1/* Part of SWI-Prolog 2 3 Author: Jan Wielemaker 4 E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl 5 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 6 Copyright (c) 2015-2025, VU University Amsterdam 7 SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. 8 All rights reserved. 9 10 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 11 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 12 are met: 13 14 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 15 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 16 17 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 18 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 19 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 20 distribution. 21 22 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 23 "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 24 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 25 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 26 COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 27 INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 28 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 29 LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 30 CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 31 LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 32 ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 33 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 34*/ 35 36:- module(dicts, 37 [ mapdict/2, % :Goal, +Dict 38 mapdict/3, % :Goal, ?Dict1, ?Dict2 39 mapdict/4, % :Goal, ?Dict1, ?Dict2, ?Dict3 40 dicts_same_tag/2, % +List, -Tag 41 dict_size/2, % +Dict, -KeyCount 42 dict_keys/2, % +Dict, -Keys 43 dicts_same_keys/2, % +DictList, -Keys 44 dicts_to_same_keys/3, % +DictsIn, :OnEmpty, -DictsOut 45 dict_fill/4, % +Value, +Key, +Dict, -Value 46 dict_no_fill/3, % +Key, +Dict, -Value 47 dicts_join/3, % +Key, +DictsIn, -Dicts 48 dicts_join/4, % +Key, +Dicts1, +Dicts2, -Dicts 49 dicts_slice/3, % +Keys, +DictsIn, -DictsOut 50 dicts_to_compounds/4 % ?Dicts, +Keys, :OnEmpty, ?Compounds 51 ]). 52:- autoload(library(apply),[maplist/2,maplist/3]). 53:- autoload(library(lists),[append/2,append/3]). 54:- autoload(library(ordsets),[ord_subtract/3]). 55:- autoload(library(pairs),[pairs_keys/2,pairs_keys_values/3]). 56:- autoload(library(error), [domain_error/2, must_be/2]). 57 58:- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false). 59 60:- meta_predicate 61 mapdict( , ), 62 mapdict( , , ), 63 mapdict( , , , ), 64 dicts_to_same_keys( , , ), 65 dicts_to_compounds( , , , ).
call(Goal, Key,
V1, ...)
is true for all keys in the dicts. At least one of the
dicts must be instantiated.
89mapdict(Goal, Dict) :- 90 mapdict_(1, Goal, Dict). 91 92mapdict_(I, Goal, D1) :- 93 ( '$get_dict_kv'(I, D1, K, V1) 94 -> call(Goal, K, V1), 95 I2 is I+1, 96 mapdict_(I2, Goal, D1) 97 ; true 98 ). 99 100mapdict(Goal, Dict1, Dict2) :- 101 ( dict_same_keys(Dict1, Dict2) 102 -> mapdict_(1, Goal, Dict1, Dict2) 103 ; domain_error(incompatible_dict, Dict2) 104 ). 105 106mapdict_(I, Goal, D1, D2) :- 107 ( '$get_dict_kv'(I, D1, D2, K, V1, V2) 108 -> call(Goal, K, V1, V2), 109 I2 is I+1, 110 mapdict_(I2, Goal, D1, D2) 111 ; true 112 ). 113 114 115mapdict(Goal, Dict1, Dict2, Dict3) :- 116 ( nonvar(Dict1) 117 -> dict_same_keys(Dict1, Dict2), 118 dict_same_keys(Dict1, Dict3) 119 ; nonvar(Dict2) 120 -> dict_same_keys(Dict1, Dict2), 121 dict_same_keys(Dict1, Dict3) 122 ; dict_same_keys(Dict3, Dict2), 123 dict_same_keys(Dict3, Dict1) 124 ), 125 !, 126 mapdict_(1, Goal, Dict1, Dict2, Dict3). 127mapdict(_Goal, Dict1, Dict2, Dict3) :- 128 ( nonvar(Dict3) 129 -> domain_error(incompatible_dict, Dict3) 130 ; nonvar(Dict2) 131 -> domain_error(incompatible_dict, Dict2) 132 ; domain_error(incompatible_dict, Dict1) 133 ). 134 135mapdict_(I, Goal, D1, D2, D3) :- 136 ( '$get_dict_kv'(I, D1, D2, D3, K, V1, V2, V3) 137 -> call(Goal, K, V1, V2, V3), 138 I2 is I+1, 139 mapdict_(I2, Goal, D1, D2, D3) 140 ; true 141 ).
148dicts_same_tag(List, Tag) :- 149 maplist(keys_tag(Tag), List). 150 151keys_tag(Tag, Dict) :- 152 is_dict(Dict, Tag).
158dict_size(Dict, KeyCount) :-
159 must_be(dict,Dict),
160 compound_name_arity(Dict,_,Arity),
161 KeyCount is (Arity-1)//2.
167dict_keys(Dict, Keys) :-
168 dict_pairs(Dict, _Tag, Pairs),
169 pairs_keys(Pairs, Keys).
177dicts_same_keys(List, Keys) :- 178 maplist(keys_dict(Keys), List). 179 180keys_dict(Keys, Dict) :- 181 dict_keys(Dict, Keys).
call(:OnEmpty, +Key, +Dict, -Value)
195dicts_to_same_keys(Dicts, _, Table) :- 196 dicts_same_keys(Dicts, _), 197 !, 198 Table = Dicts. 199dicts_to_same_keys(Dicts, OnEmpty, Table) :- 200 maplist(dict_keys, Dicts, KeysList), 201 append(KeysList, Keys0), 202 sort(Keys0, Keys), 203 maplist(extend_dict(Keys, OnEmpty), Dicts, Table). 204 205extend_dict(Keys, OnEmpty, Dict0, Dict) :- 206 dict_pairs(Dict0, Tag, Pairs), 207 pairs_keys(Pairs, DictKeys), 208 ord_subtract(Keys, DictKeys, Missing), 209 ( Missing == [] 210 -> Dict = Dict0 211 ; maplist(key_value_pair(Dict0, OnEmpty), Missing, NewPairs), 212 append(NewPairs, Pairs, AllPairs), 213 dict_pairs(Dict, Tag, AllPairs) 214 ). 215 216key_value_pair(Dict, OnEmpty, Key, Key-Value) :- 217 call(OnEmpty, Key, Dict, Value).
?- dicts_to_same_keys([r{x:1}, r{y:2}], dict_fill(null), L). L = [r{x:1, y:null}, r{x:null, y:2}]. ?- dicts_to_same_keys([r{x:1}, r{y:2}], dict_fill(_), L). L = [r{x:1, y:_G2005}, r{x:_G2036, y:2}].
Use dict_no_fill/3 to raise an error if a dict is missing a key.
236dict_fill(ValueIn, _, _, Value) :-
237 copy_term(ValueIn, Value).
244dict_no_fill(Key, Dict, Value) :-
245 Value = Dict.Key.
?- dicts_join(x, [r{x:1, y:2}, r{x:1, z:3}, r{x:2,y:4}], L). L = [r{x:1, y:2, z:3}, r{x:2, y:4}].
260dicts_join(Join, Dicts0, Dicts) :- 261 sort(Join, @=<, Dicts0, Dicts1), 262 join(Dicts1, Join, Dicts). 263 264join([], _, []) :- !. 265join([H0|T0], Key, [H|T]) :- 266 !, 267 get_dict(Key, H0, V0), 268 join_same(T0, Key, V0, H0, H, T1), 269 join(T1, Key, T). 270join([One], _, [One]) :- !. 271 272join_same([H|T0], Key, V0, D0, D, T) :- 273 get_dict(Key, H, V), 274 V == V0, 275 !, 276 D0 >:< H, 277 put_dict(H, D0, D1), 278 join_same(T0, Key, V0, D1, D, T). 279join_same(DL, _, _, D, D, DL).
?- DL1 = [r{x:1,y:1},r{x:2,y:4}], DL2 = [r{x:1,z:2},r{x:3,z:4}], dicts_join(x, DL1, DL2, DL). DL = [r{x:1, y:1, z:2}, r{x:2, y:4}, r{x:3, z:4}].
299dicts_join(Join, Dicts1, Dicts2, Dicts) :- 300 sort(Join, @=<, Dicts1, Dicts11), 301 sort(Join, @=<, Dicts2, Dicts21), 302 join(Dicts11, Dicts21, Join, Dicts). 303 304join([], [], _, []) :- !. 305join([D1|T1], [D2|T2], Join, [DNew|MoreDicts]) :- 306 !, 307 get_dict(Join, D1, K1), 308 get_dict(Join, D2, K2), 309 compare(Diff, K1, K2), 310 ( Diff == (=) 311 -> D1 >:< D2, 312 put_dict(D1, D2, DNew), 313 join(T1, T2, Join, MoreDicts) 314 ; Diff == (<) 315 -> DNew = D1, 316 join(T1, [D2|T2], Join, MoreDicts) 317 ; DNew = D2, 318 join([D1|T1], T2, Join, MoreDicts) 319 ). 320join([], Dicts, _, Dicts) :- !. 321join(Dicts, [], _, Dicts).
328dicts_slice(Keys, DictsIn, DictsOut) :- 329 sort(Keys, SortedKeys), 330 maplist(dict_slice(SortedKeys), DictsIn, DictsOut). 331 332dict_slice(Keys, DictIn, DictOut) :- 333 dict_pairs(DictIn, Tag, PairsIn), 334 slice_pairs(Keys, PairsIn, PairsOut), 335 dict_pairs(DictOut, Tag, PairsOut). 336 337slice_pairs([], _, []) :- !. 338slice_pairs(_, [], []) :- !. 339slice_pairs([H|T0], [P|PL], Pairs) :- 340 P = K-_, 341 compare(D, H, K), 342 ( D == (=) 343 -> Pairs = [P|More], 344 slice_pairs(T0, PL, More) 345 ; D == (<) 346 -> slice_pairs(T0, [P|PL], Pairs) 347 ; slice_pairs([H|T0], PL, Pairs) 348 ).
is used. For example:
?- Dicts = [_{x:1}, _{x:2, y:3}], dicts_to_compounds(Dicts, [x], dict_fill(null), Compounds). Compounds = [row(1), row(2)]. ?- Dicts = [_{x:1}, _{x:2, y:3}], dicts_to_compounds(Dicts, [x,y], dict_fill(null), Compounds). Compounds = [row(1, null), row(2, 3)]. ?- Compounds = [point(1,1), point(2,4)], dicts_to_compounds(Dicts, [x,y], dict_fill(null), Compounds). Dicts = [point{x:1, y:1}, point{x:2, y:4}].
When converting from Dicts to Compounds Keys may be computed by dicts_same_keys/2.
375dicts_to_compounds(Dicts, Keys, OnEmpty, Compounds) :- 376 maplist(dict_to_compound(Keys, OnEmpty), Dicts, Compounds). 377 378dict_to_compound(Keys, OnEmpty, Dict, Row) :- 379 is_dict(Dict, Tag), 380 !, 381 default_tag(Tag, row), 382 maplist(key_value(Dict, OnEmpty), Keys, Values), 383 compound_name_arguments(Row, Tag, Values). 384dict_to_compound(Keys, _, Dict, Row) :- 385 compound(Row), 386 compound_name_arguments(Row, Tag, Values), 387 pairs_keys_values(Pairs, Keys, Values), 388 dict_pairs(Dict, Tag, Pairs). 389 390default_tag(Tag, Tag) :- !. 391default_tag(_, _). 392 393key_value(Dict, OnEmpty, Key, Value) :- 394 ( get_dict(Key, Dict, Value0) 395 -> Value = Value0 396 ; call(OnEmpty, Key, Dict, Value) 397 )
Dict utilities
This library defines utilities that operate on lists of dicts, notably to make lists of dicts consistent by adding missing keys, converting between lists of compounds and lists of dicts, joining and slicing lists of dicts. */