, current_output),
423 close(Stream)),
424 !.
425pack_file_details(Pack, File, _Options) :-
426 format(atom(Title), 'Pack ~w -- ~w', [Pack, File]),
427 reply_html_page(
428 pack(warning, Title),
429 title(Title),
430 \no_pack_file(Pack, File)).
432no_pack_file(Pack, File) -->
433 html(p(class(warning),
434 [ 'The current version of pack ', code(class(pack), Pack), ' does not ',
435 ' contain a file ', code(class(file), File)
436 ])).
440wiki_file(Name) :- file_name_extension(_, md, Name).
441wiki_file(Name) :- file_name_extension(_, txt, Name).
443:- multifile
444 plweb:page_title//1. 445
446plweb:page_title(pack(_Type, Title)) -->
447 html(Title)
Visual (web) components that show info about packs