1/* Part of SWI-Prolog 2 3 Author: Jan Wielemaker 4 E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl 5 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 6 Copyright (c) 2009-2011, VU University, Amsterdam 7 All rights reserved. 8 9 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 10 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 11 are met: 12 13 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 14 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 15 16 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 17 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 18 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 19 distribution. 20 21 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 22 "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 23 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 24 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 25 COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 26 INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 27 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 28 LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 29 CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 30 LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 31 ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 32 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 33*/ 34 35:- module(http_pwp, 36 [ reply_pwp_page/3, % :File, +Options, +Request 37 pwp_handler/2 % +Options, +Request 38 ]). 39:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). 40:- use_module(library(sgml)). 41:- use_module(library(sgml_write)). 42:- use_module(library(option)). 43:- use_module(library(error)). 44:- use_module(library(lists)). 45:- use_module(library(pwp)). 46 47:- predicate_options(pwp_handler/2, 1, 48 [ cache(boolean), 49 hide_extensions(list(atom)), 50 index_hook(callable), 51 mime_type(any), 52 path_alias(atom), 53 unsafe(boolean), 54 view(boolean) 55 ]). 56:- predicate_options(reply_pwp_page/3, 2, 57 [ dtd(any), 58 mime_type(any), 59 pwp_module(boolean), 60 unsafe(boolean) 61 ]).
user:file_search_path(pwp, '/web/pwp'). :- http_handler(root(.), pwp_handler([path_alias(pwp)]), [prefix]).
Options include:
(default is false
), allow for ?view=source to serve
PWP file as source.129:- meta_predicate 130 pwp_handler( , ). 131 132pwp_handler(QOptions, Request) :- 133 meta_options(is_meta, QOptions, Options), 134 ( memberchk(path_info(Spec), Request) 135 -> true 136 ; Spec = '.' 137 ), 138 ( option(path_alias(Alias), Options) 139 -> Term =.. [Alias,Spec] 140 ; Term = Spec 141 ), 142 http_safe_file(Term, Options), 143 ( absolute_file_name(Term, Path, 144 [ file_type(directory), 145 access(read), 146 file_errors(fail) 147 ]) 148 -> ensure_slash(Path, Dir), 149 ( ( member(index(Index), Options) 150 *-> true 151 ; Index = 'index.pwp' 152 ), 153 atom_concat(Dir, Index, File), 154 access_file(File, read) 155 -> true 156 ; option(index_hook(Hook), Options), 157 call(Hook, Path, Options, Request) 158 -> true 159 ; memberchk(path(Location), Request), 160 permission_error(index, http_location, Location) 161 ) 162 ; absolute_file_name(Term, File, 163 [ access(read) 164 ]) 165 ), 166 server_file(File, Request, Options). 167 168is_meta(index_hook). 169 170server_file(File, _, _) :- % index-hook did the work 171 var(File), 172 !. 173server_file(File, Request, Options) :- 174 file_name_extension(_, pwp, File), 175 !, 176 ( option(view(true), Options), 177 memberchk(search(Query), Request), 178 memberchk(view=source, Query) 179 -> http_reply_file(File, [ mime_type(text/plain), 180 unsafe(true) 181 ], Request) 182 ; merge_options(Options, 183 [ pwp_module(true) 184 ], Opts), 185 reply_pwp_page(File, [unsafe(true)|Opts], Request) 186 ). 187server_file(File, Request, Options) :- 188 option(hide_extensions(Exts), Options, [pl]), 189 file_name_extension(_, Ext, File), 190 ( memberchk(Ext, Exts) 191 -> memberchk(path(Location), Request), 192 permission_error(read, http_location, Location) 193 ; http_reply_file(File, [unsafe(true)|Options], Request) 194 ). 195 196 197ensure_slash(Path, Dir) :- 198 ( sub_atom(Path, _, _, 0, /) 199 -> Dir = Path 200 ; atom_concat(Path, /, Dir) 201 ).
Options supported are:
, (default false
), process the PWP file in
a module constructed from its canonical absolute path.
Otherwise, the PWP file is processed in the calling
module.Initial context:
, post
, put
or head
While processing the script, the file-search-path pwp includes the current location of the script. I.e., the following will find myprolog in the same directory as where the PWP file resides.
257:- meta_predicate 258 reply_pwp_page( , , ). 259 260reply_pwp_page(M:File, Options, Request) :- 261 http_safe_file(File, Options), 262 absolute_file_name(File, Path, 263 [ access(read) 264 ]), 265 memberchk(method(Method), Request), 266 file_directory_name(Path, Dir), 267 ( option(dtd(DTD), Options) 268 -> SGMLOptions = [dtd(DTD)] 269 ; SGMLOptions = [] 270 ), 271 load_structure(Path, Contents, [dialect(xml)|SGMLOptions]), 272 findall(C, pwp_context(Request, C), Context), 273 ( option(pwp_module(true), Options) 274 -> PWP_M = Path 275 ; PWP_M = M 276 ), 277 setup_call_cleanup(asserta(script_dir(Dir), Ref), 278 pwp_xml(PWP_M:Contents, Transformed, 279 [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' = Method, 280 'SCRIPT_DIRECTORY' = Dir 281 | Context 282 ]), 283 erase(Ref)), 284 copy_http_equiv(Transformed), 285 default_mime_type(Request, DefType), 286 option(mime_type(Type), Options, DefType), 287 format('Content-type: ~w\r\n\r\n', [Type]), 288 ( Type = text/html 289 -> html_write(current_output, Transformed, []) 290 ; xml_write(current_output, Transformed, []) 291 ).
elements from the document to the CGI
header.299copy_http_equiv(Contents) :- 300 memberchk(element(html, _, HtmlElement), Contents), 301 memberchk(element(head, _, HeadElement), HtmlElement), 302 !, 303 forall(http_equiv(HeadElement, HttpEquiv, HttpEquivValue), 304 format('~w: ~w\r\n', [HttpEquiv, HttpEquivValue])). 305copy_http_equiv(_). 306 307http_equiv(Head, Name, Value) :- 308 member(element(meta, MetaAttributes, []), Head), 309 memberchk('http-equiv'=Name, MetaAttributes), 310 memberchk(content=Value, MetaAttributes).
320default_mime_type(Request, DefType) :- 321 XHTML = application/'xhml+xml', 322 memberchk(accept(Accept), Request), 323 memberchk(media(Type, _, _, _), Accept), 324 Type == XHTML, 325 !, 326 DefType = XHTML. 327default_mime_type(_, text/html).
333pwp_context(Request, 'REMOTE_USER' = User) :- 334 memberchk(user(User), Request). 335pwp_context(Request, 'QUERY' = Query) :- 336 memberchk(search(Query), Request). 337pwp_context(Request, 'SCRIPT_NAME' = Path) :- 338 memberchk(path(Path), Request). 339pwp_context(Request, 'CONTENT_TYPE' = ContentType) :- 340 memberchk(content_type(ContentType), Request). 341pwp_context(Request, 'CONTENT_LENGTH' = Length) :- 342 memberchk(content_length(Length), Request). 343 344:- multifile user:file_search_path/2. 345:- dynamic user:file_search_path/2. 346:- thread_local script_dir/1. 347 348user:file_search_path(pwp, ScriptDir) :- 349 script_dir(ScriptDir)
Serve PWP pages through the HTTP server
This module provides convenience predicates to include PWP (Prolog Well-formed Pages) in a Prolog web-server. It provides the following predicates: