1/* Part of SWI-Prolog 2 3 Author: Jan Wielemaker 4 E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl 5 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 6 Copyright (c) 1985-2023, University of Amsterdam 7 VU University Amsterdam 8 CWI, Amsterdam 9 SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. 10 All rights reserved. 11 12 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 13 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 14 are met: 15 16 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 17 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 18 19 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 20 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 21 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 22 distribution. 23 24 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 25 "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 26 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 27 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 28 COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 29 INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 30 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 31 LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 32 CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 33 LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 34 ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 35 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 36*/ 37 38:- module(check, 39 [ check/0, % run all checks 40 list_undefined/0, % list undefined predicates 41 list_undefined/1, % +Options 42 list_autoload/0, % list predicates that need autoloading 43 list_redefined/0, % list redefinitions 44 list_cross_module_calls/0, % List Module:Goal usage 45 list_cross_module_calls/1, % +Options 46 list_void_declarations/0, % list declarations with no clauses 47 list_trivial_fails/0, % list goals that trivially fail 48 list_trivial_fails/1, % +Options 49 list_format_errors/0, % list calls to format with wrong args 50 list_format_errors/1, % +Options 51 list_strings/0, % list string objects in clauses 52 list_strings/1, % +Options 53 list_rationals/0, % list rational objects in clauses 54 list_rationals/1 % +Options 55 ]). 56:- autoload(library(apply),[maplist/2]). 57:- autoload(library(lists),[member/2,append/3]). 58:- autoload(library(occurs),[sub_term/2]). 59:- autoload(library(option),[merge_options/3,option/3]). 60:- autoload(library(pairs), 61 [group_pairs_by_key/2,map_list_to_pairs/3,pairs_values/2]). 62:- autoload(library(prolog_clause), 63 [clause_info/4,predicate_name/2,clause_name/2]). 64:- autoload(library(prolog_code),[pi_head/2]). 65:- autoload(library(prolog_codewalk), 66 [prolog_walk_code/1,prolog_program_clause/2]). 67:- autoload(library(prolog_format),[format_types/2]). 68:- autoload(library(predicate_options), [check_predicate_options/0]). 69 70:- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false). 71 72:- multifile 73 trivial_fail_goal/1, 74 string_predicate/1, 75 valid_string_goal/1, 76 checker/2. 77 78:- dynamic checker/2.
93:- predicate_options(list_undefined/1, 1,
94 [ module_class(list(oneof([user,library,system])))
95 ]).
The checker can be expanded or restricted by modifying the dynamic multifile hook checker/2.
The checker may be used in batch, e.g., for CI workflows by calling
SWI-Prolog as below. Note that by using -l
to load the program,
the program is not started if it used initialization/2 of type
to start the program.
swipl -q --on-warning=status --on-error=status \ -g check -t halt -l myprogram.pl
132check :- 133 checker(Checker, Message), 134 print_message(informational,check(pass(Message))), 135 catch(Checker,E,print_message(error,E)), 136 fail. 137check.
. For example, to include the
libraries into the examination, use [user,library]
.154:- thread_local 155 undef/2. 156 157list_undefined :- 158 list_undefined([]). 159 160list_undefined(Options) :- 161 merge_options(Options, 162 [ module_class([user]) 163 ], 164 WalkOptions), 165 call_cleanup( 166 prolog_walk_code([ undefined(trace), 167 on_trace(found_undef) 168 | WalkOptions 169 ]), 170 collect_undef(Grouped)), 171 ( Grouped == [] 172 -> true 173 ; print_message(warning, check(undefined_procedures, Grouped)) 174 ). 175 176% The following predicates are used from library(prolog_autoload). 177 178:- public 179 found_undef/3, 180 collect_undef/1. 181 182collect_undef(Grouped) :- 183 findall(PI-From, retract(undef(PI, From)), Pairs), 184 keysort(Pairs, Sorted), 185 group_pairs_by_key(Sorted, Grouped). 186 187found_undef(To, _Caller, From) :- 188 goal_pi(To, PI), 189 ( undef(PI, From) 190 -> true 191 ; compiled(PI) 192 -> true 193 ; not_always_present(PI) 194 -> true 195 ; assertz(undef(PI,From)) 196 ). 197 198compiled(system:'$call_cleanup'/0). % compiled to VM instructions 199compiled(system:'$catch'/0). 200compiled(system:'$cut'/0). 201compiled(system:'$reset'/0). 202compiled(system:'$call_continuation'/1). 203compiled(system:'$shift'/1). 204compiled(system:'$shift_for_copy'/1). 205compiled('$engines':'$yield'/0).
212not_always_present(_:win_folder/2) :- 213 \+ current_prolog_flag(windows, true). 214not_always_present(_:win_add_dll_directory/2) :- 215 \+ current_prolog_flag(windows, true). 216not_always_present(_:opt_help/2). 217not_always_present(_:opt_type/3). 218not_always_present(_:opt_meta/2). 219 220goal_pi(M:Head, M:Name/Arity) :- 221 functor(Head, Name, Arity).
234list_autoload :- 235 setup_call_cleanup( 236 ( current_prolog_flag(access_level, OldLevel), 237 current_prolog_flag(autoload, OldAutoLoad), 238 set_prolog_flag(access_level, system), 239 set_prolog_flag(autoload, false) 240 ), 241 list_autoload_(OldLevel), 242 ( set_prolog_flag(access_level, OldLevel), 243 set_prolog_flag(autoload, OldAutoLoad) 244 )). 245 246list_autoload_(SystemMode) :- 247 ( setof(Lib-Pred, 248 autoload_predicate(Module, Lib, Pred, SystemMode), 249 Pairs), 250 print_message(informational, 251 check(autoload(Module, Pairs))), 252 fail 253 ; true 254 ). 255 256autoload_predicate(Module, Library, Name/Arity, SystemMode) :- 257 predicate_property(Module:Head, undefined), 258 check_module_enabled(Module, SystemMode), 259 ( \+ predicate_property(Module:Head, imported_from(_)), 260 functor(Head, Name, Arity), 261 '$find_library'(Module, Name, Arity, _LoadModule, Library), 262 referenced(Module:Head, Module, _) 263 -> true 264 ). 265 266check_module_enabled(_, system) :- !. 267check_module_enabled(Module, _) :- 268 \+ import_module(Module, system).
274referenced(Term, Module, Ref) :-
275 Goal = Module:_Head,
276 current_predicate(_, Goal),
277 '$get_predicate_attribute'(Goal, system, 0),
278 \+ '$get_predicate_attribute'(Goal, imported, _),
279 nth_clause(Goal, _, Ref),
280 '$xr_member'(Ref, Term).
well as in a normal module; that is, predicates for which the
local definition overrules the global default definition.288list_redefined :- 289 setup_call_cleanup( 290 ( current_prolog_flag(access_level, OldLevel), 291 set_prolog_flag(access_level, system) 292 ), 293 list_redefined_, 294 set_prolog_flag(access_level, OldLevel)). 295 296list_redefined_ :- 297 current_module(Module), 298 Module \== system, 299 current_predicate(_, Module:Head), 300 \+ predicate_property(Module:Head, imported_from(_)), 301 ( global_module(Super), 302 Super \== Module, 303 '$c_current_predicate'(_, Super:Head), 304 \+ redefined_ok(Head), 305 '$syspreds':'$defined_predicate'(Super:Head), 306 \+ predicate_property(Super:Head, (dynamic)), 307 \+ predicate_property(Super:Head, imported_from(Module)), 308 functor(Head, Name, Arity) 309 -> print_message(informational, 310 check(redefined(Module, Super, Name/Arity))) 311 ), 312 fail. 313list_redefined_. 314 315redefined_ok('$mode'(_,_)). 316redefined_ok('$pldoc'(_,_,_,_)). 317redefined_ok('$pred_option'(_,_,_,_)). 318redefined_ok('$table_mode'(_,_,_)). 319redefined_ok('$tabled'(_,_)). 320redefined_ok('$exported_op'(_,_,_)). 321redefined_ok('$autoload'(_,_,_)). 322 323global_module(user). 324global_module(system).
332list_cross_module_calls :- 333 list_cross_module_calls([]). 334 335list_cross_module_calls(Options) :- 336 call_cleanup( 337 list_cross_module_calls_guarded(Options), 338 retractall(cross_module_call(_,_,_))). 339 340list_cross_module_calls_guarded(Options) :- 341 merge_options(Options, 342 [ module_class([user]) 343 ], 344 WalkOptions), 345 prolog_walk_code([ trace_reference(_), 346 trace_condition(cross_module_call), 347 on_trace(write_call) 348 | WalkOptions 349 ]). 350 351:- thread_local 352 cross_module_call/3. 353 354:- public 355 cross_module_call/2, 356 write_call/3. 357 358cross_module_call(Callee, Context) :- 359 \+ same_module_call(Callee, Context). 360 361same_module_call(Callee, Context) :- 362 caller_module(Context, MCaller), 363 Callee = (MCallee:_), 364 ( ( MCaller = MCallee 365 ; predicate_property(Callee, exported) 366 ; predicate_property(Callee, built_in) 367 ; predicate_property(Callee, public) 368 ; clause_property(Context.get(clause), module(MCallee)) 369 ; predicate_property(Callee, multifile) 370 ) 371 -> true 372 ). 373 374caller_module(Context, MCaller) :- 375 Caller = Context.caller, 376 ( Caller = (MCaller:_) 377 -> true 378 ; Caller == '<initialization>', 379 MCaller = Context.module 380 ). 381 382write_call(Callee, Caller, Position) :- 383 cross_module_call(Callee, Caller, Position), 384 !. 385write_call(Callee, Caller, Position) :- 386 ( cross_module_call(_,_,_) 387 -> true 388 ; print_message(warning, check(cross_module_calls)) 389 ), 390 asserta(cross_module_call(Callee, Caller, Position)), 391 print_message(warning, 392 check(cross_module_call(Callee, Caller, Position))).
398list_void_declarations :- 399 P = _:_, 400 ( predicate_property(P, undefined), 401 ( '$get_predicate_attribute'(P, meta_predicate, Pattern), 402 ( '$get_predicate_attribute'(P, transparent, 1) 403 -> print_message(warning, 404 check(void_declaration(P, meta_predicate(Pattern)))) 405 ; print_message(warning, 406 check(void_declaration(P, mode(Pattern)))) 407 ) 408 ; void_attribute(Attr), 409 '$get_predicate_attribute'(P, Attr, 1), 410 print_message(warning, 411 check(void_declaration(P, Attr))) 412 ), 413 fail 414 ; predicate_property(P, discontiguous), 415 \+ (predicate_property(P, number_of_clauses(N)), N > 0), 416 print_message(warning, 417 check(void_declaration(P, discontiguous))), 418 fail 419 ; true 420 ). 421 422void_attribute(public). 423void_attribute(volatile). 424void_attribute(det).
. For example, to include the
libraries into the examination, use [user,library]
.437:- thread_local 438 trivial_fail/2. 439 440list_trivial_fails :- 441 list_trivial_fails([]). 442 443list_trivial_fails(Options) :- 444 merge_options(Options, 445 [ module_class([user]), 446 infer_meta_predicates(false), 447 autoload(false), 448 evaluate(false), 449 trace_reference(_), 450 on_trace(check_trivial_fail) 451 ], 452 WalkOptions), 453 454 prolog_walk_code([ source(false) 455 | WalkOptions 456 ]), 457 findall(CRef, retract(trivial_fail(clause(CRef), _)), Clauses), 458 ( Clauses == [] 459 -> true 460 ; print_message(warning, check(trivial_failures)), 461 prolog_walk_code([ clauses(Clauses) 462 | WalkOptions 463 ]), 464 findall(Goal-From, retract(trivial_fail(From, Goal)), Pairs), 465 keysort(Pairs, Sorted), 466 group_pairs_by_key(Sorted, Grouped), 467 maplist(report_trivial_fail, Grouped) 468 ).
475trivial_fail_goal(pce_expansion:pce_class(_, _, template, _, _, _)). 476trivial_fail_goal(pce_host:property(system_source_prefix(_))). 477 478:- public 479 check_trivial_fail/3. 480 481check_trivial_fail(MGoal0, _Caller, From) :- 482 ( MGoal0 = M:Goal, 483 atom(M), 484 callable(Goal), 485 predicate_property(MGoal0, interpreted), 486 \+ predicate_property(MGoal0, dynamic), 487 \+ predicate_property(MGoal0, multifile), 488 \+ trivial_fail_goal(MGoal0) 489 -> ( predicate_property(MGoal0, meta_predicate(Meta)) 490 -> qualify_meta_goal(MGoal0, Meta, MGoal) 491 ; MGoal = MGoal0 492 ), 493 ( clause(MGoal, _) 494 -> true 495 ; assertz(trivial_fail(From, MGoal)) 496 ) 497 ; true 498 ). 499 500report_trivial_fail(Goal-FromList) :- 501 print_message(warning, check(trivial_failure(Goal, FromList))).
507qualify_meta_goal(M:Goal0, Meta, M:Goal) :- 508 functor(Goal0, F, N), 509 functor(Goal, F, N), 510 qualify_meta_goal(1, M, Meta, Goal0, Goal). 511 512qualify_meta_goal(N, M, Meta, Goal0, Goal) :- 513 arg(N, Meta, ArgM), 514 !, 515 arg(N, Goal0, Arg0), 516 arg(N, Goal, Arg), 517 N1 is N + 1, 518 ( module_qualified(ArgM) 519 -> add_module(Arg0, M, Arg) 520 ; Arg = Arg0 521 ), 522 meta_goal(N1, Meta, Goal0, Goal). 523meta_goal(_, _, _, _). 524 525add_module(Arg, M, M:Arg) :- 526 var(Arg), 527 !. 528add_module(M:Arg, _, MArg) :- 529 !, 530 add_module(Arg, M, MArg). 531add_module(Arg, M, M:Arg). 532 533module_qualified(N) :- integer(N), !. 534module_qualified(:). 535module_qualified(^).
from codes
to string
, creating packed string
objects. Warnings may be suppressed using the following
multifile hooks:
553list_strings :- 554 list_strings([module_class([user])]). 555 556list_strings(Options) :- 557 ( prolog_program_clause(ClauseRef, Options), 558 clause(Head, Body, ClauseRef), 559 \+ ( predicate_indicator(Head, PI), 560 string_predicate(PI) 561 ), 562 make_clause(Head, Body, Clause), 563 findall(T, 564 ( sub_term(T, Head), 565 string(T) 566 ; Head = M:_, 567 goal_in_body(Goal, M, Body), 568 ( valid_string_goal(Goal) 569 -> fail 570 ; sub_term(T, Goal), 571 string(T) 572 ) 573 ), Ts0), 574 sort(Ts0, Ts), 575 member(T, Ts), 576 message_context(ClauseRef, T, Clause, Context), 577 print_message(warning, 578 check(string_in_clause(T, Context))), 579 fail 580 ; true 581 ). 582 583make_clause(Head, true, Head) :- !. 584make_clause(Head, Body, (Head:-Body)).
to natural
, creating rational numbers from
<integer>/<nonneg>. Options:
(default false
) also warn on rationals appearing
in arithmetic expressions.603list_rationals :- 604 list_rationals([module_class([user])]). 605 606list_rationals(Options) :- 607 ( option(arithmetic(DoArith), Options, false), 608 prolog_program_clause(ClauseRef, Options), 609 clause(Head, Body, ClauseRef), 610 make_clause(Head, Body, Clause), 611 findall(T, 612 ( sub_term(T, Head), 613 rational(T), 614 \+ integer(T) 615 ; Head = M:_, 616 goal_in_body(Goal, M, Body), 617 nonvar(Goal), 618 ( DoArith == false, 619 valid_rational_goal(Goal) 620 -> fail 621 ; sub_term(T, Goal), 622 rational(T), 623 \+ integer(T) 624 ) 625 ), Ts0), 626 sort(Ts0, Ts), 627 member(T, Ts), 628 message_context(ClauseRef, T, Clause, Context), 629 print_message(warning, 630 check(rational_in_clause(T, Context))), 631 fail 632 ; true 633 ). 634 635 636valid_rational_goal(_ is _). 637valid_rational_goal(_ =:= _). 638valid_rational_goal(_ < _). 639valid_rational_goal(_ > _). 640valid_rational_goal(_ =< _). 641valid_rational_goal(_ >= _).
649list_format_errors :- 650 list_format_errors([module_class([user])]). 651 652list_format_errors(Options) :- 653 ( prolog_program_clause(ClauseRef, Options), 654 clause(Head, Body, ClauseRef), 655 make_clause(Head, Body, Clause), 656 Head = M:_, 657 goal_in_body(Goal, M, Body), 658 format_warning(Goal, Msg), 659 message_context(ClauseRef, Goal, Clause, Context), 660 print_message(warning, check(Msg, Goal, Context)), 661 fail 662 ; true 663 ). 664 665format_warning(system:format(Format, Args), Msg) :- 666 nonvar(Format), 667 nonvar(Args), 668 \+ is_list(Args), 669 Msg = format_argv(Args). 670format_warning(system:format(Format, Args), Msg) :- 671 ground(Format), 672 ( is_list(Args) 673 -> length(Args, ArgC) 674 ; nonvar(Args) 675 -> ArgC = 1 676 ), 677 E = error(Formal,_), 678 catch(format_types(Format, Types), E, true), 679 ( var(Formal) 680 -> length(Types, TypeC), 681 TypeC =\= ArgC, 682 Msg = format_argc(TypeC, ArgC) 683 ; Msg = format_template(Formal) 684 ). 685format_warning(system:format(_Stream, Format, Args), Msg) :- 686 format_warning(system:format(Format, Args), Msg). 687format_warning(prolog_debug:debug(_Channel, Format, Args), Msg) :- 688 format_warning(system:format(Format, Args), Msg).
695goal_in_body(M:G, M, G) :- 696 var(G), 697 !. 698goal_in_body(G, _, M:G0) :- 699 atom(M), 700 !, 701 goal_in_body(G, M, G0). 702goal_in_body(G, M, Control) :- 703 nonvar(Control), 704 control(Control, Subs), 705 !, 706 member(Sub, Subs), 707 goal_in_body(G, M, Sub). 708goal_in_body(G, M, G0) :- 709 callable(G0), 710 ( atom(M) 711 -> TM = M 712 ; TM = system 713 ), 714 predicate_property(TM:G0, meta_predicate(Spec)), 715 !, 716 ( strip_goals(G0, Spec, G1), 717 simple_goal_in_body(G, M, G1) 718 ; arg(I, Spec, Meta), 719 arg(I, G0, G1), 720 extend(Meta, G1, G2), 721 goal_in_body(G, M, G2) 722 ). 723goal_in_body(G, M, G0) :- 724 simple_goal_in_body(G, M, G0). 725 726simple_goal_in_body(G, M, G0) :- 727 ( atom(M), 728 callable(G0), 729 predicate_property(M:G0, imported_from(M2)) 730 -> G = M2:G0 731 ; G = M:G0 732 ). 733 734control((A,B), [A,B]). 735control((A;B), [A,B]). 736control((A->B), [A,B]). 737control((A*->B), [A,B]). 738control((\+A), [A]). 739 740strip_goals(G0, Spec, G) :- 741 functor(G0, Name, Arity), 742 functor(G, Name, Arity), 743 strip_goal_args(1, G0, Spec, G). 744 745strip_goal_args(I, G0, Spec, G) :- 746 arg(I, G0, A0), 747 !, 748 arg(I, Spec, M), 749 ( extend(M, A0, _) 750 -> arg(I, G, '<meta-goal>') 751 ; arg(I, G, A0) 752 ), 753 I2 is I + 1, 754 strip_goal_args(I2, G0, Spec, G). 755strip_goal_args(_, _, _, _). 756 757extend(I, G0, G) :- 758 callable(G0), 759 integer(I), I>0, 760 !, 761 length(L, I), 762 extend_list(G0, L, G). 763extend(0, G, G). 764extend(^, G, G). 765 766extend_list(M:G0, L, M:G) :- 767 !, 768 callable(G0), 769 extend_list(G0, L, G). 770extend_list(G0, L, G) :- 771 G0 =.. List, 772 append(List, L, All), 773 G =.. All.
780message_context(ClauseRef, Term, Clause, file_term_position(File, TermPos)) :- 781 clause_info(ClauseRef, File, Layout, _Vars), 782 ( Term = _:Goal, 783 prolog_codewalk:subterm_pos(Goal, Clause, ==, Layout, TermPos) 784 ; prolog_codewalk:subterm_pos(Term, Clause, ==, Layout, TermPos) 785 ), 786 !. 787message_context(ClauseRef, _String, _Clause, file(File, Line, -1, _)) :- 788 clause_property(ClauseRef, file(File)), 789 clause_property(ClauseRef, line_count(Line)), 790 !. 791message_context(ClauseRef, _String, _Clause, clause(ClauseRef)). 792 793 794:- meta_predicate 795 predicate_indicator( , ). 796 797predicate_indicator(Module:Head, Module:Name/Arity) :- 798 functor(Head, Name, Arity). 799predicate_indicator(Module:Head, Module:Name//DCGArity) :- 800 functor(Head, Name, Arity), 801 DCGArity is Arity-2.
808string_predicate(_:'$pldoc'/4). 809string_predicate(pce_principal:send_implementation/3). 810string_predicate(pce_principal:pce_lazy_get_method/3). 811string_predicate(pce_principal:pce_lazy_send_method/3). 812string_predicate(pce_principal:pce_class/6). 813string_predicate(prolog_xref:pred_comment/4). 814string_predicate(prolog_xref:module_comment/3). 815string_predicate(pldoc_process:structured_comment//2). 816string_predicate(pldoc_process:structured_command_start/3). 817string_predicate(pldoc_process:separator_line//0). 818string_predicate(pldoc_register:mydoc/3). 819string_predicate(http_header:separators/1).
format("Hello world~n")
is considered proper use of
string constants.827% system predicates 828valid_string_goal(system:format(S)) :- string(S). 829valid_string_goal(system:format(S,_)) :- string(S). 830valid_string_goal(system:format(_,S,_)) :- string(S). 831valid_string_goal(system:string_codes(S,_)) :- string(S). 832valid_string_goal(system:string_code(_,S,_)) :- string(S). 833valid_string_goal(system:throw(msg(S,_))) :- string(S). 834valid_string_goal('$dcg':phrase(S,_,_)) :- string(S). 835valid_string_goal('$dcg':phrase(S,_)) :- string(S). 836valid_string_goal(system: is(_,_)). % arithmetic allows for "x" 837valid_string_goal(system: =:=(_,_)). 838valid_string_goal(system: >(_,_)). 839valid_string_goal(system: <(_,_)). 840valid_string_goal(system: >=(_,_)). 841valid_string_goal(system: =<(_,_)). 842% library stuff 843valid_string_goal(dcg_basics:string_without(S,_,_,_)) :- string(S). 844valid_string_goal(git:read_url(S,_,_)) :- string(S). 845valid_string_goal(tipc:tipc_subscribe(_,_,_,_,S)) :- string(S). 846valid_string_goal(charsio:format_to_chars(Format,_,_)) :- string(Format). 847valid_string_goal(charsio:format_to_chars(Format,_,_,_)) :- string(Format). 848valid_string_goal(codesio:format_to_codes(Format,_,_)) :- string(Format). 849valid_string_goal(codesio:format_to_codes(Format,_,_,_)) :- string(Format). 850 851 852 /******************************* 853 * EXTENSION HOOKS * 854 *******************************/
module defines a predicate list_format_mistakes/0:
:- multifile check:checker/2. check:checker(my_checks:list_format_mistakes, "errors with format/2 arguments").
The predicate is dynamic, so you can disable checks with retract/1. For example, to stop reporting redefined predicates:
876checker(list_undefined, 'undefined predicates'). 877checker(list_trivial_fails, 'trivial failures'). 878checker(list_format_errors, 'format/2,3 and debug/3 templates'). 879checker(list_redefined, 'redefined system and global predicates'). 880checker(list_void_declarations, 'predicates with declarations but without clauses'). 881checker(list_autoload, 'predicates that need autoloading'). 882checker(check_predicate_options, 'predicate options lists'). 883 884 885 /******************************* 886 * MESSAGES * 887 *******************************/ 888 889:- multifile 890 prolog:message/3. 891 892prologmessage(check(pass(Comment))) --> 893 [ 'Checking ~w ...'-[Comment] ]. 894prologmessage(check(find_references(Preds))) --> 895 { length(Preds, N) 896 }, 897 [ 'Scanning for references to ~D possibly undefined predicates'-[N] ]. 898prologmessage(check(undefined_procedures, Grouped)) --> 899 [ 'The predicates below are not defined. If these are defined', nl, 900 'at runtime using assert/1, use :- dynamic Name/Arity.', nl, nl 901 ], 902 undefined_procedures(Grouped). 903prologmessage(check(undefined_unreferenced_predicates)) --> 904 [ 'The predicates below are not defined, and are not', nl, 905 'referenced.', nl, nl 906 ]. 907prologmessage(check(undefined_unreferenced(Pred))) --> 908 predicate(Pred). 909prologmessage(check(autoload(Module, Pairs))) --> 910 { module_property(Module, file(Path)) 911 }, 912 !, 913 [ 'Into module ~w ('-[Module] ], 914 short_filename(Path), 915 [ ')', nl ], 916 autoload(Pairs). 917prologmessage(check(autoload(Module, Pairs))) --> 918 [ 'Into module ~w'-[Module], nl ], 919 autoload(Pairs). 920prologmessage(check(redefined(In, From, Pred))) --> 921 predicate(In:Pred), 922 redefined(In, From). 923prologmessage(check(cross_module_calls)) --> 924 [ 'Qualified calls to private predicates'-[] ]. 925prologmessage(check(cross_module_call(Callee, _Caller, Location))) --> 926 { pi_head(PI, Callee) }, 927 [ ' '-[] ], 928 '$messages':swi_location(Location), 929 [ 'Cross-module call to ~p'-[PI] ]. 930prologmessage(check(trivial_failures)) --> 931 [ 'The following goals fail because there are no matching clauses.' ]. 932prologmessage(check(trivial_failure(Goal, Refs))) --> 933 { map_list_to_pairs(sort_reference_key, Refs, Keyed), 934 keysort(Keyed, KeySorted), 935 pairs_values(KeySorted, SortedRefs) 936 }, 937 goal(Goal), 938 [ ', which is called from'-[], nl ], 939 referenced_by(SortedRefs). 940prologmessage(check(string_in_clause(String, Context))) --> 941 '$messages':swi_location(Context), 942 [ 'String ~q'-[String] ]. 943prologmessage(check(rational_in_clause(String, Context))) --> 944 '$messages':swi_location(Context), 945 [ 'Rational ~q'-[String] ]. 946prologmessage(check(Msg, Goal, Context)) --> 947 '$messages':swi_location(Context), 948 { pi_head(PI, Goal) }, 949 [ nl, ' '-[] ], 950 predicate(PI), 951 [ ': '-[] ], 952 check_message(Msg). 953prologmessage(check(void_declaration(P, Decl))) --> 954 predicate(P), 955 [ ' is declared with ', ansi(code, '~p', [Decl]), ' but has no clauses' ]. 956 957undefined_procedures([]) --> 958 []. 959undefined_procedures([H|T]) --> 960 undefined_procedure(H), 961 undefined_procedures(T). 962 963undefined_procedure(Pred-Refs) --> 964 { map_list_to_pairs(sort_reference_key, Refs, Keyed), 965 keysort(Keyed, KeySorted), 966 pairs_values(KeySorted, SortedRefs) 967 }, 968 predicate(Pred), 969 [ ', which is referenced by', nl ], 970 referenced_by(SortedRefs). 971 972redefined(user, system) --> 973 [ '~t~30| System predicate redefined globally' ]. 974redefined(_, system) --> 975 [ '~t~30| Redefined system predicate' ]. 976redefined(_, user) --> 977 [ '~t~30| Redefined global predicate' ]. 978 979goal(user:Goal) --> 980 !, 981 [ '~p'-[Goal] ]. 982goal(Goal) --> 983 !, 984 [ '~p'-[Goal] ]. 985 986predicate(Module:Name/Arity) --> 987 { atom(Module), 988 atom(Name), 989 integer(Arity), 990 functor(Head, Name, Arity), 991 predicate_name(Module:Head, PName) 992 }, 993 !, 994 [ ansi(code, '~w', [PName]) ]. 995predicate(Module:Head) --> 996 { atom(Module), 997 callable(Head), 998 predicate_name(Module:Head, PName) 999 }, 1000 !, 1001 [ ansi(code, '~w', [PName]) ]. 1002predicate(Name/Arity) --> 1003 { atom(Name), 1004 integer(Arity) 1005 }, 1006 !, 1007 predicate(user:Name/Arity). 1008 1009autoload([]) --> 1010 []. 1011autoload([Lib-Pred|T]) --> 1012 [ ' ' ], 1013 predicate(Pred), 1014 [ '~t~24| from ' ], 1015 short_filename(Lib), 1016 [ nl ], 1017 autoload(T).
1023sort_reference_key(Term, key(M:Name/Arity, N, ClausePos)) :- 1024 clause_ref(Term, ClauseRef, ClausePos), 1025 !, 1026 nth_clause(Pred, N, ClauseRef), 1027 strip_module(Pred, M, Head), 1028 functor(Head, Name, Arity). 1029sort_reference_key(Term, Term). 1030 1031clause_ref(clause_term_position(ClauseRef, TermPos), ClauseRef, ClausePos) :- 1032 arg(1, TermPos, ClausePos). 1033clause_ref(clause(ClauseRef), ClauseRef, 0). 1034 1035 1036referenced_by([]) --> 1037 []. 1038referenced_by([Ref|T]) --> 1039 ['\t'], prolog:message_location(Ref), 1040 predicate_indicator(Ref), 1041 [ nl ], 1042 referenced_by(T). 1043 1044predicate_indicator(clause_term_position(ClauseRef, _)) --> 1045 { nonvar(ClauseRef) }, 1046 !, 1047 predicate_indicator(clause(ClauseRef)). 1048predicate_indicator(clause(ClauseRef)) --> 1049 { clause_name(ClauseRef, Name) }, 1050 [ '~w'-[Name] ]. 1051predicate_indicator(file_term_position(_,_)) --> 1052 [ '(initialization)' ]. 1053predicate_indicator(file(_,_,_,_)) --> 1054 [ '(initialization)' ]. 1055 1056 1057short_filename(Path) --> 1058 { short_filename(Path, Spec) 1059 }, 1060 [ '~q'-[Spec] ]. 1061 1062short_filename(Path, Spec) :- 1063 absolute_file_name('', Here), 1064 atom_concat(Here, Local0, Path), 1065 !, 1066 remove_leading_slash(Local0, Spec). 1067short_filename(Path, Spec) :- 1068 findall(LenAlias, aliased_path(Path, LenAlias), Keyed), 1069 keysort(Keyed, [_-Spec|_]). 1070short_filename(Path, Path). 1071 1072aliased_path(Path, Len-Spec) :- 1073 setof(Alias, Spec^(user:file_search_path(Alias, Spec)), Aliases), 1074 member(Alias, Aliases), 1075 Term =.. [Alias, '.'], 1076 absolute_file_name(Term, 1077 [ file_type(directory), 1078 file_errors(fail), 1079 solutions(all) 1080 ], Prefix), 1081 atom_concat(Prefix, Local0, Path), 1082 remove_leading_slash(Local0, Local), 1083 atom_length(Local, Len), 1084 Spec =.. [Alias, Local]. 1085 1086remove_leading_slash(Path, Local) :- 1087 atom_concat(/, Local, Path), 1088 !. 1089remove_leading_slash(Path, Path). 1090 1091check_message(format_argc(Expected, InList)) --> 1092 [ 'Template requires ~w arguments, got ~w'-[Expected, InList] ]. 1093check_message(format_template(Formal)) --> 1094 { message_to_string(error(Formal, _), Msg) }, 1095 [ 'Invalid template: ~s'-[Msg] ]. 1096check_message(format_argv(Args)) --> 1097 [ 'Arguments are not in a list (deprecated): ~p'-[Args] ]
Consistency checking
This library provides some consistency checks for the loaded Prolog program. The predicate make/0 runs list_undefined/0 to find undefined predicates in `user' modules.