43:-module(sql_parser, [sql_gripe_level/1,
44 sql_parse/4,
45 strip_sql_comments/2]).
124:-op(95, fx, @). 125:-op(100, fx, #). 127:-op(0, xfx, as). 128:-op(0, xfx, on). 129:-op(0, xfx, or). 130:-op(0, xfx, and). 131:-op(0, xfx, not). 132:-op(0, xfx, in). 133:-op(0, xfx, like). 134:-op(100, fx, ??). 135:-op(1200, xfx, --->). 136
137:-use_module(library(chr)). 138:-use_module(library(quintus), [otherwise/0]). 139:-use_module(library(dcg/basics)). 140:-use_module(library(cql/sql_keywords)). 141:-use_module(library(cql/sql_write)). 142:-use_module(library(cql/sql_tokenizer)). 143
144:-use_module(library(cql/cql), [default_schema/1,
145 cql_normalize_name/3,
146 dbms/2,
147 database_attribute/8,
148 domain_database_data_type/2,
149 routine_return_type/3,
150 sql_gripe/3]). 151
152:-chr_option(line_numbers, on). 153:-chr_option(check_guard_bindings, error). 154:-chr_option(debug, off). 155:-chr_option(optimize, full). 156:-chr_option(guard_simplification, off). 157
158:-chr_type 'Table' == any. 159:-chr_type 'Alias' == any. 160:-chr_type 'Type' == any. 161:-chr_type 'Column' == any. 162:-chr_type 'Constraint' == any. 163:-chr_type 'Vars' == any. 164:-chr_type 'N' == any. 165:-chr_type 'QueryId' == any. 166:-chr_type 'Source' == any. 167
168:-chr_constraint type_constraint(-'QueryId', ?'Source', ?'Type', ?'Constraint'). 169:-chr_constraint type_constraint_ready(-'QueryId', ?'Type'). 170:-chr_constraint type_merge_hint(?'Type', ?'Constraint'). 171:-chr_constraint query_table(-'QueryId', ?'Alias', ?'Table'). 172:-chr_constraint derived_query_column(-'QueryId', ?'Alias', ?'Column', ?'Type'). 173:-chr_constraint subquery(-'QueryId', -'QueryId'). 174:-chr_constraint peer_query(-'QueryId', -'QueryId'). 175:-chr_constraint query_is_xml(-'QueryId'). 176:-chr_constraint resolve_types(-'QueryId'). 177:-chr_constraint commit(-'QueryId'). 178:-chr_constraint union_type(-'QueryId', ?'Constraint', ?'Constraint', ?'Constraint'). 179:-chr_constraint derived_table(-'QueryId', +'Table', ?'Constraint'). 180:-chr_constraint find_all_column_types(-'QueryId', ?'Source', ?'Type'). 181:-chr_constraint force_type_not_domain(?'Type'). 182:-chr_constraint frozen_reverse(-'QueryId', ?'Constraint', ?'Constraint'). 183:-chr_constraint cleanup(-'QueryId'). 184
185:-dynamic(cached_gripe_level/1). 186sql_gripe_level(N):-
187 cached_gripe_level(N), !.
189 ( getenv('SQL_GRIPE_LEVEL', Atom),
190 atom_number(Atom, N)->
191 true
192 ; otherwise->
193 N = 0 194 ),
195 assert(cached_gripe_level(N)).
198stream_to_tokens(Stream, Tokens):-
199 stream_to_lazy_list(Stream, List),
200 sql_tokens(Tokens, List, []), !.
203sql_parse(Head, TrailingComments, Options, Tokens):-
204 Head =.. [Functor, Arg, Types|Args],
205 reverse(Tokens, TR),
206 trailing_comments_reversed(TR, TrailingCommentsReversed, Tail),
207 reverse(Tail, TokensWithoutTrailingComments),
208 reverse(TrailingCommentsReversed, TrailingComments),
209 Goal =.. [Functor, TokensWithoutTrailingComments, [], [query_id(QueryId)|Options], _, 0, _, Arg, T1 |Args],
210 Goal,
211 !,
212 213 214 resolve_types(QueryId),
215 map_nulls_to_ints(T1, Types),
216 consolidate_errors(Arg),
217 cleanup(QueryId),
218 true.
221map_nulls_to_ints([], []):- !.
222map_nulls_to_ints([merged(A, _, N)|As], [A-native_type(int)|Bs]):-
223 N == {nulltype}, !,
224 map_nulls_to_ints(As, Bs).
225map_nulls_to_ints([merged(A, _, N)|As], [A-native_type(int)|Bs]):-
226 nonvar(N), N = native_type(int(_)), !,
227 map_nulls_to_ints(As, Bs).
228map_nulls_to_ints([merged(A, _, AT)|As], [A-AT|Bs]):-
229 map_nulls_to_ints(As, Bs).
([], [], []):- !.
232trailing_comments_reversed([comment(A,B)|In], [comment(A,B)|More], Tail):- !,
233 trailing_comments_reversed(In, More, Tail).
234trailing_comments_reversed(Tail, [], Tail):- !.
236term_expansion(OldHead ---> OldBody, NewHead :- NewBody):-
237 OldHead =.. [Functor, A1|Args],
238 NewHead =.. [Functor, In, Out, ContextIn, _, P0, P1, meta(Comments, Source):A1|Args],
239 transform_body(OldBody, In, Out, Source, ContextIn, _, Comments, [], P0, P1, NewBody).
241transform_body({A}, In, Out, _, C, C, C1, C2, P0, P0, (A, Out = In, C1 = C2)):- !.
242transform_body(\+(X), In, In, Source, C, C, C1, C1, P0, P0, \+G):-
243 transform_body(X, In, _, Source, C, _, C1, _, P0, _, G).
244transform_body(??(X), In, Out, Source, CIn, COut, C1, C2, P0, P1, Transformed):-
245 transform_body(X, In, Out, Source, CIn, COut, C1, C2, P0, P1, G),
246 functor(X, Functor, Arity),
247 Transformed = (( length(First, 20), append(First, _, In)-> true ; otherwise-> First = In),
248 format(user_error, '----- CALL ~w (~q) ~w~n', [Functor/Arity, G, First]),
249 setup_call_catcher_cleanup(true,
250 G,
251 Reason,
252 ( Reason == ! ->
253 ( length(Last, 20), append(Last, _, Out)-> true ; otherwise-> Last = Out),
254 format(user_error, '----- CUT ~w ~w~n', [Functor/Arity, Last])
255 ; Reason == fail->
256 format(user_error, '----- FAIL ~w~n', [Functor/Arity])
257 ; Reason == exit->
258 ( length(Last, 20), append(Last, _, Out)-> true ; otherwise-> Last = Out),
259 format(user_error, '----- EXIT ~w ~w~n', [Functor/Arity, Last])
260 )),
261 ( var(Reason) ->
262 ( length(Last, 20), append(Last, _, Out)-> true ; otherwise-> Last = Out),
263 format(user_error, '----- PEND ~w ~w~n', [Functor/Arity, Last])
264 ; otherwise->
265 true
266 )
267 ).
269transform_body(get_source(Source), In, In, Source, C, C, C1, C1, P0, P0, true):- !.
270transform_body(get_parameter(P0), In, In, _, C, C, C1, C1, P0, P1, P1 is P0 + 1):- !.
271transform_body(!, InOut, InOut, _, C, C, C1, C2, P0, P0, (!, C1 = C2)):- !.
272transform_body(@Functor, In, Out, Source, C, C, C1, C2, P0, P0, get_token(Token, C, C1, C2, In, Out)):- Functor =.. [Token, Source], !.
273transform_body(@Token, In, Out, _, C, C, C1, C2, P0, P0, get_token(Token, C, C1, C2, In, Out)):- !.
274transform_body(#Identifier : Type, In, Out, _, C, C, C1, C2, P0, P0, get_identifier(Identifier, Type, C, C1, C2, In, Out)):-!.
275transform_body(#Identifier, In, Out, _, C, C, C1, C2, P0, P0, get_identifier(Identifier, any, C, C1, C2, In, Out)):-!.
277transform_body((A | B), In, Out, Source, CIn, COut, C1, C2, P0, P1, (C, COut = COut1, P1 = P1a ; D, COut = COut2, P1 = P1b)):-
278 !,
279 transform_body(A, In, Out, Source, CIn, COut1, C1, C2, P0, P1a, C),
280 transform_body(B, In, Out, Source, CIn, COut2, C1, C2, P0, P1b, D).
281transform_body((A,B), In, Out, Source, CIn, COut, C1, C2, P0, P2, (C,D)):-
282 !,
283 transform_body(A, In, Intermediate, Source, CIn, CInt, C1, C1b, P0, P1, C),
284 transform_body(B, Intermediate, Out, Source, CInt, COut, C1b, C2, P1, P2, D).
286transform_body(List, In, Out, Source, CIn, COut, C1, C2, P0, P1Out, (Goals, P1Out = P1 ; In = Out, CIn = COut, C1 = C2, P1Out = P0)):-
287 is_list(List), !,
288 transform_list_body(List, In, Out, Source, CIn, COut, C1, C2, P0, P1, Goals).
289transform_body(Rule, In, Out, _, CIn, CX, C1, C2, P0, P1, ( C1 = C2, NewRule )):-
290 Rule =.. [Functor|Args],
291 NewRule =.. [Functor, In, Out, CIn, COut, P0, P1|Args],
292 ( ( Functor == set_qid ; Functor == add_option)->
293 CX = COut
294 ; otherwise->
295 CX = CIn
296 ).
297transform_list_body([Tail], In, Out, Source, CIn, COut, C1, C2, P0, P1, Goals):-
298 transform_body(Tail, In, Out, Source, CIn, COut, C1, C2, P0, P1, Goals).
299transform_list_body([Head|Tail], In, Out, Source, CIn, COut, C1, C2, P0, P2, (G, G2)):-
300 transform_body(Head, In, Intermediate, Source, CIn, CInt, C1, C1b, P0, P1, G),
301 transform_list_body(Tail, Intermediate, Out, Source, CInt, COut, C1b, C2, P1, P2, G2).
303get_token(Token, Options, [comment(A,B)|C1], C2, [comment(A,B)|X], Out):- !,
304 get_token(Token, Options, C1, C2, X, Out).
305get_token(Token, Options, C1, C1, [TopToken|Out], Out):-
306 ( reverse_lex(TopToken, Options, Token)->
307 true
308 ; atom(TopToken),
309 downcase_atom(TopToken, Token)->
310 true
311 ).
313get_identifier(Identifier, Type, Options, [comment(A,B)|C1], C2, [comment(A,B)|X], Out):- !,
314 get_identifier(Identifier, Type, Options, C1, C2, X, Out).
315get_identifier(Identifier, Type, Options, C1, C1, [Top|Out], Out):-
316 ( Type == any ->
317 Identifier = Top
318 ; otherwise->
319 Top = literal(Identifier, Type)
320 ),
321 ( atom(Identifier)->
322 downcase_atom(Identifier, IdentifierLC),
323 \+reserved_sql_keyword(IdentifierLC)
324 ; otherwise->
325 true
326 ),
327 \+reverse_lex(Identifier, Options, _).
329reverse_lex('*', _Options, asterisk).
330reverse_lex('/', _Options, solidus).
331reverse_lex('+', _Options, plus_sign).
332reverse_lex('-', _Options, minus_sign).
333reverse_lex(',', _Options, comma).
334reverse_lex('.', _Options, period).
335reverse_lex('(', _Options, left_paren).
336reverse_lex(')', _Options, right_paren).
337reverse_lex('{', _Options, left_curly).
338reverse_lex('}', _Options, right_curly).
339reverse_lex('IS', _Options, is_keyword).
340reverse_lex('Is', _Options, is_keyword).
341reverse_lex('iS', _Options, is_keyword).
342reverse_lex('is', _Options, is_keyword).
343reverse_lex('<', _Options, less_than_operator).
344reverse_lex('=', _Options, equals_operator).
345reverse_lex('<>', _Options, not_equals_operator).
346reverse_lex('>', _Options, greater_than_operator).
347reverse_lex('<=', _Options, less_than_or_equals_operator).
348reverse_lex('>=', _Options, greater_than_or_equals_operator).
349reverse_lex('+', Options, concatenation_operator):- dbms([], [], Options, _, _, _, 'Microsoft SQL Server').
350reverse_lex('||', Options, concatenation_operator):- \+dbms([], [], Options, _, _, _, 'Microsoft SQL Server').
353add_option(L, L, O, [X|O], P, P, X).
354set_qid(L, L, O, O2, P, P, X):-
355 change_qid(O, X, O2).
357change_qid([query_id(_)|T], Qid, [query_id(Qid)|T]):- !.
358change_qid([A|T], Qid, [A|T2]):- !, change_qid(T, Qid, T2).
360get_option(L, L, O, O, P, P, X):- memberchk(X, O).
361qid(L, L, O, O, P, P, Qid):- memberchk(query_id(Qid), O).
362default_precision_and_scale(L, L, O, O, P0, P0, P, S):-
363 ( dbms(L, L, O, O, P0, P0, 'Microsoft SQL Server')->
364 P = 18,
365 S = 0
366 ; otherwise->
367 throw(default_unknown)
368 ).
369dbms(L, L, Options, Options, P, P, DBMS):-
370 ( memberchk(dbms(X), Options)->
371 DBMS = X
372 ; otherwise->
373 DBMS = 'Microsoft SQL Server'
374 ).
376check_order_by_is_in_top_query(L, L, Options, Options, P, P, Source):-
377 ( memberchk(subquery, Options)->
378 true
379 ; \+memberchk(view_name(_), Options)->
380 381 true
382 ; otherwise->
383 semantic_error(Source, order_by(top_level), 1)
384 ).
386action(Action, Types)--->
387 query_expression(Action, Types) | delete_statement_searched(Action, Types) | insert_statement(Action, Types) | update_statement_searched(Action, Types).
388delete_statement_searched(delete(TableName, Where), [])--->
389 @delete, @from, !, table_name(TableName), (@where, search_condition(Condition), {Where = where(Condition)} | {Where = {no_where}}).
390insert_statement(insert(TableName, Values), [])--->
391 @insert, @into, !, table_name(TableName), insert_columns_and_source(Values), [dbms('PostgreSQL'), @returning, query_expression(_,_)].
393 from_subquery(Values) | from_constructor(Values) | from_default(Values).
394from_default({default_values})---> @default, @values, !.
395from_subquery(insert_source(Source, Override, Target))--->
396 ( ( @left_paren, insert_column_list(Source), @right_paren) | {Source = {default}} ),
397 ( override_clause(Override) | {Override = {no_override}} ),
398 query_expression(Target, _).
399from_constructor(insert_source(Source, Override, Target))--->
400 ( ( @left_paren, insert_column_list(Source), @right_paren) | {Source = {default}} ),
401 ( override_clause(Override) | {Override = {no_override}} ),
402 table_value_constructor(Target, _).
403update_statement_searched(update(TableName, List, From, Condition), [])--->
404 405 @update, table_reference(TableName),
406 qid(Qid), {strip_sql_comments(TableName, Stripped), determine_tables(Qid, Stripped)},
407 @set, set_clause_list(List),
408 ( @from, from_clause_1(F), {strip_sql_comments(F, CleanedFrom), ( determine_tables(Qid, CleanedFrom)-> From = from(F) ; otherwise->throw(failed_tables(CleanedFrom)))}
409 | {From = {no_from}}),
410 ( @where, search_condition(Where), {Condition = where(Where)} | {Condition = {no_where}}).
412 set_clause(Head), (@comma, set_clause_list(Tail) | {Tail = []}).
413set_clause(set(Target, Source))--->
414 update_target(Target), @equals_operator, update_source(Source). 415update_target(Target)---> column_name(Target). 416update_source(Source)---> value_expression(Source, _) | default_specification(Source, _) | null_specification(Source, _). 417insert_column_list(List)---> column_name_list(List).
418override_clause(overriding_user_value)---> @overriding, @user, @value, !.
419override_clause(overriding_system_value)---> @overriding, @system, @value, !.
422view_definition(view_definition(Name, Columns, Expression, With), Types)---> (@create), @view, table_name(Name),
423 {
424 strip_sql_comments(Name, NameNoComments),
425 ( NameNoComments = table(identifier(schema(_, literal(dbo, identifier)), _))->
426 true
427 ; otherwise->
428 throw(illegal_view_name(no_schema))
429 )},
430 ( @left_paren, view_column_list(Columns), @right_paren | {Columns = {all}}), with_attribute(With), @as, query_expression(Expression, Types).
431table_name(table(Name))---> qualified_name(Name).
432view_column_list(List)---> column_name_list(List).
433query_expression(Term, T)--->
434 qid(Qid),
435 non_join_query_term(LHS, LT),
436 ( @union, (@all, {Term = union_all(LHS, RHS, Corresponding)} | {Term = union(LHS, RHS, Corresponding)}), (corresponding_spec(Corresponding) | {Corresponding = {no_corresponding}}), set_qid(SubQid), query_expression(RHS, RT), {peer_query(Qid, SubQid), union_type(Qid, LT, RT, T)}
437 | @except, (@all, {Term = except_all(LHS, RHS, Corresponding)} | {Term = except(LHS, RHS, Corresponding)}), (corresponding_spec(Corresponding) | {Corresponding = {no_corresponding}}), query_expression(RHS, RT), {union_type(Qid, LT, RT, T)}
438 | {Term = LHS, T = LT}).
439non_join_query_term(Term, T)---> (non_join_query_primary(LHS, LT) | free_joined_table(LHS, LT)),
440 ( @intersect, ( @all, {Term = intersect_all(LHS, RHS, Corresponding)} | {Term = intersect(LHS, RHS, Corresponding)}),
441 ( corresponding_spec(Corresponding) | {Corresponding = {no_corresponding}}), non_join_query_term(RHS, RT), qid(Qid), {union_type(Qid, LT, RT, T)} | {Term = LHS, T = LT}).
442non_join_query_primary(Primary, T)---> (simple_table(Primary, T) | @left_paren, query_expression(Primary, T), @right_paren).
443simple_table(Table, T)---> query_specification(Query, T), {Table = query(Query)} | table_value_constructor(Values, T), {Table = values(Values)} | explicit_table(Explicit), {Table = explicit_table(Explicit), T = {fixme1}}.
444query_specification(select(Q, Selections, Source, Limit, For), QueryType)--->
445 @select, ( set_quantifier(Q) | {Q = {no_quantifier}} ), [ dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), top_clause(Limit) ],
446 select_list(Selections, Sources, Types), table_expression(Source), [dbms('PostgreSQL'), limit_clause(Limit)], {var(Limit)->Limit = {no_limit} ; true},
447 ( dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), for_clause(For), get_source(S1), {semantic_error(for_clause, S1, 2)} | {For = {no_for}}),
448 {(strip_sql_comments(Selections, S), merge_types(S, Sources, Types, QueryType)-> true ; throw(failed_to_resolve))}.
449select_list(N, S, T)---> (@asterisk, qid(Qid), get_source(Source), {N = all, find_all_column_types(Qid, Source, T1), frozen_reverse(Qid, T1, T)} | select_list_1(N, S, T)).
450select_list_1([Head|Tail], [Source|Sources], [Type|Types])---> select_sublist(Head, Source, Type), (@comma, select_list_1(Tail, Sources, Types) | {Tail = [], Sources = [], Types = []}).
451select_sublist(S, Source, Type)---> get_source(Source), derived_column(Column, Type), {S = Column} | qualifier(Qualifier), @period, @asterisk, {S = all(Qualifier), Type = {fixme3}}.
452derived_column(derived_column(Column, As), Type)---> (illegal_null_specification(Column, Type) | value_expression(Column, Type)), (as_clause(As) | {As = {no_alias}}). 453as_clause(Name)---> [@as], column_name(Name).
454table_expression(source(From, Where, GroupBy, OrderBy, Having))--->
455 from_clause(From),
456 qid(Qid),
457 {((From = _:from(F))->
458 strip_sql_comments(F, CleanedFrom),
459 ( determine_tables(Qid, CleanedFrom)-> true ; otherwise->throw(failed_tables(CleanedFrom)))
460 ; From = _:{no_from}->
461 true
462 )},
463 ( where_clause(Where) | {Where = {no_where}}),
464 ( group_by_clause(GroupBy) | {GroupBy = {no_groupby}}),
465 466 467
468 469 470 qid(Qid), set_qid(SubqueryId), {subquery(SubqueryId, Qid)},
471 ( order_by_clause(OrderBy), set_qid(Qid), (having_clause(Having) | {Having = {no_having}})
472 | set_qid(Qid), having_clause(Having), ( set_qid(SubqueryId), order_by_clause(OrderBy), get_source(Source), {semantic_error(order(having, order_by), Source, 2)} | {OrderBy = {no_orderby}})
473 | {OrderBy = {no_orderby}, Having = {no_having}}),
474 set_qid(Qid).
475from_clause(from(From))---> @from, from_clause_1(From).
476from_clause({no_from})---> {true}.
477from_clause_1([Head|Tail])---> table_reference(Head), get_source(Source), (@comma, {semantic_error(Source, deprecated('SQL89-style join', 'Explicit JOIN clauses'), 1)}, from_clause_1(Tail) | {Tail = []}).
479table_reference(Reference)---> (@left_paren, table_reference(LHS), @right_paren
480 | derived_table(Derivation, T), correlation_specification(Correlation), {LHS = derived_table(Derivation, Correlation, T)}
481 | table_name(Name), (correlation_specification(Correlation) | {Correlation = {no_correlation}}), {LHS = correlated_table(Name, Correlation)}),
482 [ dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), with_clause(_) ], 483 ( more_join(RHS), {Reference = join(LHS, RHS)} | {Reference = LHS}).
485 ( cross_join_rhs(LHS), {Reference = cross_join(LHS)}
486 | qualified_join_rhs(Type, LHS, On), {Reference = qualified_join(Type, LHS, On)}),
487 ( more_join(RHS2), {X = join(Reference, RHS2)} | {X = Reference}).
488correlation_specification(correlation(Name, Columns))---> [@as], #NameMC, (@left_paren, derived_column_list(Columns), @right_paren | {Columns = {no_columns}}), {name_from_identifier(NameMC, Name)}.
490derived_table(Table, T)---> table_subquery(Table, T).
491table_subquery(Query, T)---> subquery(Query, T).
492cross_join_rhs(Reference)---> @cross, @join, table_reference(Reference).
493qualified_join_rhs(Type, Reference, Spec)---> ( @natural, {Type = natural(T1)} | {Type = T1} ), ( join_type(T1) | {T1 = join} ), (@join), table_reference(Reference), ( join_specification(Spec) | {Spec = {no_on}} ).
494free_joined_table(Table, {fixme4})---> table_reference(Table).
495join_type(join_type(Type))---> (@inner, {Type = inner} | outer_join_type(T1), {Type = outer(T1)}, [ @outer ] | @union, {Type = union}).
496outer_join_type(T)---> (@left, {T=left} | @right, {T=right} | @full, {T=full}).
497join_specification(Spec)---> ( join_condition(Spec) | named_columns_join(Spec) ).
498join_condition(on(On)) ---> @on, search_condition(On).
499named_columns_join(columns(Columns))---> @using, @left_paren, join_column_list(Columns), @right_paren.
500join_column_list(Columns)---> column_name_list(Columns).
501set_quantifier(Q)---> ( @distinct, {Q = distinct} | @all, {Q = all} ).
502where_clause(where(Where))---> @where, search_condition(Where).
503corresponding_spec(Columns)---> @corresponding, ( @by, @left_paren, corresponding_column_list(Columns), @right_paren | {Columns = {no_columns}} ).
504corresponding_column_list(List)---> column_name_list(List).
505query_primary(Primary, T)---> ( non_join_query_primary(Primary, T) | free_joined_table(Primary, T) ).
506subquery(subquery(Query), T)---> (@left_paren, add_option(subquery), qid(Qid), set_qid(SubqueryId), {subquery(Qid, SubqueryId)}, query_expression(Query, T), @right_paren).
507column_name_list([Head|Tail])---> column_name(Head), (@comma, column_name_list(Tail) | {Tail = []}).
508column_name(Name)---> #Identifier, \+(@left_paren),
509 {( Identifier = literal(Name, identifier)->
510 true
511 ; Identifier = literal(A,B)-> 512 Name = literal(A,B)
513 ; otherwise->
514 downcase_atom(Identifier, Name)
515 )}.
516explicit_table(table(Table)) ---> @(table), table_name(Table).
517qualifier(Qualifier)---> qualified_name(Qualifier).
521value_expression(V, T)---> numeric_value_expression(V, T), \+(@concatenation_operator), \+(@minus_sign), \+(@period) 522 | string_value_expression(V, T), \+(@concatenation_operator), \+(@minus_sign), \+(@period)
523 | datetime_value_expression(V, T)
524 | interval_value_expression(V, T).
528numeric_value_expression(V, T)--->
529 numeric_value_expression_1(V, T1),
530 qid(Qid),
531 {left_factor_types(Qid, T1, T)}.
533numeric_value_expression_1(V, T)--->
534 get_source(LS), term(LHS, LT), qid(Qid),
535 ( ( @plus_sign, {Op = add} | @minus_sign, {Op = subtract} ),
536 get_source(RS),
537 numeric_value_expression_1(RHS, RT),
538 {T = node(LT, LS, Op, RT, RS),
539 540 541 542 543 left_factor_types(Qid, RT, R1),
544 left_factor_types(Qid, LT, L1),
545 most_general_type(Qid, Source, Source, L1, R1, Op, T1),
546 freeze(T1, determine_operation_from_types(T1, L1, R1, Op, LHS, RHS, V))}
547 | {V = LHS, T = LT}
548 ).
552determine_operation_from_types(Type, LT, RT, Op, LHS, RHS, V):-
553 554 native_type_of_type(LT, LTT),
555 native_type_of_type(RT, RTT),
556 ( Op == add ->
557 ( native_type_of_type(Type, native_type(varchar(_)))->
558 V = concatenate(LHS, RHS)
559 ; native_type_of_type(Type, native_type(nvarchar(_)))->
560 V = concatenate(LHS, RHS)
561 ; LTT = native_type(datetime),
562 RTT = native_type(int(_))->
563 V = add_interval(LHS, RHS)
564 ; RTT = native_type(datetime),
565 LTT = native_type(int(_))->
566 V = add_interval(RHS, LHS)
567 568 569 ; LTT = native_type(datetime),
570 RTT = native_type(decimal(_,_))->
571 V = add_interval(LHS, RHS)
572 ; otherwise->
573 V = add(LHS, RHS)
574 )
575 ; Op == subtract ->
576 ( LTT = native_type(datetime),
577 RTT = native_type(int(_))->
578 V = add_interval(LHS, negative(RHS))
579 ; RTT = native_type(datetime),
580 LTT = native_type(int(_))->
581 V = add_interval(RHS, negative(LHS))
582 583 584 ; LTT = native_type(datetime),
585 RTT = native_type(decimal(_,_))->
586 V = add_interval(LHS, negative(RHS))
587 ; otherwise->
588 V = subtract(LHS, RHS)
589 )
590 ).
593native_type_of_type(native_type(X), native_type(X)):- !.
594native_type_of_type(domain(D), native_type(X)):-
595 fetch_domain_data_type(D, X).
597term(V, T)---> get_source(LS), factor(LHS, LT), ((@asterisk, {V = multiply(LHS, RHS), Op = multiply} | @solidus, {V = divide(LHS, RHS), Op = divide(RT)}), get_source(RS), term(RHS, RT), {T = node(LT, LS, Op, RT, RS)} | {V = LHS, T = LT}).
598factor(V, T)---> ( (@plus_sign, {V = positive(N)} | @minus_sign, dbms(DBMS), {V = negative(N), (DBMS == 'Microsoft SQL Server' -> force_type_not_domain(T) ; true)}) | { V = N} ), numeric_primary(N, T). 599numeric_primary(N, T)---> value_expression_primary(N, T) | numeric_value_function(N, T).
600value_expression_primary(N, T)--->
601 unsigned_value_specification(N, T) | parameter(N, T) | column_reference(N, T) | set_function_specification(N, T) | case_expression(N, T) | @left_paren, value_expression(N, T), @right_paren | cast_specification(N, T) | scalar_subquery(N, T) | routine_invocation(N, T).
602parameter(parameter(N), native_type(int)) ---> @(?), get_parameter(N). 603column_reference(column(Qualifier, Name), Type)---> ( qualifier(Qualifier), @period | {Qualifier = {no_qualifier}} ), column_name(Name), qid(Qid), get_source(Source), {strip_sql_comments(Qualifier, QS), strip_sql_comments(Name, NS), type_constraint(Qid, Source, Type, typeof(QS, NS)), type_constraint_ready(Qid, Type)}.
604scalar_subquery(S, T)---> subquery(S, ST), qid(Qid), get_source(Source), {type_constraint(Qid, Source, T, scalar(ST)), type_constraint_ready(Qid, T)}.
605having_clause(having(Having))---> @having, search_condition(Having).
606group_by_clause(group_by(List))---> @group, @by, grouping_column_reference_list(List).
607grouping_column_reference_list([Head|Tail])---> grouping_column_reference(Head), ( @comma, grouping_column_reference_list(Tail) | {Tail = []} ).
608grouping_column_reference(group_column(Reference, Collate))---> column_reference(Reference, _), ( collate_clause(Collate) | {Collate = {no_collation}} ).
609collate_clause(collate(Name))---> @collate, collation_name(Name).
610collation_name(collation(Name))---> qualified_name(Name).
611qualified_name(identifier(Qualifier, Name))---> ( schema_name(Qualifier), @period | {Qualifier = {no_schema}}), #Identifier, {name_from_identifier(Identifier, Name)}. 612schema_name(schema(Catalog, Schema))---> ( catalog_name(Catalog), @period | {Catalog = {no_catalog}}), #Schema.
613catalog_name(Catalog)---> #Catalog.
614set_function_specification(S, T)---> (@count, @left_paren, @asterisk, @right_paren, {S = count(all), T = native_type(int)} | general_set_function(S, T)).
615set_function_specification(S, T)---> (@count_big, @left_paren, @asterisk, @right_paren, {S = count(all), T = native_type(bigint)} | general_set_function(S, T)).
617general_set_function(set_function(S, Q, A), T)---> set_function_type(S), @left_paren, ( set_quantifier(Q) | {Q = {no_quantifier}} ), value_expression(A, AT), @right_paren, qid(Qid), get_source(Source),
618 {S = _:count ->
619 T = native_type(int)
620 ; S = _:sum->
621 type_merge_hint(T, sum),
622 type_constraint(Qid, Source, T, AT),
623 type_constraint_ready(Qid, T)
624 ; S = _:avg->
625 type_merge_hint(T, avg),
626 type_constraint(Qid, Source, T, AT),
627 type_constraint_ready(Qid, T)
628 ; otherwise->
629 T = AT
630 }.
631set_function_type(T)---> @avg, {T = avg} | @max, {T = max} | @min, {T = min} | @sum, {T = sum} | @count, {T = count}.
632search_condition(C, _Types)---> search_condition(C).
633search_condition(C)---> boolean_term(Head), (@or, search_condition(Tail), {C = or(Head, Tail)} | {C = Head}).
634boolean_term(C)---> boolean_factor(Head), (@and, boolean_term(Tail), {C = and(Head, Tail)} | {C = Head}).
635boolean_factor(C)---> ( @not, {C = not(X)} | {C = X} ), boolean_test(X).
636boolean_test(Test)---> boolean_primary(X), ( @is_keyword, ( @not, {Test = isnot(X, T)} | {Test = is(X, T)}), truth_value(T) | {Test = X}).
637truth_value(T)---> (@true, {T = true} | @false, {T = false} | @unknown, {T = unknown}).
638boolean_primary(P)---> @left_paren, search_condition(Search), {P = search(Search)}, @right_paren | predicate(Pr), {P = predicate(Pr)}.
639predicate(Predicate)---> comparison_predicate(Predicate) | between_predicate(Predicate) | in_predicate(Predicate) | like_predicate(Predicate) | null_predicate(Predicate) | quantified_comparison_predicate(Predicate) | exists_predicate(Predicate) | match_predicate(Predicate) | overlaps_predicate(Predicate).
640comparison_predicate(comparison(CompOp, LHS, RHS))---> row_value_constructor(LHS, LT), comp_op(CompOp), row_value_constructor(RHS, RT), {check_types(LT, RT)}.
641row_value_constructor(Row, Types)---> @left_paren, row_value_constructor_list(List, Types), {Row = list(List)}, @right_paren | row_value_constructor_element(Element, Types), {Row = element(Element)} | row_subquery(SubQuery, Types), {Row = query(SubQuery, Types)}.
642row_value_constructor_element(Element, Type)---> value_expression(Element, Type) | null_specification(Element, Type) | default_specification(Element, Type).
643comp_op(Op)---> @equals_operator, {Op = '='}
644 | @not_equals_operator, {Op = '<>'}
645 | @less_than_operator, {Op = '<'}
646 | @greater_than_operator, {Op = '>'}
647 | @less_than_or_equals_operator, {Op = '<='}
648 | @greater_than_or_equals_operator, {Op = '>='}.
649null_specification({null}, T)---> @null, qid(Qid), get_source(Source), {type_constraint(Qid, Source, T, {nulltype}), type_constraint_ready(Qid, T)}.
650illegal_null_specification({null}, T)---> @null, qid(Qid), get_source(Source), {semantic_error(Source, null_value, 1), type_constraint(Qid, Source, T, {nulltype}), type_constraint_ready(Qid, T)}.
651null_predicate(Predicate)---> row_value_constructor(LHS, _), @is_keyword, ( @not, {Predicate = is_not_null(LHS)} | {Predicate = is_null(LHS)} ), @null. 652default_specification({default}, {defaulttype})---> @default.
653row_subquery(S, T)---> subquery(S, T).
654row_value_constructor_list([Head|Tail], [Type|Types])---> row_value_constructor_element(Head, Type), (@comma, row_value_constructor_list(Tail, Types) | {Tail = [], Types = []}) .
655between_predicate(Term)---> row_value_constructor(LHS, TA), ( @not, {Term = not_between(LHS, Min, Max)} | {Term = between(LHS, Min, Max)}), @between, row_value_constructor(Min, TB), @and, row_value_constructor(Max, TC), {check_types(TA, TB), check_types(TA, TC)}.
656exists_predicate(exists(Query))---> @exists, table_subquery(Query, _).
657in_predicate(P) ---> row_value_constructor(Value, T1), ( @not, {P = not_in(Value, List)} | {P = in(Value, List)} ), @in, in_predicate_value(List, T2), {forall(member(T, T2), check_types(T1, T))}.
658in_predicate_value(In, Types)---> @left_paren, in_value_list(List, Types), {In = list(List)}, @right_paren | table_subquery(Query, Types), {In = query(Query)}.
659in_value_list([Head|Tail], [Type|Types])---> value_expression(Head, Type), ( @comma, in_value_list(Tail, Types) | {Tail = [], Types = []} ).
660like_predicate(P)---> match_value(LHS), ( @not, {P = not_like(LHS, Pattern, Escape)} | {P = like(LHS, Pattern, Escape)}), (@like | @ilike), pattern(Pattern), ( @escape, escape_character(Escape) | {Escape = {no_escape}}).
661match_value(P)---> character_value_expression(P, _).
662pattern(P)---> character_value_expression(P, _).
663escape_character(P)---> character_value_expression(P, _).
664character_value_expression(E, T)---> get_source(S1), character_factor(LHS, LT), (@concatenation_operator, get_source(S2), character_value_expression(RHS, RT), qid(Qid), {E = concatenate(LHS, RHS), concatenate_type(Qid, S1, S2, LT, RT, T)} | {E = LHS, T = LT}).
665character_factor(Factor, T)---> character_primary(F, T), ( collate_clause(C), {Factor = collated_factor(F, C)} | {Factor = F} ).
666character_primary(X, T)---> value_expression_primary(X, T) | string_value_function(X, T).
667match_predicate(match(Unique, MatchLevel, LHS, RHS))---> row_value_constructor(LHS, TL), @match, [ @unique, {Unique = unique} ], [ (@partial, {MatchLevel = partial} | @full, {MatchLevel = full}) ], table_subquery(RHS, TR), {check_types(TL, TR)}.
668overlaps_predicate(overlaps(LHS, RHS))---> row_value_constructor(LHS, TL), @overlaps, row_value_constructor(RHS, TR), {check_types(TL, TR)}.
669quantified_comparison_predicate(quantified_comparison(Op, Quantifier, LHS, RHS))---> row_value_constructor(LHS, TL), comp_op(Op), quantifier(Quantifier), table_subquery(RHS, TR), {check_types(TL, TR)}.
670quantifier(Quantifier)---> @all, {Quantifier = all} | @some, {Quantifier = some}.
671table_value_constructor(N, T)---> @values, table_value_constructor_list(N, T).
672table_value_constructor_list([Head|Tail], [Type|Types])---> row_value_constructor(Head, Type), (@comma, table_value_constructor_list(Tail, Types) | {Tail = [], Types = []}).
673case_expression(N, T)---> case_abbreviation(N, T) | case_specification(N, T).
674case_abbreviation(V, T)---> @nullif, @left_paren, value_expression(LHS, LT), @comma, value_expression(RHS, RT), @right_paren, qid(Qid), get_source(Source), {V = nullif(LHS, RHS), most_general_type(Qid, Source, Source, LT, RT, case, T)}
675 | @coalesce, @left_paren, coalesce_list(List, Types, Sources), @right_paren, qid(Qid), {V = coalesce(List), coalesce_type(Qid, Types, Sources, T)}.
676coalesce_list([Head|Tail], [Type|Types], [Source|Sources])---> get_source(Source), (null_specification(Head, Type), get_source(Source), {semantic_error(Source, coalesce(null_argument), 1)} | value_expression(Head, Type)), ( @comma, coalesce_list(Tail, Types, Sources) | {Tail = [], Types = [], Sources = []} ).
677case_specification(N, T)---> searched_case(N, T) | simple_case(N, T).
678simple_case(simple_case(Operand, List, Else), T)---> @case, qid(Qid), case_operand(Operand), simple_when_clause_list(List, Types, Sources), ( get_source(Source), else_clause(Else, ElseType), {coalesce_type(Qid, [ElseType|Types], [Source|Sources], T)} | {Else = {no_else}, coalesce_type(Qid, Types, Sources, T)} ), @end.
679simple_when_clause_list([Head|Tail], [Type|Types], [Source|Sources])---> get_source(Source), simple_when_clause(Head, Type), (simple_when_clause_list(Tail, Types, Sources) | {Tail = [], Types = [], Sources = []}).
680case_operand(X)---> value_expression(X, _).
681simple_when_clause(when(When, Result), T)---> @when, when_operand(When), @then, result(Result, T).
682when_operand(X)---> value_expression(X, _).
683result(X, T)---> null_specification(X, T) | result_expression(X, T).
684result_expression(X, T)---> value_expression(X, T).
685else_clause(else(Else), T)---> @else, result(Else, T).
686searched_case(case(Cases, Else), T)---> @case, qid(Qid), searched_when_clause_list(Cases, Types, Sources), ( get_source(Source), else_clause(Else, ElseT), {coalesce_type(Qid, [ElseT|Types], [Source|Sources], T)} | {Else = {no_else}, force_type_not_domain(T), coalesce_type(Qid, Types, Sources, T)} ), (@end).
687searched_when_clause_list([Head|Tail], [Type|Types], [Source|Sources])---> get_source(Source), searched_when_clause(Head, Type), (searched_when_clause_list(Tail, Types, Sources) | {Tail = [], Types = [], Sources = []}).
688searched_when_clause(when(searched(Search), Result), T)---> @when, search_condition(Search), @then, result(Result, T).
689numeric_value_function(N, native_type(int))---> position_expression(N) | extract_expression(N) | length_expression(N).
690position_expression(position(A, B))---> @position, @left_paren, character_value_expression(A, _), @in, character_value_expression(B, _), @right_paren.
691extract_expression(extract(Field, Source))---> @extract, @left_paren, extract_field(Field), @from, extract_source(Source), @right_paren.
692length_expression(A)---> char_length_expression(A) | octet_length_expression(A) | bit_length_expression(A).
693char_length_expression(char_length(A))---> ( @char_length | @character_length ), @left_paren, string_value_expression(A, _), @right_paren.
694string_value_expression(X, T)---> character_value_expression(X, T) | bit_value_expression(X, T).
695octet_length_expression(octet_length(A))---> @octet_length, @left_paren, string_value_expression(A, _), @right_paren.
696bit_length_expression(bit_length(A))---> @bit_length, @left_paren, string_value_expression(A, _), @right_paren.
697extract_field(Field)---> datetime_field(Field) | time_zone_field(Field).
698extract_source(V)---> datetime_value_expression(V, _) | interval_value_expression(V, _).
699unsigned_value_specification(Value, native_type(int(X)))---> #Value : int(X).
700routine_invocation(routine(Name, Args), Type)---> qualified_name(Name), @left_paren, dbms(DBMS), {not_a_builtin_function(DBMS, Name)}, (sql_argument_list(Args) | {Args = []}), @right_paren, {routine_type(Name, Type)}.
701sql_argument_list([Head|Tail])---> sql_argument(Head), (@comma, sql_argument_list(Tail) | {Tail = []}).
702sql_argument(Arg)---> value_expression(Arg, _).
703cast_specification(cast(Operand, Target), Type)---> @cast, @left_paren, cast_operand(Operand), @as, cast_target(Target), {strip_sql_comments(Target, Type)}, @right_paren.
704cast_operand(Operand)---> @null, {Operand = {null}} | value_expression(Operand, _).
705cast_target(Target)---> data_type(Type), {Target = native_type(Type)} | domain_name(Domain), {Target = domain(Domain)}.
706domain_name(Name)---> qualified_name(Name).
707data_type(Type)---> character_string_type(Type), ( @character, @set, character_set_specification(_) | {true}) | national_character_string_type(Type) | bit_string_type(Type) | numeric_type(Type) | datetime_type(Type) | interval_type(Type).
708character_string_type(varchar(Length))---> @character, ( @left_paren, length(Length), @right_paren | {Length = 30})
709 | @char, ( @left_paren, length(Length), @right_paren | {Length = 30})
710 | @character, @varying, ( @left_paren, length(Length), @right_paren | {Length = 30})
711 | @char, @varying, ( @left_paren, length(Length), @right_paren | {Length = 30})
712 | @varchar, ( @left_paren, length(Length), @right_paren | {Length = 30}).
713length(Length)---> #Length : int(_) | (@max, {Length = max}).
715 @national, @character, [ @left_paren, length(Length), @right_paren ]
716 | @national, @char, [ @left_paren, length(Length), @right_paren ]
717 | @nchar, [ @left_paren, length(Length), @right_paren ]
718 | @national, @character, @varying, [ @left_paren, length(Length), @right_paren ]
719 | @national, @char, @varying, [ @left_paren, length(Length), @right_paren ]
720 | @nchar, @varying, [ @left_paren, length(Length), @right_paren ].
721bit_string_type(bit_type(Length))---> @bit, [ @left_paren, length(Length), @right_paren ] | @bit, @varying, [ @left_paren, length(Length), @right_paren ].
722numeric_type(Type)---> exact_numeric_type(Type) | approximate_numeric_type(Type).
723exact_numeric_type(Type)---> @numeric, {Type = decimal(Precision, Scale)}, ( @left_paren, precision(Precision), ( @comma, scale(Scale) | {Scale = {no_scale}}), @right_paren | default_precision_and_scale(Precision, Scale))
724 | @decimal, {Type = decimal(Precision, Scale)}, ( @left_paren, precision(Precision), ( @comma, scale(Scale) | {Scale = {no_scale}}), @right_paren | default_precision_and_scale(Precision, Scale) )
725 | @dec, {Type = decimal(Precision, Scale)}, ( @left_paren, precision(Precision), ( @comma, scale(Scale) | {Scale = {no_scale}}), @right_paren | default_precision_and_scale(Precision, Scale) )
726 | @integer, {Type = int}
727 | @int, {Type = int}
728 | @smallint, {Type = smallint}
729 | dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @tinyint, {Type = tinyint}.
730precision(Precision)---> #Precision : int(_).
731scale(Scale)---> #Scale : int(_).
732approximate_numeric_type(Type)---> @float, ( @left_paren, precision(Precision), @right_paren | {Precision = {no_precision}}), {Type = float(Precision)} | @real, {Type = real} | @double, precision(Precision), {Type = double(Precision)}.
733datetime_value_expression(V, T)---> (datetime_term(LHS, LT) | interval_value_expression(LHS, LT)),
734 ( ( @plus_sign, {V = add(LHS, RHS), Op = add} | @minus_sign, {V = subtract(LHS, RHS), Op = subtract}), datetime_value_expression(RHS, RT), qid(Qid), get_source(Source), {most_general_type(Qid, Source, Source, LT, RT, Op, T)} | {V = LHS, T = LT}).
735order_by_clause(order_by(List))---> @order, @by, get_source(Source), check_order_by_is_in_top_query(Source), sort_specification_list(List).
736sort_specification_list([Head|Tail])---> sort_specification(Head), ( @comma, sort_specification_list(Tail) | {Tail = []}).
737sort_specification(sort_key(Key, Collate, Order))---> sort_key(Key), ( collate_clause(Collate) | {Collate = {no_collation}} ), ( ordering_specification(Order) | {Order = {no_order}} ).
740sort_key(Key)---> value_expression(C, _), {Key = sort_column(C)} | #I : int(_), {Key = index(I)}.
741ordering_specification(S)---> @asc, {S = asc} | @desc, {S = desc}.
743interval_term(V, T)---> interval_factor(LHS, LT), (((@asterisk, {V = multiply(LHS, RHS), Op = multiply} | @solidus, {V = divide(LHS, RHS), Op = divide(RT)}), interval_term(RHS, RT), qid(Qid), get_source(Source), {most_general_type(Qid, Source, Source, LT, RT, Op, T)}) | {V = LHS, T = LT})
744 | term(LHS, LT), @asterisk, interval_factor(RHS, RT), qid(Qid), get_source(Source), {T = multiply(LHS, RHS), most_general_type(Qid, Source, Source, LT, RT, multiply, T)}.
745interval_factor(F, T)---> (@plus_sign, {F = positive(F1)} | @minus_sign, {F = negative(F1)} | {F = F1}), interval_primary(F1, T).
746interval_primary(interval(P, Q), T)---> value_expression_primary(P, T), ( interval_qualifier(Q) | {Q = {no_qualifier}} ).
747interval_value_expression(V, T)---> interval_term(LHS, LT), (((@plus_sign, {V = add(LHS, RHS), Op = add} | @minus_sign, {V = subtract(LHS, RHS), Op = subtract}), interval_term(RHS, RT), qid(Qid), get_source(Source), {most_general_type(Qid, Source, Source, LT, RT, Op, T)}) | {V = LHS, T = LT})
748 | @left_paren, datetime_value_expression(LHS, LT), @minus_sign, datetime_term(RHS, RT), @right_paren, interval_qualifier(Q), qid(Qid), get_source(Source), {T = qualified_subtract(Q, LHS, RHS), most_general_type(Qid, Source, Source, LT, RT, subtract, T)}.
749datetime_term(V, T)---> datetime_factor(V, T).
750datetime_factor(V, T)---> datetime_primary(P, T1), ( time_zone(TZ), qid(Qid), get_source(Source), {V = date_with_timezone(P, TZ), most_general_type(Qid, Source, Source, datetime_with_timezone, T1, add, T)} | {V = P, T = T1}).
751datetime_primary(V, T)---> value_expression_primary(V, T) | datetime_value_function(V, T).
752time_zone(T)---> @at, time_zone_specifier(T).
753time_zone_specifier(time_zone(T))---> @local, {T = local} | @time, @zone, interval_value_expression(T, _).
754time_zone_field(T)---> (@timezone_hour, {T = timezone_hour} | @timezone_minute, {T = timezone_minute}).
756datetime_type(T)---> @date, {T = date}
757 | @time, ( @left_paren, time_precision(P), @right_paren | {P = {no_precision}}), [ @with, @time, @zone], {T = time(P)}
758 | @timestamp, ( @left_paren, timestamp_precision(P), @right_paren | {P = {no_precision}}), [ @with, @time, @zone], {T = timestamp(P)}.
759time_precision(P)---> precision(P).
760timestamp_precision(P)---> precision(P).
761character_set_specification(P) ---> #P.
765datetime_field(_)---> {fail}.
766interval_qualifier(_)---> {fail}.
767interval_type(_)---> {fail}.
768string_value_function(_, _)---> {fail}.
769bit_value_expression(_, _)---> {fail}.
772:-discontiguous(string_value_function/8). 773string_value_function(ltrim(S), T)---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @ltrim, @left_paren, value_expression(S, T), @right_paren.
774string_value_function(rtrim(S), T)---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @rtrim, @left_paren, value_expression(S, T), @right_paren.
775string_value_function(left(S, N), T)---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @left, @left_paren, value_expression(S, ST), @comma, numeric_value_expression(N, _), @right_paren, get_source(Source), sized_varchar_type(N, Source, ST, T).
776string_value_function(right(S, N), T)---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @right, @left_paren, value_expression(S, ST), @comma, numeric_value_expression(N, _), @right_paren, get_source(Source), sized_varchar_type(N, Source, ST, T).
777string_value_function(isnull(P, C), T)---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @isnull(Source), {semantic_error(Source, deprecated(isnull, coalesce), 1)}, @left_paren, value_expression(P, T), @comma, value_expression(C, _), @right_paren. 778string_value_function(replace(S, M, R), T)---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @replace, @left_paren, string_value_expression(S, ST), @comma, string_value_expression(M, _), @comma, string_value_expression(R, _), @right_paren,
779 get_source(Source),
780 {type_merge_hint(T, max),
781 type_constraint(Qid, Source, T, native_type(varchar(8000))),
782 type_constraint(Qid, Source, T, ST)}.
784 string_value_function(upper(S), T)---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @upper, @left_paren, value_expression(S, T), @right_paren.
785string_value_function(lower(S), T)---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @lower, @left_paren, value_expression(S, T), @right_paren.
786string_value_function(substring(Source, Start, Length), T)--->
787 dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @substring, @left_paren, character_value_expression(Source, ST), @comma, numeric_value_expression(Start, _), @comma, numeric_value_expression(Length, _), @right_paren, get_source(Source), sized_varchar_type(Length, Source, ST, T).
788string_value_function(datename(Type, Source), varchar) ---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @datename, @left_paren, sql_server_date_part(Type), @comma, datetime_value_expression(Source, _), @right_paren.
789string_value_function(dbname({}), native_type(nvarchar(128)))---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @db_name, @left_paren, @right_paren.
790string_value_function(permissions(S), varchar)---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @permissions, @left_paren, character_value_expression(S, _), @right_paren.
791string_value_function(username(String), native_type(nvarchar(128)))---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @user_name, @left_paren, character_value_expression(String, _), @right_paren.
792string_value_function(str(S), T)---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @str, @left_paren, qid(Qid), get_source(Source), {type_merge_hint(T, str), type_constraint(Qid, Source, T, native_type(varchar(1))), type_constraint(Qid, Source, T, ST)}, numeric_value_expression(S, ST), @right_paren.
794:-discontiguous(datetime_value_function/8). 795datetime_value_function(dateadd(Type, N, Source), native_type(datetime))---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @dateadd, @left_paren, sql_server_date_part(Type), @comma, numeric_value_expression(N, _), @comma, datetime_value_expression(Source, _), @right_paren.
797:-discontiguous(numeric_value_function/8). 798numeric_value_function(current_timestamp, native_type(datetime))---> @current_timestamp.
799numeric_value_function(getdate({}), native_type(datetime))---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @getdate, @left_paren, @right_paren.
800numeric_value_function(fn_now({}), native_type(datetime))---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @left_curly, @fn, @now, @left_paren, @right_paren, @right_curly, get_source(Source), {semantic_error(sql_escape, Source, 1)}.
801numeric_value_function(isnull(P, C), T)---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @isnull(Source), {semantic_error(Source, deprecated(isnull, coalesce), 1)}, @left_paren, value_expression(P, T), @comma, value_expression(C, _), @right_paren.
802numeric_value_function(datediff(Type, LHS, RHS), native_type(int))---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @datediff, @left_paren, sql_server_date_part(Type), @comma, datetime_value_expression(LHS, _), @comma, numeric_value_expression(RHS, _), @right_paren.
803numeric_value_function(day(S), native_type(int))---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @day, @left_paren, datetime_value_expression(S, _), @right_paren.
804numeric_value_function(month(S), native_type(int))---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @month, @left_paren, datetime_value_expression(S, _), @right_paren.
805numeric_value_function(year(S), native_type(int))---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @year, @left_paren, datetime_value_expression(S, _), @right_paren.
807numeric_value_function(datepart(Type, S), native_type(int))---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @datepart, @left_paren, sql_server_date_part(Type), @comma, datetime_value_expression(S, _), @right_paren.
808numeric_value_function(charindex(Source, Search, Start), native_type(int))---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @charindex, @left_paren, character_value_expression(Source, _), @comma, string_value_expression(Search, _), ( @comma, numeric_value_expression(Start, _) | {Start = {no_start}}), @right_paren.
809numeric_value_function(len(Source), native_type(int))---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @len, @left_paren, character_value_expression(Source, _), @right_paren.
810numeric_value_function(abs(S), T)---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @abs, @left_paren, {force_type_not_domain(T)}, numeric_value_expression(S, T), @right_paren.
811numeric_value_function(round(S, P), T)---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @round, @left_paren, {force_type_not_domain(T)}, numeric_value_expression(S, T), @comma, numeric_value_expression(P, _), @right_paren.
812numeric_value_function(floor(S), T)---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @floor, @left_paren, numeric_value_expression(S, ST), @right_paren, qid(Qid), get_source(Source), {type_merge_hint(T, round), type_constraint(Qid, Source, T, ST), type_constraint_ready(Qid, T)}.
813numeric_value_function(ceiling(S), native_type(int))---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @ceiling, @left_paren, numeric_value_expression(S, _), @right_paren.
814sql_server_date_part(T)---> ( @year | @yy | @yyyy), {T = year}
815 | (@quarter | @qq | @q ), {T = quarter}
816 | (@month | @mm | @m), {T = month}
817 | (@dayofyear | @dy), {T = dayofyear}
818 | (@day | @dd | @d | #literal(day, _), get_source(Source), {semantic_error(superfluous_quote(day), Source, 1)}), {T = day}
819 | (@week | @wk | @ww), {T = week}
820 | (@weekday | @dw | @w), {T = weekday}
821 | (@hour | @hh), {T = hour}
822 | (@minute | @mi | @n), {T = minute}
823 | (@second | @ss | @s), {T = second}
824 | (@millisecond | @ms), {T = millisecond}
825 | (@microsecond | @mcs), {T = microsecond}
826 | (@nanosecond | @ns), {T = nanosecond}.
829:-discontiguous(cast_specification/8). 830cast_specification(precision_cast(Target, Operand, P), Type)---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), @convert, @left_paren, cast_target(Target), @comma, cast_operand(Operand), ( @comma, precision(P) | {P = {no_precision}} ), @right_paren, {strip_sql_comments(Target, Type)}.
832top_clause(top(N))---> @top, numeric_value_expression(NN, _T), ( @percent, get_source(Source), {semantic_error(percent, Source, 1)}, {N = percent(NN)} | {N = NN}). 833limit_clause(top(N))---> @limit, numeric_value_expression(N, _T). 834
835with_attribute(With)---> @with, @schemabinding, {With = with(schemabinding)} 836 | {With = {no_with}}. 837
838with_clause(with(nolock))---> @with, @left_paren, @nolock, @right_paren.
839with_clause(with(noexpand))---> @with, @left_paren, @noexpand, @right_paren. 840
841for_clause(for(xml_path(I)))---> @for, @xml, @path, @left_paren, string_value_expression(I, _), @right_paren, qid(Q), {query_is_xml(Q)}.
842:-discontiguous(grouping_column_reference/7). 843grouping_column_reference(group_expression(Expression, Collate))---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), value_expression(Expression, _), ( collate_clause(Collate) | {Collate = {no_collation}} ).
844:-discontiguous(sort_key/7). 845sort_key(sort_expression(Expression))---> dbms('Microsoft SQL Server'), value_expression(Expression, _).
847:-discontiguous(datetime_type/7). 848datetime_type(datetime)---> @datetime.
851sized_varchar_type(L, L, O, O, P0, P0, Length, Source, SourceT, T):-
852 memberchk(query_id(Qid), O),
853 strip_sql_comments(Length, LS),
854 ( integer(LS) ->
855 856 type_merge_hint(T, sized_varchar),
857 type_constraint(Qid, Source, T, native_type(varchar(LS))),
858 type_constraint(Qid, Source, T, SourceT)
859 ; otherwise->
860 force_type_not_domain(T),
861 type_constraint(Qid, Source, T, SourceT),
862 type_constraint_ready(Qid, T)
863 ).
866user:goal_expansion(sql_explain(_), true).
869remove_quoted_column @
870 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, typeof(identifier(A, B), literal(ColumnName, string)))
871 <=>
872 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, typeof(identifier(A, B), ColumnName)).
874define_type_from_subquery @
875 derived_query_column(QueryId, TableAlias, Column, DerivedType)
876 \
877 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, typeof(identifier(_, TableAlias), Column))
878 <=>
879 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, DerivedType).
881define_type_from_subquery_with_unspecified_column @
882 derived_query_column(QueryId, _, Column, DerivedType)
883 \
884 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, typeof({no_qualifier}, Column))
885 <=>
886 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, DerivedType).
889define_type_from_literal @
890 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, typeof({no_qualifier}, literal(Literal, Kind)))
891 <=>
892 ( Literal == '' ->
893 ColumnType = native_type(varchar(1)) 894 ; Kind == string->
895 atom_length(Literal, L),
896 ColumnType = native_type(varchar(L))
897 ; otherwise->
898 ColumnType = native_type(Kind)
899 ),
900 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, ColumnType).
902define_type_from_query @
903 query_table(QueryId, TableAlias, identifier(_, TableName))
904 \
905 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, typeof(identifier(_, TableAlias), SourceColumnName))
906 <=>
907 default_schema(Schema),
908 fetch_database_attribute(_, Schema, TableName, SourceColumnName, ColumnType, _, _, _)
909 |
910 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, ColumnType).
912define_type_from_query_with_unnamed_table @
913 query_table(QueryId, _, identifier(_, TableName))
914 \
915 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, typeof({no_qualifier}, SourceColumnName))
916 <=>
917 918 default_schema(Schema),
919 920 fetch_database_attribute(_, Schema, TableName, SourceColumnName, ColumnType, _, _, _)
921 922 |
923 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, ColumnType).
925define_type_from_uncorrelated_table_with_explicit_reference @ 926 query_table(QueryId, uncorrelated(TableName), _)
927 \
928 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, typeof(identifier(_, TableName), SourceColumnName))
929 <=>
930 default_schema(Schema),
931 fetch_database_attribute(_, Schema, TableName, SourceColumnName, ColumnType, _, _, _)
932 |
933 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, ColumnType).
935define_type_from_uncorrelated_table @
936 query_table(QueryId, uncorrelated(TableName), _)
937 \
938 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, typeof(X, SourceColumnName))
939 <=>
940 X \= identifier(_,_),
941 942 default_schema(Schema),
943 fetch_database_attribute(_, Schema, TableName, SourceColumnName, ColumnType, _, _, _)
944 |
945 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, ColumnType).
948crush_xml_subquery_into_scalar @
949 query_is_xml(SubQueryId),
950 subquery(QueryId, SubQueryId)
951 \
952 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, scalar([merged(_, _, _Subtype)]))
953 <=>
954 sql_explain(crush_xml),
955 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(nvarchar(max))).
958crush_subquery_into_scalar @
959 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, scalar([merged(_, _, Subtype)]))
960 <=>
961 sql_explain(crush_subquery),
962 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, Subtype).
964concatenate_char @
965 type_merge_hint(Type, Hint),
966 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, native_type(varchar(N))),
967 type_constraint(QueryId, Source2, Type, native_type(varchar(M)))
968 <=>
969 Hint == add ; Hint == concatenate
970 |
971 ( N == max ->
972 Z = max
973 ; M == max ->
974 Z = max
975 ; otherwise ->
976 Z is min(N+M, 8000)
977 ),
978 sql_explain(concatenate_char),
979 merge_sources(Source1, Source2, Source),
980 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(varchar(Z))),
981 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
983concatenate_nchar_and_varchar @
984 type_merge_hint(Type, Hint),
985 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, native_type(nvarchar(N))),
986 type_constraint(QueryId, Source2, Type, native_type(varchar(M)))
987 <=>
988 Hint == add ; Hint == concatenate
989 |
990 ( N == max ->
991 Z = max
992 ; M == max ->
993 Z = max
994 ; otherwise->
995 Z is min(N+M, 8000)
996 ),
997 sql_explain(concatenate_nchar_and_varchar),
998 merge_sources(Source1, Source2, Source),
999 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(nvarchar(Z))),
1000 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1002concatenate_nchar_and_nchar @
1003 type_merge_hint(Type, Hint),
1004 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, native_type(nvarchar(N))),
1005 type_constraint(QueryId, Source2, Type, native_type(nvarchar(M)))
1006 <=>
1007 Hint == add ; Hint == concatenate
1008 |
1009 ( N == max ->
1010 Z = max
1011 ; M == max ->
1012 Z = max
1013 ; otherwise->
1014 Z is min(N+M, 8000)
1015 ),
1016 sql_explain(concatenate_nchar_and_nchar),
1017 merge_sources(Source1, Source2, Source),
1018 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(nvarchar(Z))),
1019 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1022merge_sized_chars @
1023 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(varchar(N)))
1024 \
1025 type_merge_hint(Type, sized_varchar),
1026 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(varchar(M)))
1027 <=>
1028 ( integer(N), integer(M), N < M )
1029 |
1030 sql_explain(merge_sized_chars),
1031 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1033union_chars @
1034 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(varchar(N)))
1035 \
1036 type_merge_hint(Type, Hint),
1037 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(varchar(M)))
1038 <=>
1039 Hint \== concatenate,
1040 ( N == max
1041 ; M == max
1042 ; N >= M
1043 )
1044 |
1045 sql_explain(union_chars(N, M)),
1046 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1048union_nchars @
1049 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(nvarchar(N)))
1050 \
1051 type_merge_hint(Type, Hint),
1052 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(nvarchar(M)))
1053 <=>
1054 Hint \== concatenate,
1055 ( N == max
1056 ; M == max
1057 ; N >= M
1058 )
1059 |
1060 sql_explain(union_nchars),
1061 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1063union_nchar_and_varchar @
1064 type_merge_hint(Type, Hint),
1065 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, native_type(nvarchar(N))),
1066 type_constraint(QueryId, Source2, Type, native_type(varchar(M)))
1067 <=>
1068 Hint \== concatenate
1069 |
1070 ( N == max->
1071 Z = max
1072 ; M == max->
1073 Z = max
1074 ; otherwise->
1075 Z is max(N, M)
1076 ),
1077 sql_explain(union_nchar_and_varchar),
1078 merge_sources(Source1, Source2, Source),
1079 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(nvarchar(Z))),
1080 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1084expand_precision_integer_to_decimal @ 1085 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, native_type(decimal(_, _)))
1086 \
1087 type_constraint(QueryId, Source2, Type, native_type(int(N)))
1088 <=>
1089 sql_explain(precision_integer_to_decimal(N,0)),
1090 merge_sources(Source1, Source2, Source),
1091 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(decimal(N, 0))).
1093expand_precision_integer_to_general_integer @
1094 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(int))
1095 \
1096 type_merge_hint(Type, _),
1097 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(int(_)))
1098 <=>
1099 sql_explain(precision_integer_to_int),
1100 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1103expand_integer_to_decimal @
1104 type_merge_hint(Type, union),
1105 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, native_type(decimal(_, _)))
1106 \
1107 type_constraint(QueryId, Source2, Type, native_type(int))
1108 <=>
1109 sql_explain(integer_to_decimal_for_union),
1110 merge_sources(Source1, Source2, Source),
1111 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(decimal(10,0))).
1113expand_tinyint_to_int @
1114 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(int))
1115 \
1116 type_merge_hint(Type, _),
1117 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(tinyint))
1118 <=>
1119 sql_explain(tinyint_to_int),
1120 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1122expand_tinyint_to_precision_int @
1123 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(int(_)))
1124 \
1125 type_merge_hint(Type, _),
1126 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(tinyint))
1127 <=>
1128 sql_explain(tinyint_to_precision_integer),
1129 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1132expand_int_to_float @
1133 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(float(_)))
1134 \
1135 type_merge_hint(Type, _),
1136 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(int))
1137 <=>
1138 sql_explain(int_to_float),
1139 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1142quirk_tinyint_and_varchar_is_tinyint @
1143 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(tinyint))
1144 \
1145 type_merge_hint(Type, _),
1146 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(varchar(_)))
1147 <=>
1148 sql_explain(tinyint_and_varchar),
1149 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1151max_varchars @
1152 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(varchar(A)))
1153 \
1154 type_merge_hint(Type, max),
1155 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(varchar(B)))
1156 <=>
1157 integer(A), integer(B), A >= B
1158 |
1159 sql_explain(max_varchars),
1160 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1162max_nvarchar_with_varchar @
1163 type_merge_hint(Type, max),
1164 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, native_type(nvarchar(A))),
1165 type_constraint(QueryId, Source2, Type, native_type(varchar(B)))
1166 <=>
1167 ( ( A == max ; B == max)->
1168 C = max
1169 ; otherwise->
1170 C is max(A, B)
1171 ),
1172 sql_explain(max_vvarchar_with_varchar),
1173 merge_sources(Source1, Source2, Source),
1174 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(nvarchar(C))),
1175 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1178str_expression_with_int @
1179 type_merge_hint(Type, str),
1180 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, native_type(int)),
1181 type_constraint(QueryId, Source2, Type, native_type(varchar(A)))
1182 <=>
1183 ( A == max ->
1184 B = max
1185 ; otherwise ->
1186 B is max(A, 10)
1187 ),
1188 sql_explain(str_expression_with_int),
1189 merge_sources(Source1, Source2, Source),
1190 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(varchar(B))),
1191 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1194quirk_int_and_varchar_is_int @
1195 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, native_type(int))
1196 \
1197 type_merge_hint(Type, _),
1198 type_constraint(QueryId, Source2, Type, native_type(varchar(_)))
1199 <=>
1200 sql_explain(int_and_varchar),
1201 type_mismatch(Source1, Source2, int, varchar),
1202 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1204quirk_int_and_varchar_is_int @
1205 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, native_type(int(_)))
1206 \
1207 type_merge_hint(Type, _),
1208 type_constraint(QueryId, Source2, Type, native_type(varchar(_)))
1209 <=>
1210 sql_explain(int_and_varchar),
1211 type_mismatch(Source1, Source2, int, varchar),
1212 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1216quirk_datetime_and_int_is_int @
1217 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(datetime))
1218 \
1219 type_merge_hint(Type, _),
1220 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(int))
1221 <=>
1222 sql_explain(datetime_and_int),
1223 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1226quirk_datetime_and_precision_int_is_precision_int @
1227 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(datetime))
1228 \
1229 type_merge_hint(Type, _),
1230 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(int(_)))
1231 <=>
1232 sql_explain(datetime_and_precision_int),
1233 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1236integer_addition @
1237 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(int))
1238 \
1239 type_merge_hint(Type, Hint),
1240 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(int))
1241 <=>
1242 memberchk(Hint, [add, subtract, concatenate])
1243 |
1244 sql_explain(integer_addition),
1245 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1247integer_multiplication_requires_promotion @
1248 type_merge_hint(Type, Hint)
1249 \
1250 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(int))
1251 <=>
1252 memberchk(Hint, [multiply, divide(_)])
1253 |
1254 sql_explain(promote_int_for_multiplication),
1255 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(decimal(10,0))).
1258integer_and_decimal_arithmetic @
1259 type_merge_hint(Type, Hint),
1260 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, native_type(decimal(_, _)))
1261 \
1262 type_constraint(QueryId, Source2, Type, native_type(int))
1263 <=>
1264 Hint \== union
1265 |
1266 sql_explain(promote_int_to_decimal_for_arithmetic(Hint)),
1267 merge_sources(Source1, Source2, Source),
1268 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(decimal(10,0))).
1271expand_type_scope_decimal_with_hint @
1272 type_merge_hint(Type, Hint),
1273 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, native_type(decimal(P1, S1))),
1274 type_constraint(QueryId, Source2, Type, native_type(decimal(P2, S2)))
1275 <=>
1276 ( Hint == multiply->
1277 P is P1 + P2 + 1,
1278 S is S1 + S2
1279 ; ( Hint == add ; Hint == concatenate) -> 1280 P is max(S1, S2) + max(P1-S1, P2-S2) + 1,
1281 S is max(S1, S2)
1282 ; Hint == subtract ->
1283 P is max(S1, S2) + max(P1-S1, P2-S2) + 1,
1284 S is max(S1, S2)
1285 ; Hint = divide(DA)->
1286 ( DA = node(Divisor, _, _, _, _) ->
1287 true
1288 ; otherwise->
1289 Divisor = DA
1290 ),
1291 1292 1293 ( Divisor = domain(D) ->
1294 fetch_domain_data_type(D, V)
1295 ; Divisor = native_type(V)->
1296 true
1297 ; otherwise->
1298 throw(bad_divisor(Divisor))
1299 ),
1300 ( ( ( V = int(P1), S1 == 0) 1301 ;
1302 V == decimal(P1, S1))->
1304 1305 P is P2 - S2 + S1 + max(6, S2 + P1 + 1),
1306 S is max(6, S2 + P1 + 1)
1307 ; otherwise->
1308 1309 P is P1 - S1 + S2 + max(6, S1 + P2 + 1),
1310 S is max(6, S1 + P2 + 1)
1311 )
1312 ; Hint == union->
1313 P is max(S1, S2) + max(P1-S1, P2-S2),
1314 S is max(S1, S2)
1315 ; otherwise->
1316 throw(unhandled_scope(Hint))
1317 ),
1318 ( P > 38 ->
1319 Px = 38,
1320 1321 1322 1323 ( memberchk(Hint, [add, concatenate, subtract])->
1324 Sx is max(0, S - (P-39))
1325 ; Hint == union->
1326 Sx is max(0, S - (P-38))
1327 ; max(0, S-(P-38)) < 6->
1328 Sx is min(S, 6)
1329 ; otherwise->
1330 Sx is max(0, S - (P-38))
1331 )
1332 ; otherwise->
1333 Px = P,
1334 Sx = S
1335 ),
1336 sql_explain(decimal_arithmetic(Hint, Px, Sx)),
1337 merge_sources(Source1, Source2, Source),
1338 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(decimal(Px, Sx))),
1339 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1341resolve_types @
1342 resolve_types(QueryId)
1343 <=>
1344 commit(QueryId).
1346resolve_unions @
1347 commit(QueryId)
1348 \
1349 union_type(QueryId, L, R, T)
1350 <=>
1351 is_list(L),
1352 is_list(R)
1353 |
1354 ( resolve_union_type(QueryId, L, R, T)->
1355 true
1356 ; otherwise->
1357 format(atom(Message), 'Could not determine the type of the union of ~w and ~w', [L, R]),
1358 throw(cql_error(failed_to_resolve_union, Message))
1359 ).
1361resolve_derived_tables @
1362 commit(QueryId),
1363 derived_table(QueryId, Table, Constraint)
1364 <=>
1365 is_list(Constraint)
1366 |
1367 create_derived_table(QueryId, Table, Constraint),
1368 commit(QueryId).
1370union_of_type_decimal_domains_is_not_a_domain @
1371 commit(QueryId), 1372 type_merge_hint(Type, union),
1373 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, domain(D1)),
1374 type_constraint(QueryId, Source2, Type, domain(D2))
1375 <=>
1376 fetch_domain_data_type(D1, decimal(A1, A2)),
1377 fetch_domain_data_type(D2, decimal(B1, B2))
1378 |
1379 sql_explain(union_domains),
1380 most_general_type(QueryId, Source1, Source2, decimal(A1, A2), decimal(B1, B2), union, Type),
1381 commit(QueryId).
1383merge_domains @
1384 commit(QueryId), 1385 type_merge_hint(Type, Hint),
1386 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, domain(D1)),
1387 type_constraint(QueryId, Source2, Type, domain(D2))
1388 <=>
1389 fetch_domain_data_type(D1, T1),
1390 fetch_domain_data_type(D2, T2)
1391 |
1392 ( T1 = decimal(_, _),
1393 T2 = decimal(_, _)->
1394 most_general_type(QueryId, Source1, Source2, T1, T2, Hint, Type)
1395 ; T1 = datetime, T2 = datetime, memberchk(Hint, [add, subtract, concatenate])->
1396 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, native_type(datetime)),
1397 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type)
1398 ; D1 == D2, Hint \== concatenate->
1399 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, domain(D1)),
1400 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type)
1401 ; otherwise->
1402 most_general_type(QueryId, Source1, Source1, T1, T2, Hint, Type)
1403 ),
1404 sql_explain(join_domains_for(Hint, D1, D2, Type)),
1405 commit(QueryId).
1407merge_domain_to_native @
1408 commit(QueryId), 1409 type_merge_hint(Type, Hint),
1410 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, domain(D)),
1411 type_constraint(QueryId, Source2, Type, native_type(NT))
1412 <=>
1413 fetch_domain_data_type(D, T)
1414 |
1415 sql_explain(join_domain_to_native),
1416 most_general_type(QueryId, Source1, Source2, T, NT, Hint, Type),
1417 commit(QueryId).
1419drop_nulltype_in_favour_of_domain @
1420 1421 type_merge_hint(Type, _Anything),
1422 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, domain(D)),
1423 type_constraint(QueryId, Source2, Type, {nulltype})
1424 <=>
1425 sql_explain(drop_nulltype_for_domain),
1426 fetch_domain_data_type(D, T),
1427 merge_sources(Source1, Source2, Source),
1428 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(T)),
1429 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1431drop_nulltype_in_favour_of_native_type @
1432 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(T))
1433 \
1434 type_merge_hint(Type, Hint),
1435 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, {nulltype})
1436 <=>
1437 sql_explain(drop_nulltype_for_native(T, Hint)),
1438 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1451drop_nulltype_in_favour_of_another_nulltype @
1452 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, {nulltype})
1453 \
1454 type_merge_hint(Type, Hint),
1455 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, {nulltype})
1456 <=>
1457 ( Hint == union ->
1458 ( prolog_load_context(file, _Filename)->
1459 true
1460 1461 ; otherwise->
1462 true
1463 )
1464 ; otherwise->
1465 true
1466 ),
1467 sql_explain(drop_nulltype_for_nulltype(Hint)),
1468 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1470force_type_not_domain @
1471 1472 force_type_not_domain(Type),
1473 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, domain(D))
1474 <=>
1475 fetch_domain_data_type(D, decimal(P, S))
1476 |
1477 sql_explain(forcing_decimal_not_domain(D)),
1478 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(decimal(P, S))).
1480force_type_not_domain @
1481 1482 force_type_not_domain(Type),
1483 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, domain(D))
1484 <=>
1485 fetch_domain_data_type(D, varchar(L))
1486 |
1487 sql_explain(forcing_varchar_not_domain(D)),
1488 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(varchar(L))).
1490force_type_not_domain @
1491 force_type_not_domain(Type),
1492 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, domain(D))
1493 <=>
1494 fetch_domain_data_type(D, datetime)
1495 |
1496 sql_explain(forcing_datetime_not_domain(D)),
1497 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(datetime)).
1500rounded_int_is_decimal @ 1501 type_merge_hint(Type, round),
1502 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(int))
1503 <=>
1504 sql_explain(rounded_int_is_decimal),
1505 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(decimal(10,0))).
1507rounded_decimal_has_no_scale @
1508 type_merge_hint(Type, round),
1509 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(decimal(P, _)))
1510 <=>
1511 sql_explain(rounded_decimal_has_no_scale),
1512 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(decimal(P,0))).
1515force_domain_type_to_sum @
1516 1517 type_merge_hint(Type, sum),
1518 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, domain(D))
1519 <=>
1520 fetch_domain_data_type(D, decimal(_, S))
1521 |
1522 sql_explain(forcing_domain_to_sum(D)),
1523 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(decimal(38, S))).
1525force_domain_type_to_avg @
1526 1527 type_merge_hint(Type, avg),
1528 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, domain(D))
1529 <=>
1530 sql_explain(forcing_domain_to_avg(D)),
1531 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(decimal(38, 6))).
1533force_native_type_to_sum @
1534 1535 type_merge_hint(Type, sum),
1536 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(decimal(_, S)))
1537 <=>
1538 sql_explain(forcing_native_to_sum),
1539 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(decimal(38, S))).
1541force_native_type_to_avg @
1542 1543 type_merge_hint(Type, avg),
1544 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(decimal(_, _)))
1545 <=>
1546 sql_explain(forcing_native_to_avg),
1547 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(decimal(38, 6))).
1549union_precision_ints @
1550 type_merge_hint(Type, union),
1551 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, native_type(int(_))),
1552 type_constraint(QueryId, Source2, Type, native_type(int(_)))
1553 <=>
1554 sql_explain(union_precision_ints),
1555 merge_sources(Source1, Source2, Source),
1556 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(int)),
1557 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1559union_identical_natives @
1560 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(T))
1561 \
1562 type_merge_hint(Type, union),
1563 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(T))
1564 <=>
1565 sql_explain(union_identical_natives(T)),
1566 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1568merge_datetime_and_int @
1569 type_merge_hint(Type, _Hint),
1570 type_constraint(QueryId, Source1, Type, native_type(datetime)),
1571 type_constraint(QueryId, Source2, Type, native_type(decimal(_,_)))
1572 <=>
1573 sql_explain(operation_with_datetime_and_decimal),
1574 merge_sources(Source1, Source2, Source),
1575 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(datetime)),
1576 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1578union_of_datetime_and_date_is_datetime @
1579 type_merge_hint(Type, union),
1580 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(datetime))
1581 \
1582 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, native_type(date))
1583 <=>
1584 sql_explain(union_of_datetime_and_date),
1585 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type).
1588accept_domain @
1589 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, domain(Domain)),
1590 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type)
1591 <=>
1592 sql_explain(accepting(domain(Domain), Type)),
1593 Type = domain(Domain).
1595accept_native_type @
1596 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, native_type(Native)),
1597 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type)
1598 <=>
1599 sql_explain(accepting(native_type(Native), Type)),
1600 Type = native_type(Native).
1602accept_nulltype @
1603 type_constraint(QueryId, _, Type, {nulltype}),
1604 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type)
1605 <=>
1606 sql_explain(accepting_nulltype(Type)),
1607 Type = {nulltype}.
1610find_column_types @
1611 query_table(QueryId, _, identifier(_, TableName)),
1612 find_all_column_types(QueryId, Source, Tail)
1613 <=>
1614 default_schema(Schema),
1615 findall(merged(ColumnName, Source, Domain),
1616 fetch_database_attribute(_, Schema, TableName, ColumnName, Domain, _, _, _),
1617 Columns),
1618 create_column_constraints(QueryId, Source, Columns, Tail, NewTail),
1619 find_all_column_types(QueryId, Source, NewTail).
1621find_column_types @
1622 derived_query_column(QueryId, _, Column, ColumnType),
1623 find_all_column_types(QueryId, Source, Tail)
1624 <=>
1625 Tail = [merged(Column, Source, ColumnType)|NewTail],
1626 find_all_column_types(QueryId, Source, NewTail).
1628share_commit @
1629 commit(Parent),
1630 subquery(Parent, Child)
1631 ==>
1632 commit(Child).
1634commit_peers @
1635 commit(Qid),
1636 peer_query(Qid, Sibling)
1637 ==>
1638 commit(Sibling).
1641share_table @
1642 subquery(Parent, Child),
1643 query_table(Parent, A, B)
1644 ==>
1645 query_table(Child, A, B).
1653finished_finding @
1654 commit(QueryId)
1655 \
1656 find_all_column_types(QueryId, _, Tail)
1657 <=>
1658 Tail = [].
1670frozen_reverse @
1671 frozen_reverse(_, A, B)
1672 <=>
1673 is_list(A)
1674 |
1675 A = B.
1678cleanup @ cleanup(QueryId) \ frozen_reverse(QueryId, _, _) <=> true.
1679cleanup @ cleanup(QueryId) \ type_constraint(QueryId, _, _, _) <=> true. 1680cleanup @ cleanup(_QueryId) \ type_constraint_ready(_, _) <=> true.
1681cleanup @ cleanup(_QueryId) \ type_merge_hint(_, _) <=> true.
1682cleanup @ cleanup(QueryId) \ query_table(QueryId, _, _) <=> true.
1683cleanup @ cleanup(QueryId) \ derived_query_column(QueryId, _, _, _) <=> true.
1684cleanup @ cleanup(QueryId) \ subquery(QueryId, SubQueryId) <=> cleanup(SubQueryId).
1685cleanup @ cleanup(QueryId) \ peer_query(QueryId, PeerQueryId) <=> cleanup(PeerQueryId).
1686cleanup @ cleanup(QueryId) \ query_is_xml(QueryId) <=> true.
1687cleanup @ cleanup(QueryId) \ commit(QueryId) <=> true.
1688cleanup @ cleanup(QueryId) \ find_all_column_types(QueryId, _, _) <=> true.
1689cleanup @ cleanup(QueryId) \ subquery(SubQueryId, QueryId) <=> cleanup(SubQueryId).
1691cleanup @ cleanup(_) <=> true.
1693create_column_constraints(_QueryId, _Source, [], NewTail, NewTail):- !.
1694create_column_constraints(QueryId, Source, [merged(Name, Source, Domain)|Columns], [merged(Name, Source, Type)|T], NewTail):-
1695 type_constraint(QueryId, Source, Type, Domain),
1696 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, Type),
1697 create_column_constraints(QueryId, Source, Columns, T, NewTail).
1700resolve_union_type(_QueryId, [], [], []):- !.
1701resolve_union_type(_QueryId, A, [], []):- throw(union_mismatch(left(A))).
1702resolve_union_type(_QueryId, [], A, []):- throw(union_mismatch(right(A))).
1703resolve_union_type(QueryId, [merged(NameA, SourceA, TypeA)|As], [merged(NameB, SourceB, TypeB)|Bs], [merged(Name, SourceA, C)|Cs]):-
1704 1705 1706 1707 ( nonvar(TypeA),
1708 TypeA = domain(X),
1709 nonvar(TypeB),
1710 TypeB = domain(X),
1711 fetch_domain_data_type(X, decimal(P, S))->
1712 C = native_type(decimal(P,S))
1713 ; otherwise->
1714 type_merge_hint(C, union),
1715 type_constraint(QueryId, SourceA, C, TypeA),
1716 type_constraint(QueryId, SourceB, C, TypeB)
1717 ),
1718 ( NameA == {no_alias} ->
1719 name_from_identifier(NameB, Name)
1720 ; otherwise->
1721 name_from_identifier(NameA, Name)
1722 ),
1723 resolve_union_type(QueryId, As, Bs, Cs).
1726name_from_identifier(literal(NameMC, _), Name):- !,
1727 downcase_atom(NameMC, Name).
1728name_from_identifier({no_alias}, {no_alias}):- !.
1729name_from_identifier(Identifier, Name):-
1730 downcase_atom(Identifier, Name).
1735check_types(_, _).
1736most_general_type(QueryId, S1, S2, A, B, Op, C):-
1737 type_merge_hint(C, Op),
1738 ( var(A)->
1739 type_constraint(QueryId, S1, C, A)
1740 ; otherwise->
1741 strip_sql_comments(A, AA),
1742 ( AA = native_type(AAA)->
1743 type_constraint(QueryId, S1, C, native_type(AAA))
1744 ; AA = domain(AAA)->
1745 type_constraint(QueryId, S1, C, domain(AAA))
1746 ; AA == {nulltype}->
1747 type_constraint(QueryId, S1, C, {nulltype})
1748 ; otherwise->
1749 type_constraint(QueryId, S1, C, native_type(AA))
1750 )
1751 ),
1752 ( var(B)->
1753 type_constraint(QueryId, S2, C, B)
1754 ; otherwise->
1755 strip_sql_comments(B, BB),
1756 ( BB = native_type(BBB)->
1757 type_constraint(QueryId, S2, C, native_type(BBB))
1758 ; BB = domain(BBB)->
1759 type_constraint(QueryId, S2, C, domain(BBB))
1760 ; BB == {nulltype}->
1761 type_constraint(QueryId, S2, C, {nulltype})
1762 ; otherwise->
1763 type_constraint(QueryId, S2, C, native_type(BB))
1764 )
1765 ).
1768coalesce_type(QueryId, [A, B], [S1, S2], T):- !,
1769 most_general_type(QueryId, S1, S2, A, B, union, T).
1770coalesce_type(QueryId, [A], [S1], T):- !,
1771 type_constraint(QueryId, S1, T, A),
1772 type_constraint_ready(QueryId, T).
1773coalesce_type(QueryId, [A, B|Xs], [S1, S2|Ss], T):-
1774 most_general_type(QueryId, S1, S2, A, B, union, AB),
1775 coalesce_type(QueryId, Xs, Ss, XT),
1776 most_general_type(QueryId, S2, S2, AB, XT, union, T).
1778concatenate_type(QueryId, S1, S2, A, B, C):-
1779 type_merge_hint(C, concatenate),
1780 type_constraint(QueryId, S1, C, A),
1781 type_constraint(QueryId, S2, C, B).
1784merge_types(all, _, Types, Types):- !.
1785merge_types([], [], [], []):- !.
1786merge_types([derived_column(From, Alias)|As], [S|Ss], [B|Bs], [merged(Name, S, B)|Cs]):-
1787 ( Alias == {no_alias},
1788 From = column(_Qualifier, Name)->
1789 true
1790 ; otherwise->
1791 name_from_identifier(Alias, Name)
1792 ),
1793 merge_types(As, Ss, Bs, Cs).
1796determine_tables(_, Var):- var(Var), !, throw(var).
1797determine_tables(_, []):- !.
1798determine_tables(QueryId, [A|B]):- !,
1799 determine_tables(QueryId, A),
1800 determine_tables(QueryId, B).
1802determine_tables(QueryId, join(LHS, RHS)):- !,
1803 determine_tables(QueryId, LHS),
1804 determine_tables(QueryId, RHS).
1805determine_tables(QueryId, correlated_table(table(Identifier), {no_correlation})):- !,
1806 Identifier = identifier(_, TableName), !,
1807 query_table(QueryId, uncorrelated(TableName), Identifier).
1808determine_tables(QueryId, correlated_table(table(Identifier), correlation(Correlation, _))):- !,
1809 query_table(QueryId, Correlation, Identifier).
1810determine_tables(QueryId, qualified_join(_Type, RHS, _On)):- !,
1811 determine_tables(QueryId, RHS).
1812determine_tables(QueryId, cross_join(RHS)):- !,
1813 determine_tables(QueryId, RHS).
1814determine_tables(QueryId, derived_table(_Derivation, correlation(DerivedTableName, _), T)):- !,
1815 derived_table(QueryId, DerivedTableName, T).
1817determine_tables(_, X):- throw(determine_tables(X)).
1820create_derived_table(_QueryId, _DerivedTableName, []):- !.
1821create_derived_table(QueryId, DerivedTableName, [merged(Name, _, Type)|Columns]):- !,
1822 derived_query_column(QueryId, DerivedTableName, Name, Type),
1823 create_derived_table(QueryId, DerivedTableName, Columns).
1826fetch_domain_data_type(identifier(_, Domain), Type):-
1827 !,
1828 fetch_domain_data_type(Domain, Type).
1829fetch_domain_data_type(Domain, Type):-
1830 domain_database_data_type(Domain, Type).
1832fetch_database_attribute(_, Schema, TableName, _, _, _, _, _):-
1833 \+system_table(TableName, _, _),
1834 \+database_attribute(_, Schema, TableName, _, _, _, _, _),
1835 !,
1836 format(atom(Message), 'View references entity ~w which does not exist', [TableName]),
1837 throw(cql_error(no_such_entity, Message)).
1839fetch_database_attribute(_, Schema, TableName, ColumnName, Domain, _, _, _):-
1840 system_table(TableName, ColumnName, Domain)
1841 ;
1842 database_attribute(_, Schema, TableName, ColumnName, Domain, _, _, _).
1845system_table(sysobjects, name, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1846system_table(sysobjects, name, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1847system_table(sysobjects, xtype, native_type(char(2))).
1848system_table(sysobjects, xtype, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1849system_table(sysobjects, id, native_type(int)).
1850system_table(sysobjects, uid, native_type(smallint)).
1851system_table(sysobjects, parent_obj, native_type(int)).
1852system_table(syscolumns, name, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1853system_table(syscolumns, colid, native_type(smallint)).
1854system_table(syscolumns, id, native_type(int)).
1855system_table(sysconstraints, colid, native_type(smallint)).
1856system_table(sysconstraints, constid, native_type(int)).
1857system_table(syscomments, id, native_type(int)).
1858system_table(syscomments, text, native_type(nvarchar(4000))).
1859system_table(syscomments, colid, native_type(smallint)).
1861system_table(table_constraints, constraint_catalog, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1862system_table(table_constraints, constraint_schema, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1863system_table(table_constraints, constraint_name, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1864system_table(table_constraints, constraint_type, native_type(varchar(11))).
1865system_table(table_constraints, table_catalog, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1866system_table(table_constraints, table_schema, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1867system_table(table_constraints, table_name , native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1869system_table(key_column_usage, constraint_name, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1870system_table(key_column_usage, table_catalog, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1871system_table(key_column_usage, table_schema, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1872system_table(key_column_usage, table_name, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1873system_table(key_column_usage, column_name, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1874system_table(key_column_usage, ordinal_position, native_type(int)).
1876system_table(referential_constraints, constraint_name, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1877system_table(referential_constraints, constraint_catalog, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1878system_table(referential_constraints, constraint_schema, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1879system_table(referential_constraints, unique_constraint_name, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1880system_table(referential_constraints, unique_constraint_catalog, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1881system_table(referential_constraints, unique_constraint_schema, native_type(nvarchar(128))).
1884left_factor_types(Qid, In, T):-
1885 left_factor2(In, Left),
1886 resolve_factored_types(Qid, Left, T).
1888resolve_factored_types(_Qid, Var, Var):- var(Var), !.
1889resolve_factored_types(Qid, node(A, AS, Op, B, BS), T):- !,
1890 most_general_type(Qid, AS, BS, AT, B, Op, T),
1891 resolve_factored_types(Qid, A, AT).
1892resolve_factored_types(_Qid, T, T).
1895left_factor2(A, A):- var(A), !.
1896left_factor2(node(A, AS, Op, B, BS), Y):- !, left_factor_appending2(B, BS, A, AS, Op, Y).
1897left_factor2(A, A).
1898left_factor_appending2(Var, VarS, T, TS, Op, node(T, TS, Op, Var, VarS)):- var(Var), !.
1899left_factor_appending2(node(A, AS, Op1, B, BS), NS, T, TS, Op2, Z):- !, left_factor_appending2(B, BS, node(T, TS, Op2, A, AS), NS, Op1, Z).
1900left_factor_appending2(X, XS, Y, YS, Op, node(Y, YS, Op, X, XS)).
(Var, Var):- var(Var), !. 1905strip_sql_comments(meta(_,_):A, B):- !,
1906 strip_sql_comments(A, B).
1908strip_sql_comments(A, B):-
1909 A =.. [Functor|Args], Args \== [], !,
1910 strip_sql_comments_list(Args, Args2),
1911 B =.. [Functor|Args2].
1913strip_sql_comments(A, A):- !.
([], []):- !.
1916strip_sql_comments_list([A|B], [C|D]):- !, strip_sql_comments(A, C), strip_sql_comments_list(B, D).
1919 var(Var),
1920 throw(instantiation_error(Var)).
1921consolidate_errors(meta(_Comments, ErrorGroup):A):- !,
1922 ( ErrorGroup = {null} ->
1923 true
1924 ; otherwise->
1925 true 1926 ),
1927 consolidate_errors(A).
1929 A =.. [_|Args], Args \== [], !,
1930 consolidate_errors_list(Args).
1931consolidate_errors(_):- !.
1933consolidate_errors_list([]):- !.
1934consolidate_errors_list([A|B]):- !, consolidate_errors(A), consolidate_errors_list(B).
1937not_a_builtin_function(DBMS, Function):-
1938 strip_sql_comments(Function, identifier(Schema, Functor)),
1939 \+once(builtin_function(DBMS, Schema, Functor)).
1941builtin_function('Microsoft SQL Server', _, month).
1942builtin_function('Microsoft SQL Server', _, day).
1943builtin_function('Microsoft SQL Server', _, year).
1944builtin_function('Microsoft SQL Server', _, round).
1945builtin_function('Microsoft SQL Server', _, floor).
1946builtin_function('Microsoft SQL Server', _, ceiling).
1947builtin_function('Microsoft SQL Server', _, len).
1948builtin_function('Microsoft SQL Server', _, rtrim).
1949builtin_function('Microsoft SQL Server', _, str).
1950builtin_function('Microsoft SQL Server', _, datename).
1951builtin_function('Microsoft SQL Server', _, getdate).
1953builtin_function('Microsoft SQL Server', _, db_name).
1954builtin_function('Microsoft SQL Server', _, permissions).
1955builtin_function('Microsoft SQL Server', _, user_name).
1957routine_type(Name, Type):-
1958 1959 1960 default_schema(Schema),
1961 dbms(Schema, DBMS),
1962 strip_sql_comments(Name, identifier(_, Identifier)),
1963 ( cql_normalize_name(DBMS, Identifier, NormalizedName),
1964 routine_return_type(Schema, NormalizedName, Type),
1965 Type \== void->
1966 true
1967 ; otherwise->
1968 format(atom(Message), 'Could not determine the type of SQL function ~w', [Identifier]),
1969 throw(cql_error(cannot_determine_function_type, Message))
1970 ).
1972merge_sources(S, S, S):- !.
1973merge_sources(A, B, _):-
1974 format(atom(Message), '~w vs ~w', [A, B]),
1975 throw(cql_error(could_not_merge_sources, Message)).
1977type_mismatch(type_mismatch(Link, Type1, Type2), type_mismatch(Link, Type1, Type2), Type1, Type2):-
1978 1979 1980 flag(sql_error, Link, Link+1),
1981 !.
1984type_mismatch(_, _, _, _):- !.
1990semantic_error(Error, Error, Level):-
1991 1992 1993 1994 !,
1995 format_sql_error(Error, _, Message),
1996 sql_gripe(Level, Message, []).
1998semantic_error(_, _, _)
SQL Parser
This module contains an SQL parser
Parsing is invoked with
sql_parse(+Term, -TrailingComments, +Options, +Tokens)
. Notice that all terms are bound when the predicate is called: you must direct the parser where to start. For a view definition, an example invocation might besql_tokens(Tokens, "CREATE VIEW foo AS SELECT bar FROM qux", [])
,sql_parse(view_definition(Definition, Types), TrailingComments, [], Tokens)
. ---++ Comments Because comments can appear literally anywhere in the input text, every parse node has both a syntax element (such as view_definition/2) and a list of comments which preceed the element. This means comments are pushed as far as possible down the syntax tree. Any transformations of the input with the intention that it should be printed out again need to take the comments into account. Any other uses of the parse tree may pass it tostrip_sql_comments(+InTree, -OutTree)
to simply remove them all, leaving the tree with just the syntactic elements.Finally, there may be trailing comments at the end of the input which are not followed by any token. This means they're not absorbed into the parse tree - so that they're not lost, they are returned as a list from sql_parse/4. ---++ Options Current options include:
: If omitted, DBMS will be set to 'Microsoft SQL Server'. For the most part only 'Microsoft SQL Server' views are parseable, but it would not be difficult to extend the parser if this was ever required (just search the source fordbms('Microsoft SQL Server')
: Passed to gripe/6 so that complaints about view syntax can be associated with a view nameInternally used options include (these should not be passed in under normal circumstances)
: Used to logically separate distinct parts of the queryParse tree
The parse tree returned can be very complicated. The best documentation for this is probably either the sql_write or the sql_check module, which take the tree as an input and do processing on it. ---++ Type inference Type inference makes the parser take almost 4 times longer, but the resulting information is very useful. It is rarely possible to tell as the input is read what the type of each element is. Where possible, the types are defined (for example, the type of
is alwaysnative_type(int)
) but where the type is unknown, a new variable is created and a constraint is made.Type inference is done with CHR, and types are in one of three states: 1 Known, and bound (ie committed) 2 Unknown with one unresolved dependency 3 Unknown with two unresolved dependencies
A dependency here refers to something which would influence the eventual type. Some examples of the slightly more complicated case 2:
and replaces it with the single element it contains.Some examples of case 3:
Internal Details
Syntax of the grammar
The grammar started out as an EBNF format, and is based roughly on http://savage.net.au/SQL/sql-92.bnf.html {}/1 are escaped Prolog, like in a DCG [...] denote optional clauses | denotes options @foo matches the token foo (case-insensitive matching is employed) #Foo matches the next token with Foo #Foo:Type matches the next token with Foo if it is a literal of type Type
Left factoring types
SQL Server has some very complicated rules for inferring the type of decimal arithmetic (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190476). The crucial, yet sadly missing information from that page deals with overflows. This is half-explained at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sqlprogrammability/archive/2006/03/29/564110.aspx.
Because we have truncation, the order of operations is crucial: Although (x * y) / z is mathematically equivalent to x * (y / z), the types of the two expressions in SQL Server are actually different due to truncation. The parser is LL, but this means we will always read x * y / z as x * (y / z), whereas SQL Server does the type inference in reverse. This is only a problem for division and multiplication since the handling of addition and subtraction are symmetric, but without a transformation, we will compute the wrong type. After a term/2 is parsed, left_factor_types/3 is called, which translates just the types in the term from LL into LR form.
Known problems
% It is not practical to determine what + means ahead of time if the source view is MS T-SQL. We would have to guess and backtrack if wrong, and that is horribly inefficient. Instead if we read + in 'Microsoft SQL Server' mode, we should delay determining whether it is really + or actually || until the types of the LHS and RHS are resolved. */