View source with raw comments or as raw
    1/*  Part of SWI-Prolog
    3    Author:        Jan Wielemaker
    4    E-mail:
    5    WWW: 
    6    Copyright (C): 2011-2015, VU University Amsterdam
    8    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    9    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   10    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   11    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   13    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   14    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   16    GNU General Public License for more details.
   18    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
   19    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
   20    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
   22    As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
   23    compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
   24    library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
   25    by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
   26    invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
   27    the GNU General Public License.
   30:- module(wiki_edit,
   31	  [ location_wiki_file/2,
   32	    location_wiki_file/3
   33	  ]).   34:- use_module(library(lists)).   35:- use_module(library(debug)).   36:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).   37:- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)).   38:- use_module(library(http/html_write)).   39:- use_module(library(http/js_write)).   40:- use_module(library(http/html_head)).   41:- use_module(library(http/http_path)).   42:- use_module(library(git)).   43:- use_module(library(broadcast)).   44:- use_module(wiki).   45:- use_module(git_html).   46:- use_module(markitup).   47:- use_module(notify).   48:- use_module(openid).

Edit PlDoc wiki pages


   55:- http_handler(root(wiki_edit),    wiki_edit, []).   56:- http_handler(root(wiki_save),    wiki_save, []).   57:- http_handler(root(wiki/sandbox), wiki_sandbox, []).   58:- http_handler(root(wiki/changes), wiki_changes, []).
Present a button for editing the web-page
   64:- public edit_button//1.   65:- multifile edit_button//1.   66
   67edit_button(Location) -->
   68	{ http_link_to_id(wiki_edit, [location(Location)], HREF) },
   69	html(a(href(HREF),
   70	       img([ class(action),
   71		     alt(edit),
   72		     title('Edit wiki page'),
   73		     src(location_by_id(pldoc_resource)+'edit.gif')
   74		   ]))).
   77		 /*******************************
   78		 *	       SHOW		*
   79		 *******************************/
HTTP handler that deals with editing a wiki page.
   85wiki_edit(Request) :-
   86	authenticate(Request, Fields),
   87	nth1(2, Fields, Author),
   88	http_parameters(Request,
   89			[ location(Location,
   90				   [ description('Wiki location to edit')
   91				   ])
   92			]),
   93	location_wiki_file(Location, File),
   94	allowed_file(File),
   95	(   exists_file(File)
   96	->  Action = 'Edit'
   97	;   Action = 'Create'
   98	),
   99	file_base_name(File, BaseName),
  100	reply_html_page(
  101	    wiki(edit(Action, Location)),
  102	    title('~w ~w'-[Action, BaseName]),
  103	    \edit_page(Location, File, Author)).
  105edit_page(Location, File, Author) -->
  106	{ (   exists_file(File)
  107	  ->  read_file_to_codes(File, Codes, []),
  108	      string_codes(Content, Codes),
  109	      file_directory_name(File, Dir)
  110	  ;   Content = "",
  111	      Dir = _			% shortlog//2 is quiet on var
  112	  ),
  113	  http_location_by_id(wiki_save, Action)
  114	},
  115	html(div(class(wiki_edit),
  116		 [ h4('Recent changes'),
  117		   \shortlog(Dir, [path(File), limit(5)]),
  118		   form([ action(Action), method('POST') ],
  119			[ \hidden(location, Location),
  120			  table(class(wiki_edit),
  121				[ tr(td([ class(wiki_text), colspan(2) ],
  122					\markitup([ markup(pldoc),
  123						    id(text),
  124						    value(Content)
  125						  ]))),
  126				  tr([td(class(label), 'Comment summary:'),
  127				      td(input([id(git_msg), name(msg)]))]),
  128				  tr([td(class(label), 'Comment:'),
  129				      td(textarea([ id(git_comment), cols(55), rows(5), name(comment)],
  130						  ''))]),
  131				  tr(td([ align(right), colspan(2) ],
  132					[ \amend_button(Dir, File, Author), ' ',
  133					  input([type(submit), value(save)])
  134					]))
  135				])
  136			])
  137		 ])).
 amend_button(+Dir, +File, +Author)//
Show button to amend the previous commit.
  143amend_button(Dir, File, Author) -->
  144	{ exists_file(File),
  145	  git_shortlog(Dir, [ShortLog], [path(File), limit(1)]),
  146	  git_log_data(author_name, ShortLog, LastAuthor),
  147	  debug(git, 'Amend: LastAuthor = ~q, Author = ~q', [LastAuthor, Author]),
  148	  LastAuthor == Author,
  149	  git_log_data(subject, ShortLog, CommitMessage),
  150	  split_commit_message(CommitMessage, Summary, _Comment)
  151	},
  152	js_script({|javascript(Summary,Comment)||
  153		   function ammend() {
  154		       if ( $("#ammend-tb").prop('checked') ) {
  155		           $("#git_msg").val(Summary);
  156			   $("#git_comment").val(Comment);
  157		       } else {
  158			   $("#git_msg").val("");
  159			   $("#git_comment").val("");
  160		       }
  161		   }
  162		  |}),
  163	html([ input([ id('ammend-tb'),
  164		       type(checkbox),
  165		       name(amend),
  166		       value(yes),
  167		       onClick('ammend()')
  168		     ]),
  169	       'Amend previous commit'
  170	     ]).
  171amend_button(_,_,_) --> [].
  173split_commit_message(CommitMessage, Summary, Comment) :-
  174	sub_atom(CommitMessage, B, _, A, '\n\n'), !,
  175	sub_atom(CommitMessage, 0, B, _, Summary),
  176	sub_atom(CommitMessage, _, A, 0, Comment).
  177split_commit_message(Summary, Summary, '').
 shortlog(+Dir, +Options)//
Include a GIT shortlog
  184shortlog(Dir, _Options) -->
  185	{ var(Dir) }, !.
  186shortlog(Dir, Options) -->
  187	html_requires(css('git.css')),
  188	git_shortlog(Dir, Options).
  191		 /*******************************
  192		 *	       SAVE		*
  193		 *******************************/
HTTP handler that saves a new or modified wiki page.
  199wiki_save(Request) :-
  200	authenticate(Request, Fields),
  201	author(Fields, Author),
  202	http_parameters(Request,
  203			[ location(Location,
  204				   [ description('Path of the file to edit')
  205				   ]),
  206			  text(Text,
  207			       [ description('Wiki content for the file')
  208			       ]),
  209			  amend(Amend,
  210				[ optional(true),
  211				  description('Amend previous commit')
  212				]),
  213			  msg(Msg, []),
  214			  comment(Comment, [optional(true)])
  215			]),
  216	location_wiki_file(Location, File),
  217	allowed_file(File),
  218	(   exists_file(File)
  219	->  New = false
  220	;   New = true
  221	),
  222	save_file(File, Text),
  223	update_wiki_page_title(Location),
  224	(   var(Comment)
  225	->  GitMsg = Msg
  226	;   atomic_list_concat([Msg, Comment], '\n\n', GitMsg)
  227	),
  228	file_directory_name(File, Dir),
  229	file_base_name(File, Rel),
  230	(   New == true
  231	->  git([add, Rel], [ directory(Dir) ])
  232	;   true
  233	),
  234	atom_concat('--author=', Author, AuthorArg),
  235	GitArgs0 = [ '-m', GitMsg, AuthorArg, Rel ],
  236	(   Amend == yes
  237	->  append([commit, '--amend'], GitArgs0, GitArgs)
  238	;   append([commit], GitArgs0, GitArgs)
  239	),
  240	git(GitArgs,
  241	    [ directory(Dir)
  242	    ]),
  243	broadcast(modified(wiki(Location))),
  244	notify(wiki(Location), wiki_edit(Text)),
  245	http_redirect(see_other, Location, Request).
  247author([_User, Name, EMail], Author) :- !,
  248	atomic_list_concat([Name, ' <', EMail, '>'], Author).
  249author([_User, Name], Author) :-
  250	atomic_list_concat([Name, ' <>'], Author).
Show git log of the wiki
  256wiki_changes(_Request) :-
  257	reply_html_page(
  258	    wiki(changes),
  259	    title('WIKI ChangeLog'),
  260	    \wiki_changelog).
  262wiki_changelog -->
  263	html({|html||
  264	     |}),
  265	shortlog(www, [path(.), limit(50)]).
  268		 /*******************************
  269		 *	       UTIL		*
  270		 *******************************/
 location_wiki_file(+Location, -Path) is semidet
 location_wiki_file(+Location, -Path, +Access) is semidet
See also
- Merge with find_file from
  277location_wiki_file(Relative, File) :-
  278	location_wiki_file(Relative, File, write).
  280location_wiki_file(Relative, File, Access) :-
  281	file_name_extension(Base, html, Relative),
  282	wiki_extension(Ext),
  283	file_name_extension(Base, Ext, WikiFile),
  284	absolute_file_name(document_root(WikiFile),
  285			   File,
  286			   [ access(Access),
  287			     file_errors(fail)
  288			   ]), !.
  289location_wiki_file(Relative, File, Access) :-
  290	wiki_extension(Ext),
  291	file_name_extension(_, Ext, Relative),
  292	absolute_file_name(document_root(Relative),
  293			   File,
  294			   [ access(Access),
  295			     file_errors(fail)
  296			   ]), !.
  297location_wiki_file(Relative, File, Access) :-
  298	absolute_file_name(document_root(Relative),
  299			   Dir,
  300			   [ file_type(directory),
  301			     file_errors(fail)
  302			   ]),
  303	setting(http:index_files, Indices),
  304        member(Index, Indices),
  305	directory_file_path(Dir, Index, File),
  306        access_file(File, Access), !.
 save_file(+File, +Text)
Modify the file.
  315save_file(File, Text) :-
  316	setup_call_cleanup(open(File, write, Out,
  317				[ encoding(utf8)
  318				]),
  319			   write_text(Out, Text),
  320			   close(Out)).
 write_text(+Out, +Text:atom) is det
Write the text. Text may have LF or CR/LF line endings. This code fixes this. I'm not sure output encoding issues. Hopefully the text is submitted as UTF-8 and converted appropriately.
  328write_text(Out, Text) :-
  329	forall(sub_atom(Text, _, 1, _, Char),
  330	       put_non_cr(Out, Char)).
  332put_non_cr(_Out, Char) :-
  333	char_code(Char, 13), !.
  334put_non_cr(Out, Char) :-
  335	put_char(Out, Char).
 authenticate(+Request, -Fields)
Get authentication for editing wiki pages. This now first tries the OpenID login.
  343authenticate(Request, Fields) :-
  344	authenticate(Request, wiki, Fields).
 allowed_file(+File) is det
- permission_error(edit, file, File) if the user is not allowed to edit File.
  352allowed_file(File) :-
  353	absolute_file_name(document_root(.),
  354			   DocRoot,
  355			   [ file_type(directory)
  356			   ]),
  357	sub_atom(File, 0, _, _, DocRoot),
  358	access_file(File, write), !.
  359allowed_file(File) :-
  360	permission_error(edit, file, File).
  363hidden(Name, Value) -->
  364	html(input([type(hidden), name(Name), value(Value)])).
HTTP handler that displays a Wiki sandbox
  371wiki_sandbox(_Request) :-
  372	reply_html_page(wiki(sandbox),
  373			title('PlDoc wiki sandbox'),
  374			[ \sandbox
  375			]).
  377sandbox -->
  378	{ http_absolute_location(root('pldoc/package/pldoc.html'), PlDoc, [])
  379	},
  380	html([ p([ 'This page provides a sandbox for the ',
  381		   a(href(PlDoc), 'PlDoc'),
  382		   ' wiki format.  The preview window is updated every ',
  383		   'time you hit the RETURN or TAB key.'
  384		 ]),
  385	       p([ 'Note that PlDoc wiki is normally embedded in a ',
  386		   'Prolog source file using a ', i('structured comment'),
  387		   ', i.e., a comment that starts with %! or /**'
  388		 ]),
  389	       div(\markitup([ markup(pldoc),
  390			       preview(true)
  391			     ]))
  392	     ]).
  395		 /*******************************
  396		 *	      MESSAGES		*
  397		 *******************************/
  399:- multifile
  400	mail_notify:event_subject//1,		% +Event
  401	mail_notify:event_message//1.		% +event
  403mail_notify:event_subject(wiki_edit(_)) -->
  404	[ 'Wiki edit'-[] ].
  406mail_notify:event_message(wiki_edit(Text)) -->
  407	[ 'Wiki edit'-[],
  408	  nl, nl,
  409	  '====~n~w~n===='-[Text],
  410	  nl
  411	].
  414:- multifile plweb:page_title//1.  415
  416plweb:page_title(wiki(changes)) -->
  417	html('Recent changes to the SWI-Prolog wiki pages')