1/* Part of SWI-Prolog 2 3 Author: Mike Elston 4 Matt Lilley 5 E-mail: matt.s.lilley@gmail.com 6 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 7 Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Mike Elston, Matt Lilley 8 All rights reserved. 9 10 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 11 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 12 are met: 13 14 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 15 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 16 17 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 18 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 19 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 20 distribution. 21 22 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 23 "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 24 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 25 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 26 COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 27 INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 28 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 29 LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 30 CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 31 LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 32 ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 33 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 34*/ 35 36/* PostgreSQL is a trademark of the PostgreSQL Global Development Group. 37 Microsoft, SQL Server, and Windows are either registered trademarks or 38 trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other 39 countries. SQLite is a registered trademark of Hipp, Wyrick & Company, 40 Inc in the United States. All other trademarks or registered trademarks 41 are the property of their respective owners. 42*/ 43 44:-module(cql, 45 [ 46 cql_execute/1, 47 cql_error/3, 48 cql_data_type/10, 49 cql_get_module_default_schema/2, 50 cql_goal_expansion/3, 51 cql_event_notification_table/2, 52 cql_history_attribute/3, 53 cql_identity/3, 54 cql_odbc_select_statement/4, 55 cql_odbc_state_change_statement/7, 56 cql_portray/2, 57 cql_var_check/1, 58 cql_post_state_change_select_sql/4, 59 cql_pre_state_change_select_sql/7, 60 cql_runtime/7, 61 cql_update_history_hook/14, 62 cql_set_module_default_schema/1, 63 cql_show/2, 64 cql_state_change_statistics_sql/8, 65 cql_statement_location/2, 66 cql_temporary_column_name/4, 67 cql_log/4, 68 cql_normalize_name/3, 69 cql_sql_clause/3, 70 default_schema/1, 71 odbc_execute_with_statistics/4, 72 cql_access_token_to_user_id/2, 73 dbms/2, 74 odbc_data_type/4, 75 attribute_domain/4, 76 database_identity/3, 77 database_key/5, 78 primary_key_column_name/3, 79 statistic_monitored_attribute/3, 80 domain_database_data_type/2, 81 database_attribute/8, 82 database_domain/2, 83 routine_return_type/3, 84 database_constraint/4, 85 in_line_format/4, 86 row_count/2, 87 sql_gripe/3, 88 op(400, xfy, (::)), 89 op(900, fy, exists), 90 op(750, yfx, *==), 91 op(750, yfx, =*=), 92 op(750, yfx, ==*), 93 op(740, yfx, on), 94 op(700, xfx, =~), 95 op(700, xfx, \=~), 96 op(200, fy, #), 97 op(920, fy, ???), 98 op(920, fy, ??), 99 op(920, fy, ?) 100 ]). 101 102:-license(swipl). 103 104:-use_module(library(chr)). 105:-use_module(library(dcg/basics)). 106:-use_module(library(debug)). 107:-use_module(library(cql/sql_parser)). 108:-use_module(library(cql/sql_tokenizer)). 109:-use_module(library(cql/sql_write)). 110:-use_module(library(cql/sql_keywords)). 111:-use_module(library(cql/cql_database)). 112:-reexport(cql_database, [register_database_connection_details/2, 113 cql_transaction/3]).
1289:-chr_option(line_numbers, on). 1290:-chr_option(check_guard_bindings, error). 1291:-chr_option(debug, off). 1292:-chr_option(optimize, full). 1293:-chr_option(guard_simplification, off). % Added to stop trail overflowing 1294 1295:-chr_type list(T) ---> [] ; [T|list(T)]. 1296 1297:-chr_type 'AggregationOperator' ---> count ; max ; min ; avg ; sum. 1298:-chr_type 'AggregationVariable' == any. 1299:-chr_type 'ApplicationValue' == any. 1300:-chr_type 'DebugMode' ---> explicit. 1301:-chr_type 'DictinctionType' ---> no_distinction ; distinct_on_specified_attributes ; distinct_on_all_select_attributes. 1302:-chr_type 'Dsn' == any. 1303:-chr_type 'Attribute' ---> attribute('Schema', 'TableAlias', 'AttributeName'). 1304:-chr_type 'AttributeName' == any. 1305:-chr_type 'AttributeNameValuePair' ---> 'AttributeName'-'ApplicationValue'. 1306:-chr_type 'BooleanOperator' ---> and ; or. 1307:-chr_type 'ComparisonOperator' ---> < ; =< ; == ; \== ; >= ; > ; (=~) ; (=\=) ; (=:=). 1308:-chr_type 'CompilationInstruction' ---> if_var('Variable') ; if_not_var('Variable') ; if_null('Variable') ; if_not_null('Variable') ; list('Variable') ; empty('Variable') ; not_empty('Variable') ; compile ; and('CompilationInstruction', 'CompilationInstruction'). 1309:-chr_type 'CompileMode' ---> runtime ; compiletime. 1310:-chr_type 'ConjunctionGoal' == any. 1311:-chr_type 'ConjunctionVariable' == any. 1312:-chr_type 'Connection' == any. 1313:-chr_type 'Constraints' == any. 1314:-chr_type 'ClockTime' == any. 1315:-chr_type 'CpuTime' == any. 1316:-chr_type 'Cql' == any. 1317:-chr_type 'Disposition' ---> top ; where ; having ; join. 1318:-chr_type 'EqualityRestrictionVariableUsed' ---> equality_restriction_variable_used. 1319:-chr_type 'Expression' == any. 1320:-chr_type 'ExternalVariable' == any. 1321:-chr_type 'FileName' == any. 1322:-chr_type 'Format' == any. 1323:-chr_type 'FormatArg' == any. 1324:-chr_type 'Goal' == any. 1325:-chr_type 'Having' == any. 1326:-chr_type 'Identity' == int. 1327:-chr_type 'Inferences' == any. 1328:-chr_type 'InputVariable' == 'Variable'. 1329:-chr_type 'Join' == any. 1330:-chr_type 'JoinTreeNode' == any. 1331:-chr_type 'JoinType' ---> 'INNER JOIN' ; 'LEFT OUTER JOIN' ; 'RIGHT OUTER JOIN'. 1332:-chr_type 'Keep' ---> 1. 1333:-chr_type 'LineNumber' == int. 1334:-chr_type 'N' == int. 1335:-chr_type 'OdbcCachingOption' ---> do_not_cache_odbc_statement ; cache_odbc_statement. 1336:-chr_type 'OdbcDataType' ---> varchar(int) ; decimal(int, int) ; timestamp ; integer ; bit. 1337:-chr_type 'LogicalType' ---> varchar ; decimal ; timestamp ; integer ; boolean. 1338:-chr_type 'OdbcInput' == any. 1339:-chr_type 'OdbcOutput' == any. 1340:-chr_type 'OdbcParameter' ---> odbc_parameter('Schema', 'TableName', 'AttributeName', 'ApplicationValue', 'OdbcParameterUse', 'OdbcDataType') % OdbcDataType unbound if no override required 1341 ; odbc_explicit_type_parameter('OdbcDataType', 'ApplicationValue', 'OdbcParameterUse'). 1342:-chr_type 'OdbcParameterUse' ---> insert_value ; update_value ; evaluated_update_attribute ; evaluated_update_parameter ; where_value ; top_value. 1343:-chr_type 'On' == any. 1344:-chr_type 'OrderBy' ---> +('Variable') ; -('Variable'). 1345:-chr_type 'Output' ---> output('Schema', 'TableName', 'AttributeName', 'Variable') ; 1346 ignore_output ; 1347 count('Variable') ; 1348 avg('Variable') ; % PostgreSQL 1349 selection_constant('Schema', 'TableName', 'AttributeName', 'Variable'). 1350:-chr_type 'Phase' ---> initial ; distinct ; top ; select_attributes ; from ; where ; group_by ; having ; order_by ; union ; limit. 1351:-chr_type 'PreparedStatement' == any. 1352:-chr_type 'PrimaryKeyAttributeName' == 'AttributeName'. 1353:-chr_type 'PrimaryKeyValue' == any. 1354:-chr_type 'QueryId' == any. 1355:-chr_type 'QueryLevel' ---> top_level_query ; sub_query. 1356:-chr_type 'Reason' == any. 1357:-chr_type 'ResultSpec' == any. 1358:-chr_type 'Resolved' ---> resolved. 1359:-chr_type 'RestrictionExpression' == any. 1360:-chr_type 'RestrictionType' ---> where ; having ; join. 1361:-chr_type 'RestrictionTree' ---> true ; 1362 comparison('ApplicationValue', 'ComparisonOperator', 'ApplicationValue') ; 1363 sub_query('SubQueryType', list('SqlToken'), 'Tail', list('OdbcParameter')) ; 1364 and('RestrictionTree', 'RestrictionTree') ; 1365 or('RestrictionTree', 'RestrictionTree'). 1366:-chr_type 'Row' == any. 1367:-chr_type 'StateChangeType' ---> insert ; update ; delete. 1368:-chr_type 'QueryType' ---> insert ; update ; delete ; select. 1369:-chr_type 'Schema' == any. 1370:-chr_type 'SelectAttribute' ---> select_attribute('SelectBindingType', 'Schema', 'TableName', 'TableAlias', 'AttributeName'). 1371:-chr_type 'SelectAttributeWithSize' ---> 'Size'-'SelectAttributeInfo'. 1372:-chr_type 'SelectAttributeInfo' ---> select_info('CompilationInstruction', list('SqlToken'), 'Tail', 'Output'). 1373:-chr_type 'SelectAttributeVariableUsed' ---> select_attribute_variable_used. 1374:-chr_type 'SelectBindingType' ---> plain ; aggregation('AggregationOperator'). 1375:-chr_type 'SelectionType' ---> aggregation_selection ; non_aggregation_selection. 1376:-chr_type 'Side' ---> lhs ; rhs. 1377:-chr_type 'Size' == any. 1378:-chr_type 'SqlToken' == any. 1379:-chr_type 'SqlComparisonOperator' ---> < ; <= ; = ; <> ; >= ; > . 1380:-chr_type 'SubQueryType' ---> exists ; \+ . 1381:-chr_type 'Tail' == any. 1382:-chr_type 'TableAlias' == any. 1383:-chr_type 'TableName' == any. 1384:-chr_type 'Variable' == any. 1385:-chr_type 'VariablePair' ---> 'Variable'-'Variable'. 1386:-chr_type 'When' ---> pre_state_change ; post_state_change. 1387 1388 1389 1390:-chr_constraint absence_of_where_restriction_is_deliberate. 1391:-chr_constraint add_on(-'Join', ?'On'). 1392:-chr_constraint aggregation_sub_query(-'QueryId', ?'TableName', ?'TableAlias', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?list('ApplicationValue')). 1393:-chr_constraint aggregation_variable(-'QueryId', +'AggregationOperator', ?'AggregationVariable'). 1394:-chr_constraint attribute_binding(-'QueryId', ?'Attribute', ?'ApplicationValue'). 1395:-chr_constraint attribute_for_group_by(-'QueryId', ?'TableAlias', +'AttributeName', ?'Variable'). 1396:-chr_constraint attribute_for_order_by(-'QueryId', ?'TableAlias', +'AttributeName', ?'Variable'). 1397:-chr_constraint attribute_to_check(+'Schema', +'TableName', ?'AttributeNameValuePair'). 1398:-chr_constraint attributes_to_check(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', ?list('AttributeNameValuePair')). 1399:-chr_constraint call_history_hook(-'QueryId', +'Connection'). 1400:-chr_constraint call_row_change_hooks(-'QueryId', +'Connection'). 1401:-chr_constraint check_for_orphan_distincts. 1402:-chr_constraint check_for_orphan_group_bys. 1403:-chr_constraint check_for_orphan_order_bys. 1404:-chr_constraint check_for_orphan_select_attributes_in_aggregations. 1405:-chr_constraint check_for_orphan_select_variables_in_updates. 1406:-chr_constraint check_for_top_without_order_by. 1407:-chr_constraint check_for_unjoined_tables. 1408:-chr_constraint check_query. 1409:-chr_constraint cleanup_compile. 1410:-chr_constraint cleanup_cql_post_state_change_select_sql(-'QueryId'). 1411:-chr_constraint collect_indices(-'QueryId'). 1412:-chr_constraint collect_runtime_constraints(?'Constraints'). 1413:-chr_constraint collect_select_attributes(-'QueryId', +list('SelectAttributeWithSize')). 1414:-chr_constraint comparison(-'QueryId', ?'ApplicationValue', +'ComparisonOperator', ?'ApplicationValue'). 1415:-chr_constraint compile_mode(+'CompileMode'). 1416:-chr_constraint conjunction_constraints(?'Constraints'). 1417:-chr_constraint conjunction_goal(?'ConjunctionGoal'). 1418:-chr_constraint conjunction_variable(-'QueryId', ?'ExternalVariable', ?'ConjunctionVariable'). 1419:-chr_constraint copy_of_from(-'QueryId', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?list('OdbcParameter')). 1420:-chr_constraint find_copy_of_from(-'QueryId', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?list('OdbcParameter')). 1421:-chr_constraint cql2_variable(-'QueryId', -'Variable', ?'RestrictionTree'). 1422:-chr_constraint cql_execute(+'OdbcCachingOption'). 1423:-chr_constraint cql_fully_compiled. 1424:-chr_constraint cql_identity(-'QueryId', +'Schema', ?'Identity'). 1425:-chr_constraint cql_odbc_select_statement(+'Schema', +'SqlToken', ?list('OdbcParameter'), ?list('Output')). 1426:-chr_constraint cql_odbc_state_change_statement(-'QueryId', +'StateChangeType', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'SqlToken', ?list('OdbcParameter'), ?list('Output')). 1427:-chr_constraint cql_post_state_change_select_sql(-'QueryId', +list('AttributeName'), +'OdbcDataType', +'SqlToken'). 1428:-chr_constraint cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'AttributeName', +'SqlToken', +list('AttributeName'), +list('OdbcParameter')). 1429:-chr_constraint cql_state_change_statistics_sql(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'StateChangeType', +'SqlToken', +list('AttributeName'), ?list('OdbcParameter'), ?list('OdbcParameter')). 1430:-chr_constraint cql_statement_location(+'FileName', +'LineNumber'). 1431:-chr_constraint create_cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(-'QueryId', +'StateChangeType', +list('SqlToken'), +'TableName', ?list('OdbcParameter')). 1432:-chr_constraint create_cql_state_change_statistics_sql(-'QueryId', +'StateChangeType', +list('SqlToken'), +'TableName', ?list('OdbcParameter')). 1433:-chr_constraint create_in_line_joins. 1434:-chr_constraint create_join_points. 1435:-chr_constraint create_restrictions. 1436:-chr_constraint create_select_bindings. 1437:-chr_constraint debug_after(+'Reason', ?'ResultSpec'). 1438:-chr_constraint debug_before(+'Format', +'Schema', +'FormatArg'). 1439:-chr_constraint debug_statistics(+'CpuTime', +'ClockTime', +'Inferences'). 1440:-chr_constraint delete_row(-'QueryId', +'TableName', ?'TableAlias'). 1441:-chr_constraint determine_select_distinction(-'QueryId'). 1442:-chr_constraint determine_select_distinctions. 1443:-chr_constraint determine_selection_type. 1444:-chr_constraint dictionary_addendum(-'QueryId', ?'ExternalVariable', ?'ConjunctionVariable'). 1445:-chr_constraint dictionary_lookup(-'QueryId', ?'ExternalVariable', ?'ConjunctionVariable'). 1446:-chr_constraint distinct(-'QueryId', -'Variable'). 1447:-chr_constraint distincts(-'QueryId', ?list('Variable')). 1448:-chr_constraint equality_restriction_variable(?'ApplicationValue', ?'EqualityRestrictionVariableUsed'). 1449:-chr_constraint event(-'QueryId'). 1450:-chr_constraint expression_where_restriction_variable(?'Variable'). 1451:-chr_constraint fully_compile. 1452:-chr_constraint generate_sub_query_sql. 1453:-chr_constraint get_conjunction_constraints(?'Constraints'). 1454:-chr_constraint group_by(-'QueryId', -'Variable'). 1455:-chr_constraint group_bys(-'QueryId', ?list('Variable')). 1456:-chr_constraint identify_insert_row(+'StateChangeType', -'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'Connection', ?'Identity'). 1457:-chr_constraint identify_post_state_change_values(-'QueryId', +'Connection'). 1458:-chr_constraint identify_pre_state_change_values(-'QueryId', +'StateChangeType', +'Connection'). 1459:-chr_constraint ignore_if_null(?'Variable', ?'Variable'). 1460:-chr_constraint implicit_join(-'QueryId', +'TableAlias', -'QueryId'). % PostgreSQL only 1461:-chr_constraint implicit_join_link(-'QueryId', -'QueryId'). % PostgreSQL only 1462:-chr_constraint implicit_join_sql(-'QueryId', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail'). % PostgreSQL only 1463:-chr_constraint fetch_implicit_join_sql(-'QueryId', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail'). % PostgreSQL only 1464:-chr_constraint in_line_format(-'QueryId', +'Format', ?list('FormatArg'), ?'ApplicationValue'). 1465:-chr_constraint include_select_attribute(-'QueryId', ?'CompilationInstruction', +'Size', +list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?'Output'). 1466:-chr_constraint insert(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', +list('AttributeNameValuePair')). 1467:-chr_constraint instantiate_table_aliases. 1468:-chr_constraint join(-'QueryId', -'Join', -'Join', +'JoinType', -'Join'). 1469:-chr_constraint join_alias(-'Join', +'Side', ?'TableAlias'). 1470:-chr_constraint join_leaf(-'Join', ?'TableAlias'). 1471:-chr_constraint join_on(?'TableAlias', +'AttributeName', ?'TableAlias', +'AttributeName'). 1472:-chr_constraint join_pointer(-'QueryId', -'Join'). 1473:-chr_constraint join_tree_node(-'QueryId', -'Join', +'JoinTreeNode'). 1474:-chr_constraint join_tree_nodes(-'QueryId', +list('JoinTreeNode')). 1475:-chr_constraint join_variable(?'Variable'). 1476:-chr_constraint limit(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'N'). 1477:-chr_constraint log_select(+'SqlToken', +list('OdbcInput')). 1478:-chr_constraint log_state_change(+'SqlToken', +'StateChangeType', +list('OdbcInput')). 1479:-chr_constraint next_group_by_attribute_needs_comma(-'QueryId'). 1480:-chr_constraint next_in_list_value_needs_comma(-'QueryId'). 1481:-chr_constraint next_order_by_attribute_needs_comma(-'QueryId'). 1482:-chr_constraint no_debug. 1483:-chr_constraint no_sql_statement_generated. 1484:-chr_constraint no_state_change_actions(-'QueryId'). 1485:-chr_constraint no_where_restriction(+'StateChangeType'). 1486:-chr_constraint not_a_singleton(+'Variable'). 1487:-chr_constraint nolock(-'QueryId', ?'TableAlias'). 1488:-chr_constraint number_of_rows_affected(-'QueryId', +'Connection', ?'N'). 1489 1490:-chr_constraint odbc_select_disjunction(?'Goal'). 1491%:-chr_meta_predicate(odbc_select_disjunction(0)). 1492 1493:-chr_constraint odbc_select_statement(+'Schema', +'SqlToken', ?list('OdbcParameter'), ?list('Output')). 1494:-chr_constraint on(-'Join', ?'Resolved', ?'On'). 1495:-chr_constraint order_bys(-'QueryId', ?list('OrderBy')). 1496:-chr_constraint original_cql(?'Cql'). 1497:-chr_constraint original_human_query(?'Cql'). 1498:-chr_constraint outer_side_join(-'Join'). 1499:-chr_constraint phase(-'QueryId', +'Phase'). 1500:-chr_constraint post_execute_cleanup. 1501:-chr_constraint post_state_change_select_statement(-'QueryId', +list('AttributeName'), +'OdbcDataType', +'PreparedStatement'). 1502:-chr_constraint postgres_identity(-'QueryId', ?'Identity'). 1503:-chr_constraint prepare_odbc_statements. 1504:-chr_constraint prior_to_execution. 1505:-chr_constraint query(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'QueryLevel'). 1506:-chr_constraint query_table_alias(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', ?'TableAlias'). 1507:-chr_constraint query_type(-'QueryId', +'QueryType'). 1508:-chr_constraint remove_query(-'QueryId', -'QueryId'). 1509:-chr_constraint resolve_join_points(-'Join', ?'On', ?'On'). 1510:-chr_constraint resolve_join_points. 1511:-chr_constraint restriction_leaf(-'QueryId', +'Disposition', ?'RestrictionTree'). 1512:-chr_constraint restriction_tree(-'QueryId', +'Disposition', ?'RestrictionTree'). 1513:-chr_constraint row_count(-'QueryId', ?'N'). 1514:-chr_constraint runtime_constraints(?'Constraints'). 1515:-chr_constraint search_for_join_aliases(-'Join', +'Side', -'Join'). 1516:-chr_constraint select_attribute(-'QueryId', ?'SelectAttribute', ?'Keep', ?'SelectAttributeVariableUsed', ?'Variable'). 1517:-chr_constraint select_attribute_for_disjunction_comparison(-'QueryId', ?'SelectAttribute'). 1518:-chr_constraint select_attribute_written(-'QueryId'). 1519:-chr_constraint select_attributes_for_disjunction_comparison(-'QueryId', ?list('SelectAttribute')). 1520:-chr_constraint select_binding(-'QueryId', ?'SelectBindingType', ?'Attribute', ?'ApplicationValue'). 1521:-chr_constraint select_distinction(-'QueryId', +'DictinctionType'). 1522:-chr_constraint select_for_insert_variable(-'QueryId', ?'Variable', +'TableName'). 1523:-chr_constraint select_for_insert_variables(?list('Variable'), +'TableName'). 1524:-chr_constraint selection_type(-'QueryId', +'SelectionType'). 1525:-chr_constraint show_debug(+'DebugMode'). 1526:-chr_constraint simplify. 1527:-chr_constraint solve. 1528:-chr_constraint sql_not(-'QueryId', -'QueryId'). 1529:-chr_constraint sql_statement(-'QueryId', +list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', +list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', +list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?list('OdbcParameter'), ?list('OdbcParameter'), ?list('Output')). 1530:-chr_constraint state_change_query(-'QueryId', +'StateChangeType', +'Schema', +'TableName'). 1531:-chr_constraint state_change_value(-'QueryId', +'StateChangeType', +'When', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'PrimaryKeyAttributeName', +'PrimaryKeyValue', +'AttributeName', +'OdbcOutput'). 1532:-chr_constraint store_equality_restriction_variables(?list('Variable')). 1533:-chr_constraint store_ignore_if_null_variables(?list('VariablePair')). 1534:-chr_constraint sub_query(-'QueryId', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?list('OdbcParameter')). 1535:-chr_constraint sub_query_join_variable(?'Variable'). 1536:-chr_constraint sub_query_restriction(-'QueryId', +'SubQueryType', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?list('OdbcParameter')). 1537:-chr_constraint sub_query_select(-'QueryId'). 1538:-chr_constraint referenced_table(+'TableName'). 1539:-chr_constraint referenced_tables(?list('TableName')). 1540:-chr_constraint representative_attribute(?'Expression', +'Schema', -'TableName', -'AttributeName'). 1541:-chr_constraint runtime_instantiation_check(-'QueryId', -'Variable'). 1542:-chr_constraint tables_to_remove(+'Schema', +list('Identity')). 1543:-chr_constraint temporary_table(+'Schema', +'Identity'). 1544:-chr_constraint temporary_tables(+'Schema', +list('Identity')). 1545:-chr_constraint top(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'N'). 1546:-chr_constraint unify(?'Variable', ?'Variable'). 1547:-chr_constraint unify_ignore_if_null_variables. 1548:-chr_constraint union_outputs(-'QueryId', ?list('Output'), ?list('Variable')). 1549:-chr_constraint update(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', ?'TableAlias', ?list('AttributeNameValuePair')). 1550:-chr_constraint update_table_alias(-'QueryId', +'Schema', -'Join', ?'TableAlias'). 1551:-chr_constraint update_table_key(-'QueryId', +'Schema', ?list('AttributeNameValuePair')). 1552:-chr_constraint updated_row(-'QueryId', +'StateChangeType', +'When', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'PrimaryKeyAttributeName', +'PrimaryKeyValue', +list('AttributeNameValuePair')). 1553:-chr_constraint updated_row_primary_key(-'QueryId', +'StateChangeType', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'PrimaryKeyAttributeName', +'PrimaryKeyValue'). 1554:-chr_constraint updated_rows(-'QueryId', +'StateChangeType', +'When', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'AttributeName', +list('AttributeName'), +list('Row')). 1555:-chr_constraint variables_to_attributes(?'Expression', ?'Expression'). 1556:-chr_constraint where_restriction_variable(?'Variable'). 1557:-chr_constraint write_expression(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'AttributeName', ?'TableAlias', ?'Expression'). 1558:-chr_constraint write_group_by_attribute(-'QueryId', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail'). 1559:-chr_constraint write_group_bys(-'QueryId'). 1560:-chr_constraint write_in_list(-'QueryId', +'Disposition', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'AttributeName', +list('ApplicationValue')). 1561:-chr_constraint write_insert_attribute_name(-'QueryId', +'AttributeName'). 1562:-chr_constraint write_insert_attribute_names(-'QueryId', +list('AttributeNameValuePair')). 1563:-chr_constraint write_insert_value(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'AttributeName', ?'ApplicationValue'). 1564:-chr_constraint write_insert_values(-'QueryId', +'Schema', +'TableName', ?list('AttributeNameValuePair')). 1565:-chr_constraint write_join(-'QueryId', -'Join'). 1566:-chr_constraint write_join_ons(-'QueryId', ?'On'). 1567:-chr_constraint write_limit. 1568:-chr_constraint write_lock_hint(-'QueryId', +'Schema', ?'TableAlias'). 1569:-chr_constraint write_order_by(-'QueryId', ?'OrderBy'). 1570:-chr_constraint write_order_by_attribute(-'QueryId', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail'). 1571:-chr_constraint write_order_bys(-'QueryId', ?list('OrderBy')). 1572:-chr_constraint write_query_sql. 1573:-chr_constraint write_restriction(-'QueryId', ?'CompilationInstruction', +'Disposition', ?'ApplicationValue', +'ComparisonOperator', ?'ApplicationValue'). 1574:-chr_constraint write_restriction_1(-'QueryId', ?'CompilationInstruction', +'Disposition', +'OdbcDataType', ?'OdbcDataType', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'AttributeName', ?'RestrictionExpression', +'ComparisonOperator', ?'RestrictionExpression'). 1575:-chr_constraint write_restriction_expression(-'QueryId', ?'CompilationInstruction', +'Disposition', ?'OdbcDataType', +'OdbcDataType', +'Schema', +'TableName', +'AttributeName', ?'RestrictionExpression'). 1576:-chr_constraint write_restriction_tree(-'QueryId', +'Disposition', ?'RestrictionTree'). 1577:-chr_constraint write_select_attribute(-'QueryId', ?'CompilationInstruction', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?'Output'). 1578:-chr_constraint write_select_attribute_1(-'QueryId', ?'CompilationInstruction', ?list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?'Output'). 1579:-chr_constraint write_select_attributes(-'QueryId'). 1580:-chr_constraint write_sql(-'QueryId', ?'CompilationInstruction', +'Disposition', +list('SqlToken'), ?'Tail', ?list('OdbcParameter'), ?list('Output')). 1581:-chr_constraint write_update_attribute(-'QueryId', ?'TableAlias', +'AttributeName', ?'ApplicationValue'). 1582:-chr_constraint write_update_attributes(-'QueryId', ?'TableAlias', ?list('AttributeNameValuePair')). 1583 1584 1585:-op(400, xfy, (::)). % CQL 1586:-op(900, fy, exists). % CQL 1587:-op(750, yfx, *==). % CQL 1588:-op(750, yfx, =*=). % CQL 1589:-op(750, yfx, ==*). % CQL 1590:-op(740, yfx, on). % CQL 1591:-op(700, xfx, =~). % CQL (LIKE) 1592:-op(700, xfx, \=~). % CQL (NOT LIKE) 1593:-op(200, fy, #). % CQL (nolock) 1594:-op(920, fy, ???). % Debugging 1595:-op(920, fy, ??). % Debugging 1596:-op(920, fy, ?). % Debugging
1604:-dynamic 1605 module_default_schema/2. 1606 1607cql_set_module_default_schema(Schema) :- % + 1608 prolog_load_context(module, Module), 1609 set_module_default_schema(Module, Schema). 1610 1611 1612 1613set_module_default_schema(Module, % + 1614 Schema) :- % + 1615 retractall(module_default_schema(Module, _)), 1616 assert(module_default_schema(Module, Schema)).
1621cql_get_module_default_schema(Module, % + 1622 ModuleDefaultSchema) :- % ? 1623 1624 ( module_default_schema(Module, Schema) -> 1625 ModuleDefaultSchema = Schema 1626 ; 1627 default_schema(ModuleDefaultSchema) 1628 ). 1629 1630% This lets me control the compiletime checks via an environment variable 1631:-dynamic(do_cql_compiletime_checks/1). 1632do_cql_compiletime_checks:- 1633 ( do_cql_compiletime_checks(Status)-> 1634 Status == true 1635 ; getenv('CQL_COMPILETIME_CHECKS', Atom)-> 1636 assert(do_cql_compiletime_checks(Atom)), 1637 Atom == true 1638 ; otherwise-> 1639 assert(do_cql_compiletime_checks(false)), 1640 fail 1641 ). 1642 1643cql_compiletime_checks(Schema, Goals):- 1644 forall(cql_sql_clause(Goals, SQL, Parameters), 1645 check_decompilation(Schema, SQL, Parameters)). 1646 1647check_decompilation(Schema, HalfCompiledSql, HalfCompiledOdbcParameters):- 1648 dbms(Schema, DBMS), 1649 ( fully_compile_sql(HalfCompiledSql, HalfCompiledOdbcParameters, [], Sql, OdbcParameters, _), 1650 atom_codes(Sql, SqlCodes), 1651 sql_tokens(Tokens, SqlCodes, []), 1652 findall(test, 1653 ( member(odbc_parameter(_, _, _, _, _, _), OdbcParameters) 1654 ; member(odbc_explicit_type_parameter(_, _, _), OdbcParameters) 1655 ), 1656 Bindings), 1657 sql_parse(action(Expression, _Types), _, [dbms(DBMS)], Tokens), 1658 with_output_to(atom(Atom), sql_write(current_output, Expression, [dbms(DBMS), parameter_bindings(Bindings), suppress_collations]))-> 1659 % Make sure that the COLLATEs are all removed 1660 \+sub_atom(Atom, _, _, _, 'COLLATE') 1661 ; otherwise-> 1662 prolog_load_context(source, FileName), 1663 prolog_load_context(term_position, TermPosition), 1664 stream_position_data(line_count, TermPosition, LineNumber), 1665 format(user_error, 'Could not decompile generated CQL: ~w~n~q~n', [FileName:LineNumber, HalfCompiledSql]) 1666 ).
Expand at runtime if the first term is compile_at_runtime
1680cql_goal_expansion(Schema, Cql, GoalExpansion) :- 1681 % {} is also used by clp(r,q) so make sure the CQL looks like CQL 1682 nonvar(Cql), 1683 Cql = (Arg, _), 1684 ( is_list(Arg) 1685 ; nonvar(Arg), 1686 Arg = compile_at_runtime(_) 1687 ), 1688 1689 \+current_prolog_flag(xref, true), % Prevent expansion when used by pldoc to prevent spurious CQL compile errors 1690 atom(Schema), 1691 ( cql_goal_expansion_1(Schema, Cql, GoalExpansion_) -> 1692 GoalExpansion = GoalExpansion_ 1693 ; 1694 throw(format('Cannot expand CQL: Schema = ~w, Cql=(~w)', [Schema, Cql])) 1695 ), 1696 ( do_cql_compiletime_checks -> 1697 setup_call_cleanup(assert(skip_cql_instantiation_check), 1698 cql_compiletime_checks(Schema, GoalExpansion), 1699 retract(skip_cql_instantiation_check)) 1700 ; otherwise-> 1701 true 1702 ). 1703 1704 1705cql_sql_clause(cql_odbc_state_change_statement(_, _, _, _, SQL, Parameters, _), SQL, Parameters). 1706cql_sql_clause(cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(_, _, _, _, SQL, _, Parameters), SQL, Parameters). 1707cql_sql_clause(cql_post_state_change_select_sql(_, _, Parameter, SQL), SQL, [odbc_explicit_type_parameter(Parameter, _, where_value)]). 1708cql_sql_clause(cql_odbc_select_statement(_, SQL, Parameters, _), SQL, Parameters). 1709cql_sql_clause((A, B), SQL, Parameters):- 1710 ( cql_sql_clause(A, SQL, Parameters) 1711 ; cql_sql_clause(B, SQL, Parameters) 1712 ). 1713 1714:-multifile(cql_dependency_hook/2). 1715:-multifile(cql_generated_sql_hook/3). 1716cql_goal_expansion_1(Schema, (CompilationDirective, CqlA), GoalExpansion) :- 1717 ( prolog_load_context(source, FileName), 1718 prolog_load_context(term_position, TermPosition), 1719 stream_position_data(line_count, TermPosition, LineNumber)-> 1720 DynamicallyCreatedCql = boolean(false) 1721 1722 ; otherwise -> 1723 DynamicallyCreatedCql = boolean(true), 1724 FileName = '<Dynamically created CQL - no source file>', 1725 LineNumber = 0 1726 ), 1727 1728 ( is_list(CompilationDirective), 1729 EqualityRestrictionVariables = CompilationDirective, 1730 forall(member(EqualityRestrictionVariable, EqualityRestrictionVariables), var(EqualityRestrictionVariable)) -> 1731 CqlB = (store_equality_restriction_variables(EqualityRestrictionVariables), 1732 original_cql(CqlA), 1733 cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber), 1734 CqlA), 1735 translate_to_constraints(Schema, CqlB, InitialConstraints), 1736 call(InitialConstraints), 1737 compile_mode(compiletime), 1738 fully_compile, 1739 runtime_constraints(cql_execute(cache_odbc_statement)), 1740 collect_runtime_constraints(GoalExpansion), 1741 referenced_tables(ReferencedTables), 1742 ( ReferencedTables \== [], 1743 DynamicallyCreatedCql == boolean(false) -> 1744 sort(ReferencedTables, ReferencedTableSet), % Remove duplicates 1745 file_base_name(FileName, FileBaseName), 1746 file_name_extension(Module, _, FileBaseName), 1747 ignore(cql_dependency_hook(ReferencedTableSet, Module)) 1748 1749 ; otherwise -> 1750 true 1751 ), 1752 ignore(cql_generated_sql_hook(FileName, LineNumber, GoalExpansion)) 1753 ; nonvar(CompilationDirective), 1754 CompilationDirective = compile_at_runtime(IgnoreIfNullVariables) -> 1755 % Should this be a compile warning? runtime-compilation should now be officially deprecated 1756 ( nonvar(IgnoreIfNullVariables) -> 1757 variable_map(IgnoreIfNullVariables, CqlA, CqlB, VariableMap) 1758 1759 ; otherwise -> 1760 true 1761 ), 1762 GoalExpansion = cql_runtime(Schema, IgnoreIfNullVariables, CqlA, CqlB, VariableMap, FileName, LineNumber) 1763 ; otherwise -> 1764 throw(error(domain_error(cql_compilation_directive, CompilationDirective), _)) 1765 ).
1771cql_runtime(Schema, IgnoreIfNullVariables, CqlA, CqlB, VariableMap, FileName, LineNumber) :- 1772 catch(cql_runtime_1(Schema, IgnoreIfNullVariables, CqlA, CqlB, VariableMap, FileName, LineNumber), 1773 format(Format, Arguments), % Want a backtrace for compile errors in compile_at_runtime statements at runtime 1774 cql_error(cql, Format, Arguments)). 1775 1776 1777cql_runtime_1(Schema, IgnoreIfNullVariables, CqlA, CqlB, VariableMap, FileName, LineNumber) :- 1778 ( var(VariableMap) -> 1779 % Handle the case where IgnoreIfNullVariables is dynamically generated 1780 variable_map(IgnoreIfNullVariables, CqlA, CqlB, VariableMap) 1781 1782 ; otherwise -> 1783 true 1784 ), 1785 CqlC = (store_ignore_if_null_variables(VariableMap), 1786 original_cql(CqlA), 1787 cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber), 1788 CqlB), 1789 translate_to_constraints(Schema, CqlC, InitialConstraints), 1790 call(InitialConstraints), 1791 fully_compile, 1792 cql_execute(do_not_cache_odbc_statement), 1793 referenced_tables(_). % Clean up 1794 1795 1796variable_map(IgnoreIfNullVariables, CqlA, CqlB, VariableMap) :- 1797 copy_term(CqlA, CqlB), 1798 term_variables(CqlA, ExternalVariables), 1799 term_variables(CqlB, InternalVariables), 1800 variable_map_1(ExternalVariables, InternalVariables, IgnoreIfNullVariables, VariableMap). 1801 1802 1803 1804variable_map_1([], [], _, []). 1805 1806variable_map_1([A|As], [B|Bs], IgnoreIfNullVariables, [A-B|VariableMap]) :- 1807 select(I, IgnoreIfNullVariables, Rest), 1808 I == A, !, 1809 variable_map_1(As, Bs, Rest, VariableMap). 1810 1811variable_map_1([V|As], [V|Bs], IgnoreIfNullVariables, VariableMap) :- 1812 variable_map_1(As, Bs, IgnoreIfNullVariables, VariableMap). 1813 1814 1815 1816translate_to_constraints(Schema, % + 1817 Cql, % + 1818 InitialConstraints) :- % ? 1819 create_variable_dictionary(Cql, [], CqlGround, Dictionary), 1820 findall(QueryId-Conjunction, 1821 translate_to_constraints_1(Schema, top_level_query, CqlGround, QueryId, Conjunction), 1822 Conjunctions), 1823 store_conjunctions(Conjunctions, Dictionary), 1824 conjunction_constraints(true), 1825 get_conjunction_constraints(InitialConstraints). 1826 1827 1828 1829store_conjunctions([], _). 1830 1831store_conjunctions([QueryId-Conjunction|Conjunctions], Dictionary) :- 1832 store_conjunction(Conjunction, QueryId, Dictionary), 1833 store_conjunctions(Conjunctions, Dictionary). 1834 1835 1836 1837store_conjunction([], _, _). 1838 1839store_conjunction([Goal|Goals], QueryId, Dictionary) :- 1840 create_conjunction_variables(Goal, QueryId, Dictionary, ConjunctionGoal), 1841 conjunction_goal(ConjunctionGoal), 1842 store_conjunction(Goals, QueryId, Dictionary). 1843 1844 1845collect_conjunction_variables @ 1846 conjunction_constraints(Constraints), 1847 conjunction_variable(QueryId, ExternalVariable, ConjunctionVariable) 1848 <=> 1849 conjunction_constraints((conjunction_variable(QueryId, ExternalVariable, ConjunctionVariable), Constraints)). 1850 1851 1852collect_conjunction_goals @ 1853 conjunction_constraints(Constraints), 1854 conjunction_goal(ConjunctionGoal) 1855 <=> 1856 conjunction_constraints((ConjunctionGoal, Constraints)). 1857 1858 1859get_conjunction_constraints @ 1860 get_conjunction_constraints(Constraints), 1861 conjunction_constraints(C) 1862 <=> 1863 C = Constraints. 1864 1865 1866 1867create_variable_dictionary(Term, % + 1868 Dictionary, % + 1869 GroundTerm, % ? 1870 NewDictionary) :- % ? 1871 ( ground(Term) -> 1872 GroundTerm = Term, 1873 NewDictionary = Dictionary 1874 1875 ; var(Term) -> 1876 ( member(Variable-GroundTerm, Dictionary), 1877 Variable == Term -> 1878 NewDictionary = Dictionary 1879 ; var_property(Term, fresh(false))-> 1880 gensym(cql_stale_var_, UniqueAtom), 1881 GroundTerm = '$VAR'(UniqueAtom), 1882 NewDictionary = [Term-GroundTerm|Dictionary] 1883 ; otherwise-> 1884 gensym(cql_var_, UniqueAtom), 1885 GroundTerm = '$VAR'(UniqueAtom), 1886 NewDictionary = [Term-GroundTerm|Dictionary] 1887 ) 1888 1889 ; otherwise -> 1890 functor(Term, Name, Arity), 1891 functor(GroundTerm, Name, Arity), 1892 add_args_to_dictionary(Term, Dictionary, 1, Arity, GroundTerm, NewDictionary) 1893 ). 1894 1895 1896 1897add_args_to_dictionary(Term, Dictionary, N, Arity, GroundTerm, NewDictionary) :- 1898 ( N > Arity -> 1899 NewDictionary = Dictionary 1900 ; 1901 arg(N, Term, Arg), 1902 create_variable_dictionary(Arg, Dictionary, GroundArg, DictionaryA), 1903 arg(N, GroundTerm, GroundArg), 1904 NextN is N + 1, 1905 add_args_to_dictionary(Term, DictionaryA, NextN, Arity, GroundTerm, NewDictionary) 1906 ). 1907 1908 1909dictionary_lookup @ 1910 % This allows us to define new join points and tables as we compile (eep?) 1911 dictionary_addendum(QueryId, A, C) 1912 \ 1913 dictionary_lookup(QueryId, A, B) 1914 <=> 1915 B = C. 1916 1917failed_to_get_dictionary_addendum @ 1918 dictionary_lookup(_,_,_) 1919 <=> 1920 fail. 1921 1922cql_staleattr_unify_hook(_,_). 1923create_conjunction_variables(Term, QueryId, Dictionary, TermWithVariables) :- 1924 ( var(Term) -> 1925 TermWithVariables = Term 1926 ; memberchk(ExternalVariable-Term, Dictionary) -> 1927 conjunction_variable(QueryId, ExternalVariable, ConjunctionVariable), 1928 ( Term = '$VAR'(Key), 1929 atom_prefix(Key, cql_stale_var_)-> 1930 put_attr(ConjunctionVariable, cql_stale, 1) 1931 ; otherwise-> 1932 true 1933 ), 1934 TermWithVariables = ConjunctionVariable 1935 ; dictionary_lookup(QueryId, Term, Var)-> 1936 TermWithVariables = Var 1937 ; atomic(Term) -> 1938 TermWithVariables = Term 1939 1940 ; otherwise -> 1941 functor(Term, Name, Arity), 1942 functor(TermWithVariables, Name, Arity), 1943 add_arg_variables(Term, QueryId, Dictionary, 1, Arity, TermWithVariables) 1944 ). 1945 1946 1947 1948add_arg_variables(Term, QueryId, Dictionary, N, Arity, TermWithVariables) :- 1949 ( N > Arity -> 1950 true 1951 ; 1952 arg(N, Term, Arg), 1953 create_conjunction_variables(Arg, QueryId, Dictionary, NewArg), 1954 arg(N, TermWithVariables, NewArg), 1955 NextN is N + 1, 1956 add_arg_variables(Term, QueryId, Dictionary, NextN, Arity, TermWithVariables) 1957 ). 1958 1959 1960 1961share_conjunction_variable @ 1962 conjunction_variable(QueryId, ExternalVariable, ConjunctionVariableA) 1963 \ 1964 conjunction_variable(QueryId, ExternalVariable, ConjunctionVariableB) 1965 <=> 1966 ConjunctionVariableA = ConjunctionVariableB. 1967 1968 1969bind_conjunction_variable_if_external_variable_gets_bound @ 1970 conjunction_variable(_, ExternalVariable, ConjunctionVariable) 1971 <=> 1972 nonvar(ExternalVariable) 1973 | 1974 ConjunctionVariable = ExternalVariable. 1975 1976 1977bind_external_variables_once_fully_compiled @ 1978 cql_fully_compiled 1979 \ 1980 conjunction_variable(_, ExternalVariable, ConjunctionVariable) 1981 <=> 1982 ExternalVariable = ConjunctionVariable. 1983 1984 1985 1986translate_to_constraints_1(Schema, QueryLevel, Cql, QueryId, CqlConstraints) :- 1987 ( translate_to_constraints_2(Schema, QueryLevel, Cql, QueryId, CqlConstraints, []) *-> 1988 1989 ( msort(CqlConstraints, SortedCqlConstraints), 1990 nextto(state_change_query(_, _, _, _), state_change_query(_, _, _, _), SortedCqlConstraints) -> 1991 throw(format('Cannot mix state change queries in a single CQL statement', [])) 1992 ; 1993 true 1994 ) 1995 ; 1996 throw(format('Cannot translate CQL: ~w~n', [Cql])) 1997 ). 1998 1999 2000% translate_to_constraints_2//4 2001% 2002% QueryId is a variable identifying a query (or sub-query). The 2003% top of the JOIN and WHERE trees is the QueryId 2004 2005translate_to_constraints_2(Schema, QueryLevel, Cql, QueryId) --> 2006 translate(Schema, QueryId, QueryId, Cql), 2007 [query(QueryId, Schema, QueryLevel), 2008 restriction_tree(QueryId, where, true), 2009 sql_statement(QueryId, A, A, B, B, C, C, [], [], [])]. 2010 2011 2012% translate//4 2013 2014translate(_, _, _, compile_time_goal(Goal)) --> !, 2015 {(Goal = Module:Goal1 -> 2016 true 2017 ; otherwise-> 2018 prolog_load_context(module, Module), 2019 Goal1 = Goal 2020 )}, 2021 [Module:Goal1]. 2022 2023translate(_, _, _, original_cql(Cql)) --> !, 2024 [original_cql(Cql)]. 2025 2026translate(_, _, _, cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber)) --> !, 2027 [cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber)]. 2028 2029translate(_, _, _, store_equality_restriction_variables(EqualityRestrictionVariables)) --> !, 2030 [store_equality_restriction_variables(EqualityRestrictionVariables)]. 2031 2032translate(_, _, _, store_ignore_if_null_variables(VariableMap)) --> !, 2033 [store_ignore_if_null_variables(VariableMap)]. 2034 2035translate(_, _, _, Term) --> 2036 {functor(Term, \+, Arity), 2037 Arity \== 1, 2038 throw(format('Negation (\\+) is arity one ... add some parentheses: ~w', [Term]))}. 2039 2040translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, (Lhs ; Rhs)) --> !, % BTP (compile time!) 2041 (translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, Lhs) 2042 ; 2043 translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, Rhs)). 2044 2045translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, (Lhs, Rhs)) --> !, 2046 translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, Lhs), 2047 translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, Rhs). 2048 2049 2050% if we update FROM in postgres, we get an automatic join to the table we're updating 2051% We need to push things from the @ :: [...] into the where clause, and not have them in the join 2052% in fact, we shouldn't even list the table in the join unless we're doing a self-join 2053% (or I guess an outer join). 2054 2055% I think that a right outer join in an update is the same as in inner join for all intents and purposes 2056translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, JoinTerm) --> 2057 {dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL')}, 2058 { JoinTerm =.. [JoinOperator, Lhs, on(Rhs, On)], 2059 (join(JoinOperator, 'INNER JOIN') ; join(JoinOperator, 'RIGHT OUTER JOIN')) 2060 }, 2061 {Lhs = (@ :: _) ; Rhs = (@ :: _)}, 2062 !, 2063 translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, Lhs), 2064 translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, Rhs), 2065 translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, On), 2066 [implicit_join(QueryId, @, SubQueryId), 2067 implicit_join_link(QueryId, SubQueryId), 2068 on(SubQueryId, _, On)]. 2069 2070translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, JoinTerm) --> 2071 {dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL')}, 2072 { JoinTerm =.. [JoinOperator, Lhs, Rhs], 2073 (join(JoinOperator, 'INNER JOIN') ; join(JoinOperator, 'RIGHT OUTER JOIN')) 2074 }, 2075 {Lhs = (@ :: _) ; Rhs = (@ :: _)}, 2076 !, 2077 translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, Lhs), 2078 translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, Rhs), 2079 [implicit_join(QueryId, @, _)]. 2080 2081 2082% This gets very very unpleasant. To do a left outer join in the update, we have to first do an inner join the target 2083% and then outer join from THERE to complete. Postgres does NOT support left outer join in the from clause otherwise. 2084% note that FROM in an update is not standard SQL anyway. 2085translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, JoinTerm) --> 2086 {dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL')}, 2087 { JoinTerm =.. [JoinOperator, Lhs, Rhs], 2088 join(JoinOperator, 'LEFT OUTER JOIN') 2089 }, 2090 {Lhs = (@ :: Conditions)}, % don't allow for the target to be on the right. That doesn't really make a lot of sense anyway 2091 !, 2092 % Effectively we translate 2093 % @ :: [a-A, ...] ==* z :: [z-A, ...] 2094 % into 2095 % (@ :: [a-A, ..., pk-Pk] =*= @@ :: [pk-Pk]) ==* z :: [z-A, ...] 2096 % Where @@ is a symbol to mean 'the same table as the target but a different alias' 2097 % The first part of this is dropped as an implicit join 2098 2099 % First off, we need to save space for the key. If we don't add this cql_var_X to the 2100 % dictionary somehow, it will be translated as if cql_var_X were a literal for the WHERE clause 2101 {gensym(cql_var_, KeyInfo), 2102 dictionary_addendum(QueryId, KeyInfo, Variable), 2103 append(Conditions, KeyInfo, NewConditions)}, 2104 [update_table_key(QueryId, Schema, Variable)], 2105 translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, (@ :: KeyInfo =*= ((@@) :: NewConditions)) *== Rhs). 2106 2107 2108translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, JoinTerm) --> 2109 { JoinTerm =.. [JoinOperator, Lhs, on(Rhs, On)], 2110 join(JoinOperator, JoinType) 2111 }, !, 2112 translate(Schema, QueryId, LhsJoin, Lhs), 2113 translate(Schema, QueryId, RhsJoin, Rhs), 2114 2115 [on(ParentJoin, _, On), 2116 join(QueryId, ParentJoin, LhsJoin, JoinType, RhsJoin)]. 2117 2118translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, JoinTerm) --> 2119 { JoinTerm =.. [JoinOperator, Lhs, Rhs], 2120 join(JoinOperator, JoinType) 2121 }, 2122 !, 2123 translate(Schema, QueryId, LhsJoin, Lhs), 2124 translate(Schema, QueryId, RhsJoin, Rhs), 2125 2126 [join(QueryId, ParentJoin, LhsJoin, JoinType, RhsJoin)]. 2127 2128 2129 2130translate(Schema, 2131 QueryId, 2132 ParentJoin, 2133 @ :: AttributeNameValuePairs) --> !, % '@' means the update table 2134 [store_attribute_bindings(Schema, QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs), 2135 attributes_to_check(QueryId, Schema, @, AttributeNameValuePairs), 2136 update_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, ParentJoin, TableAlias)]. 2137 2138translate(Schema, 2139 QueryId, 2140 ParentJoin, 2141 (@@) :: AttributeNameValuePairs) --> !, % '@@' means a copy of update table 2142 [store_attribute_bindings(Schema, QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs), 2143 attributes_to_check(QueryId, Schema, @, AttributeNameValuePairs), 2144 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, (@@), TableAlias), 2145 join_leaf(ParentJoin, TableAlias)]. 2146 2147translate(Schema, 2148 QueryId, 2149 ParentJoin, 2150 #TableName :: AttributeNameValuePairs) --> !, % '#' means nolock 2151 translate_select(Schema, 2152 QueryId, 2153 ParentJoin, 2154 TableName, 2155 AttributeNameValuePairs, QueryTableAlias), 2156 [nolock(QueryId, QueryTableAlias)]. 2157 2158translate(Schema, 2159 QueryId, 2160 ParentJoin, 2161 TableName :: AttributeNameValuePairs) --> !, 2162 translate_select(Schema, 2163 QueryId, 2164 ParentJoin, 2165 TableName, 2166 AttributeNameValuePairs, 2167 _). 2168 2169translate(Schema, QueryId, _, insert(TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs)) --> !, 2170 {\+ duplicate_attributes(insert, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs)}, 2171 [insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs), 2172 query_type(QueryId, insert), 2173 attributes_to_check(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs), 2174 state_change_query(QueryId, insert, Schema, TableName)]. 2175 2176translate(Schema, QueryId, _, update(TableName, UpdateAttributeNameValuePairs)) --> !, 2177 {\+ duplicate_attributes(update, Schema, TableName, UpdateAttributeNameValuePairs)}, 2178 [update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, _, UpdateAttributeNameValuePairs), 2179 query_type(QueryId, update), 2180 attributes_to_check(QueryId, Schema, TableName, UpdateAttributeNameValuePairs), 2181 state_change_query(QueryId, update, Schema, TableName)]. 2182 2183translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, delete(TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs)) --> !, 2184 {\+ duplicate_attributes(delete, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs)}, 2185 [delete_row(QueryId, TableName, TableAlias), 2186 query_type(QueryId, delete), 2187 attributes_to_check(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs), 2188 store_attribute_bindings(Schema, QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs), 2189 join_leaf(ParentJoin, TableAlias), 2190 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias), 2191 state_change_query(QueryId, delete, Schema, TableName)]. 2192 2193translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, \+((Lhs, Rhs))) --> !, % De Morgan 2194 translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, (\+Lhs ; \+Rhs)). 2195 2196translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, \+((Lhs ; Rhs))) --> !, % De Morgan 2197 translate(Schema, QueryId, ParentJoin, (\+Lhs, \+Rhs)). 2198 2199translate(Schema, QueryId, _, \+Comparison) --> 2200 {simple_comparison(Schema, Comparison, _, InverseOperator, Lhs, Rhs)}, !, 2201 translate_comparison(QueryId, Schema, Lhs, InverseOperator, Rhs). 2202 2203translate(Schema, QueryId, _, Comparison) --> 2204 {simple_comparison(Schema, Comparison, Operator, _, Lhs, Rhs)}, !, 2205 translate_comparison(QueryId, Schema, Lhs, Operator, Rhs). 2206 2207translate(Schema, QueryId, _, \+ exists(Goals)) --> !, 2208 translate_sub_query(Schema, QueryId, \+ exists, Goals). 2209 2210translate(Schema, QueryId, _, exists(Goals)) --> !, 2211 translate_sub_query(Schema, QueryId, exists, Goals). 2212 2213translate(_, QueryId, _, group_by(GroupBys)) --> !, 2214 [group_bys(QueryId, GroupBys)]. 2215 2216translate(_, QueryId, _, order_by(OrderBys)) --> !, 2217 [order_bys(QueryId, OrderBys)]. 2218 2219translate(Schema, QueryId, _, having(Having)) --> !, 2220 {prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, Having, RestrictionTree)}, 2221 [restriction_tree(QueryId, having, RestrictionTree)]. 2222 2223translate(_, QueryId, _, distinct) --> !, 2224 [select_distinction(QueryId, distinct_on_all_select_attributes)]. 2225 2226translate(_, QueryId, _, distinct(Distincts)) --> !, 2227 [distincts(QueryId, Distincts)]. 2228 2229translate(Schema, QueryId, _, top(N)) --> !, 2230 [top(QueryId, Schema, N)]. 2231 2232translate(Schema, QueryId, _, identity(I)) --> !, 2233 [cql_identity(QueryId, Schema, I)]. 2234 2235translate(_, QueryId, _, row_count(N)) --> !, 2236 [row_count(QueryId, N)]. 2237 2238translate(_, _, _, absence_of_where_restriction_is_deliberate) --> !, 2239 [absence_of_where_restriction_is_deliberate]. 2240 2241translate(_, _, _, A=B) --> !, 2242 {(prolog_load_context(source, FileName), 2243 prolog_load_context(term_position, TermPosition), 2244 stream_position_data(line_count, TermPosition, LineNumber)-> 2245 true 2246 ; otherwise-> 2247 FileName = '<Dynamically created CQL - no source file>', 2248 LineNumber = 0 2249 ), 2250 print_message(warning, format('Unification in CQL is DEPRECATED (~w:~w)~n', [FileName, LineNumber]))}, 2251 [unify(A, B)]. 2252 2253translate(_, _, _, true) --> !, 2254 []. 2255 2256translate(_, QueryId, _, no_state_change_actions) --> !, 2257 [no_state_change_actions(QueryId)]. 2258 2259translate(_, _, _, Term) --> 2260 {throw(format('Cannot translate CQL term: ~w~n', [Term]))}. 2261 2262 2263join(*==, 'LEFT OUTER JOIN'). 2264join(=*=, 'INNER JOIN'). 2265join(==*, 'RIGHT OUTER JOIN'). 2266 2267 2268translate_sub_query(Schema, QueryId, SubQueryType, Goals) --> 2269 translate_to_constraints_2(Schema, sub_query, Goals, SubQueryId), !, 2270 [sub_query_select(SubQueryId), 2271 sub_query_restriction(QueryId, SubQueryType, SubQuerySqlTokens, SubQueryTail, SubQueryInputs), 2272 sub_query(SubQueryId, SubQuerySqlTokens, SubQueryTail, SubQueryInputs)]. 2273 2274 2275translate_select(Schema, % + 2276 QueryId, % + 2277 ParentJoin, % + 2278 TableName, % + 2279 AttributeNameValuePairs, % + 2280 QueryTableAlias) --> % ? 2281 [store_attribute_bindings(Schema, QueryId, QueryTableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs), 2282 query_type(QueryId, select), 2283 attributes_to_check(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs), 2284 join_leaf(ParentJoin, QueryTableAlias), 2285 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, QueryTableAlias)]. 2286 2287 2288simple_comparison(Schema, % + 2289 Comparison, % + 2290 Operator, % ? 2291 InverseOperator, % ? 2292 Lhs, % ? 2293 Rhs) :- % ? 2294 functor(Comparison, Operator, 2), 2295 prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(Schema, Operator, _, InverseOperator), 2296 arg(1, Comparison, Lhs), 2297 arg(2, Comparison, Rhs). 2298 2299 2300translate_comparison(QueryId, Schema, Lhs, Operator, Rhs) --> 2301 translate_expression(Schema, Lhs, LhsResult), 2302 translate_expression(Schema, Rhs, RhsResult), 2303 2304 [comparison(QueryId, LhsResult, Operator, RhsResult)]. 2305 2306 2307translate_expression(Schema, 2308 Goal, 2309 aggregation_sub_query_sql(AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, SubQuerySqlTokens, Tail, SubQueryInputs)) --> 2310 {functor(Goal, AggregationOperator, 2), 2311 aggregation_operator(AggregationOperator), !, 2312 arg(1, Goal, AggregationVariable), 2313 arg(2, Goal, Goals)}, 2314 2315 translate_to_constraints_2(Schema, sub_query, Goals, SubQueryId), 2316 2317 [aggregation_variable(SubQueryId, 2318 AggregationOperator, 2319 AggregationVariable), 2320 aggregation_sub_query(SubQueryId, AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, SubQuerySqlTokens, Tail, SubQueryInputs)]. 2321 2322 2323translate_expression(_, Variable, Variable) --> 2324 [true]. 2325 2326 2327aggregation_operator(count). 2328aggregation_operator(max). 2329aggregation_operator(min). 2330aggregation_operator(avg). 2331aggregation_operator(sum). 2332 2333 2334prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, \+(Lhs, Rhs), RestrictionTree) :- !, 2335 prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, (\+Lhs ; \+Rhs), RestrictionTree). 2336 2337prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, \+(Lhs ; Rhs), RestrictionTree) :- !, 2338 prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, (\+Lhs, \+Rhs), RestrictionTree). 2339 2340prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, (Lhs, Rhs), and(RestrictionLhs, RestrictionRhs)) :- !, 2341 prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, Lhs, RestrictionLhs), 2342 prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, Rhs, RestrictionRhs). 2343 2344prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, (Lhs ; Rhs), or(RestrictionLhs, RestrictionRhs)) :- !, 2345 prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, Lhs, RestrictionLhs), 2346 prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, Rhs, RestrictionRhs). 2347 2348prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, \+Comparison, comparison(RestrictionLhs, InverseOperator, RestrictionRhs)) :- !, 2349 simple_comparison(Schema, Comparison, _, InverseOperator, RestrictionLhs, RestrictionRhs). 2350 2351prolog_term_to_restriction_tree(Schema, Comparison, comparison(Lhs, Operator, Rhs)) :- 2352 ( simple_comparison(Schema, Comparison, Operator, _, Lhs, Rhs) -> 2353 true 2354 ; 2355 throw(format('Cannot translate restriction term: ~w', [Comparison])) 2356 ). 2357 2358 2359equality_restriction_variables_are_unique @ 2360 equality_restriction_variable(Variable, _) 2361 \ 2362 equality_restriction_variable(Variable, _) 2363 <=> 2364 true. 2365 2366 2367store_equality_restriction_variables @ 2368 store_equality_restriction_variables([InputVariable|InputVariables]) 2369 <=> 2370 equality_restriction_variable(InputVariable, _), 2371 store_equality_restriction_variables(InputVariables). 2372 2373 2374cleanup_store_equality_restriction_variables @ 2375 store_equality_restriction_variables([]) 2376 <=> 2377 true. 2378 2379 2380store_ignore_if_null_variables @ 2381 store_ignore_if_null_variables([ExternalVariable-InternalVariable|VariableMap]) 2382 <=> 2383 ignore_if_null(ExternalVariable, InternalVariable), 2384 store_ignore_if_null_variables(VariableMap). 2385 2386 2387cleanup_store_ignore_if_null_variables @ 2388 store_ignore_if_null_variables([]) 2389 <=> 2390 true. 2391 2392 2393store_attribute_bindings(Schema, QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs) :- 2394 ( store_attribute_bindings_1(Schema, QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs) -> 2395 true 2396 ; 2397 throw(format('Bad attribute bindings: ~w', [AttributeNameValuePairs])) 2398 ). 2399 2400 2401store_attribute_bindings_1(_, _, _, []). 2402 2403store_attribute_bindings_1(Schema, QueryId, TableAlias, [AttributeNameValuePair|AttributeNameValuePairs]) :- 2404 % For INSERT from SELECTs 2405 ( AttributeNameValuePair = as(AttributeName)-ApplicationValue -> 2406 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), selection_constant(ApplicationValue)) 2407 2408 % Normal Name-Value specification 2409 ; AttributeNameValuePair = AttributeName-ApplicationValue, 2410 atomic_application_value(ApplicationValue) -> 2411 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), ApplicationValue) 2412 2413 % ignore_if_null 2414 ; AttributeNameValuePair = (AttributeName-ignore_if_null(ApplicationValue)), 2415 var(ApplicationValue)-> 2416 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), AttributeValue), 2417 comparison(QueryId, AttributeValue, ==, ignore_if_null(ApplicationValue)) 2418 2419 % runtime list 2420 ; AttributeNameValuePair = (AttributeName-list(ApplicationValue))-> 2421 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), AttributeValue), 2422 comparison(QueryId, AttributeValue, ==, list(ApplicationValue)) 2423 2424 % Compile-time attribute value 2425 ; AttributeNameValuePair = (AttributeName-CompileTimeGoal), 2426 callable(CompileTimeGoal), 2427 functor(CompileTimeGoal, PredicateName, ArityMinusOne), 2428 Arity is ArityMinusOne + 1, 2429 current_predicate(user:PredicateName/Arity), 2430 user:call(CompileTimeGoal, ApplicationValue) -> 2431 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), ApplicationValue) 2432 ), 2433 store_attribute_bindings_1(Schema, QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs). 2434 2435 2436atomic_application_value(ApplicationValue) :- % + 2437 ( var(ApplicationValue) 2438 ; atom(ApplicationValue) 2439 ; integer(ApplicationValue) 2440 ; rational(ApplicationValue) 2441 ; timestamp(ApplicationValue) 2442 ; cql_atomic_value_check_hook(ApplicationValue) 2443 ; is_list(ApplicationValue) 2444 ; ApplicationValue == {null} 2445 ; ApplicationValue == {timestamp} 2446 ; ApplicationValue == {user_id} 2447 ; ApplicationValue == {transaction_id} 2448 ), 2449 !. 2450 2451timestamp(TS) :- 2452 compound(TS), 2453 functor(TS, timestamp, 7). 2454 2455 2456ensure_binding_is_on_the_external_variable_so_that_ignore_if_null_works_properly_1 @ 2457 ignore_if_null(ExternalVariable, InternalVariable) 2458 \ 2459 unify(InternalVariable, X) 2460 <=> 2461 ExternalVariable = X. 2462 2463 2464ensure_binding_is_on_the_external_variable_so_that_ignore_if_null_works_properly_2 @ 2465 ignore_if_null(ExternalVariable, InternalVariable) 2466 \ 2467 unify(X, InternalVariable) 2468 <=> 2469 ExternalVariable = X. 2470 2471 2472make_unify_unify @ 2473 unify(X, Y) 2474 <=> 2475 X = Y. 2476 2477 2478remove_comparison_involving_ignored_variable @ 2479 ignore_if_null(ExternalVariable, InternalVariable) 2480 \ 2481 comparison(_, Lhs, _, Rhs) 2482 <=> 2483 ( ExternalVariable == {null}, 2484 InternalVariable == Lhs 2485 2486 ; ExternalVariable == {null}, 2487 InternalVariable == Rhs 2488 2489 ; InternalVariable == Lhs, 2490 Rhs == {null} 2491 2492 ; InternalVariable == Rhs, 2493 Lhs == {null} 2494 ) 2495 | 2496 true. 2497 2498 2499fully_compile @ 2500 fully_compile 2501 <=> 2502 no_sql_statement_generated, 2503 unify_ignore_if_null_variables, 2504 create_in_line_joins, 2505 create_join_points, 2506 resolve_join_points, 2507 determine_select_distinctions, 2508 create_select_bindings, 2509 determine_selection_type, 2510 create_restrictions, 2511 generate_sub_query_sql, 2512 simplify, 2513 ( debugging(cql(compile)) -> 2514 with_output_to(codes(Codes), chr_show_store(cql)), 2515 debug(cql(compile), '==========~n~s^^^^^^^^^^~n~n', [Codes]) 2516 ; 2517 true 2518 ), 2519 check_for_top_without_order_by, 2520 write_query_sql, 2521 instantiate_table_aliases, 2522 write_limit, 2523 check_for_orphan_select_attributes_in_aggregations, 2524 check_query, 2525 check_for_unjoined_tables, 2526 check_for_orphan_group_bys, 2527 check_for_orphan_order_bys, 2528 check_for_orphan_distincts, 2529 check_for_orphan_select_variables_in_updates, 2530 prepare_odbc_statements, 2531 cleanup_compile, 2532 cql_fully_compiled. 2533 2534 2535 2536unify_ignore_if_null_variables @ 2537 unify_ignore_if_null_variables 2538 \ 2539 ignore_if_null(ExternalVariable, InternalVariable) 2540 <=> 2541 nonvar(ExternalVariable), 2542 ExternalVariable \== {null} 2543 | 2544 InternalVariable = ExternalVariable. 2545 2546 2547cleanup_unify_ignore_if_null_variables @ 2548 unify_ignore_if_null_variables 2549 <=> 2550 true. 2551 2552 2553update_atat_table_name @ 2554 update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, _, _) 2555 \ 2556 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, (@@), Alias) 2557 <=> 2558 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, Alias). 2559 2560 2561resolve_update_table_alias @ 2562 create_join_points, 2563 update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, UpdateTableAlias, _), 2564 update_table_alias(QueryId, _, ParentJoin, TableAlias) 2565 ==> 2566 join_leaf(ParentJoin, TableAlias), 2567 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias), 2568 UpdateTableAlias = TableAlias. 2569 2570 2571where_restriction_variable_not_allowed_to_be_an_outer_join_point @ 2572 outer_side_join(Join), 2573 join_leaf(Join, TableAlias), 2574 attribute_binding(_, attribute(_, TableAlias, _), JoinVariable), 2575 join_variable(JoinVariable), 2576 where_restriction_variable(JoinVariable) 2577 <=> 2578 throw(format('A variable used in a WHERE RESTRICTION must not also be a SHARED VARIABLE defining an OUTER JOIN point', [])). 2579 2580 2581deprecated_group_by @ 2582 attribute_binding(_, attribute(_, _, group_by(_)), _) 2583 <=> 2584 throw(format('OBSOLETE group_by format. Use separate group_by([V1, V2, ...])', [])). 2585 2586 2587bad_group_by_specification @ 2588 group_bys(_, GroupBys) 2589 <=> 2590 ( \+ is_list(GroupBys) 2591 ; is_list(GroupBys), 2592 member(GroupBy, GroupBys), 2593 nonvar(GroupBy) 2594 ) 2595 | 2596 throw(format('GROUP BY must specify a LIST of variables', [group_by(GroupBys)])). 2597 2598 2599individual_group_by @ 2600 group_bys(QueryId, [GroupBy|GroupBys]) 2601 <=> 2602 group_by(QueryId, GroupBy), 2603 group_bys(QueryId, GroupBys). 2604 2605 2606no_more_group_bys @ 2607 group_bys(_, []) 2608 <=> 2609 true. 2610 2611 2612copy_attribute_for_group_by @ 2613 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(_, TableAlias, AttributeName), Variable) 2614 ==> 2615 attribute_for_group_by(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, Variable). 2616 2617 2618ambiguous_group_by_attribute @ 2619 group_by(QueryId, GroupBy), 2620 attribute_for_group_by(QueryId, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, GroupBy), 2621 attribute_for_group_by(QueryId, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB, GroupBy), 2622 query_table_alias(_, _, TableNameA, TableAliasA), 2623 query_table_alias(_, _, TableNameB, TableAliasB) 2624 <=> 2625 throw(format('GROUP BY variable is AMBIGUOUS. It identifies both ~w.~w AND ~w.~w. Use == to specify the join point?', 2626 [TableNameA, AttributeNameA, TableNameB, AttributeNameB])). 2627 2628 2629bad_distinct_specification @ 2630 distincts(_, Distincts) 2631 <=> 2632 ( \+ is_list(Distincts) 2633 ; is_list(Distincts), 2634 member(Distinct, Distincts), 2635 nonvar(Distinct) 2636 ) 2637 | 2638 throw(format('DISTINCT must specify a LIST of variables', [distinct(Distincts)])). 2639 2640 2641individual_distinct @ 2642 distincts(QueryId, [Distinct|Distincts]) 2643 <=> 2644 distinct(QueryId, Distinct), 2645 distincts(QueryId, Distincts). 2646 2647 2648no_more_distincts @ 2649 distincts(QueryId, []) 2650 <=> 2651 select_distinction(QueryId, distinct_on_specified_attributes). 2652 2653 2654determine_select_distinctions @ 2655 query(QueryId, _, _), 2656 determine_select_distinctions 2657 ==> 2658 determine_select_distinction(QueryId). 2659 2660 2661select_distinction_exists @ 2662 select_distinction(QueryId, _) 2663 \ 2664 determine_select_distinction(QueryId) 2665 <=> 2666 true. 2667 2668 2669no_select_distinction @ 2670 determine_select_distinction(QueryId) 2671 <=> 2672 select_distinction(QueryId, no_distinction). 2673 2674 2675select_binding @ 2676 create_select_bindings, 2677 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Variable) 2678 ==> 2679 selection_variable(Variable) 2680 | 2681 Attribute = attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), 2682 select_binding(QueryId, plain, Attribute, Variable). 2683 2684cleanup_create_select_bindings @ 2685 create_select_bindings 2686 <=> 2687 true. 2688 2689 2690selection_variable(V) :- 2691 var(V). 2692selection_variable(V) :- 2693 \+ ground(V), 2694 cql_atomic_value_check_hook(V). 2695selection_variable(selection_constant(_)). 2696 2697 2698select_binding_aggregation @ 2699 select_binding(QueryId, plain, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AggregationTerm), Variable) 2700 <=> 2701 AggregationTerm =.. [AggregationOperator, AttributeName], 2702 aggregation_operator(AggregationOperator) 2703 | 2704 select_binding(QueryId, aggregation(AggregationOperator), attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Variable). 2705 2706 2707sub_select_binding_aggregation @ 2708 aggregation_variable(_, AggregationOperator, AggregationVariable), 2709 select_binding(QueryId, plain, Attribute, Variable) 2710 <=> 2711 AggregationVariable == Variable 2712 | 2713 select_binding(QueryId, aggregation(AggregationOperator), Attribute, Variable). 2714 2715 2716instantiate_table_aliases @ 2717 instantiate_table_aliases, 2718 query_table_alias(_, _, TableName, TableAlias) 2719 ==> 2720 var(TableAlias) 2721 | 2722 table_alias_crunch(TableName, Crunched), 2723 atom_concat(Crunched, '_', Stem), 2724 gensym(Stem, Symbol), 2725 map_database_atom(Symbol, TableAlias). 2726 2727 2728table_alias_crunch(TableName, Crunched):- 2729 atom_codes(TableName, Codes), 2730 extract_abbreviation(AbbreviationCodes, [95|Codes], []), 2731 atom_codes(Crunched, AbbreviationCodes). 2732 2733extract_abbreviation([])--> 2734 []. 2735 2736extract_abbreviation([Code|Codes])--> 2737 "_", 2738 !, 2739 [Code], 2740 extract_abbreviation(Codes). 2741 2742extract_abbreviation(Codes)--> 2743 [_], 2744 extract_abbreviation(Codes). 2745 2746cleanup_instantiate_table_aliases @ 2747 instantiate_table_aliases 2748 <=> 2749 true. 2750 2751 2752check_aggregation_attribute @ 2753 select_binding(QueryId, aggregation(_), attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), _), 2754 query_table_alias(QueryId, _, TableName, TableAlias) 2755 <=> 2756 \+ cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) 2757 | 2758 throw(format('Unknown SELECT attribute in CQL: ~w', [Schema:TableName:AttributeName])). 2759 2760 2761aggregation_selection @ 2762 select_binding(QueryId, aggregation(_), _, _), 2763 determine_selection_type 2764 ==> 2765 selection_type(QueryId, aggregation_selection). 2766 2767 2768non_aggregation_selection @ 2769 select_binding(QueryId, SelectBindingType, _, _), 2770 determine_selection_type 2771 ==> 2772 SelectBindingType \= aggregation(_) 2773 | 2774 selection_type(QueryId, non_aggregation_selection). 2775 2776 2777cleanup_determine_selection_type @ 2778 determine_selection_type 2779 <=> 2780 true. 2781 2782 2783priority @ 2784 selection_type(QueryId, aggregation_selection) 2785 \ 2786 selection_type(QueryId, non_aggregation_selection) 2787 <=> 2788 true. 2789 2790 2791uniqueness @ 2792 selection_type(QueryId, SelectionType) 2793 \ 2794 selection_type(QueryId, SelectionType) 2795 <=> 2796 true. 2797 2798get_data_size(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Size):- 2799 cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, _, CharacterMaximumLength, _, _, _, _, _), 2800 ( CharacterMaximumLength == max -> 2801 % This should be close enough. It just has to be larger than any declared column length, and the max there is 8192 for SQL Server. 2802 % For all other DBMS it doesnt matter 2803 Size = 65535 2804 ; integer(CharacterMaximumLength) -> 2805 Size = CharacterMaximumLength 2806 ; otherwise-> 2807 Size = 0 2808 ). 2809 2810aggregation_selection @ 2811 selection_type(QueryId, aggregation_selection), 2812 query_table_alias(QueryId, _, TableName, TableAlias) 2813 \ 2814 select_binding(QueryId, SelectBindingType, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Variable) 2815 <=> 2816 SelectBindingType = aggregation(_) 2817 | 2818 select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(SelectBindingType, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeName), _, _, Variable). 2819 2820 2821aggregation_group_by_selection @ 2822 selection_type(QueryId, aggregation_selection), 2823 query_table_alias(QueryId, _, TableName, TableAlias), 2824 group_by(QueryId, GroupBy) 2825 \ 2826 select_binding(QueryId, SelectBindingType, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), GroupBy) 2827 <=> 2828 select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(SelectBindingType, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeName), _, _, GroupBy). 2829 2830 2831ignore_aggregation_select_binding @ 2832 selection_type(QueryId, aggregation_selection), where_restriction_variable(Variable) \ select_binding(QueryId, _, _, Variable) <=> true. 2833 selection_type(QueryId, aggregation_selection), join_variable(Variable) \ select_binding(QueryId, _, _, Variable) <=> true. 2834 selection_type(QueryId, aggregation_selection), sub_query_join_variable(Variable) \ select_binding(QueryId, _, _, Variable) <=> true. 2835 selection_type(QueryId, aggregation_selection), ignore_if_null(_, Variable) \ select_binding(QueryId, _, _, Variable) <=> true. 2836 2837 2838aggregation_select_binding_error @ 2839 check_for_orphan_select_attributes_in_aggregations, 2840 selection_type(QueryId, aggregation_selection) 2841 \ 2842 select_binding(QueryId, _, Attribute, _) 2843 <=> 2844 throw(format('Aggregation refers to an attribute which is not aggregated, not grouped by, not a restriction and not a join point: ~w', [Attribute])). 2845 2846 2847non_aggregation_select_binding @ 2848 selection_type(QueryId, non_aggregation_selection), 2849 query_table_alias(QueryId, _, TableName, TableAlias) 2850 \ 2851 select_binding(QueryId, SelectBindingType, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Variable) 2852 <=> 2853 select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(SelectBindingType, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeName), _, _, Variable). 2854 2855 2856keep_if_distinct_on_specified_attributes @ 2857 select_distinction(QueryId, distinct_on_specified_attributes), 2858 select_attribute(QueryId, _, Keep, _, Variable) 2859 \ 2860 distinct(QueryId, Variable) 2861 <=> 2862 Keep = 1. 2863 2864 2865keep_if_distinct_on_all_attributes_or_if_there_is_no_distinction @ 2866 select_distinction(QueryId, Distinction), 2867 select_attribute(QueryId, _, Keep, _, _) 2868 ==> 2869 ( Distinction == distinct_on_all_select_attributes 2870 ; Distinction == no_distinction 2871 ) 2872 | 2873 Keep = 1. 2874 2875 2876copy_select_attribute_for_disjunction_comparison @ 2877 select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(SelectBindingType, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeName), _, _, _) 2878 ==> 2879 select_attribute_for_disjunction_comparison(QueryId, select_attribute(SelectBindingType, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeName)). 2880 2881 2882bad_order_by_specification @ 2883 order_bys(_, OrderBys) 2884 <=> 2885 ( \+ is_list(OrderBys) 2886 ; is_list(OrderBys), 2887 member(OrderBy, OrderBys), 2888 nonvar(OrderBy), 2889 OrderBy \= +(_), 2890 OrderBy \= -(_) 2891 ) 2892 | 2893 throw(format('ORDER BY must specify a LIST of +/1 and -/1 terms but found ~w', [order_by(OrderBys)])). 2894 2895 2896copy_attribute_for_order_by @ 2897 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(_, TableAlias, AttributeName), Variable) 2898 ==> 2899 attribute_for_order_by(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, Variable). 2900 2901 2902ambiguous_order_by_attribute @ 2903 write_order_by(QueryId, OrderBy) 2904 \ 2905 attribute_for_order_by(QueryId, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, Variable), 2906 attribute_for_order_by(QueryId, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB, Variable), 2907 query_table_alias(_, _, TableNameA, TableAliasA), 2908 query_table_alias(_, _, TableNameB, TableAliasB) 2909 <=> 2910 ( OrderBy == +Variable 2911 ; OrderBy == -Variable 2912 ) 2913 | 2914 throw(format('ORDER BY variable is AMBIGUOUS. It identifies both ~w.~w AND ~w.~w. Use == to specify the join point?', 2915 [TableNameA, AttributeNameA, TableNameB, AttributeNameB])). 2916 2917select_attributes_1 @ 2918 selection_type(QueryId, _) 2919 ==> 2920 select_attributes_for_disjunction_comparison(QueryId, []). 2921 2922 2923select_attributes_2 @ 2924 select_attribute_for_disjunction_comparison(QueryId, SelectAttribute), 2925 select_attributes_for_disjunction_comparison(QueryId, SelectAttributes) 2926 <=> 2927 merge_set([SelectAttribute], SelectAttributes, SortedSelectAttributes), 2928 select_attributes_for_disjunction_comparison(QueryId, SortedSelectAttributes). 2929 2930 2931check_for_top_without_order_by @ 2932 top(QueryId, _, _), order_bys(QueryId, _) \ check_for_top_without_order_by <=> true. 2933 top(_, _, _), check_for_top_without_order_by, original_cql(Cql) <=> throw(format('top without order_by in CQL: ~w', [Cql])). 2934 check_for_top_without_order_by <=> true. 2935 2936 2937join_tree_nodes @ 2938 simplify, 2939 query(Join, _, top_level_query) % Only bother doing join_tree for top_level_queries 2940 % Solitary join leaf has the QueryId as its parent i.e. Join == QueryId 2941 ==> 2942 join_pointer(Join, Join), 2943 join_tree_nodes(Join, []). 2944 2945 2946identify_join_type_1 @ 2947 join(_, _, _, 'LEFT OUTER JOIN', RhsJoin) 2948 ==> 2949 outer_side_join(RhsJoin). 2950 2951 2952identify_join_type_2 @ 2953 join(_, _, LhsJoin, 'RIGHT OUTER JOIN', _) 2954 ==> 2955 outer_side_join(LhsJoin). 2956 2957 2958every_join_below_an_outer_side_join_is_an_outer_side_join @ 2959 outer_side_join(ParentJoin), 2960 join(_, ParentJoin, LhsJoin, _, RhsJoin) 2961 ==> 2962 outer_side_join(LhsJoin), 2963 outer_side_join(RhsJoin). 2964 2965 2966walk_join_tree_branch @ 2967 join(QueryId, Join, LhsJoin, JoinType, RhsJoin) 2968 \ 2969 join_pointer(QueryId, Join) 2970 <=> 2971 join_tree_node(QueryId, Join, branch(JoinType)), 2972 join_pointer(QueryId, LhsJoin), 2973 join_pointer(QueryId, RhsJoin). 2974 2975 2976walk_join_tree_on_clause @ 2977 join_tree_node(QueryId, Join, branch(_)), 2978 on(Join, _, On) 2979 ==> 2980 join_tree_node(QueryId, Join, On). 2981 2982 2983cleanup_join_tree_node_branch @ 2984 join_tree_node(_, _, branch(_)) 2985 <=> 2986 true. 2987 2988 2989walk_join_tree_leaf @ 2990 join_leaf(Join, TableAlias), 2991 query_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TableAlias) 2992 \ 2993 join_pointer(QueryId, Join) 2994 <=> 2995 join_tree_node(QueryId, Join, table_alias(TableAlias)). 2996 2997 2998accumulate_join_tree_nodes @ 2999 join_tree_nodes(QueryId, JoinTreeNodes), 3000 join_tree_node(QueryId, _, JoinTreeNode) 3001 <=> 3002 join_tree_nodes(QueryId, [JoinTreeNode|JoinTreeNodes]). 3003 3004 3005amalgamate_restrictions_if_join_tree_is_the_same @ 3006 select_attributes_for_disjunction_comparison(QueryIdA, SelectAttributesA), 3007 join_tree_nodes(QueryIdA, JoinTreeNodesA) 3008 \ 3009 select_attributes_for_disjunction_comparison(QueryIdB, SelectAttributesB), 3010 join_tree_nodes(QueryIdB, JoinTreeNodesB), 3011 restriction_tree(QueryIdA, RestrictionType, RestrictionTreeA), 3012 restriction_tree(QueryIdB, RestrictionType, RestrictionTreeB) 3013 <=> 3014 unifiable(SelectAttributesA, SelectAttributesB, _), 3015 unifiable(JoinTreeNodesA, JoinTreeNodesB, Unifiers) 3016 | 3017 restriction_tree(QueryIdA, RestrictionType, or(RestrictionTreeA, RestrictionTreeB)), 3018 remove_query(QueryIdB, QueryIdA), 3019 unify_table_aliases(Unifiers). 3020 3021 3022% We can do this because the ONLY unbound variables in the join tree are table aliases 3023unify_table_aliases([]). 3024unify_table_aliases([TableAliasA=TableAliasB|Unifiers]) :- 3025 TableAliasA = TableAliasB, 3026 unify_table_aliases(Unifiers). 3027 3028 3029solve_sub_query @ 3030 generate_sub_query_sql, 3031 query(SubQueryId, _, sub_query) 3032 ==> 3033 phase(SubQueryId, initial). 3034 3035 3036solve_top_level_query @ 3037 write_query_sql, 3038 query(QueryId, _, top_level_query) 3039 ==> 3040 phase(QueryId, initial). 3041 3042 3043ignore_equality_restriction_variable_if_it_becomes_bound @ 3044 equality_restriction_variable(Variable, _) 3045 <=> 3046 nonvar(Variable) 3047 | 3048 true. 3049 3050 3051add_sub_query_join_where @ 3052 query(TopLevelQueryId, _, top_level_query), 3053 query(SubQueryId, _, sub_query), 3054 attribute_binding(TopLevelQueryId, attribute(_, TopLevelTableAlias, TopLevelAttributeName), Variable), 3055 attribute_binding(SubQueryId, attribute(_, SubQueryTableAlias, SubQueryAttributeName), Variable) 3056 \ 3057 % No longer a SELECT binding in the sub-query; its now part of the sub query WHERE 3058 select_binding(SubQueryId, _, _, Variable) 3059 <=> 3060 not_a_singleton(Variable), 3061 sub_query_join_variable(Variable), 3062 restriction_leaf(SubQueryId, 3063 where, 3064 comparison(attribute(_, TopLevelTableAlias, TopLevelAttributeName), 3065 ==, 3066 attribute(_, SubQueryTableAlias, SubQueryAttributeName))). 3067 3068 3069restriction_from_comparison_of_top_level_query_attribute_to_sub_query_attribute @ 3070 % 3071 % x :: [a-A, b-B], \+ y :: [b-B, c-C], C > A 3072 % 3073 query(QueryId, _, top_level_query), 3074 query(SubQueryId, _, sub_query), 3075 attribute_binding(QueryId, Attribute_1, V1), 3076 attribute_binding(SubQueryId, Attribute_2, V2) 3077 \ 3078 comparison(QueryId, Lhs, Operator, Rhs) 3079 <=> 3080 ( Lhs == V1, 3081 Rhs == V2 -> 3082 Comparison = comparison(Attribute_1, Operator, Attribute_2) 3083 3084 ; Lhs == V2, 3085 Rhs == V1 -> 3086 Comparison = comparison(Attribute_2, Operator, Attribute_1) 3087 ) 3088 | 3089 restriction_leaf(SubQueryId, where, Comparison). 3090 3091 3092add_sub_query_restriction @ 3093 create_restrictions 3094 \ 3095 sub_query_restriction(QueryId, SubQueryType, SubQuerySql, SubQueryTail, SubQueryInputs) 3096 <=> 3097 restriction_leaf(QueryId, where, sub_query(SubQueryType, SubQuerySql, SubQueryTail, SubQueryInputs)). 3098 3099 3100restriction_from_bound_attribute @ 3101 % 3102 % x :: a-'A1' 3103 % x :: a-['A1', 'A2'] 3104 % 3105 create_restrictions, 3106 attribute_binding(QueryId, Attribute, ApplicationValue) 3107 ==> 3108 ( ground(ApplicationValue) 3109 ; is_list(ApplicationValue) 3110 ), 3111 ApplicationValue \= selection_constant(_) 3112 | 3113 restriction_leaf(QueryId, where, comparison(Attribute, ==, ApplicationValue)). 3114 3115 3116restriction_from_equality_restriction_variable @ 3117 % 3118 % {[A], x :: [a-A]} 3119 % 3120 create_restrictions, 3121 attribute_binding(QueryId, Attribute, Variable), 3122 equality_restriction_variable(Variable, EqualityRestrictionVariableUsed) 3123 ==> 3124 EqualityRestrictionVariableUsed = equality_restriction_variable_used, 3125 where_restriction_variable(Variable), 3126 restriction_leaf(QueryId, where, comparison(Attribute, ==, equality_restriction(Variable))). 3127 3128 3129restriction_from_comparison @ 3130 create_restrictions 3131 \ 3132 comparison(QueryId, Lhs, Operator, Rhs) 3133 <=> 3134 not_a_singleton(Lhs), 3135 not_a_singleton(Rhs), 3136 variables_to_attributes(Lhs, MappedLhs), 3137 variables_to_attributes(Rhs, MappedRhs), 3138 restriction_leaf(QueryId, where, comparison(MappedLhs, Operator, MappedRhs)). 3139 3140cqlv2_1_restriction_from_any_non_fresh_variable @ 3141 query_type(QueryId, QueryType), 3142 compile_mode(compiletime), 3143 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, Alias, AttributeName), Variable) 3144 ==> 3145 atom(AttributeName), % Exclude aggregates. Is there a more elegant way? 3146 var(Variable), 3147 get_attr(Variable, cql_stale, 1) 3148 | 3149 ( ( QueryType == select ; QueryType == insert) -> 3150 Comparison = if_not_var(Variable) 3151 ; otherwise-> 3152 Comparison = equality_restriction(Variable) 3153 ), 3154 cql2_variable(QueryId, Variable, comparison(attribute(Schema, Alias, AttributeName), ==, Comparison)). 3155 3156/* 3157cqlv2_variable_unique @ 3158 cql2_variable(QueryId, _, Variable) 3159 \ 3160 cql2_variable(QueryId, _, Variable) 3161 <=> 3162 true. 3163*/ 3164 3165cqlv2_1_except_when_restriction_already_exists_1 @ 3166 equality_restriction_variable(Variable, _) 3167 \ 3168 cql2_variable(_, Variable, _) 3169 <=> 3170 true. 3171 3172cqlv2_1_except_when_restriction_already_exists_2 @ 3173 expression_where_restriction_variable(Variable) 3174 \ 3175 cql2_variable(_, Variable, _) 3176 <=> 3177 true. 3178 3179cqlv2_1_except_when_restriction_already_exists_3 @ 3180 sub_query_join_variable(Variable) 3181 \ 3182 cql2_variable(_, Variable, _) 3183 <=> 3184 true. 3185 3186cqlv2_1_except_when_restriction_already_exists_4 @ 3187 expression_where_restriction_variable(Variable) 3188 \ 3189 cql2_variable(_, Variable, _) 3190 <=> 3191 true. 3192 3193cqlv2_1_except_when_restriction_already_exists_5 @ 3194 outer_side_join(Join), 3195 join_leaf(Join, TableAlias), 3196 attribute_binding(_, attribute(_, TableAlias, _), JoinVariable), 3197 join_variable(JoinVariable) 3198 \ 3199 cql2_variable(_, JoinVariable, _) 3200 <=> 3201 true. 3202 3203 3204cqlv2_1_except_comparisons @ 3205 query_type(QueryId, Type), 3206 comparison(QueryId, Lhs, _Operator, Rhs) 3207 \ 3208 cql2_variable(QueryId, Variable, _) 3209 <=> 3210 % If you write something like 3211 % foo(X):- {[], some_table :: [column-X], X == 'VALUE'} 3212 % Then, first of all, you probably made a coding error, since this is unlikely what you meant. 3213 % X is not actually selected here, it MUST be part of the where clause. Further, it MUST contain 'VALUE'. 3214 % For now, unify X with the target (Value). However, we must do it after the select. Consider: 3215 % foo(X):- {[], some_table :: [integer_value-X], X > 500} 3216 % This should generate 3217 % SELECT .... FROM some_table WHERE integer_value > 500 3218 % What should we actually do with X? If it is bound, then we can make it 3219 % SELECT .... FROM some_table WHERE integer_value > 500 AND integer_value = ? 3220 % If it is NOT bound, then I think this is actually an instantiation error? 3221 % The trouble comes when we have 3222 % {[], update(some_table, [...]), @ :: [integer_value-X], X == Y}. 3223 % If Y is unbound here, we want a runtime error, but if X is bound, we want an error as well! 3224 ( Type == update ; Type == delete ), 3225 ( Lhs == Variable ; Rhs == Variable ) 3226 | 3227 runtime_instantiation_check(QueryId, Variable). 3228 3229 3230cqlv2_variable_is_ok @ 3231 create_restrictions 3232 \ 3233 cql2_variable(QueryId, Variable, Comparison) 3234 <=> 3235 where_restriction_variable(Variable), 3236 restriction_leaf(QueryId, where, Comparison). 3237 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243variables_to_attributes @ 3244 attribute_binding(_, A, Variable) \ variables_to_attributes(Variable, Attribute) <=> var(Variable) | Attribute = A, where_restriction_variable(Variable). 3245 variables_to_attributes(T1, T2) <=> var(T1) ; ground(T1) | T2 = T1. 3246 variables_to_attributes([H1|T1], T3) <=> variables_to_attributes(H1, H2), variables_to_attributes(T1, T2), T3 = [H2|T2]. 3247 variables_to_attributes(T1, T4) <=> T1 =.. T2, variables_to_attributes(T2, T3), T4 =.. T3. 3248 3249 3250cleanup_create_restrictions @ 3251 create_restrictions 3252 <=> 3253 true. 3254 3255 3256ignore_comparison_to_empty_list @ 3257 restriction_leaf(_, _, comparison(Lhs, ==, Rhs)) 3258 <=> 3259 ( Lhs == [] 3260 ; Rhs == [] 3261 ) 3262 | 3263 true. 3264 3265 3266top_level_restriction_cannot_refer_to_a_sub_query_attribute @ 3267 query(TopLevelQueryId, _, top_level_query), 3268 query(SubQueryId, _, sub_query), 3269 attribute_binding(SubQueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), _) 3270 \ 3271 restriction_leaf(TopLevelQueryId, _, comparison(Lhs, _, Rhs)) 3272 <=> 3273 ( cql_path_arg(_, Lhs, SubTerm) 3274 ; cql_path_arg(_, Rhs, SubTerm)), 3275 SubTerm == attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName) 3276 | 3277 throw(format('Top level restriction cannot refer to a sub-query attribute : ~w', [AttributeName])). 3278 3279 3280simplify_or_restriction @ 3281 % Trivial "or" conditions can arise out from the simplification of disjunctions 3282 restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, or(Lhs, Rhs)) 3283 <=> 3284 ( Lhs == true 3285 ; Rhs == true 3286 ) 3287 | 3288 restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, true). 3289 3290 3291simplify_and_restriction @ 3292 restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, and(Lhs, Rhs)) 3293 <=> 3294 ( Lhs == true -> 3295 RestrictionTree = Rhs 3296 3297 ; Rhs == true -> 3298 RestrictionTree = Lhs 3299 ) 3300 | 3301 restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, RestrictionTree). 3302 3303 3304add_to_restriction_tree @ 3305 restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, ExistingRestrictionTree), 3306 restriction_leaf(QueryId, RestrictionType, Restriction) 3307 <=> 3308 restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, and(ExistingRestrictionTree, Restriction)). 3309 3310 3311insert_inserted_ @ 3312 insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3313 <=> 3314 cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, inserted_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), 3315 \+ memberchk(inserted_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3316 | 3317 insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, [inserted_-{timestamp}|AttributeNameValuePairs]). 3318 3319 3320insert_inserted_by_ @ 3321 insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3322 <=> 3323 cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, inserted_by_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), 3324 \+ memberchk(inserted_by_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3325 | 3326 insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, [inserted_by_-{user_id}|AttributeNameValuePairs]). 3327 3328 3329insert_updated_ @ 3330 insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3331 <=> 3332 cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, updated_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), 3333 \+ memberchk(updated_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3334 | 3335 insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, [updated_-{timestamp}|AttributeNameValuePairs]). 3336 3337 3338insert_updated_by_ @ 3339 insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3340 <=> 3341 cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, updated_by_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), 3342 \+ memberchk(updated_by_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3343 | 3344 insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, [updated_by_-{user_id}|AttributeNameValuePairs]). 3345 3346 3347update_updated_ @ 3348 update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3349 <=> 3350 cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, updated_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), 3351 \+ memberchk(updated_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3352 | 3353 update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, [updated_-{timestamp}|AttributeNameValuePairs]). 3354 3355 3356update_updated_by_ @ 3357 update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3358 <=> 3359 cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, updated_by_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), 3360 \+ memberchk(updated_by_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3361 | 3362 update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, [updated_by_-{user_id}|AttributeNameValuePairs]). 3363 3364 3365insert_transaction_id_ @ 3366 insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3367 <=> 3368 cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, transaction_id_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), 3369 \+ memberchk(transaction_id_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3370 | 3371 insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, [transaction_id_-{transaction_id}|AttributeNameValuePairs]). 3372 3373 3374update_transaction_id_ @ 3375 update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3376 <=> 3377 cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, transaction_id_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), 3378 \+ memberchk(transaction_id_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3379 | 3380 update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, [transaction_id_-{transaction_id}|AttributeNameValuePairs]). 3381 3382 3383insert_generation_ @ 3384 insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3385 <=> 3386 cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, generation_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), 3387 \+ memberchk(generation_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3388 | 3389 insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, [generation_-0|AttributeNameValuePairs]). 3390 3391 3392update_generation_ @ 3393 update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3394 <=> 3395 cql_data_type(Schema, TableName, generation_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), 3396 \+ memberchk(generation_-_, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3397 | 3398 update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, [generation_-{increment}|AttributeNameValuePairs]). 3399 3400 3401write_insert_based_on_select @ 3402 query_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, _), 3403 phase(QueryId, initial) 3404 \ 3405 insert(QueryId, _, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3406 <=> 3407 extract_variables(AttributeNameValuePairs, InsertVariables), 3408 select_for_insert_variables(InsertVariables, TableName), 3409 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['INSERT INTO ', table_name(TableName), ' ('|T1], T1, [], []), 3410 write_insert_attribute_names(QueryId, AttributeNameValuePairs), 3411 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [') '|T2], T2, [], []). 3412 3413 3414 3415extract_variables([], []). 3416 3417extract_variables([_-V|AttributeNameValuePairs], [V|InsertVariables]) :- 3418 var(V), !, 3419 extract_variables(AttributeNameValuePairs, InsertVariables). 3420 3421extract_variables([_|AttributeNameValuePairs], InsertVariables) :- 3422 extract_variables(AttributeNameValuePairs, InsertVariables). 3423 3424 3425write_insert @ 3426 phase(QueryId, initial), 3427 insert(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3428 <=> 3429 ( AttributeNameValuePairs == []-> 3430 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['INSERT INTO ', table_name(TableName), ' DEFAULT VALUES'|T1], T1, [], []) 3431 ; 3432 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['INSERT INTO ', table_name(TableName), ' ('|T2], T2, [], []), 3433 write_insert_attribute_names(QueryId, AttributeNameValuePairs), 3434 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [') VALUES ('|T3], T3, [], []), 3435 write_insert_values(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs), 3436 ( dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), 3437 database_identity(Schema, TableName, PrimaryKey) -> 3438 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [') RETURNING ', PrimaryKey|T4], T4, [], []) 3439 ; otherwise-> 3440 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [')'|T4], T4, [], []) 3441 ) 3442 ). 3443 3444 3445write_insert_attribute_names_1 @ 3446 write_insert_attribute_names(QueryId, [AttributeName-_]) 3447 <=> 3448 write_insert_attribute_name(QueryId, AttributeName). 3449 3450 3451write_insert_attribute_names_2 @ 3452 write_insert_attribute_names(QueryId, [AttributeName-_|AttributeNameValuePairs]) 3453 <=> 3454 write_insert_attribute_name(QueryId, AttributeName), 3455 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [', '|T], T, [], []), 3456 write_insert_attribute_names(QueryId, AttributeNameValuePairs). 3457 3458 3459write_insert_attribute_name @ 3460 write_insert_attribute_name(QueryId, AttributeName) 3461 <=> 3462 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [attribute_name(AttributeName)|T], T, [], []). 3463 3464 3465write_insert_values_1 @ 3466 write_insert_values(QueryId, Schema, TableName, [AttributeName-ApplicationValue]) 3467 <=> 3468 write_insert_value(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue). 3469 3470 3471write_insert_values_2 @ 3472 write_insert_values(QueryId, Schema, TableName, [AttributeName-ApplicationValue|AttributeNameValuePairs]) 3473 <=> 3474 write_insert_value(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue), 3475 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [', '|T], T, [], []), 3476 write_insert_values(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeNameValuePairs). 3477 3478 3479write_in_line_formatted_insert_value @ 3480 write_insert_value(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, format(Format, FormatArgs)) 3481 <=> 3482 in_line_format(QueryId, Format, FormatArgs, ApplicationValue), 3483 write_insert_value(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue). 3484 3485 3486write_insert_value @ 3487 write_insert_value(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue) 3488 <=> 3489 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [?|T], T, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue, insert_value, _)], []). 3490 3491 3492write_update @ 3493 update(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3494 \ 3495 phase(QueryId, initial) 3496 <=> 3497 ( dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server') -> 3498 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['UPDATE ', TableAlias, ' SET '|T], T, [], []) 3499 3500 ; dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL') -> 3501 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['UPDATE ', TableName, ' ', TableAlias, ' SET '|T], T, [], []) 3502 ; dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') -> 3503 % SQLite does not support joins in updates. However, it has an ID for each row, meaning we can put this: 3504 % UPDATE <tablename> SET <columns without aliases> WHERE rowid IN (SELECT <tablename>.rowid FROM <rest of the query>) 3505 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['UPDATE ', TableName, ' SET '|T], T, [], []) 3506 ), 3507 write_update_attributes(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs), 3508 phase(QueryId, from). 3509 3510 3511write_update_attributes_1 @ 3512 write_update_attributes(QueryId, TableAlias, [AttributeName-ApplicationValue]) 3513 <=> 3514 write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, ApplicationValue). 3515 3516 3517write_update_attributes_2 @ 3518 write_update_attributes(QueryId, TableAlias, [AttributeName-ApplicationValue|AttributeNameValuePairs]) 3519 <=> 3520 write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, ApplicationValue), 3521 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [', '|T], T, [], []), 3522 write_update_attributes(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeNameValuePairs). 3523 3524 3525write_update_attributes_3 @ 3526 write_update_attributes(_, _, AttributeNameValuePairs) 3527 <=> 3528 throw(format('Bad UPDATE attributes: ~w', [AttributeNameValuePairs])). 3529 3530 3531write_generation_attribute @ 3532 update_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, TableAlias) 3533 \ 3534 write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, {increment}) 3535 <=> 3536 AttributeName == generation_ 3537 | 3538 ( dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server') -> 3539 write_sql(QueryId, 3540 compile, 3541 top, 3542 [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), =, TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), +, '1'|T], 3543 T, 3544 [], 3545 []) 3546 ; dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL') -> 3547 write_sql(QueryId, compile, 3548 top, 3549 [attribute_name(AttributeName), =, TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), +, '1'|T], 3550 T, 3551 [], 3552 []) 3553 ; dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') -> 3554 write_sql(QueryId, compile, 3555 top, 3556 [attribute_name(AttributeName), =, attribute_name(AttributeName), +, '1'|T], 3557 T, 3558 [], 3559 []) 3560 ). 3561 3562 3563write_update_attribute_copy_sql_server @ 3564 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, TableAlias), 3565 select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(_, _, _, SelectTableAlias, SelectAttributeName), 1, SelectAttributeVariableUsed, SelectVariable) 3566 \ 3567 write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, UpdateVariable) 3568 <=> 3569 dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server'), 3570 var(SelectVariable), 3571 SelectVariable == UpdateVariable 3572 | 3573 SelectAttributeVariableUsed = select_attribute_variable_used, 3574 write_sql(QueryId, 3575 compile, 3576 top, 3577 [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), =, SelectTableAlias, '.', attribute_name(SelectAttributeName)|T], 3578 T, 3579 [], 3580 []). 3581 3582write_update_attribute_copy_postgres @ 3583 update_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, TargetAlias), 3584 query_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TableAlias), 3585 select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(_, _, _, SelectTableAlias, SelectAttributeName), 1, SelectAttributeVariableUsed, SelectVariable) 3586 \ 3587 write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, UpdateVariable) 3588 <=> 3589 dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), 3590 var(SelectVariable), 3591 SelectVariable == UpdateVariable 3592 | 3593 SelectAttributeVariableUsed = select_attribute_variable_used, 3594 3595 ( TargetAlias == TableAlias -> 3596 write_sql(QueryId, 3597 compile, 3598 top, 3599 [attribute_name(AttributeName), =, SelectTableAlias, '.', attribute_name(SelectAttributeName)|T], 3600 T, 3601 [], 3602 []) 3603 ; otherwise-> 3604 write_sql(QueryId, 3605 compile, 3606 top, 3607 [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), =, SelectTableAlias, '.', attribute_name(SelectAttributeName)|T], 3608 T, 3609 [], 3610 []) 3611 3612 ). 3613 3614 3615write_update_attribute_copy_sqlite @ 3616 update_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, TargetAlias), 3617 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias), 3618 select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(_, _, _, SelectTableAlias, SelectAttributeName), 1, SelectAttributeVariableUsed, SelectVariable) 3619 \ 3620 write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, UpdateVariable) 3621 <=> 3622 dbms(Schema, 'SQLite'), 3623 var(SelectVariable), 3624 SelectVariable == UpdateVariable 3625 | 3626 SelectAttributeVariableUsed = select_attribute_variable_used, 3627 ( TargetAlias == SelectTableAlias-> 3628 % This is the simplest case. Otherwise we must write a subquery 3629 write_sql(QueryId, 3630 compile, 3631 top, 3632 [attribute_name(AttributeName), =, attribute_name(SelectAttributeName)|T], 3633 T, 3634 [], 3635 []) 3636 ; otherwise-> 3637 write_sql(QueryId, 3638 compile, 3639 top, 3640 [attribute_name(AttributeName), =, '(SELECT ', SelectTableAlias, '.', attribute_name(SelectAttributeName), ' '|T], 3641 T, 3642 [], 3643 []), 3644 Tail = [' AND ', TableAlias, '.rowid = ', TableName, '.rowid)'|T3], 3645 write_sql(QueryId, 3646 compile, 3647 top, 3648 X, 3649 T3, 3650 Parameters, 3651 []), 3652 find_copy_of_from(QueryId, X, Tail, Parameters) 3653 ). 3654 3655write_in_line_formatted_update_attribute @ 3656 query_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TableAlias) 3657 \ 3658 write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, format(Format, FormatArgs)) 3659 <=> 3660 in_line_format(QueryId, Format, FormatArgs, ApplicationValue), 3661 write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, ApplicationValue). 3662 3663:-multifile(cql_atomic_value_check_hook/1). 3664write_atomic_update_attribute @ 3665 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) 3666 \ 3667 write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, ApplicationValue) 3668 <=> 3669 ( var(ApplicationValue) 3670 ; atom(ApplicationValue) 3671 ; integer(ApplicationValue) 3672 ; rational(ApplicationValue) 3673 ; cql_atomic_value_check_hook(ApplicationValue) 3674 ; ApplicationValue == {null} 3675 ; ApplicationValue == {timestamp} 3676 ; ApplicationValue == {user_id} 3677 ; ApplicationValue == {transaction_id} 3678 ) 3679 | 3680 ( dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server') -> 3681 write_sql(QueryId, 3682 compile, 3683 top, 3684 [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), =, ?|T], 3685 T, 3686 [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue, update_value, _)], 3687 []) 3688 ; dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL') -> 3689 write_sql(QueryId, 3690 compile, 3691 top, 3692 [attribute_name(AttributeName), =, ?|T], 3693 T, 3694 [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue, update_value, _)], 3695 []) 3696 ; dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') -> 3697 write_sql(QueryId, 3698 compile, 3699 top, 3700 [attribute_name(AttributeName), =, ?|T], 3701 T, 3702 [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue, update_value, _)], 3703 []) 3704 3705 ). 3706 3707write_evaluated_update_attribute @ 3708 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) 3709 \ 3710 write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, Expression) 3711 <=> 3712 ( dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server') ; dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL') ) 3713 | 3714 ( dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server') -> 3715 write_sql(QueryId, 3716 compile, 3717 top, 3718 [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), =|T], 3719 T, 3720 [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, {null}, evaluated_update_attribute, _)], 3721 []) 3722 ; dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL') -> 3723 write_sql(QueryId, 3724 compile, 3725 top, 3726 [attribute_name(AttributeName), =|T], 3727 T, 3728 [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, {null}, evaluated_update_attribute, _)], 3729 []) 3730 ), 3731 write_expression(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, TableAlias, Expression). 3732 3733write_evaluated_update_attribute_sqlite @ 3734 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) 3735 \ 3736 write_update_attribute(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, Expression) 3737 <=> 3738 dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') 3739 | 3740 % SQLite does not support the above method. Instead of Expression, we must actually put the entire FROM/WHERE clause here in a subquery like 3741 % attribute_name(AttributeName) = SELECT(Expression FROM .......) 3742 write_sql(QueryId, 3743 compile, 3744 top, 3745 [attribute_name(AttributeName), =, '(SELECT '|T], 3746 T, 3747 [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, {null}, evaluated_update_attribute, _)], 3748 []), 3749 write_expression(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, TableAlias, Expression), 3750 Tail = [' AND ', TableAlias, '.rowid = ', TableName, '.rowid)'|T3], 3751 write_sql(QueryId, 3752 compile, 3753 top, 3754 X, 3755 T3, 3756 Parameters, 3757 []), 3758 find_copy_of_from(QueryId, X, Tail, Parameters). 3759 3760 3761write_evaluated_update_binary_expression @ 3762 write_expression(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, TableAlias, Expression) 3763 <=> 3764 nonvar(Expression), 3765 functor(Expression, Operator, 2), 3766 memberchk(Operator, [+, -, *, /]) 3767 | 3768 arg(1, Expression, Lhs), 3769 arg(2, Expression, Rhs), 3770 ( dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') -> 3771 % SQLite defaults to integer arithmetic. Fix this here 3772 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['(1.0*'|T1], T1, [], []) 3773 ; otherwise-> 3774 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['('|T1], T1, [], []) 3775 ), 3776 write_expression(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, TableAlias, Lhs), 3777 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [' ', Operator, ' '|T2], T2, [], []), 3778 write_expression(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, TableAlias, Rhs), 3779 ( dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') -> 3780 % SQLite defaults to integer arithmetic. 3781 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['*1.0)'|T3], T3, [], []) 3782 ; otherwise-> 3783 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [')'|T3], T3, [], []) 3784 ). 3785 3786write_evaluated_update_expression_attribute @ 3787 select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(_, _, _, TableAlias, AttributeName), 1, SelectAttributeVariableUsed, Variable) 3788 \ 3789 write_expression(QueryId, _, _, _, _, Variable) 3790 <=> 3791 SelectAttributeVariableUsed = select_attribute_variable_used, 3792 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T], T, [], []). 3793 3794write_evaluated_update_expression_constant @ 3795 write_expression(QueryId, _, _, _, _, Constant) 3796 <=> 3797 integer(Constant) 3798 | 3799 atom_number(ConstantAtom, Constant), 3800 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [ConstantAtom|T], T, [], []). 3801 3802write_evaluated_update_expression_parameter @ 3803 write_expression(QueryId, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, _, Variable) 3804 <=> 3805 var(Variable) 3806 | 3807 write_sql(QueryId, 3808 compile, 3809 top, 3810 [?|T], 3811 T, 3812 [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Variable, evaluated_update_parameter, _)], 3813 []). 3814 3815 3816write_evaluated_update_table_expression_attribute @ 3817 write_expression(QueryId, _, _, _, TableAlias, AttributeName) 3818 <=> 3819 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T], T, [], []). 3820 3821 3822write_delete_with_no_where_clause @ 3823 restriction_tree(QueryId, where, true) 3824 \ 3825 phase(QueryId, initial), 3826 delete_row(QueryId, TableName, _) 3827 <=> 3828 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['DELETE'|T1], T1, [], []), 3829 write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [' FROM ', table_name(TableName)|T2], T2, [], []), 3830 phase(QueryId, where). 3831 3832 3833write_delete_with_where_clause @ 3834 phase(QueryId, initial), 3835 delete_row(QueryId, TableName, TableAlias) 3836 <=> 3837 TableAlias = TableName, 3838 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['DELETE'|T1], T1, [], []), 3839 write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [' FROM ', TableAlias|T2], T2, [], []), 3840 phase(QueryId, where). 3841 3842 3843write_select_keyword @ 3844 phase(QueryId, initial) 3845 <=> 3846 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['SELECT '|T], T, [], []), 3847 phase(QueryId, distinct). 3848 3849 3850write_select_distinct @ 3851 select_distinction(QueryId, DistinctionType) 3852 \ 3853 phase(QueryId, distinct) 3854 <=> 3855 DistinctionType \== no_distinction 3856 | 3857 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['DISTINCT '|T], T, [], []), 3858 phase(QueryId, top). 3859 3860 3861no_distinct @ 3862 phase(QueryId, distinct) 3863 <=> 3864 phase(QueryId, top). 3865 3866 3867should_not_be_any_distinct_constraints_left_over @ 3868 check_for_orphan_distincts, 3869 distinct(_, Distinct), 3870 original_cql(Cql) 3871 <=> 3872 throw(format('Unused DISTINCT ~w in CQL: ~w', [Distinct, Cql])). 3873 3874select_variable_is_used_if_its_a_where_variable @ 3875 select_attribute(_, _, 1, SelectAttributeVariableUsed, Variable), 3876 where_restriction_variable(Variable) 3877 ==> 3878 SelectAttributeVariableUsed = select_attribute_variable_used. 3879 3880select_variable_is_used_if_its_a_join_variable @ 3881 select_attribute(_, _, 1, SelectAttributeVariableUsed, Variable), 3882 join_variable(Variable) 3883 ==> 3884 SelectAttributeVariableUsed = select_attribute_variable_used. 3885 3886 3887select_variable_is_used_if_its_a_sub_query_join_variable @ 3888 select_attribute(_, _, 1, SelectAttributeVariableUsed, Variable), 3889 sub_query_join_variable(Variable) 3890 ==> 3891 SelectAttributeVariableUsed = select_attribute_variable_used. 3892 3893check_for_orphan_select_variables_in_updates @ 3894 check_for_orphan_select_variables_in_updates, 3895 query_type(QueryId, update), 3896 select_attribute(QueryId, _, 1, SelectAttributeVariableUsed, Variable), 3897 original_cql(Cql) 3898 <=> 3899 var(SelectAttributeVariableUsed) 3900 | 3901 throw(format('Unused SELECT variable ~w in UPDATE in CQL: ~w', [Variable, Cql])). 3902 3903original_cql_uniqueness @ 3904 original_cql(Cql) 3905 \ 3906 original_cql(Cql) 3907 <=> 3908 true. 3909 3910 3911statement_location_uniqueness @ 3912 cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber) 3913 \ 3914 cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber) 3915 <=> 3916 true. 3917 3918 3919top_n_error @ 3920 top(_, _, N), 3921 original_cql(Cql) 3922 ==> 3923 \+ var(N), 3924 \+ (integer(N), N >= 0) 3925 | 3926 throw(format('The N in top(N) must be an integer and not less than zero but found ~w in CQL: ~w', [N, Cql])). 3927 3928 3929write_select_top_n @ 3930 phase(QueryId, top), 3931 top(QueryId, Schema, N) 3932 <=> 3933 ( dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server') -> 3934 ( var(N) -> 3935 write_sql(QueryId, 3936 compile, 3937 top, 3938 ['TOP (?) '|T], 3939 T, 3940 [odbc_explicit_type_parameter(integer, N, top_value)], 3941 []) 3942 ; otherwise-> 3943 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, ['TOP ', N, ' '|T], T, [], []) 3944 ) 3945 ; dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL') -> 3946 limit(QueryId, Schema, N) 3947 ; dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') -> 3948 limit(QueryId, Schema, N) 3949 ), 3950 phase(QueryId, select_attributes). 3951 3952 3953no_top @ 3954 phase(QueryId, top) 3955 <=> 3956 phase(QueryId, select_attributes). 3957 3958 3959write_limit @ 3960 write_limit, 3961 limit(QueryId, Schema, N) 3962 <=> 3963 ( ( dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL') ; dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') )-> 3964 (var(N)-> 3965 write_sql(QueryId, 3966 compile, 3967 where, 3968 [' LIMIT (?) '|T], 3969 T, 3970 [odbc_explicit_type_parameter(integer, N, top_value)], 3971 []) 3972 ; otherwise-> 3973 write_sql(QueryId, compile, where, [' LIMIT ', N, ' '|T], T, [], []) 3974 ) 3975 ; otherwise-> 3976 true). 3977 3978no_limit @ 3979 write_limit 3980 <=> 3981 true. 3982 3983write_sub_query_select @ 3984 sub_query_select(QueryId) 3985 \ 3986 phase(QueryId, select_attributes) 3987 <=> 3988 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [*|T], T, [], []), 3989 phase(QueryId, from). 3990 3991 3992write_select_for_insert_attributes @ 3993 phase(QueryId, select_attributes), 3994 query_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, _) 3995 \ 3996 select_for_insert_variables([Variable|InsertVariables], InsertTableName) 3997 <=> 3998 select_for_insert_variable(QueryId, Variable, InsertTableName), 3999 select_for_insert_variables(InsertVariables, InsertTableName). 4000 4001 4002write_select_for_insert_attributes_complete @ 4003 phase(QueryId, select_attributes), 4004 select_for_insert_variables([], _) 4005 <=> 4006 phase(QueryId, from). 4007 4008 4009write_select_for_insert_count @ 4010 select_for_insert_variable(QueryId, Variable, _), 4011 select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(aggregation(count), _, _, TableAlias, AttributeName), 1, _, Variable) 4012 <=> 4013 write_select_attribute(QueryId, 4014 compile, 4015 ['count(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|T], 4016 T, 4017 ignore_output). 4018 4019 4020write_select_for_insert_aggregation @ 4021 select_for_insert_variable(QueryId, Variable, _), 4022 select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(aggregation(AggregationOperator), _, _, TableAlias, AttributeName), 1, _, Variable) 4023 <=> 4024 % Why did someone try and do this?! 4025 %map_database_atom(AggregationOperator, AggregationOperatorUc), 4026 write_select_attribute(QueryId, 4027 compile, 4028 [AggregationOperator, '(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|T], 4029 T, 4030 ignore_output). 4031 4032 4033write_select_for_insert_select_constant @ 4034 select_for_insert_variable(QueryId, Variable, InsertTableName), 4035 select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(plain, Schema, _, _, AttributeName), 1, _, selection_constant(Variable)) 4036 <=> 4037 write_select_attribute(QueryId, 4038 compile, 4039 ['? AS ', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T], 4040 T, 4041 selection_constant(Schema, InsertTableName, AttributeName, Variable)). 4042 4043 4044write_select_for_insert_plain_attribute @ 4045 select_for_insert_variable(QueryId, Variable, _), 4046 select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(plain, _, _, TableAlias, AttributeName), 1, _, Variable) 4047 <=> 4048 write_select_attribute(QueryId, 4049 compile, 4050 [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T], 4051 T, 4052 ignore_output). 4053 4054 4055write_select_attributes @ 4056 select_attribute(QueryId, _, _, _, _) 4057 \ 4058 phase(QueryId, select_attributes) 4059 <=> 4060 write_select_attributes(QueryId), 4061 phase(QueryId, from). 4062 4063 4064write_do_nothing_select @ 4065 phase(QueryId, select_attributes) 4066 <=> 4067 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [0|T], T, [], [ignore_output]), 4068 % no human 4069 phase(QueryId, from). 4070 4071 4072write_select_count_attribute @ 4073 write_select_attributes(QueryId), 4074 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) 4075 \ 4076 select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(aggregation(count), Schema, _, TableAlias, AttributeName), 1, _, Variable) 4077 <=> 4078 get_data_size(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Size), 4079 include_select_attribute(QueryId, 4080 compile, 4081 Size, 4082 ['count(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|T], 4083 T, 4084 count(Variable)). 4085 4086write_select_avg_attribute_for_postgres @ 4087 write_select_attributes(QueryId), 4088 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) 4089 \ 4090 select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(aggregation(avg), Schema, _, TableAlias, AttributeName), 1, _, Variable) 4091 <=> 4092 dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL') 4093 | 4094 %map_database_atom(avg, AggregationOperatorUc), 4095 upcase_atom(avg, AggregationOperatorUc), 4096 get_data_size(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Size), 4097 include_select_attribute(QueryId, 4098 compile, 4099 Size, 4100 [AggregationOperatorUc, '(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|T], 4101 T, 4102 avg(Variable)). 4103 4104write_select_aggregation_attribute @ 4105 write_select_attributes(QueryId), 4106 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) 4107 \ 4108 select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(aggregation(AggregationOperator), Schema, _, TableAlias, AttributeName), 1, _, Variable) 4109 <=> 4110 get_data_size(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Size), 4111 %map_database_atom(AggregationOperator, AggregationOperatorUc), 4112 upcase_atom(AggregationOperator, AggregationOperatorUc), 4113 include_select_attribute(QueryId, 4114 compile, 4115 Size, 4116 [AggregationOperatorUc, '(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|T], 4117 T, 4118 output(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Variable)). 4119 4120 4121write_top_level_select_attribute @ 4122 write_select_attributes(QueryId), 4123 query(QueryId, _, top_level_query), 4124 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) 4125 \ 4126 select_attribute(QueryId, select_attribute(plain, Schema, _, TableAlias, AttributeName), 1, _, Variable) 4127 <=> 4128 get_data_size(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Size), 4129 include_select_attribute(QueryId, 4130 if_var(Variable), 4131 Size, 4132 [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T], 4133 T, 4134 output(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Variable)). 4135 4136 4137 4138flush_select_attributes @ 4139 write_select_attributes(QueryId) 4140 ==> 4141 collect_select_attributes(QueryId, Unsorted), 4142 keysort(Unsorted, SortedWithKeys), 4143 cql_strip_sort_keys(SortedWithKeys, Sorted), 4144 actually_write_select_attributes(QueryId, compile, Sorted). 4145 4146collect_select_attributes @ 4147 collect_select_attributes(QueryId, Tail), 4148 include_select_attribute(QueryId, CompileInstruction, Size, Tokens, TokenTail, Attribute) 4149 <=> 4150 Tail = [Size-select_info(CompileInstruction, Tokens, TokenTail, Attribute)|NewTail], 4151 collect_select_attributes(QueryId, NewTail). 4152 4153finished_collecting_select_attributes @ 4154 collect_select_attributes(_, Tail) 4155 <=> 4156 Tail = []. 4157 4158actually_write_select_attributes(_, _, []). 4159actually_write_select_attributes(QueryId, _PreviousCompileInstruction, [select_info(CompileInstruction, Tokens, Tail, Attribute)|More]):- 4160 %instruction_conjunction(PreviousCompileInstruction, CompileInstruction, Conjunction), 4161 write_select_attribute(QueryId, CompileInstruction, Tokens, Tail, Attribute), 4162 actually_write_select_attributes(QueryId, CompileInstruction, More). 4163 4164 4165 4166write_select_attribute_with_leading_comma @ 4167 select_attribute_written(QueryId) 4168 \ 4169 write_select_attribute(QueryId, CompileInstruction, SqlTokens, Tail, Output) 4170 <=> 4171 write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, top, [', '|T], T, [], []), 4172 write_select_attribute_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, SqlTokens, Tail, Output). 4173 4174 4175write_select_attribute_without_leading_comma @ 4176 write_select_attribute(QueryId, _CompileInstruction, SqlTokens, Tail, Output) 4177 <=> 4178 write_select_attribute_1(QueryId, compile, SqlTokens, Tail, Output), 4179 select_attribute_written(QueryId). 4180 4181 4182write_select_attribute_1a @ 4183 write_select_attribute_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, SqlTokens, Tail, selection_constant(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue)) 4184 <=> 4185 write_sql(QueryId, 4186 CompileInstruction, 4187 top, 4188 SqlTokens, 4189 Tail, 4190 [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue, insert_value, _)], 4191 [ignore_output]). 4192 4193write_select_attribute_1c @ 4194 write_select_attribute_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, SqlTokens, Tail, Output) 4195 <=> 4196 write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, top, SqlTokens, Tail, [], [Output]). 4197 4198in_line_join_on @ 4199 create_in_line_joins, 4200 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), JoinVariableA), 4201 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), JoinVariableB) 4202 ==> 4203 dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server'), 4204 var(JoinVariableA), 4205 JoinVariableA == JoinVariableB, 4206 TableAliasA \== TableAliasB 4207 | 4208 join_variable(JoinVariableA), 4209 join_variable(JoinVariableB), 4210 join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB). 4211 4212 4213in_line_join_on @ 4214 create_in_line_joins, 4215 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), JoinVariableA), 4216 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), JoinVariableB) 4217 ==> 4218 dbms(Schema, 'SQLite'), 4219 var(JoinVariableA), 4220 JoinVariableA == JoinVariableB, 4221 TableAliasA \== TableAliasB 4222 | 4223 join_variable(JoinVariableA), 4224 join_variable(JoinVariableB), 4225 join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB). 4226 4227 4228/* We can end up with selects mixed in with other types because of how 4229 translate_select ends up getting called to parse the where clauses of 4230 other types of query. In this case, we can simply delete all the selects. 4231*/ 4232 4233a_query_cannot_be_select_and_something_else @ 4234 query_type(QueryId, _) 4235 \ 4236 query_type(QueryId, select) 4237 <=> 4238 true. 4239 4240 4241in_line_join_on_postgres_select_insert_or_delete @ 4242 create_in_line_joins, 4243 query_type(QueryId, QueryType), 4244 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), JoinVariableA), 4245 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), JoinVariableB) 4246 ==> 4247 dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), 4248 memberchk(QueryType, [select, insert, delete]), 4249 var(JoinVariableA), 4250 JoinVariableA == JoinVariableB, 4251 TableAliasA \== TableAliasB 4252 | 4253 join_variable(JoinVariableA), 4254 join_variable(JoinVariableB), 4255 join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB). 4256 4257in_line_join_on_postgres_update_but_not_target @ 4258 create_in_line_joins, 4259 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), JoinVariableA), 4260 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), JoinVariableB), 4261 update_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TargetAlias) 4262 ==> 4263 dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), 4264 var(JoinVariableA), 4265 JoinVariableA == JoinVariableB, 4266 TableAliasA \== TableAliasB, 4267 TableAliasA \== TargetAlias, 4268 TableAliasB \== TargetAlias 4269 | 4270 join_variable(JoinVariableA), 4271 join_variable(JoinVariableB), 4272 join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB). 4273 4274in_line_join_on_postgres_and_is_target @ 4275 create_in_line_joins, 4276 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), JoinVariableA), 4277 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), JoinVariableB), 4278 update_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TargetAlias) 4279 ==> 4280 dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), 4281 var(JoinVariableA), 4282 JoinVariableA == JoinVariableB, 4283 TableAliasA \== TableAliasB, 4284 ( TableAliasA == TargetAlias ; TableAliasB == TargetAlias) 4285 | 4286 join_variable(JoinVariableA), 4287 join_variable(JoinVariableB), 4288 comparison(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), ==, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB)), 4289 join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB). 4290 4291cleanup_create_in_line_joins @ 4292 create_in_line_joins 4293 <=> 4294 true. 4295 4296explicit_join_on_postgres_update @ 4297 create_join_points, 4298 update_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TargetAlias), 4299 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), JoinVariableA), 4300 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), JoinVariableB) 4301 \ 4302 % Use up the comparison/4 as we don't want it in the WHERE clause 4303 comparison(QueryId, JoinVariableA, ==, JoinVariableB) 4304 <=> 4305 dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), 4306 var(JoinVariableA), 4307 var(JoinVariableB), 4308 TableAliasA \== TableAliasB, TableAliasA \== TargetAlias, TableAliasB \== TargetAlias 4309 | 4310 join_variable(JoinVariableA), 4311 join_variable(JoinVariableB), 4312 join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB). 4313 4314explicit_join_on_postgres_other @ 4315 create_join_points, 4316 query_type(QueryId, Type), 4317 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), JoinVariableA), 4318 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), JoinVariableB) 4319 \ 4320 % Use up the comparison/4 as we don't want it in the WHERE clause 4321 comparison(QueryId, JoinVariableA, ==, JoinVariableB) 4322 <=> 4323 dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), 4324 memberchk(Type, [select, insert, delete]), 4325 var(JoinVariableA), 4326 var(JoinVariableB), 4327 TableAliasA \== TableAliasB 4328 | 4329 join_variable(JoinVariableA), 4330 join_variable(JoinVariableB), 4331 join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB). 4332 4333 4334 4335explicit_join_on @ 4336 create_join_points, 4337 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), JoinVariableA), 4338 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), JoinVariableB) 4339 \ 4340 % Use up the comparison/4 as we don't want it in the WHERE clause 4341 comparison(QueryId, JoinVariableA, ==, JoinVariableB) 4342 <=> 4343 dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server'), 4344 var(JoinVariableA), 4345 var(JoinVariableB), 4346 TableAliasA \== TableAliasB 4347 | 4348 join_variable(JoinVariableA), 4349 join_variable(JoinVariableB), 4350 join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB). 4351 4352explicit_join_on @ 4353 create_join_points, 4354 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA), JoinVariableA), 4355 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), JoinVariableB) 4356 \ 4357 % Use up the comparison/4 as we don't want it in the WHERE clause 4358 comparison(QueryId, JoinVariableA, ==, JoinVariableB) 4359 <=> 4360 dbms(Schema, 'SQLite'), 4361 var(JoinVariableA), 4362 var(JoinVariableB), 4363 TableAliasA \== TableAliasB 4364 | 4365 join_variable(JoinVariableA), 4366 join_variable(JoinVariableB), 4367 join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB). 4368 4369 4370avoid_duplicate_join_ons @ 4371 join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB) 4372 \ 4373 join_on(TableAliasB, AttributeNameB, TableAliasA, AttributeNameA) 4374 <=> 4375 true. 4376 4377 4378search_for_join_aliases_0 @ 4379 join(_, Join, LhsJoin, _, RhsJoin) 4380 ==> 4381 search_for_join_aliases(Join, lhs, LhsJoin), 4382 search_for_join_aliases(Join, rhs, RhsJoin). 4383 4384 4385search_for_join_aliases_1 @ 4386 join_leaf(Join, TableAlias), 4387 search_for_join_aliases(JoinParent, Side, Join) 4388 ==> 4389 join_alias(JoinParent, Side, TableAlias). 4390 4391 4392search_for_join_aliases_2 @ 4393 join(_, Join, LhsJoin, _, _), 4394 search_for_join_aliases(JoinParent, Side, Join) 4395 ==> 4396 search_for_join_aliases(JoinParent, Side, LhsJoin). 4397 4398 4399search_for_join_aliases_3 @ 4400 join(_, Join, _, _, RhsJoin), 4401 search_for_join_aliases(JoinParent, Side, Join) 4402 ==> 4403 search_for_join_aliases(JoinParent, Side, RhsJoin). 4404 4405% This is for PostgreSQL 4406% If we have an implicit join in some query QueryId, we get the join for free. 4407% However, to do the pre-state-change stuff, we still have to build the join in memory 4408% and capture the ON clause. This formula creates the two join points in SubQueryId 4409% which is where the on/4 term goes and implicit_join_sql/3 looks. 4410% Note that this is only used for explicit on clauses. 4411search_for_join_aliases_4 @ 4412 implicit_join(QueryId, _, SubQueryId), 4413 update_table_alias(QueryId, _Schema, _TableName, TableAlias) 4414 ==> 4415 join_alias(SubQueryId, lhs, TableAlias), 4416 search_for_join_aliases(SubQueryId, rhs, QueryId). 4417 4418 4419 4420add_on_from_join_on @ 4421 resolve_join_points, 4422 join_alias(Join, lhs, TableAliasLhs), 4423 join_alias(Join, rhs, TableAliasRhs) 4424 \ 4425 join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB) 4426 <=> 4427 ( TableAliasLhs == TableAliasA, 4428 TableAliasRhs == TableAliasB 4429 ; TableAliasLhs == TableAliasB, 4430 TableAliasRhs == TableAliasA 4431 ) 4432 | 4433 add_on(Join, TableAliasA-AttributeNameA==TableAliasB-AttributeNameB). 4434 4435 4436add_ons @ 4437 on(Join, Resolved, On), 4438 add_on(Join, ExistingOn) 4439 <=> 4440 on(Join, Resolved, (ExistingOn, On)). 4441 4442 4443add_on @ 4444 add_on(Join, ExistingOn) 4445 <=> 4446 on(Join, _, ExistingOn). 4447 4448 4449resolve_join_points @ 4450 resolve_join_points 4451 \ 4452 on(Join, Resolved, On) 4453 <=> 4454 var(Resolved) 4455 | 4456 resolve_join_points(Join, On, NewOn), 4457 on(Join, resolved, NewOn). 4458 4459 4460cleanup_resolve_join_points @ 4461 resolve_join_points 4462 <=> 4463 true. 4464 4465 4466resolve_join_points_1 @ 4467 resolve_join_points(Join, (Lhs, Rhs), NewOn) 4468 <=> 4469 resolve_join_points(Join, Lhs, NewLhs), 4470 resolve_join_points(Join, Rhs, NewRhs), 4471 NewOn = (NewLhs, NewRhs). 4472 4473 4474resolve_join_points_2 @ 4475 resolve_join_points(Join, (Lhs ; Rhs), NewOn) 4476 <=> 4477 resolve_join_points(Join, Lhs, NewLhs), 4478 resolve_join_points(Join, Rhs, NewRhs), 4479 NewOn = (NewLhs ; NewRhs). 4480 4481 4482resolve_join_points_3 @ 4483 % Ihese come from in-line (shared varoabel) joins and explicit where-style restrictions 4484 resolve_join_points(_, TableAliasLhs-AttributeNameLhs==TableAliasRhs-AttributeNameRhs, NewOn) 4485 <=> 4486 NewOn = (TableAliasLhs-AttributeNameLhs==TableAliasRhs-AttributeNameRhs). 4487 4488 4489resolve_join_points_4 @ 4490 % These come from on clauses 4491 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasLhs, AttributeNameLhs), JoinVariableA), 4492 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAliasRhs, AttributeNameRhs), JoinVariableB), 4493 join_alias(Join, lhs, TableAliasLhs), 4494 join_alias(Join, rhs, TableAliasRhs) 4495 \ 4496 resolve_join_points(Join, A==B, NewOn) 4497 <=> 4498 var(A), 4499 var(B), 4500 ( (A==B) == (JoinVariableA==JoinVariableB) 4501 ; (B==A) == (JoinVariableA==JoinVariableB) 4502 ) 4503 | 4504 not_a_singleton(JoinVariableA), 4505 not_a_singleton(JoinVariableB), 4506 join_variable(JoinVariableA), 4507 join_variable(JoinVariableB), 4508 NewOn = (TableAliasLhs-AttributeNameLhs==TableAliasRhs-AttributeNameRhs). 4509 4510 4511resolve_join_points_5 @ 4512 attribute_binding(_, attribute(_, TableAlias, _), JoinVariable), 4513 join_alias(Join, _, TableAlias) 4514 \ 4515 resolve_join_points(Join, On, NewOn) 4516 <=> 4517 On =.. [Operator, V, Rhs], 4518 JoinVariable == V 4519 | 4520 not_a_singleton(JoinVariable), 4521 join_variable(JoinVariable), 4522 NewOn =.. [Operator, TableAlias-JoinVariable, Rhs]. 4523 4524 4525resolve_join_points_6 @ 4526 attribute_binding(_, attribute(_, TableAlias, _), JoinVariable), 4527 join_alias(Join, _, TableAlias) 4528 \ 4529 resolve_join_points(Join, On, NewOn) 4530 <=> 4531 On =.. [Operator, Lhs, V], 4532 JoinVariable == V 4533 | 4534 not_a_singleton(JoinVariable), 4535 join_variable(JoinVariable), 4536 NewOn =.. [Operator, Lhs, TableAlias-JoinVariable]. 4537 4538 4539resolve_join_points_7 @ 4540 resolve_join_points(_, On, _) 4541 <=> 4542 throw(format('Cannot translate ON specification: ~w', [On])). 4543 4544 4545join_variable_must_be_a_variable @ 4546 join_variable(Variable) 4547 <=> 4548 nonvar(Variable) 4549 | 4550 true. 4551 4552 4553join_variable_is_unique @ 4554 join_variable(Variable) 4555 \ 4556 join_variable(Variable) 4557 <=> 4558 true. 4559 4560 4561update_not_from_source @ 4562 query_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TableAlias), 4563 update_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, TargetAlias) 4564 \ 4565 phase(QueryId, Phase) 4566 <=> 4567 dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), 4568 Phase == from, 4569 TableAlias \== TargetAlias 4570 | 4571 write_sql(QueryId, compile, top, [' FROM '|T], T, [], []), 4572 write_join(QueryId, QueryId), 4573 phase(QueryId, where). 4574 4575update_from_source @ 4576 query_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, _), 4577 update_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, _) 4578 \ 4579 phase(QueryId, from) 4580 <=> 4581 dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL') 4582 | 4583 phase(QueryId, where). 4584 4585 4586select_from @ 4587 query_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, _) 4588 \ 4589 phase(QueryId, from) 4590 <=> 4591 write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [' FROM '|T], T, [], []), 4592 write_join(QueryId, QueryId), 4593 phase(QueryId, where). 4594 4595 4596no_from_statement @ 4597 phase(QueryId, from) 4598 <=> 4599 phase(QueryId, where). 4600 4601 4602% The inclusion of the target alias is implied in Postgres UPDATE ... FROM 4603write_join_leaf_unless_target @ 4604 join_leaf(Join, TableAlias), 4605 query_table_alias(QueryId, _, TableName, TableAlias), 4606 update_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, TargetAlias) 4607 \ 4608 write_join(QueryId, Join) 4609 <=> 4610 dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), 4611 TargetAlias \== TableAlias 4612 | 4613 write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [table_name(TableName), ' ', TableAlias|T], T, [], []). 4614 4615write_join_leaf @ 4616 join_leaf(Join, TableAlias), 4617 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) 4618 \ 4619 write_join(QueryId, Join) 4620 <=> 4621 write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [table_name(TableName), ' ', TableAlias|T], T, [], []), 4622 write_lock_hint(QueryId, Schema, TableAlias). 4623 4624 4625write_lock_hint @ 4626 write_lock_hint(QueryId, Schema, TableAlias), 4627 nolock(QueryId, TableAlias) 4628 <=> 4629 dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server') 4630 | 4631 write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [' WITH (NOLOCK)'|T], T, [], []). 4632 4633% Ignored for PostgreSQL and SQLite 4634cleanup_write_lock_hint @ 4635 write_lock_hint(_, _, _) 4636 <=> 4637 true. 4638 4639 4640 4641write_join_clause @ 4642 query(QueryId, Schema, _) 4643 \ 4644 join(QueryId, Join, LhsJoin, JoinType, RhsJoin), 4645 write_join(QueryId, Join), 4646 on(Join, _, On) 4647 <=> 4648 write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, ['('|T1], T1, [], []), 4649 write_join(QueryId, LhsJoin), 4650 write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [' ', JoinType, ' '|T2], T2, [], []), 4651 write_join(QueryId, RhsJoin), 4652 write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [' ON '|T3], T3, [], []), 4653 write_join_ons(QueryId, On), 4654 write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [')'|T4], T4, [], []), 4655 4656 ( debugging(index_suggestions) -> 4657 on_to_where(Schema, On, RestrictionTree), 4658 cql_suggest_indices(RestrictionTree, QueryId) 4659 4660 ; otherwise -> 4661 true 4662 ). 4663 4664 4665write_join_on_conjunction @ 4666 write_join_ons(QueryId, (Lhs, Rhs)) 4667 <=> 4668 write_join_ons(QueryId, Lhs), 4669 write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [' AND '|T], T, [], []), 4670 write_join_ons(QueryId, Rhs). 4671 4672 4673write_join_on_disjunction @ 4674 write_join_ons(QueryId, (Lhs ; Rhs)) 4675 <=> 4676 write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, ['('|T1], T1, [], []), 4677 write_join_ons(QueryId, Lhs), 4678 write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [' OR '|T2], T2, [], []), 4679 write_join_ons(QueryId, Rhs), 4680 write_sql(QueryId, compile, join, [')'|T3], T3, [], []). 4681 4682 4683write_join_on_attributes @ 4684 write_join_ons(QueryId, TableAliasLhs-AttributeNameLhs==TableAliasRhs-AttributeNameRhs) 4685 <=> 4686 write_sql(QueryId, 4687 compile, 4688 join, 4689 [TableAliasLhs, '.', attribute_name(AttributeNameLhs), =, TableAliasRhs, '.', attribute_name(AttributeNameRhs)|T], 4690 T, 4691 [], 4692 []). 4693 4694write_join_on_lhs @ 4695 attribute_binding(_, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Variable) 4696 \ 4697 write_join_ons(QueryId, On) 4698 <=> 4699 var(Variable), 4700 On =.. [ComparisonOperator, ApplicationValue, Rhs], 4701 error_on_comparison_operator(Schema, ComparisonOperator), 4702 Rhs == TableAlias-Variable 4703 | 4704 write_restriction(QueryId, compile, join, ApplicationValue, ComparisonOperator, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName)). 4705 4706 4707write_join_on_rhs @ 4708 attribute_binding(_, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Variable) 4709 \ 4710 write_join_ons(QueryId, On) 4711 <=> 4712 var(Variable), 4713 On =.. [ComparisonOperator, Lhs, ApplicationValue], 4714 error_on_comparison_operator(Schema, ComparisonOperator), 4715 Lhs == TableAlias-Variable 4716 | 4717 write_restriction(QueryId, compile, join, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), ComparisonOperator, ApplicationValue). 4718 4719error_on_comparison_operator(Schema, ComparisonOperator) :- 4720 ( ground(ComparisonOperator), 4721 prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(Schema, ComparisonOperator, _, _) -> 4722 true 4723 ; 4724 throw(format('Invalid comparison operator in JOIN ON: ~w', [ComparisonOperator])) 4725 ). 4726 4727query_table_alias_no_duplicates @ 4728 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) 4729 \ 4730 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) 4731 <=> 4732 true. 4733 4734 4735check_update_where_restriction @ 4736 phase(QueryId, where), 4737 restriction_tree(QueryId, where, true), 4738 state_change_query(QueryId, StateChangeType, _, _) 4739 ==> 4740 ( StateChangeType == delete 4741 ; StateChangeType == update 4742 ) 4743 | 4744 no_where_restriction(StateChangeType). 4745 4746 4747no_where_restriction_permitted @ 4748 no_where_restriction(_), 4749 absence_of_where_restriction_is_deliberate 4750 <=> 4751 true. 4752 4753 4754deletes_and_updates_must_have_a_where_restriction @ 4755 no_where_restriction(StateChangeType) 4756 <=> 4757 upcase_atom(StateChangeType, StateChangeTypeUc), 4758 throw(format('~w has no WHERE restriction - check RESTRICTION variables declared', [StateChangeTypeUc])). 4759 4760 4761remove_empty_restriction_tree @ 4762 phase(QueryId, where) 4763 \ 4764 restriction_tree(QueryId, where, true) 4765 <=> 4766 true. 4767 4768 4769where_restriction_clause @ 4770 phase(QueryId, where), 4771 restriction_tree(QueryId, where, RestrictionTree) 4772 <=> 4773 collect_indices(QueryId), 4774 write_sql(QueryId, compile, where, [' WHERE '|T], T, [], []), 4775 write_restriction_tree(QueryId, where, RestrictionTree), 4776 phase(QueryId, group_by). 4777 4778sqlite_must_have_where @ 4779 % This is because we add to the WHERE clause programmatically to compute subqueries for update expressions 4780 query(QueryId, Schema, _) 4781 \ 4782 phase(QueryId, where) 4783 <=> 4784 dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') 4785 | 4786 write_sql(QueryId, compile, where, [' WHERE 1=1 '|T], T, [], []), 4787 phase(QueryId, group_by). 4788 4789 4790no_where_restriction_clause @ 4791 phase(QueryId, where) 4792 <=> 4793 phase(QueryId, group_by). 4794 4795 4796having_restriction_clause @ 4797 phase(QueryId, having), 4798 restriction_tree(QueryId, having, RestrictionTree) 4799 <=> 4800 write_sql(QueryId, compile, having, [' HAVING '|T], T, [], []), 4801 write_restriction_tree(QueryId, having, RestrictionTree), 4802 phase(QueryId, order_by). 4803 4804 4805no_having_restriction_clause @ 4806 phase(QueryId, having) 4807 <=> 4808 phase(QueryId, order_by). 4809 4810suggest_indices @ 4811 write_restriction_tree(QueryId, _, RestrictionTree) 4812 \ 4813 collect_indices(QueryId) 4814 <=> 4815 ( debugging(index_suggestions) -> 4816 cql_suggest_indices(RestrictionTree, QueryId) 4817 4818 ; otherwise -> 4819 true 4820 ). 4821 4822write_restriction_clause @ 4823 write_restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, RestrictionTree) 4824 <=> 4825 ( RestrictionTree = or(Lhs, Rhs) -> 4826 Operator = 'OR' 4827 4828 ; RestrictionTree = and(Lhs, Rhs) -> 4829 Operator = 'AND' 4830 ) 4831 | 4832 write_sql(QueryId, compile, where, ['('|T1], T1, [], []), 4833 write_restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, Lhs), 4834 write_sql(QueryId, compile, where, [' ', Operator, ' '|T2], T2, [], []), 4835 write_restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, Rhs), 4836 write_sql(QueryId, compile, where, [')'|T3], T3, [], []). 4837 4838write_restriction_leaf_for_ignore_if_null_on_rhs @ 4839 query_table_alias(_, Schema, _TableName, TableAlias) 4840 \ 4841 write_restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, comparison(attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Operator, ignore_if_null(Variable))) 4842 <=> 4843 write_restriction(QueryId, if_not_null(Variable), RestrictionType, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Operator, Variable), 4844 write_sql(QueryId, if_null(Variable), RestrictionType, ['1 = 1'|T], T, [], []). 4845 4846 4847write_restriction_leaf_for_ignore_if_null_on_lhs @ 4848 query_table_alias(_, Schema, _TableName, TableAlias) 4849 \ 4850 write_restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, comparison(ignore_if_null(Variable), Operator, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName))) 4851 <=> 4852 write_restriction(QueryId, if_not_null(Variable), RestrictionType, Variable, Operator, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName)), 4853 write_sql(QueryId, if_null(Variable), RestrictionType, ['1 = 1'|T], T, [], []). 4854 4855write_restriction_leaf_for_if_not_var_on_rhs @ 4856 write_restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, comparison(Attribute, ==, if_not_var(Variable))) 4857 <=> 4858 write_restriction(QueryId, if_not_var(Variable), RestrictionType, Attribute, ==, if_not_var(Variable)), 4859 write_sql(QueryId, if_var(Variable), RestrictionType, ['1 = 1'|T], T, [], []). 4860 4861write_restriction_leaf @ 4862 write_restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, comparison(Lhs, Operator, Rhs)) 4863 <=> 4864 write_restriction(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, Lhs, Operator, Rhs). 4865 4866 4867write_restriction_between_attribute_and_ignore_if_null @ 4868 query_table_alias(_, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) 4869 \ 4870 write_restriction(QueryId, 4871 CompileInstruction, 4872 RestrictionType, 4873 attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), 4874 Operator, 4875 ignore_if_null(ApplicationValue)) 4876 <=> 4877 odbc_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, OdbcDataType) 4878 | 4879 write_restriction_1(QueryId, 4880 CompileInstruction, 4881 RestrictionType, 4882 OdbcDataType, 4883 _, 4884 Schema, 4885 TableName, 4886 AttributeName, 4887 attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), 4888 Operator, 4889 ignore_if_null(TableAlias, ApplicationValue)). 4890 4891write_restriction_between_attribute_and_if_not_var @ 4892 query_table_alias(_, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) 4893 \ 4894 write_restriction(QueryId, 4895 CompileInstruction, 4896 RestrictionType, 4897 attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), 4898 Operator, 4899 if_not_var(Variable)) 4900 <=> 4901 atom(AttributeName), 4902 odbc_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, OdbcDataType) 4903 | 4904 write_restriction_1(QueryId, 4905 CompileInstruction, 4906 RestrictionType, 4907 OdbcDataType, 4908 _, 4909 Schema, 4910 TableName, 4911 AttributeName, 4912 attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), 4913 Operator, 4914 if_not_var(Variable)). 4915 4916 4917not_in_list_comparison_with_no_elements @ 4918 write_restriction(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, _, (\==), []) 4919 <=> 4920 true 4921 | 4922 write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, ['1 = 1'|T], T, [], []). 4923 4924write_list_comparison_with_collation @ 4925 query_table_alias(_, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) 4926 \ 4927 write_restriction(QueryId, _CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Operator, List) 4928 <=> 4929 is_list(List), 4930 odbc_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, OdbcDataType), 4931 collatable_odbc_data_type(OdbcDataType), 4932 4933 ( Operator == (==) -> 4934 ListOperator = 'IN' 4935 4936 ; Operator == (\==) -> 4937 ListOperator = 'NOT IN' 4938 ) 4939 | 4940 % Duplicate the restriction to avoid the index scan that would result from 4941 % using the collation comparison alone 4942 % but only for SQL Server 4943 ( collation(Schema, Collation)-> 4944 write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T1], T1, [], []), 4945 write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [' ', Collation, ' ', ListOperator, ' ('|T2], T2, [], []), 4946 write_in_list(QueryId, RestrictionType, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, List), 4947 write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [') AND '|T3], T3, [], []) 4948 ; otherwise-> 4949 true 4950 ), 4951 write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T4], T4, [], []), 4952 write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [' ', ListOperator, ' ('|T5], T5, [], []), 4953 write_in_list(QueryId, RestrictionType, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, List), 4954 write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [')'|T6], T6, [], []). 4955 4956write_list_comparison_without_collation @ 4957 query_table_alias(_, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) 4958 \ 4959 write_restriction(QueryId, _CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Operator, List) 4960 <=> 4961 is_list(List), 4962 ( Operator == (==) -> 4963 ListOperator = 'IN' 4964 4965 ; Operator == (\==) -> 4966 ListOperator = 'NOT IN' 4967 ) 4968 | 4969 write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T1], T1, [], []), 4970 write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [' ', ListOperator, ' ('|T2], T2, [], []), 4971 write_in_list(QueryId, RestrictionType, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, List), 4972 write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [')'|T3], T3, [], []). 4973 4974write_runtime_list @ 4975 query_table_alias(_, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) 4976 \ 4977 write_restriction(QueryId, _CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), Operator, list(List)) 4978 <=> 4979 SubInstruction = not_empty(List), 4980 OtherInstruction = empty(List), 4981 4982 ( Operator == (==) -> 4983 ListOperator = 'IN' 4984 4985 ; Operator == (\==) -> 4986 ListOperator = 'NOT IN' 4987 ), 4988 odbc_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, OdbcDataType), 4989 4990 ( collatable_odbc_data_type(OdbcDataType), collation(Schema, Collation)-> 4991 true 4992 ; 4993 Collation = '' 4994 ), 4995 write_sql(QueryId, SubInstruction, RestrictionType, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T1], T1, [], []), 4996 4997 write_sql(QueryId, 4998 SubInstruction, 4999 RestrictionType, 5000 [' ', Collation, ' ', ListOperator, ' ('|T2], 5001 T2, 5002 [], 5003 []), 5004 write_sql(QueryId, 5005 list(List), 5006 RestrictionType, 5007 [?|T3], 5008 T3, 5009 [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, _, where_value, _)], 5010 []), 5011 write_sql(QueryId, 5012 SubInstruction, 5013 RestrictionType, 5014 [')'|T4], 5015 T4, 5016 [], 5017 []), 5018 write_sql(QueryId, 5019 OtherInstruction, 5020 RestrictionType, 5021 ['1=1'|T5], 5022 T5, 5023 [], 5024 []). 5025 5026 5027 5028 5029write_rhs_null_comparison @ 5030 write_restriction(QueryId, _CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, attribute(_, TableAlias, AttributeName), Operator, {null}) 5031 <=> 5032 null_comparison_keywords(Operator, Keywords, Tail) 5033 | 5034 write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|Keywords], Tail, [], []). 5035 5036 5037write_lhs_null_comparison @ 5038 write_restriction(QueryId, _CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, {null}, Operator, attribute(_, TableAlias, AttributeName)) 5039 <=> 5040 null_comparison_keywords(Operator, Keywords, Tail) 5041 | 5042 write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|Keywords], Tail, [], []). 5043 5044 5045null_comparison_keywords(==, [' IS NULL'|T], T). 5046null_comparison_keywords(\==, [' IS NOT NULL'|T], T). 5047 5048 5049write_restriction_between_attributes @ 5050 query_table_alias(_, _, TableNameLhs, TableAliasLhs) 5051 \ 5052 write_restriction(QueryId, 5053 CompileInstruction, 5054 RestrictionType, 5055 attribute(_, TableAliasLhs, AttributeNameLhs), 5056 Operator, 5057 attribute(_, TableAliasRhs, AttributeNameRhs)) 5058 <=> 5059 odbc_data_type(Schema, TableNameLhs, AttributeNameLhs, OdbcDataType) 5060 | 5061 write_restriction_1(QueryId, 5062 CompileInstruction, 5063 RestrictionType, 5064 OdbcDataType, 5065 _, 5066 Schema, 5067 TableNameLhs, 5068 AttributeNameLhs, 5069 attribute(_, TableAliasLhs, AttributeNameLhs), 5070 Operator, 5071 attribute(_, TableAliasRhs, AttributeNameRhs)). 5072 5073 5074write_restriction_between_attribute_and_aggregation_sub_select @ 5075 query_table_alias(_, _, TableName, TableAlias) 5076 \ 5077 write_restriction(QueryId, 5078 CompileInstruction, 5079 RestrictionType, 5080 attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), 5081 Operator, 5082 aggregation_sub_query_sql(AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, Sql, Tail, Inputs)) 5083 <=> 5084 odbc_data_type(Schema, AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, OdbcDataType) 5085 | 5086 Tail = [')'|NewTail], 5087 write_restriction_1(QueryId, 5088 CompileInstruction, 5089 RestrictionType, 5090 OdbcDataType, 5091 _, 5092 Schema, 5093 TableName, 5094 AttributeName, 5095 attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), 5096 Operator, 5097 tokens_and_parameters(['('|Sql], NewTail, Inputs)). 5098 5099 5100write_restriction_between_aggregation_sub_select_and_attribute @ 5101 query_table_alias(_, _, TableName, TableAlias) 5102 \ 5103 write_restriction(QueryId, 5104 CompileInstruction, 5105 RestrictionType, 5106 aggregation_sub_query_sql(AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, Sql, Tail, Inputs), 5107 Operator, 5108 attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName)) 5109 <=> 5110 odbc_data_type(Schema, AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, OdbcDataType) 5111 | 5112 Tail = [')'], 5113 write_restriction_1(QueryId, 5114 CompileInstruction, 5115 RestrictionType, 5116 OdbcDataType, 5117 _, 5118 Schema, 5119 TableName, 5120 AttributeName, 5121 ['('|Sql]-Inputs, 5122 Operator, 5123 attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName)). 5124 5125 5126write_restriction_between_expression_and_aggregation_sub_select @ 5127 write_restriction(QueryId, 5128 CompileInstruction, 5129 RestrictionType, 5130 Expression, 5131 Operator, 5132 aggregation_sub_query_sql(AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, Sql, Tail, Inputs)) 5133 <=> 5134 odbc_data_type(Schema, AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, OdbcDataType) 5135 | 5136 Tail = [')'|NewTail], 5137 write_restriction_1(QueryId, 5138 CompileInstruction, 5139 RestrictionType, 5140 OdbcDataType, 5141 _, 5142 Schema, 5143 AggregationTableName, 5144 AggregationAttributeName, 5145 Expression, 5146 Operator, 5147 tokens_and_parameters(['('|Sql], NewTail, Inputs)). 5148 5149 5150write_restriction_between_aggregation_sub_select_and_expression @ 5151 write_restriction(QueryId, 5152 CompileInstruction, 5153 RestrictionType, 5154 aggregation_sub_query_sql(AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, Sql, Tail, Inputs), 5155 Operator, 5156 Expression) 5157 <=> 5158 odbc_data_type(Schema, AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, OdbcDataType) 5159 | 5160 Tail = [')'|NewTail], 5161 write_restriction_1(QueryId, 5162 CompileInstruction, 5163 RestrictionType, 5164 OdbcDataType, 5165 _, 5166 Schema, 5167 AggregationTableName, 5168 AggregationAttributeName, 5169 tokens_and_parameters(['('|Sql], NewTail, Inputs), 5170 Operator, 5171 Expression). 5172 5173 5174write_restriction_between_expressions @ 5175 write_restriction(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, LhsExpression, Operator, RhsExpression) 5176 <=> 5177 RestrictionType \== having % Could be an aggregation e.g. sum(x) - leave those for the HAVING phase 5178 | 5179 ( representative_attribute(LhsExpression+RhsExpression, Schema, TableName, AttributeName) -> 5180 true 5181 ; otherwise -> 5182 throw(format('Cannot find attribute to determine expression data type in ~w or in ~w', [LhsExpression, RhsExpression])) 5183 ), 5184 ( odbc_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, OdbcDataType)-> 5185 true 5186 ; otherwise-> 5187 throw(format('Could not determine the type of ~w.~w', [TableName, AttributeName])) 5188 ), 5189 write_restriction_1(QueryId, 5190 CompileInstruction, 5191 RestrictionType, 5192 OdbcDataType, 5193 _, 5194 Schema, 5195 TableName, 5196 AttributeName, 5197 LhsExpression, 5198 Operator, 5199 RhsExpression). 5200 5201 5202representative_attribute_1 @ 5203 % Find an attribute to determine the data type of Expression 5204 query_table_alias(_, Schema, TableName, TableAlias) 5205 \ 5206 representative_attribute(attribute(Schema, TableAlias, AttributeName), RepresentativeSchema, RepresentativeTableName, RepresentativeAttributeName) 5207 <=> 5208 RepresentativeSchema = Schema, 5209 RepresentativeTableName = TableName, 5210 RepresentativeAttributeName = AttributeName. 5211 5212representative_attribute_2 @ 5213 representative_attribute(Expression, Schema, TableName, AttributeName) 5214 <=> 5215 nonvar(Expression), 5216 Expression =.. [_|L], 5217 5218 ( L = [Lhs, Rhs] -> 5219 ( representative_attribute(Lhs, Schema, TableName, AttributeName) 5220 ; representative_attribute(Rhs, Schema, TableName, AttributeName) 5221 ) 5222 ; L = [Expr] -> 5223 representative_attribute(Expr, Schema, TableName, AttributeName) 5224 ). 5225 5226 5227write_having_comparison_between_aggregation_and_null @ 5228 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, TableAlias), 5229 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, Aggregation), Variable) 5230 \ 5231 write_restriction(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, Variable, Operator, {null}) 5232 <=> 5233 not_a_singleton(Variable), 5234 null_comparison_keywords(Operator, Keywords, Tail), 5235 functor(Aggregation, Functor, 1), 5236 aggregation_operator(Functor), 5237 arg(1, Aggregation, AttributeName) 5238 | 5239 write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [Functor, '(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|Keywords], Tail, [], []). 5240 5241write_having_comparison_between_null_and_aggregation @ 5242 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, _, TableAlias), 5243 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, Aggregation), Variable) 5244 \ 5245 write_restriction(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, {null}, Operator, Variable) 5246 <=> 5247 not_a_singleton(Variable), 5248 null_comparison_keywords(Operator, Keywords, Tail), 5249 functor(Aggregation, Functor, 1), 5250 aggregation_operator(Functor), 5251 arg(1, Aggregation, AttributeName) 5252 | 5253 write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [Functor, '(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|Keywords], Tail, [], []). 5254 5255write_having_comparison_between_aggregation_and_expression @ 5256 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias), 5257 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, Aggregation), Variable) 5258 \ 5259 write_restriction(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, Variable, Operator, Expression) 5260 <=> 5261 not_a_singleton(Variable), 5262 functor(Aggregation, Functor, 1), 5263 aggregation_operator(Functor), 5264 arg(1, Aggregation, AttributeName), 5265 ( nonvar(Expression), 5266 Expression = ignore_if_null(ApplicationValue) -> 5267 IgnoreExpression =.. [Functor, TableAlias, AttributeName], 5268 E = ignore_if_null(IgnoreExpression, ApplicationValue) 5269 5270 ; otherwise -> 5271 E = Expression 5272 ), 5273 odbc_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, OdbcDataType), 5274 5275 ( Functor == count -> 5276 OdbcDataTypeOverride = integer 5277 5278 ; otherwise -> 5279 true 5280 ) 5281 | 5282 write_restriction_1(QueryId, 5283 CompileInstruction, 5284 RestrictionType, 5285 OdbcDataType, 5286 OdbcDataTypeOverride, 5287 Schema, 5288 TableName, 5289 AttributeName, 5290 tokens_and_parameters([Functor, '(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|Tail], Tail, []), 5291 Operator, 5292 E). 5293 5294write_having_comparison_between_expression_and_aggregation @ 5295 query_table_alias(QueryId, Schema, TableName, TableAlias), 5296 attribute_binding(QueryId, attribute(Schema, TableAlias, Aggregation), Variable) 5297 \ 5298 write_restriction(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, Expression, Operator, Variable) 5299 <=> 5300 functor(Aggregation, Functor, 1), 5301 aggregation_operator(Functor), 5302 arg(1, Aggregation, AttributeName), 5303 ( nonvar(Expression), 5304 Expression = ignore_if_null(ApplicationValue) -> 5305 IgnoreExpression =.. [Functor, TableAlias, AttributeName], 5306 E = ignore_if_null(IgnoreExpression, ApplicationValue) 5307 5308 ; otherwise -> 5309 E = Expression 5310 ), 5311 odbc_data_type(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, OdbcDataType), 5312 5313 ( Functor == count -> 5314 OdbcDataTypeOverride = integer 5315 5316 ; otherwise -> 5317 true 5318 ) 5319 | 5320 write_restriction_1(QueryId, 5321 CompileInstruction, 5322 RestrictionType, 5323 OdbcDataType, 5324 OdbcDataTypeOverride, 5325 Schema, 5326 TableName, 5327 AttributeName, 5328 E, 5329 Operator, 5330 tokens_and_parameters([Functor, '(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|Tail], Tail, [])). 5331 5332write_restriction_with_collation @ % Prolog-style atom matching i.e. case-sensitive 5333 write_restriction_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Lhs, ComparisonOperator, Rhs) 5334 <=> 5335 ( nonvar(OdbcDataTypeOverride) -> 5336 collatable_odbc_data_type(OdbcDataTypeOverride) 5337 5338 ; collatable_odbc_data_type(OdbcDataType) -> 5339 true 5340 ), 5341 5342 collatable_operator(ComparisonOperator), 5343 prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(Schema, ComparisonOperator, BaseSqlOperator, _) 5344 | 5345 % Need to duplicate the restriction to avoid the index scan that would result from 5346 % using the collation comparison alone 5347 % But only in SQL Server 5348 ( RestrictionType == where -> 5349 instruction_conjunction(CompileInstruction, if_not_null(Variable), C1) 5350 ; otherwise-> 5351 C1 = CompileInstruction 5352 ), 5353 instruction_conjunction(CompileInstruction, if_null(Variable), C2), 5354 ( collation(Schema, Collation)-> 5355 atomic_list_concat([Collation, ' ', BaseSqlOperator], SqlOperator), 5356 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Lhs), 5357 ( ( var(Rhs)-> 5358 Variable = Rhs 5359 ; Rhs = if_not_var(Variable)-> 5360 true 5361 ; Rhs = equality_restriction(Variable) -> 5362 true 5363 )-> 5364 % Either "= RHS" or " IS NULL" if RHS is {null} at runtime 5365 write_sql(QueryId, C1, RestrictionType, [' ', SqlOperator, ' '|T1], T1, [], []), 5366 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, C1, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Rhs), 5367 ( RestrictionType == where -> 5368 write_sql(QueryId, C2, RestrictionType, [' IS NULL'|T2], T2, [], []) 5369 ; otherwise-> 5370 true 5371 ) 5372 ; otherwise-> 5373 write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [' ', SqlOperator, ' '|T3], T3, [], []), 5374 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Rhs) 5375 ), 5376 write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [' AND '|T4], T4, [], []) 5377 ; otherwise-> 5378 true 5379 ), 5380 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Lhs), 5381 ( ( var(Rhs)-> 5382 Variable = Rhs 5383 ; Rhs = if_not_var(Variable)-> 5384 true 5385 ; Rhs = equality_restriction(Variable) -> 5386 true 5387 )-> 5388 % Either "= RHS" or " IS NULL" if RHS is {null} at runtime 5389 write_sql(QueryId, C1, RestrictionType, [' ', BaseSqlOperator, ' '|T5], T5, [], []), 5390 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, C1, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Rhs), 5391 ( RestrictionType == where -> 5392 write_sql(QueryId, C2, RestrictionType, [' IS NULL'|T6], T6, [], []) 5393 ; otherwise-> 5394 true 5395 ) 5396 ; otherwise-> 5397 write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [' ', BaseSqlOperator, ' '|T7], T7, [], []), 5398 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Rhs) 5399 ). 5400 5401 5402write_restriction_without_collation @ 5403 write_restriction_1(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Lhs, ComparisonOperator, Rhs) 5404 <=> 5405 prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(Schema, ComparisonOperator, SqlOperator, _) 5406 | 5407 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Lhs), 5408 5409 % This sets the RHS to be a 'LikeParameter'. We can undo this later if we discover the RHS is an expression 5410 ( is_like_operator(ComparisonOperator, LikeOdbcDataType) -> 5411 OdbcDataTypeOverride = LikeOdbcDataType 5412 ; otherwise -> 5413 true 5414 ), 5415 5416 ( ( var(Rhs)-> 5417 Variable = Rhs 5418 ; Rhs = if_not_var(Variable)-> 5419 true 5420 ; Rhs = equality_restriction(Variable) -> 5421 true 5422 )-> 5423 ( RestrictionType == where -> 5424 instruction_conjunction(CompileInstruction, if_not_null(Variable), C1) 5425 ; otherwise-> 5426 C1 = CompileInstruction 5427 ), 5428 instruction_conjunction(CompileInstruction, if_null(Variable), C2), 5429 write_sql(QueryId, C1, RestrictionType, [' ', SqlOperator, ' '|T1], T1, [], []), 5430 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, C1, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Rhs), 5431 ( RestrictionType == where -> 5432 write_sql(QueryId, C2, RestrictionType, [' IS NULL'|T2], T2, [], []) 5433 ; otherwise-> 5434 true 5435 ) 5436 ; otherwise-> 5437 write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [' ', SqlOperator, ' '|T3], T3, [], []), 5438 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Rhs) 5439 ). 5440 5441 5442% prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(Schema, 5443% ComparisonOperator, 5444% SqlOperator, 5445% InverseComparisonOperator) 5446 5447prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(_, <, <, >=). 5448prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(_, =<, <=, >). 5449prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(_, ==, =, \==). 5450prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(_, =:=, =, =\=). 5451prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(Schema, =~, Operator, \=~):- 5452 (dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server')-> 5453 Operator = 'LIKE' 5454 ; dbms(Schema, 'SQLite')-> 5455 Operator = 'LIKE' 5456 ; dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL')-> 5457 Operator = 'ILIKE' 5458 ). 5459prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(Schema, \=~, Operator, =~):- 5460 ( dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server')-> 5461 Operator = 'NOT LIKE' 5462 ; dbms(Schema, 'SQLite')-> 5463 Operator = 'NOT LIKE' 5464 ; dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL')-> 5465 Operator = 'NOT ILIKE' 5466 ). 5467prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(_, \==, <>, ==). 5468prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(_, =\=, <>, =:=). 5469prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(_, >=, >=, <). 5470prolog_to_sql_comparison_operator(_, >, >, =<). 5471 5472 5473collatable_odbc_data_type(char(_)). 5474collatable_odbc_data_type(varchar(_)). 5475collatable_odbc_data_type(longvarchar). 5476 5477 5478collatable_operator(Operator):- 5479 Operator \== (=~). 5480 5481 5482is_like_operator((=~), varchar(128)). 5483 5484 5485collation(Schema, 'COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS'):- % Make CQL case-sensitive 5486 dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server'). 5487 5488collation(Schema, _):- 5489 ( dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL')-> 5490 fail 5491 ; dbms(Schema, 'SQLite')-> 5492 fail 5493 ). 5494 5495write_restriction_expression_1 @ 5496 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, _, _, _, _, _, tokens_and_parameters(Tokens, Tail, OdbcParameters)) 5497 <=> 5498 write_sql(QueryId, 5499 CompileInstruction, 5500 RestrictionType, 5501 Tokens, 5502 Tail, 5503 OdbcParameters, 5504 []). 5505 5506write_restriction_expression_2 @ 5507 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, _, _, _, _, _, attribute(_, TableAlias, AttributeName)) 5508 <=> 5509 write_sql(QueryId, 5510 CompileInstruction, 5511 RestrictionType, 5512 [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName)|T], 5513 T, 5514 [], 5515 []). 5516 5517write_restriction_expression_3 @ 5518 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, _, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, equality_restriction(Variable)) 5519 <=> 5520 write_sql(QueryId, 5521 CompileInstruction, 5522 RestrictionType, 5523 [?|T], 5524 T, 5525 [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Variable, where_value, OdbcDataTypeOverride)], 5526 []). 5527 5528% This is a ignore_if_null against an aggregation 5529write_restriction_expression_4a @ 5530 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, _, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ignore_if_null(Aggregation, Variable)) 5531 <=> 5532 functor(Aggregation, Functor, 2), 5533 aggregation_operator(Functor) 5534 | 5535 arg(1, Aggregation, TableAlias), 5536 arg(2, Aggregation, AttributeName), 5537 write_sql(QueryId, 5538 CompileInstruction, 5539 RestrictionType, 5540 ['COALESCE(?, ', Functor, '(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), '))'|T], 5541 T, 5542 [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Variable, where_value, OdbcDataTypeOverride)], 5543 []). 5544 5545write_restriction_expression_4 @ 5546 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, _, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ignore_if_null(TableAlias, Variable)) 5547 <=> 5548 write_sql(QueryId, 5549 CompileInstruction, 5550 RestrictionType, 5551 ['COALESCE(?, ', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ')'|T], 5552 T, 5553 [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Variable, where_value, OdbcDataTypeOverride)], 5554 []). 5555 5556write_restriction_expression_5 @ 5557 attribute_binding(QueryId, Attribute, Variable) 5558 \ 5559 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Variable) 5560 <=> 5561 var(Variable) 5562 | 5563 where_restriction_variable(Variable), 5564 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Attribute). 5565 5566write_restriction_expression_6 @ 5567 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, _, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Variable) 5568 <=> 5569 atomic_application_value(Variable) 5570 | 5571 write_sql(QueryId, 5572 CompileInstruction, 5573 RestrictionType, 5574 [?|T], 5575 T, 5576 [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Variable, where_value, OdbcDataTypeOverride)], 5577 []). 5578 5579write_restriction_expression_7 @ 5580 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Expression) 5581 <=> 5582 Expression =.. [Operator, Rhs], 5583 restriction_prefix_operator(Operator) 5584 | 5585 write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [Operator|T], T, [], []), 5586 % We unset the OdbcDataTypeOverride here 5587 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Rhs). 5588 5589write_restriction_expression_8 @ 5590 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Expression) 5591 <=> 5592 Expression =.. [Operator, Lhs, Rhs], 5593 restriction_expression_operator(Operator) 5594 | 5595 ( dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') -> 5596 write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, ['(1.0*'|T1], T1, [], []) 5597 ; otherwise-> 5598 write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, ['('|T1], T1, [], []) 5599 ), 5600 % We unset the OdbcDataTypeOverride here 5601 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Lhs), 5602 write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [')'|T2], T2, [], []), 5603 write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [Operator|T3], T3, [], []), 5604 ( dbms(Schema, 'SQLite') -> 5605 write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, ['(1.0*'|T4], T4, [], []) 5606 ; otherwise-> 5607 write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, ['('|T4], T4, [], []) 5608 ), 5609 % We unset the OdbcDataTypeOverride here 5610 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Rhs), 5611 write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, [')'|T5], T5, [], []). 5612 5613write_restriction_expression_9 @ 5614 write_restriction_expression(QueryId, CompileInstruction, RestrictionType, _OdbcDataType, OdbcDataTypeOverride, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, if_not_var(Var)) 5615 <=> 5616 instruction_conjunction(CompileInstruction, if_not_var(Var), NewInstruction), 5617 write_sql(QueryId, 5618 NewInstruction, 5619 RestrictionType, 5620 [?|T], 5621 T, 5622 [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, Var, where_value, OdbcDataTypeOverride)], 5623 []). 5624 5625 5626write_restriction_expression_10 @ 5627 write_restriction_expression(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, Expression) 5628 <=> 5629 throw(format('Bad restriction expression: ~w', [Expression])). 5630 5631 5632restriction_prefix_operator(+). 5633restriction_prefix_operator(-). 5634 5635restriction_expression_operator(+). 5636restriction_expression_operator(-). 5637restriction_expression_operator(/). 5638restriction_expression_operator(*). 5639 5640 5641write_sub_query @ 5642 write_restriction_tree(QueryId, RestrictionType, sub_query(SubQueryType, Sql, SqlTail, SubQueryInputs)) 5643 <=> 5644 ( SubQueryType == exists -> 5645 Token = 'EXISTS' 5646 5647 ; SubQueryType == (\+ exists) -> 5648 Token = 'NOT EXISTS' 5649 ) 5650 | 5651 SqlTail = [')'|T], 5652 write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [Token, ' ('|Sql], T, SubQueryInputs, []). 5653 5654 5655write_in_list_1 @ 5656 next_in_list_value_needs_comma(QueryId) 5657 \ 5658 write_in_list(QueryId, RestrictionType, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, [ApplicationValue|ApplicationValues]) 5659 <=> 5660 write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [', ?'|T], T, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue, where_value, _)], []), 5661 write_in_list(QueryId, RestrictionType, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValues). 5662 5663 5664write_in_list_2 @ 5665 write_in_list(QueryId, RestrictionType, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, [ApplicationValue|ApplicationValues]) 5666 <=> 5667 write_sql(QueryId, compile, RestrictionType, [?|T], T, [odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValue, where_value, _)], []), 5668 next_in_list_value_needs_comma(QueryId), 5669 write_in_list(QueryId, RestrictionType, Schema, TableName, AttributeName, ApplicationValues). 5670 5671 5672write_in_list_3 @ 5673 write_in_list(QueryId, _, _, _, _, []), 5674 next_in_list_value_needs_comma(QueryId) 5675 <=> 5676 true. 5677 5678 5679write_group_by @ 5680 group_by(QueryId, _) 5681 \ 5682 phase(QueryId, group_by) 5683 <=> 5684 write_sql(QueryId, compile, having, [' GROUP BY '|T], T, [], []), 5685 write_group_bys(QueryId), 5686 phase(QueryId, having). 5687 5688 5689no_group_by @ 5690 phase(QueryId, group_by) 5691 <=> 5692 phase(QueryId, having). 5693 5694 5695write_group_bys @ 5696 write_group_bys(QueryId) 5697 \ 5698 attribute_for_group_by(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, GroupBy), 5699 group_by(QueryId, GroupBy) 5700 <=> 5701 write_group_by_attribute(QueryId, [TableAlias, '.', AttributeName|T], T). 5702 5703 5704write_group_by_attribute_with_trailing_comma @ 5705 next_group_by_attribute_needs_comma(QueryId) 5706 \ 5707 write_group_by_attribute(QueryId, SqlTokens, Tail) 5708 <=> 5709 write_sql(QueryId, compile, having, [', '|SqlTokens], Tail, [], []). 5710 5711 5712write_group_by_attribute_without_trailing_comma @ 5713 write_group_by_attribute(QueryId, SqlTokens, Tail) 5714 <=> 5715 write_sql(QueryId, compile, having, SqlTokens, Tail, [], []), 5716 next_group_by_attribute_needs_comma(QueryId). 5717 5718 5719should_not_be_any_group_by_constraints_left_over @ 5720 check_for_orphan_group_bys, 5721 group_by(_, GroupBy), 5722 original_cql(Cql) 5723 <=> 5724 throw(format('Unused GROUP BY ~w in CQL: ~w', [GroupBy, Cql])). 5725 5726 5727write_order_by @ 5728 order_bys(QueryId, OrderBys) 5729 \ 5730 phase(QueryId, order_by) 5731 <=> 5732 OrderBys \== [] 5733 | 5734 write_sql(QueryId, compile, having, [' ORDER BY '|T], T, [], []), 5735 write_order_bys(QueryId, OrderBys), 5736 phase(QueryId, union). 5737 5738 5739no_order_by @ 5740 phase(QueryId, order_by) 5741 <=> 5742 phase(QueryId, union). 5743 5744 5745write_order_bys @ 5746 write_order_bys(QueryId, [OrderBy|OrderBys]) 5747 <=> 5748 write_order_by(QueryId, OrderBy), 5749 write_order_bys(QueryId, OrderBys). 5750 5751 5752clean_up_write_order_bys @ 5753 write_order_bys(_, []) 5754 <=> 5755 true. 5756 5757 5758write_order_by_aggregate @ 5759 write_order_by(QueryId, OrderBy), 5760 attribute_for_order_by(QueryId, TableAlias, AggregationTerm, Variable) 5761 <=> 5762 AggregationTerm =.. [AggregationOperator, AttributeName], 5763 aggregation_operator(AggregationOperator), 5764 5765 ( OrderBy == +(Variable) -> 5766 Direction = 'ASC' 5767 5768 ; OrderBy == -(Variable) -> 5769 Direction = 'DESC' 5770 ), 5771 %map_database_atom(AggregationOperator, AggregationOperatorUc) 5772 upcase_atom(AggregationOperator, AggregationOperatorUc) 5773 | 5774 not_a_singleton(Variable), 5775 write_order_by_attribute(QueryId, [AggregationOperatorUc, '(', TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ') ', Direction|T], T). 5776 5777 5778write_order_by @ 5779 write_order_by(QueryId, OrderBy), 5780 attribute_for_order_by(QueryId, TableAlias, AttributeName, Variable) 5781 <=> 5782 ( OrderBy == +(Variable) -> 5783 Direction = 'ASC' 5784 5785 ; OrderBy == -(Variable) -> 5786 Direction = 'DESC' 5787 ) 5788 | 5789 not_a_singleton(Variable), 5790 write_order_by_attribute(QueryId, [TableAlias, '.', attribute_name(AttributeName), ' ', Direction|T], T). 5791 5792 5793 5794write_order_by_attribute_with_trailing_comma @ 5795 next_order_by_attribute_needs_comma(QueryId) 5796 \ 5797 write_order_by_attribute(QueryId, SqlTokens, Tail) 5798 <=> 5799 write_sql(QueryId, compile, having, [', '|SqlTokens], Tail, [], []). 5800 5801 5802write_order_by_attribute_without_trailing_comma @ 5803 write_order_by_attribute(QueryId, SqlTokens, Tail) 5804 <=> 5805 write_sql(QueryId, compile, having, SqlTokens, Tail, [], []), 5806 next_order_by_attribute_needs_comma(QueryId). 5807 5808 5809should_not_be_any_write_order_by_constraints_left_over @ 5810 check_for_orphan_order_bys, 5811 write_order_by(_, OrderBy), 5812 original_cql(Cql) 5813 <=> 5814 throw(format('Unused ORDER BY ~w in CQL: ~w', [OrderBy, Cql])). 5815 5816 5817in_line_formats @ 5818 prior_to_execution \ in_line_format(_, Format, FormatArgs, ApplicationValue) <=> format(atom(ApplicationValue), Format, FormatArgs). 5819 prior_to_execution <=> true. 5820 5821 5822postgres_identity @ 5823 number_of_rows_affected(QueryId, _, _) 5824 \ 5825 postgres_identity(QueryId, ReturnedIdentity), 5826 cql_identity(QueryId, _, Identity) 5827 <=> 5828 Identity = ReturnedIdentity. 5829 5830ignored_postgres_identity @ 5831 number_of_rows_affected(QueryId, _, _) 5832 \ 5833 postgres_identity(QueryId, _) 5834 <=> 5835 true. 5836 5837identity_sql_server @ 5838 number_of_rows_affected(QueryId, Connection, _), 5839 cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber) 5840 \ 5841 cql_identity(QueryId, Schema, Identity) 5842 <=> 5843 dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server'), 5844 odbc_query(Connection, 'SELECT CAST(@@IDENTITY AS INTEGER)', row(ScopeIdentity)) 5845 | 5846 ( integer(ScopeIdentity) -> 5847 Identity = ScopeIdentity, 5848 get_transaction_context(TransactionId, _, AccessToken, _, _), 5849 cql_access_token_to_user_id(AccessToken, UserId), 5850 cql_log([], informational, 'CQL\t~w\t~w\t Inserted row has identity ~w\t(~w:~w)', [UserId, TransactionId, Identity, FileName, LineNumber]) 5851 ; otherwise -> 5852 cql_error(bad_identity, 'Integer identity value expected but got ~q', [ScopeIdentity]) 5853 ). 5854 5855identity_sqlite @ 5856 number_of_rows_affected(QueryId, Connection, _), 5857 cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber) 5858 \ 5859 cql_identity(QueryId, Schema, Identity) 5860 <=> 5861 dbms(Schema, 'SQLite'), 5862 odbc_query(Connection, 'SELECT CAST(last_insert_rowid() AS INTEGER)', row(ScopeIdentity)) 5863 | 5864 ( integer(ScopeIdentity) -> 5865 Identity = ScopeIdentity, 5866 get_transaction_context(TransactionId, _, AccessToken, _, _), 5867 cql_access_token_to_user_id(AccessToken, UserId), 5868 cql_log([], informational, 'CQL\t~w\t~w\t Inserted row has identity ~w\t(~w:~w)', [UserId, TransactionId, Identity, FileName, LineNumber]) 5869 ; otherwise -> 5870 cql_error(bad_identity, 'Integer identity value expected but got ~q', [ScopeIdentity]) 5871 ). 5872 5873rows_affected @ 5874 number_of_rows_affected(QueryId, _, N) 5875 \ 5876 row_count(QueryId, RowCount) 5877 <=> 5878 RowCount = N. 5879 5880post_state_change_statistics @ 5881 number_of_rows_affected(QueryId, _, N) 5882 \ 5883 cql_state_change_statistics_sql(QueryId, Schema, TableName, update, _, StateChangeAttributeNames, OdbcParameters, _) 5884 <=> 5885 process_statistics_post_state_changes(Schema, TableName, StateChangeAttributeNames, OdbcParameters, N). 5886 5887number_of_rows_affected_cleanup @ 5888 number_of_rows_affected(QueryId, _, _), cql_state_change_statistics_sql(QueryId, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) <=> true. 5889 number_of_rows_affected(_, _, _) <=> true. 5890 5891 5892write_sql @ 5893 sql_statement(QueryId, TokensSoFar, TokensTail, FromTokensSoFar, FromTail, RestrictionTokensSoFar, RestrictionTail, ExistingOdbcParameters, ExistingFromParameters, ExistingOutputs), 5894 write_sql(QueryId, CompileInstruction, Position, AddTokens, AddTail, OdbcParameters, Outputs) 5895 <=> 5896 ( CompileInstruction == compile-> 5897 Addition = AddTokens, 5898 AdditionTail = AddTail, 5899 ( Position \== top-> 5900 append(ExistingFromParameters, OdbcParameters, NewFromParameters), 5901 NewOdbcParameters = ExistingOdbcParameters 5902 ; otherwise-> 5903 ( var(OdbcParameters)-> 5904 append(ExistingOdbcParameters, [compile:OdbcParameters], NewOdbcParameters) 5905 ; otherwise-> 5906 append(ExistingOdbcParameters, OdbcParameters, NewOdbcParameters) 5907 ), 5908 NewFromParameters = ExistingFromParameters 5909 ) 5910 ; otherwise-> 5911 % FIXME: This is where to keep the tail around so we can flatten quickly at runtime 5912 Addition = [CompileInstruction:AddTokens|AdditionTail], 5913 AddTail = [], 5914 ( OdbcParameters == []-> 5915 NewOdbcParameters = ExistingOdbcParameters, 5916 NewFromParameters = ExistingFromParameters 5917 ; otherwise-> 5918 ( Position \== top-> 5919 append(ExistingFromParameters, [CompileInstruction:OdbcParameters], NewFromParameters), 5920 NewOdbcParameters = ExistingOdbcParameters 5921 ; otherwise-> 5922 append(ExistingOdbcParameters, [CompileInstruction:OdbcParameters], NewOdbcParameters), 5923 NewFromParameters = ExistingFromParameters 5924 ) 5925 ) 5926 ), 5927 ( Position == join -> 5928 FromTail = Addition, 5929 NewFromTail = AdditionTail, 5930 NewTokensTail = TokensTail, 5931 NewRestrictionTail = RestrictionTail 5932 ; Position == top -> 5933 TokensTail = Addition, 5934 NewTokensTail = AdditionTail, 5935 NewFromTail = FromTail, 5936 NewRestrictionTail = RestrictionTail 5937 ; otherwise-> 5938 NewRestrictionTail = AdditionTail, 5939 RestrictionTail = Addition, 5940 NewTokensTail = TokensTail, 5941 NewFromTail = FromTail 5942 ), 5943 ( CompileInstruction == compile -> 5944 append(ExistingOutputs, Outputs, NewOutputs) 5945 ; Outputs == []-> 5946 NewOutputs = ExistingOutputs 5947 ; otherwise-> 5948 append(ExistingOutputs, [CompileInstruction:Outputs], NewOutputs) 5949 ), 5950 sql_statement(QueryId, TokensSoFar, NewTokensTail, FromTokensSoFar, NewFromTail, RestrictionTokensSoFar, NewRestrictionTail, NewOdbcParameters, NewFromParameters, NewOutputs). 5951 5952 5953instantiate_aggregation_sub_query @ 5954 query(SubQueryId, _, sub_query) 5955 \ 5956 phase(SubQueryId, union), 5957 sql_statement(SubQueryId, SqlTokens, TokensTail, SqlFromTokens, FromTail, SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail, OdbcParameters, FromParameters, [output(_, TableName, AttributeName, _)]), 5958 aggregation_sub_query(SubQueryId, AggregationTableName, AggregationAttributeName, SubQuerySqlTokens, SubQueryTail, SubQueryOdbcParameters) 5959 <=> 5960 AggregationTableName = TableName, 5961 AggregationAttributeName = AttributeName, 5962 TokensTail = SqlFromTokens, 5963 FromTail = SqlRestrictionTokens, 5964 SubQueryTail = RestrictionTail, 5965 SubQuerySqlTokens = SqlTokens, 5966 append(OdbcParameters, FromParameters, SubQueryOdbcParameters). 5967 5968instantiate_sub_query @ 5969 query(QueryId, _, sub_query) 5970 \ 5971 phase(QueryId, union), 5972 sql_statement(QueryId, SqlTokens, TokensTail, SqlFromTokens, FromTail, SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail, OdbcParameters, FromParameters, _), 5973 sub_query(QueryId, SubQuerySqlTokens, SubQuerySqlTail, SubQueryOdbcParameters) 5974 <=> 5975 TokensTail = SqlFromTokens, 5976 FromTail = SqlRestrictionTokens, 5977 SubQuerySqlTail = RestrictionTail, 5978 SubQuerySqlTokens = SqlTokens, 5979 append(OdbcParameters, FromParameters, SubQueryOdbcParameters). 5980 5981orphan_write_restriction @ 5982 check_query, 5983 write_restriction(_, _, _, ApplicationValueLhs, Operator, ApplicationValueRhs), 5984 original_cql(Cql) 5985 <=> 5986 throw(format('Unused restriction: ~w ~w ~w in CQL: ~w', [ApplicationValueLhs, Operator, ApplicationValueRhs, Cql])). 5987 5988% Ignore any join_on which comes for free in PostgreSQL 5989% (if we do an UPDATE ... FROM) we get a free join to the target 5990% NB: We can only get implicit_join/2 if dbms is PostgreSQL 5991ignore_implicit_joins @ 5992 implicit_join(QueryId, Ignore, SubQueryId) 5993 \ 5994 join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB) 5995 <=> 5996 ( Ignore == TableAliasA ; Ignore == TableAliasB) 5997 | 5998 add_on(SubQueryId, TableAliasA-AttributeNameA==TableAliasB-AttributeNameB), 5999 implicit_join_link(QueryId, SubQueryId). 6000 6001remove_duplicate_implicit_join_links @ 6002 implicit_join_link(QueryId, SubQueryId) 6003 \ 6004 implicit_join_link(QueryId, SubQueryId) 6005 <=> 6006 true. 6007 6008recover_implicit_join_for_update @ 6009 implicit_join_sql(QueryId, Sql, Tail), 6010 implicit_join_link(QueryId, SubQueryId), 6011 on(SubQueryId, _, On) 6012 <=> 6013 sql_statement(SubQueryId, A, A, B, B, C, C, [], [], []), 6014 write_join_ons(SubQueryId, On), 6015 fetch_implicit_join_sql(SubQueryId, Sql, Tail). 6016 6017fetch_implicit_join_sql @ 6018 fetch_implicit_join_sql(SubQueryId, Sql, Tail), 6019 sql_statement(SubQueryId, SqlTokens, TokensTail, SqlFromTokens, FromTail, SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail, _, _, _) 6020 <=> 6021 TokensTail = SqlFromTokens, 6022 FromTail = SqlRestrictionTokens, 6023 Tail = RestrictionTail, 6024 Sql = SqlTokens. 6025 6026check_for_joins @ 6027 check_query, 6028 join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), 6029 original_cql(Cql) 6030 <=> 6031 throw(format('Unused JOIN point ~w (check join operator present) in CQL: ~w', 6032 [join_on(TableAliasA, AttributeNameA, TableAliasB, AttributeNameB), Cql])). 6033 6034 6035check_for_unused_select_bindings @ 6036 % Select bindings should have either been translated into select attributes (i.e. will appear in 6037 % the SELECT clause) or been explicitly discarded. Any left behind indicate a problem. 6038 check_query, 6039 select_binding(_, X, Attribute, _), 6040 original_cql(Cql) 6041 <=> 6042 throw(format('Unused SELECT binding (missing GROUP BY?): ~n~w ~n~n~w~n~nin CQL: ~w', [X, Attribute, Cql])). 6043 6044 6045check_for_unused_join_on_comparisons @ 6046 check_query, 6047 write_join_ons(_, On), 6048 original_cql(Cql) 6049 <=> 6050 throw(format('Unused join ON comparison <~w> in CQL: ~w', [On, Cql])). 6051 6052 6053check_for_unused_comparisons @ 6054 check_query, 6055 comparison(_, Lhs, ComparisonOperator, Rhs), 6056 original_cql(Cql) 6057 <=> 6058 throw(format('Unused comparison: ~w ~w ~w in CQL: ~w', [Lhs, ComparisonOperator, Rhs, Cql])). 6059 6060 6061cleanup_check_query @ 6062 check_query 6063 <=> 6064 true. 6065 6066 6067odbc_state_change_statement_update @ 6068 prepare_odbc_statements, 6069 sql_statement(QueryId, SqlTokens, TokensTail, SqlFromTokens, FromTail, SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail, SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, Outputs), 6070 state_change_query(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName) 6071 <=> 6072 dbms(Schema, 'Microsoft SQL Server'), 6073 StateChangeType == update 6074 | 6075 TokensTail = SqlFromTokens, 6076 FromTail = SqlRestrictionTokens, 6077 RestrictionTail = [], 6078 AllSqlTokens = SqlTokens, 6079 append(SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, OdbcParameters), 6080 create_cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, SqlFromTokens, TableName, OdbcParameters), 6081 create_cql_state_change_statistics_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, SqlFromTokens, TableName, OdbcParameters), 6082 compile_tokens(AllSqlTokens, Sql), 6083 cql_odbc_state_change_statement(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs). 6084 6085 6086duplicate_from_clause @ 6087 copy_of_from(QueryId, Tokens, Tail, Parameters) 6088 \ 6089 find_copy_of_from(QueryId, NewTokens, NewTail, NewParameters) 6090 <=> 6091 Parameters = NewParameters, 6092 swap_tail(Tokens, Tail, NewTail, NewTokens). 6093 6094remove_cycles([], []):- !. 6095remove_cycles([compile:_|As], [Bs]):- !, remove_cycles(As, Bs). 6096remove_cycles([A|As], [A|Bs]):- !, remove_cycles(As, Bs). 6097remove_cycles([_|As], Bs):- remove_cycles(As, Bs). 6098 6099odbc_state_change_statement_update_sqlite_1 @ 6100 update_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TargetAlias) 6101 \ 6102 prepare_odbc_statements, 6103 sql_statement(QueryId, SqlTokens, TokensTail, SqlFromTokens, FromTail, SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail, SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, Outputs), 6104 state_change_query(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName) 6105 <=> 6106 dbms(Schema, 'SQLite'), 6107 StateChangeType == update 6108 | 6109 TokensTail = [' WHERE rowid IN (SELECT ', TargetAlias, '.rowid '|SqlFromTokens], 6110 FromTail = SqlRestrictionTokens, 6111 AllSqlTokens = SqlTokens, 6112 % Yikes. Initially I used copy_term here but the variables need to be shared (except the tail, of course) 6113 swap_tail(SqlFromTokens, RestrictionTail, [], StateChangeSelectTokens), 6114 swap_tail(SqlFromTokens, RestrictionTail, CopyFromTail, CopyFrom), 6115 copy_of_from(QueryId, CopyFrom, CopyFromTail, FromParameters), 6116 RestrictionTail = [')'], 6117 append(SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, OdbcParameters), 6118 create_cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, StateChangeSelectTokens, TableName, OdbcParameters), 6119 create_cql_state_change_statistics_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, StateChangeSelectTokens, TableName, OdbcParameters), 6120 compile_tokens(AllSqlTokens, Sql), 6121 cql_odbc_state_change_statement(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs). 6122 6123 6124swap_tail(Var, RestrictionTail, Tail, Tail):- 6125 RestrictionTail == Var, !. 6126 6127swap_tail([A|As], Tail, X, [A|Bs]):- 6128 swap_tail(As, Tail, X, Bs). 6129 6130odbc_state_change_statement_update @ 6131 query_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TableAlias), 6132 update_table_alias(QueryId, _, _, TargetAlias) 6133 \ 6134 prepare_odbc_statements, 6135 sql_statement(QueryId, SqlTokens, TokensTail, SqlFromTokens, FromTail, SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail, SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, Outputs), 6136 state_change_query(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, UpdateTableName) 6137 <=> 6138 dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), 6139 implicit_join_sql(QueryId, ImplicitJoinSQL, [')'|ImplicitJoinTail]), 6140 % If there is any query_table_alias which is NOT the same as the update_table_alias then the 6141 % SqlRestrictionTokens will already contain a FROM 6142 TableAlias \== TargetAlias, 6143 StateChangeType == update 6144 | 6145 append(SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, OdbcParameters), 6146 % This is full of nasty traps. We must build up two very similar but not identical queries. Take care not to instantiate too much before the copy_term/2! 6147 RestrictionTail = [], 6148 ImplicitJoinTail = SqlRestrictionTokens, 6149 copy_term([' FROM '|SqlFromTokens]:FromTail, SqlPreFromTokens:[' INNER JOIN ', UpdateTableName, ' ', TargetAlias, ' ON ('|ImplicitJoinSQL]), 6150 TokensTail = SqlFromTokens, 6151 FromTail = SqlRestrictionTokens, 6152 AllSqlTokens = SqlTokens, 6153 6154 create_cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, SqlPreFromTokens, UpdateTableName, OdbcParameters), 6155 create_cql_state_change_statistics_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, SqlPreFromTokens, UpdateTableName, OdbcParameters), 6156 % Inject the implicit join here 6157 % ImplicitJoin = [' INNER JOIN ', TableName, ' ', TableAlias, ' ON ', '(1=1)'], 6158 compile_tokens(AllSqlTokens, Sql), 6159 cql_odbc_state_change_statement(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, UpdateTableName, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs). 6160 6161 6162odbc_state_change_statement_update @ 6163 query_table_alias(QueryId, _, TableName, TableAlias) 6164 \ 6165 prepare_odbc_statements, 6166 sql_statement(QueryId, SqlTokens, TokensTail, SqlFromTokens, FromTail, SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail, SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, Outputs), 6167 state_change_query(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName) 6168 <=> 6169 dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL'), 6170 StateChangeType == update 6171 | 6172 append(SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, OdbcParameters), 6173 % If there is no query_table_alias which is NOT the same as the update_table_alias then the 6174 % SqlRestrictionTokens will NOT contain a FROM, so we must add one 6175 TokensTail = SqlFromTokens, 6176 FromTail = SqlRestrictionTokens, 6177 RestrictionTail = [], 6178 AllSqlTokens = SqlTokens, 6179 % This case is much simpler than the above 6180 create_cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, [' FROM ', TableName, ' ', TableAlias, ' '|SqlRestrictionTokens], TableName, OdbcParameters), 6181 create_cql_state_change_statistics_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, [' FROM ', TableName, ' ', TableAlias, ' '|SqlRestrictionTokens], TableName, OdbcParameters), 6182 compile_tokens(AllSqlTokens, Sql), 6183 cql_odbc_state_change_statement(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs). 6184 6185 6186odbc_state_change_statement_not_update @ 6187 prepare_odbc_statements, 6188 sql_statement(QueryId, SqlTokens, TokensTail, SqlFromTokens, FromTail, SqlRestrictionTokens, RestrictionTail, SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, Outputs), 6189 state_change_query(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName) 6190 <=> 6191 TokensTail = SqlFromTokens, 6192 FromTail = SqlRestrictionTokens, 6193 RestrictionTail = [], 6194 AllSqlTokens = SqlTokens, 6195 append(SelectOdbcParameters, FromParameters, OdbcParameters), 6196 create_cql_pre_state_change_select_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, SqlFromTokens, TableName, OdbcParameters), 6197 ( StateChangeType == delete -> 6198 create_cql_state_change_statistics_sql(QueryId, StateChangeType, SqlFromTokens, TableName, OdbcParameters) 6199 ; otherwise-> 6200 true 6201 ), 6202 compile_tokens(AllSqlTokens, Sql), 6203 cql_odbc_state_change_statement(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName, Sql, OdbcParameters, Outputs). 6204 6205 6206execute_state_change_query @ 6207 cql_statement_location(FileName, LineNumber) 6208 \ 6209 cql_execute(OdbcCachingOption), 6210 cql_odbc_state_change_statement(QueryId, StateChangeType, Schema, TableName, HalfCompiledSql, HalfCompiledOdbcParameters, _) 6211 <=> 6212 fully_compile_sql(HalfCompiledSql, HalfCompiledOdbcParameters, [], Sql, OdbcParameters, _), 6213 get_transaction_context(TransactionId, _, AccessToken, _, Connection), 6214 execute_on_connection(Schema, 6215 Connection, 6216 ( debug_before(Sql, Schema, OdbcParameters), 6217 identify_pre_state_change_values(QueryId, StateChangeType, Connection), 6218 cql_access_token_to_user_id(AccessToken, UserId), 6219 ( StateChangeType == insert, 6220 statistic_monitored_attribute(Schema, TableName, _) -> 6221 forall((statistic_monitored_attribute(Schema, TableName, MonitoredAttribute), 6222 memberchk(odbc_parameter(Schema, TableName, MonitoredAttribute, ApplicationValue, insert_value, _), OdbcParameters)), 6223 statistic_monitored_attribute_change(Schema, TableName, MonitoredAttribute, ApplicationValue, 1)) 6224 ; otherwise -> 6225 true 6226 ), 6227 odbc_data_types_and_inputs(OdbcParameters, OdbcDataTypes, OdbcInputs), 6228 log_state_change(Sql, StateChangeType, OdbcInputs), 6229 ( odbc_prepare_and_execute(OdbcCachingOption, Connection, FileName, LineNumber, Sql, OdbcDataTypes, OdbcInputs, Result)-> 6230 true 6231 ; otherwise-> 6232 % Some drivers may return SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND if an UPDATE or DELETE affects no rows. In fact, 6233 % even Microsoft says they are supposed to do this: 6234 % "If SQLExecute executes a searched update, insert, or delete statement that does not 6235 % affect any rows at the data source, the call to SQLExecute returns SQL_NO_DATA." 6236 % from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms713584(v=vs.85).aspx 6237 Result = affected(0) 6238 ), 6239 ( Result = affected(N) -> 6240 number_of_rows_affected(QueryId, Connection, N), 6241 cql_log([], informational, 'CQL\t~w\t~w\t ~w row(s) affected\t(~w:~w)', [UserId, TransactionId, N, FileName, LineNumber]), 6242 ( N > 0 -> 6243 identify_insert_row(StateChangeType, QueryId, Schema, TableName, Connection, Identity), 6244 ( StateChangeType == insert-> 6245 DebugResult = identity(Identity) 6246 ; otherwise-> 6247 DebugResult = Result 6248 ), 6249 identify_post_state_change_values(QueryId, Connection), 6250 call_row_change_hooks(QueryId, Connection) 6251 ; otherwise-> 6252 DebugResult = Result, 6253 cleanup_cql_post_state_change_select_sql(QueryId) 6254 ) 6255 ; Result = row(Identity), dbms(Schema, 'PostgreSQL')-> 6256 postgres_identity(QueryId, Identity), 6257 identify_insert_row(StateChangeType, QueryId, Schema, TableName, Connection, _), 6258 number_of_rows_affected(QueryId, Connection, 1), 6259 cql_log([], informational, 'CQL\t~w\t~w\t Row inserted. Identity ~w\t(~w:~w)', [UserId, TransactionId, Identity, FileName, LineNumber]), 6260 identify_post_state_change_values(QueryId, Connection), 6261 call_row_change_hooks(QueryId, Connection), 6262 DebugResult = identity(Identity) 6263 ), 6264 debug_after(exit, DebugResult))). 6265 6266 6267 6268collect_external_variables @ 6269 phase(QueryId, union), 6270 sql_statement(QueryId, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, HalfCompiledOutputs) 6271 ==> 6272 strip_compile_instructions(HalfCompiledOutputs, Outputs), 6273 union_outputs(QueryId, Outputs, []). 6274 6275strip_compile_instructions([], []):-!. 6276strip_compile_instructions([_:Outputs|More], Result):- 6277 !, 6278 append(Outputs, O1, Result), 6279 strip_compile_instructions(More, O1). 6280strip_compile_instructions([Output|O1], [Output|O2]):- 6281 strip_compile_instructions(O1, O2). 6282 6283 6284collect_external_variables_1 @ 6285 conjunction_variable(_, ExternalVariable, ConjunctionVariable) 6286 \ 6287 union_outputs(QueryId, [output(_, _, _, ConjunctionVariable)|Outputs], ExternalVariables) 6288 <=> 6289 union_outputs(QueryId, Outputs, [ExternalVariable|ExternalVariables]). 6290 6291 6292do_not_create_a_union_if_there_is_an_order_by @ 6293 phase(QueryId, union), 6294 order_bys(QueryId, _) 6295 <=> 6296 true. 6297 6298 6299union_if_external_variables_the_same_and_there_is_no_order_by @ 6300 phase(QueryIdA, union) 6301 \ 6302 sql_statement(QueryIdA, SqlTokensA, TokensTailA, SqlFromTokensA, FromTailA, SqlRestrictionTokensA, RestrictionTailA, SelectOdbcParametersA, FromOdbcParametersA, Outputs), 6303 union_outputs(QueryIdA, [], ExternalVariables), 6304 phase(QueryIdB, union), 6305 sql_statement(QueryIdB, SqlTokensB, TokensTailB, SqlFromTokensB, FromTailB, SqlRestrictionTokensB, RestrictionTailB, SelectOdbcParametersB, FromOdbcParametersB, _), 6306 union_outputs(QueryIdB, [], ExternalVariables) 6307 <=> 6308 append(SelectOdbcParametersA, SelectOdbcParametersB, SelectOdbcParameters), 6309 append(FromOdbcParametersA, FromOdbcParametersB, FromOdbcParameters), 6310 TokensTailA = SqlFromTokensA, 6311 FromTailA = SqlRestrictionTokensA, 6312 RestrictionTailA = [' UNION '|SqlTokensB], 6313 TokensTailB = SqlFromTokensB, 6314 FromTailB = SqlRestrictionTokensB, 6315 RestrictionTailB = NewTail, 6316 UnionSqlTokens = SqlTokensA, 6317 sql_statement(QueryIdA, UnionSqlTokens, NewTail, A, A, B, B, SelectOdbcParameters, FromOdbcParameters, Outputs), 6318 remove_query(QueryIdB, QueryIdA), 6319 6320 ( debugging(cql(union)) -> 6321 prolog_load_context(source, FileName), 6322 prolog_load_context(term_position, TermPosition), 6323 stream_position_data(line_count, TermPosition, LineNumber), 6324 debug(cql(union), 'UNION created ~w:~w~n', [FileName, LineNumber]) 6325 ; 6326 true 6327 ). 6328 6329 6330join_has_no_on_clause @ 6331 check_for_unjoined_tables, 6332 write_join(_, _)
CQL - Constraint Query Language
Note that CQL is currently in a state of flux. Features may be dropped in future releases, and the generated SQL may change between releases. In particular, runtime mode is deprecated.
CQL is a Prolog interface to SQL databases. There are two modes: fully compiled and runtime. The fully compiled mode should be used if possible due to the far greater compile time checking it provides.
Warnings from CQL
CQL Comparisons with NULL
CQLv2 correctly compiles equality comparisons with NULL into the appropriate expression at runtime. In CQLv1, executing
would never succeed, regardless of the value of foo.a. This is no longer the case: If A is
then this will execute asSELECT .... WHERE a IS NULL
and if A is not {null}, it will execute asSELECT .... WHERE a = ?
See the section Removing null comparisions for the dealing with the common requirement to ignore comparisons with null.
Avoid setof/3 and bagof/3 in CQL queries
It is generally not a good idea to wrap CQL inside a setof/3 or a bagof/3 ... unless you are prepared to declare all the CQL variables that are neither bound nor mentioned in the setof/bagof template. If you want to sort, use findall/3 followed by sort/2. Note that sort/2 (like setof/3) removes duplicates. If you don't want to remove duplicates, use msort/2.
CQL: Retrieved nulls have special logic to handle outer joins
In the course of executing a select query, the following rules are applied:
This is so we can handle outer joins. Consider this:
Assume x.a binds A to a non-null value. If there is no matching row in
, theny.a = null
. If variable A was truly shared the query could never succeed. By not binding the variable associated withy.a
the query can succeed ( rule 1) and A will be bound to the value inx.a
.CQL: Getting Started Quickly
Here is a simple example of a SQL SELECT from the table
Comparisons can be done in-line e.g.
or with the == operator e.g.
The single = operator means unify, not compare. Use = for unification, not comparison
FIXME: Unification is deprecated.
The operators
are also available for numerical value comparisons (they just translate to SQL=
, so in fact you could use them for string comparisons)Debugging CQL queries
You can debug CQL using the meta-predicates ?/1, ??/2 and ???/3:
Prolog Variables in CQL queries
A Prolog variable can be simultaneously a SELECT variable, a JOIN variable and a WHERE variable as A is in the following example:
which generates the following SQL
Note how all the variables referenced in the query are retrieved in the SELECT. This is done to make the query Prolog-like. This means the retrieved row should behave like a Prolog fact so that when a query succeeds all the variables become instantiated.
There is one notable exception however: WHERE variables and JOIN variables are not bound in aggregation selections
FIXME: Is this still the case?
CQL Special Attributes
The following attributes are automatically provided i.e if the attribute is present in the table, CQL will automatically fill in the value:
All the special attributes can be overridden by supplying the attribute-value pair explicitly.
CQL Examples
Rather than provide an abstract description of CQL syntax here is a set of examples that show how to use it.
CQL Simple INSERT with retrieval of identity of the inserted
Note that the WHERE clause is part of the delete/2 term unlike update where the WHERE clause is defined outside the update/2 term. I could have made delete consisent with update, but this would have required the @ alias in the delete WHERE clause to identify the table where the rows are to be deleted). This seems like overkill because a delete can in fact refer to only one table anyway i.e. you can't identify rows to delete via a JOIN.
This query will either:
wherese_lt_x.a = A
wherese_lt_x.b = B
This corresponds to
UPDATE se_lt_x SET c=100 WHERE se_lt_x.a='A1'
. The '@' is a special alias referring to the table that is being updated. The row_count/1 term gives the number or rows updated.CQL WHERE with arithmetic comparison
The join is
se_lt_x.a = se_lt_y.d
because of the shared variable J1.se_lt_x.c
will be returned in C andse_lt_y.f
will be returned in FCQL Arithmetic UPDATE with an INNER JOIN and a WHERE restriction
This joins the table being updated (table
) on tablese_lt_y
wherese_lt_x.a = se_lt_y.a
and wherese_lt_x.c < 200
then updates each identified rowse_lt_x.c
with the specified expression.CQL: Confirm row does not exist
CQL: Aggregation - Count
This will count the rows in table se_lt_x
CQL: Aggregation - Sum
Sum the values of attribute c in table se_lt_x
CQL: Aggregation - Average
Calculate the mean of the values of attribute c in table se_lt_x
CQL: Maximum Value
Calculate the maximum of the values of attribute c in table se_lt_x
CQL: Minimum Value
Calculate the minimum of the values of attribute c in table se_lt_x
CQL: Aggregation requiring GROUP BY
This will generate the
and sumse_lt_z.i
for each value ofse_lt_z.g
CQL: INNER JOIN with an aggregation sub-query where the sub-query is constrained by a shared variable from the main query
The main query and the sub-query share variable Z. The generated SQL is:
CQL: INNER JOIN in an aggregation sub-query
CQL: Negation
The generated SQL is:
An exists restriction translates to a
sub-query and is used to say that "each row returned in the main query must satisfy some condition expressed by another query".Example
compiles to:
CQL: Left Outer Join
CQL: List-based Restrictions
CQL supports query restrictions based on lists. Note that in both cases \== [] and == [] are equivalent despite the obvious logical inconsistency.
FIXME: Can we make this behaviour be controlled by a flag? It IS quite useful, even if it is completely illogical
both do exactly the same thing - they will not restrict the query based on Bar. The second case seems to be logically consistent - all things are not in the empty list.
CQL: Compile time in-list constraint
If your list is bound at compile-time, you can simply use it as the attribute value in CQL, for example:
This does not require the list to be ground, merely bound. For example, this is not precluded:
If, however, your list is not bound at compile-time, you must wrap the variable in list/1:
If you write
and at runtime call
, you will get a type error.Remember: If the list of IN values is empty then no restriction is generated i.e.
CQL: Disjunction resulting in OR in WHERE clause
The generated SQL is:
CQL: Disjunction resulting in different joins (implemented as a SQL UNION)
The generated SQL is:
CQL: Disjunction resulting in different SELECT attributes (implemented as separate ODBC queries)
The output variable A is bound to the value from two different attributes and so the query is implemented as two separate ODBC queries
The order_by specification is a list of "signed" variables. The example above will order by se_lt_z.g descending
to specify which attributes you want to be distinct:CQL: SELECT with NOT NULL restriction
CQL: First N
This generates a TOP clause in SQL Server, and LIMIT clauses for PostgreSQL and SQLite
CQL: Removing null comparisions
Use the ignore_if_null wrapper in your CQL to 'filter out' null input values. This is a useful extension for creating user-designed searches.
At runtime, if SearchKey is bound to a value other than {null} then the query will contain
WHERE ... b = ?
. If, however, SearchKey is bound to{null}
, then this comparison will be omitted.Disjunctions
In general, don't use ignore_if_null in disjunctions. Consider this query:
The query means "find a user where the UserName contains ELSTON OR the RealName contain ELSTON". If !SearchKey is {null} then RealName=~ {null} will fail, which is correct. If ignore_if_null was used, the test would succeed, which means the disjunction would always succeed i.e. the query would contain no restriction, which is clearly not the intended result. FIXME: Mike, what is this all about?
CQL: Three table JOIN
The shared variable A joins
; the shared variable F joinsse_lt_y
CQL: Three table JOIN with NOLOCK locking hint
The hash operator indicates the table that should be accessed WITH (NOLOCK)
The operator =~ means LIKE. If you are using PostgreSQL, it means ILIKE.
CQL: Writing exceptions directly to the database
You can write an exception term directly to a varchar-type column in the database. Note that it will be rendered as text using ~p, and truncated if necessary - so you certainly can't read it out again and expect to get an exception! Example code:
FIXME: This code is specific to my usage of CQL
CQL: TOP N is Parametric
You can pass the "N" is TOP N as a parameter (Subject to DBMS compatibility. This works in SQL Server 2005 and later, and PostgreSQL 9 (possibly earlier versions) and SQLite3.
CQL: Using compile_time_goal/1
You can include
in your CQL. If you specify a module, it will be used, otherwise the goal will be called in the current module. Note that the goal is executed in-order - if you want to use the bindings in your CQL, you must put the compile_time_goal before them.Example 1
Example 2
CQL supports both constant and shared variable join specifications. This is particularly useful when specifying outer joins.
All the CQL comparison operators,
<, =<, ==, =~, \=~, \==, >=, >
can be used in ON specifications.For example:
CQL: Expressions In Where Restrictions
Expressions in WHERE restrictions are supported, for example:
CQL: Explicitly avoid the "No WHERE restriction" message
To avoid accidentally deleting or updating all rows in a table CQL raises an exception if there is no WHERE restriction.
Sometimes however you really do need to delete or update all rows in a table.
To support this requirement in a disciplined way (and to avoid the creation of "dummy" WHERE restrictions) the keyword absence_of_where_restriction_is_deliberate has been added. For example:
HAVING restrictions can be specified. For example:
For a description of HAVING see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Having_(SQL)
There is one important difference between SQL HAVING and SQL WHERE clauses. The SQL WHERE clause condition is tested against each and every row of data, while the SQL HAVING clause condition is tested against the groups and/or aggregates specified in the SQL GROUP BY clause and/or the SQL SELECT column list.
CQL: INSERT and UPDATE value in-line formatting
INSERT and UPDATE values can be formatted in-line at runtime. For example:
will insert 'EGG_NOGG' into attribute 'd'.
CQL: Negations in WHERE Clauses
You can specify negations in CQL WHERE clauses e.g.
Note that, just like in Prolog, \+ is a unary operator hence the "double" brackets in the example above.
CQL: Predicate-generated Attribute Values
It is possible to generate compile time attribute values by specifying a predicate which is executed when the CQL statement is compiled.
The predicate must return the value you want as its last argument. You specify the predicate where you would normally put the attribute value. The predicate is specified with its output argument missing.
Example - Using domain allowed values in a query.
In the following CQL statement the predicate cql_domain_allowed_value/3 is called within findall/3 at compile time to generate a list of domain values that restrict favourite_colour to be 'ORANGE' or 'PINK' or 'BLUE', or 'GREEN'.
Note how findall/3 is actually called by specifying findall/2.
There is not much point using predicate-generated attribute values in compile-at-runtime CQL as you can always call the predicate to generate the required values outside the CQL statement.
INSERT from SELECT is supported:
which generates the following SQL:
Note the use of the
construct in the SELECT part of the CQL to make the constant 'MIKE' appear to come from the SELECT thus settinglt_x1.d
to 'MIKE' in every row inserted.CQL: Hooks
CQL provides a large number of hooks to fine-tune behaviour and allow for customization. These are:
CQL: Generated Code Hooks
cql_dependency_hook(+EntitySet, +Module)
can be defined to be notified when a given Module references a list of database entities. This can be used to manage metadata/code dependencycql_generated_sql_hook(+Filename, +LineNumber, +Goals)
can be defined to examine generated SQL. Usecql_sql_clause(+Goals, -SQL, -Parameters)
to examine the goalscql_index_suggestion_hook(+Index)
can be defined if you are interested in proposed indices for your schema. Note that this is not very mature (yet)CQL: Data Representation Hooks
can be defined to declare new 'atomic' types (That is, types which can be written directly to the database), such as a representation likeboolean(true)
for 1.cql_check_value_hook(+Value)
can be used to check that a value is legalapplication_value_to_odbc_value_hook(+OdbcDataType, +Schema, +TableName, +ColumnName, +Qualifiers, +ApplicationValue, -OdbcValue)
.odbc_value_to_application_value_hook(+OdbcDataType, +Schema, +TableName, +ColumnName, +Domain, +OdbcValue, -ApplicationValue)
.CQL: Application Integration
cql_access_token_hook(+AccessToken, -UserId)
can be defined to map the generic 'AccessToken' passed to cql_transaction/3 to a user ID. If not defined, the AccessToken is assumed to be the user ID. This UserID is used in logging.cql_execution_hook(+Statement, +OdbcParameters, +OdbcParameterDataTypes, -Row)
can be defined if you want to implement the exeuction yourself (for example, to add extra debugging)cql_log_hook(+Topics, +Level, +Format, +Args)
can be defined to redirect CQL logging.debug(deadlocks)
]sql_gripe_hook(+Level, +Format, +Args)
is called when suspect SQL is found by the SQL parsercql_normalize_atom_hook(+DBMS, +ApplciationAtom, -DBMSAtom)
can be used to create a map for atoms in a specific DBMS. For example, your schema may have arbitrarily long table names, but your DBMS may only allow names up to 64 bytes long. In this case, you can create a scheme for mapping the application-level atom to the DBMS. Other uses include deleting or normalizing illegal characters in namescql_error_hook(+ErrorId, +Format, +Args)
can be defined to generate a specific exception term from the given arguments. If not defined (or if it does not throw an exception, or fails), you will getcql_error(ErrorId, FormattedMessage)
can be defined to limit the number of simultaneous connections each thread will attempt to haveodbc_connection_complete_hook(+Schema, +Details, +Connection)
can be hooked if you want to know every time a connection is madecql_transaction_info_hook(+AccessToken, +Connection, +DBMS, +Goal, -Info)
can be defined if you want to define any application-defined information on a per-transaction level. This can be recovered via database_transaction_query_info(?ThreadId, ?Goal, ?Info).CQL: Inline values
CQL: Schema
These define the schema. You MUST either define them, or include library(cql/cql_autoschema) and add two directives to build the schema automatically:
register_database_connection_details(+Schema, +ConnectionInfo)
.Otherwise, you need to define at least default_schema/1 and cql:dbms/2, and then as many of the other facts as needed for your schema.
MUST be defined. CQL autoschema will define this for you if you use it.dbms(+Schema, -DBMS)
MUST be defined for every schema you use. CQL autoschema will define this for you if you use it. DBMS must be one of the following:odbc_data_type(+Schema, +TableName, +ColumnName, +OdbcDataType)
.primary_column_name(+Schema, +Tablename, +ColumnName)
, +IsIdentity:is_identity(true/false)
, +ColumnDefault).database_domain(+DomainName, +OdbcDataType)
.routine_return_type(+Schema, +RoutineName, +OdbcDataType)
.database_constraint(+Schema, +EntityName, +ConstraintName, +Constraint)
.CQL: Event Processing and History
CQL provides hooks for maintaining detailed history of data in the database.
The hook predicates are:
cql_event_notification_table(+Schema, +TableName)
cql_history_attribute(+Schema, +TableName, +ColumnName)
cql_update_history_hook(+Schema, +TableName, +ColumnName, +PrimaryKeyColumnName, +PrimaryKeyValue, +ApplicationValueBefore, +ApplicationValueAfter, +AccessToken, +TransactionId, +TransactionTimestamp, +ThreadId, +Connection, +Goal)
Event Processing and History recording can be suppressed for a particular update/insert/delete statement by including the _no_state_change_actions_9 directive.
For example
CQL: Statistical Hooks
CQL has hooks to enable in-memory statistics to be tracked for database tables. Using this hook, it's possible to monitor the number of rows in a table with a particular value in a particular column.
Often the kind of statistics of interest are 'how many rows in this table are in ERROR' or 'how many in this table are at NEW'? While it may be possible to maintain these directly in any code which updates tables, it can be difficult to ensure all cases are accounted for, and requires developers to remember which attributes are tracked.
To ensure that all (CQL-originated) updates to statuses are captured, it's possible to use the CQL hook system to update them automatically. Define add a fact like:
This will examine the domain for the column 'my_table_status_column', and generate a statistic for each of my_table::
, where xxx is each possible allowed value for the domain. Code will be automatically generated to trap updates to this specific column, and maintain the state. This way, if you are interested in the number of rows in my_table which have a status of 'NEW', you can look at my_table::my_table_status_column('NEW')
, without having to manage the state directly. CQL update statements which affect the status will automatically maintain the statistics.The calculations are vastly simpler than the history mechanism, so as to keep performance as high as possible. For inserts, there is no cost to monitoring the table (the insert simply increments the statistic if the transaction completes). For deletes, the delete query is first run as a select, aggregating on the monitored columns to find the number of deletes for each domain allowed value. This means that a delete of millions of rows might requires a select returning only a single row for statistics purposes. For updates, the delete code is run, then the insert calculation is done, multiplied by the number of rows affected by the update.
In all cases, CQL ends up calling cql_statistic_monitored_attribute_change_hook/5, where the last argument is a signed value indicating the number of changes to that particular statistic. */