/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2006-2017, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(pldoc_htmlsrc, [ source_to_html/3 % +Source, +Out, +Options ]). :- use_module(library(apply)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(prolog_colour)). :- use_module(doc_colour). :- use_module(doc_html). :- use_module(doc_wiki). :- use_module(doc_modes). :- use_module(doc_process). :- use_module(library(http/html_write)). :- use_module(library(http/http_path)). :- use_module(library(prolog_xref)). :- meta_predicate source_to_html(+, +, :). /** HTML source pretty-printer This module colourises Prolog source using HTML+CSS using the same cross-reference based technology as used by PceEmacs. @tbd Create hyper-links to documentation and definitions. @author Jan Wielemaker */ :- predicate_options(source_to_html/3, 3, [ format_comments(boolean), header(boolean), skin(callable), stylesheets(list), title(atom) ]). :- thread_local lineno/0, % print line-no on next output nonl/0, % previous tag implies nl (block level) id/1. % Emitted ids %! source_to_html(+In:filename, +Out, :Options) is det. % % Colourise Prolog source as HTML. The idea is to first create a % sequence of fragments and then to apply these to the code. % Options are: % % * format_comments(+Boolean) % If =true= (default), use PlDoc formatting for structured % comments. % % Other options are passed to the following predicates: % % * print_html_head/2 % * print_html_footer/2. % * html_fragments/6 % % @arg In A filename. Can also be an abstract name, % which is subject to library(prolog_source) % abstract file handling. See % prolog_open_source/2. Note that this cannot % be a stream as we need to read the file three % times: (1) xref, (2) assign colours and (3) % generate HTML. % @arg Out Term stream(Stream) or filename specification source_to_html(Src, stream(Out), MOptions) :- !, meta_options(is_meta, MOptions, Options), ( option(title(_), Options) -> HeadOptions = Options ; file_base_name(Src, Title), HeadOptions = [title(Title)|Options] ), retractall(lineno), % play safe retractall(nonl), % play safe retractall(id(_)), colour_fragments(Src, Fragments), setup_call_cleanup( ( open_source(Src, In), asserta(user:thread_message_hook(_,_,_), Ref) ), ( print_html_head(Out, HeadOptions), html_fragments(Fragments, In, Out, [], State, Options), copy_rest(In, Out, State, State1), pop_state(State1, Out, In) ), ( erase(Ref), close(In) )), print_html_footer(Out, Options). source_to_html(Src, FileSpec, Options) :- absolute_file_name(FileSpec, OutFile, [access(write)]), setup_call_cleanup( open(OutFile, write, Out, [encoding(utf8)]), source_to_html(Src, stream(Out), Options), close(Out)). open_source(Id, Stream) :- prolog:xref_open_source(Id, Stream), !. open_source(File, Stream) :- open(File, read, Stream). is_meta(skin). %! print_html_head(+Out:stream, +Options) is det. % % Print the =DOCTYPE= line and HTML header. Options: % % * header(Bool) % Only print the header if Bool is not =false= % % * title(Title) % Title of the HTML document % % * stylesheets(List) % Reference to the CSS style-sheets. % % * format_comments(Bool) % If =true= (default), format structured comments. % % * skin(Closure) % Called using call(Closure, Where, Out), where Where % is one of =header= or =footer=. These calls are made % just after opening =body= and before closing =body=. print_html_head(Out, Options) :- option(header(true), Options, true), !, option(title(Title), Options, 'Prolog source'), http_absolute_location(pldoc_resource('pldoc.css'), PlDocCSS, []), http_absolute_location(pldoc_resource('pllisting.css'), PlListingCSS, []), option(stylesheets(Sheets), Options, [PlListingCSS, PlDocCSS]), format(Out, '~n', []), format(Out, '~n', []), format(Out, ' ~n', []), format(Out, ' ~w~n', [Title]), forall(member(Sheet, Sheets), format(Out, ' ~n', [Sheet])), format(Out, ' ~n', []), format(Out, '~n', []), skin_hook(Out, header, Options). print_html_head(Out, Options) :- skin_hook(Out, header, Options). print_html_footer(Out, Options) :- option(header(true), Options, true), !, skin_hook(Out, footer, Options), format(Out, '~N~n', []), format(Out, '', []). print_html_footer(Out, Options) :- skin_hook(Out, footer, Options). skin_hook(Out, Where, Options) :- option(skin(Skin), Options), call(Skin, Where, Out), !. skin_hook(_, _, _). %! html_fragments(+Fragments, +In, +Out, +State, +Options) is det. % % Copy In to Out, inserting HTML elements using Fragments. html_fragments([], _, _, State, State, _). html_fragments([H|T], In, Out, State0, State, Options) :- html_fragment(H, In, Out, State0, State1, Options), html_fragments(T, In, Out, State1, State, Options). %! html_fragment(+Fragment, +In, +Out, %! +StateIn, -StateOut, +Options) is det. % % Print from current position upto the end of Fragment. First % clause deals with structured comments. html_fragment(fragment(Start, End, comment(structured), []), In, Out, State0, [], Options) :- option(format_comments(true), Options, true), !, copy_without_trailing_white_lines(In, Start, Out, State0, State1), pop_state(State1, Out, In), Len is End - Start, read_n_codes(In, Len, Comment), is_structured_comment(Comment, Prefix), indented_lines(Comment, Prefix, Lines0), ( section_comment_header(Lines0, Header, Lines1) -> wiki_lines_to_dom(Lines1, [], DOM), phrase(pldoc_html:html(div(class(comment), [Header|DOM])), Tokens), print_html(Out, Tokens) ; stream_property(In, file_name(File)), line_count(In, Line), ( xref_module(File, Module) -> true ; Module = user ), process_modes(Lines0, Module, File:Line, Modes, Args, Lines1), maplist(assert_seen_mode, Modes), DOM = [\pred_dt(Modes, pubdef, []), dd(class=defbody, DOM1)], wiki_lines_to_dom(Lines1, Args, DOM0), strip_leading_par(DOM0, DOM1), phrase(pldoc_html:html(DOM), Tokens), % HACK format(Out, '
~n', []), print_html(Out, Tokens), format(Out, '
~n', []) ). html_fragment(fragment(Start, End, structured_comment, []), In, Out, State0, State, _Options) :- !, copy_to(In, Start, Out, State0, State1), line_count(In, StartLine), Len is End - Start, read_n_codes(In, Len, Comment), is_structured_comment(Comment, Prefix), indented_lines(Comment, Prefix, Lines), ( section_comment_header(Lines, _Header, _RestSectionLines) -> true ; stream_property(In, file_name(File)), line_count(In, Line), ( xref_module(File, Module) -> true ; Module = user ), process_modes(Lines, Module, File:Line, Modes, _Args, _Lines1), maplist(mode_anchor(Out), Modes) ), start_fragment(structured_comment, In, Out, State1, State2), copy_codes(Comment, StartLine, Out, State2, State3), end_fragment(Out, In, State3, State). html_fragment(fragment(Start, End, Class, Sub), In, Out, State0, State, Options) :- copy_to(In, Start, Out, State0, State1), start_fragment(Class, In, Out, State1, State2), html_fragments(Sub, In, Out, State2, State3, Options), copy_to(In, End, Out, State3, State4), % TBD: pop-to? end_fragment(Out, In, State4, State). start_fragment(atom, In, Out, State0, State) :- !, ( peek_code(In, C), C == 39 -> start_fragment(quoted_atom, In, Out, State0, State) ; State = [nop|State0] ). start_fragment(Class, _, Out, State, [Push|State]) :- element(Class, Tag, CSSClass), !, Push =.. [Tag,class(CSSClass)], ( anchor(Class, ID) -> format(Out, '<~w id="~w" class="~w">', [Tag, ID, CSSClass]) ; format(Out, '<~w class="~w">', [Tag, CSSClass]) ). start_fragment(Class, _, Out, State, [span(class(SpanClass))|State]) :- functor(Class, SpanClass, _), format(Out, '', [SpanClass]). end_fragment(_, _, [nop|State], State) :- !. end_fragment(Out, In, [span(class(directive))|State], State) :- !, copy_full_stop(In, Out), format(Out, '', []), ( peek_code(In, 10), \+ nonl -> assert(nonl) ; true ). end_fragment(Out, _, [Open|State], State) :- retractall(nonl), functor(Open, Element, _), format(Out, '', [Element]). pop_state([], _, _) :- !. pop_state(State, Out, In) :- end_fragment(Out, In, State, State1), pop_state(State1, Out, In). %! anchor(+Class, -Label) is semidet. % % True when Label is the =id= we must assign to the fragment of % class Class. This that the first definition of a head with % the id _name/arity_. anchor(head(_, Head), Id) :- callable(Head), functor(Head, Name, Arity), format(atom(Id), '~w/~w', [Name, Arity]), ( id(Id) -> fail ; assertz(id(Id)) ). mode_anchor(Out, Mode) :- mode_anchor_name(Mode, Id), ( id(Id) -> true ; format(Out, '', [Id]), assertz(id(Id)) ). assert_seen_mode(Mode) :- mode_anchor_name(Mode, Id), ( id(Id) -> true ; assertz(id(Id)) ). %! copy_to(+In:stream, +End:int, +Out:stream, +State) is det. % % Copy data from In to Out upto character-position End. Inserts % HTML entities for HTML the reserved characters =|<&>|=. If State % does not include a =pre= environment, create one and skip all % leading blank lines. copy_to(In, End, Out, State, State) :- member(pre(_), State), !, copy_to(In, End, Out). copy_to(In, End, Out, State, [pre(class(listing))|State]) :- format(Out, '
~n', []),
    line_count(In, Line0),
    read_to(In, End, Codes0),
    delete_leading_white_lines(Codes0, Codes, Line0, Line),
    write_codes(Codes, Line, Out).

copy_codes(Codes, Line, Out, State, State) :-
    member(pre(_), State),
    write_codes(Codes, Line, Out).
copy_codes(Codes0, Line0, Out, State, State) :-
    format(Out, '
~n', []),
    delete_leading_white_lines(Codes0, Codes, Line0, Line),
    write_codes(Codes, Line, Out).

%!  copy_full_stop(+In, +Out) is det.
%   Copy upto and including the .

copy_full_stop(In, Out) :-
    get_code(In, C0),
    copy_full_stop(C0, In, Out).

copy_full_stop(0'., _, Out) :-
    put_code(Out, 0'.).
copy_full_stop(C, In, Out) :-
    put_code(Out, C),
    get_code(In, C2),
    copy_full_stop(C2, In, Out).

%!  delete_leading_white_lines(+CodesIn, -CodesOut, +LineIn, -Line) is det.
%   Delete leading white lines. Used  after structured comments. The
%   last two arguments update the  start-line   number  of the 
%   block that is normally created.

delete_leading_white_lines(Codes0, Codes, Line0, Line) :-
    append(LineCodes, [10|Rest], Codes0),
    Line1 is Line0 + 1,
    delete_leading_white_lines(Rest, Codes, Line1, Line).
delete_leading_white_lines(Codes, Codes, Line, Line).

%!  copy_without_trailing_white_lines(+In, +End, +StateIn, -StateOut) is det.
%   Copy input, but skip trailing white-lines. Used to copy the text
%   leading to a structured comment.

copy_without_trailing_white_lines(In, End, Out, State, State) :-
    member(pre(_), State),
    line_count(In, Line),
    read_to(In, End, Codes0),
    delete_trailing_white_lines(Codes0, Codes),
    write_codes(Codes, Line, Out).
copy_without_trailing_white_lines(In, End, Out, State0, State) :-
    copy_to(In, End, Out, State0, State).

delete_trailing_white_lines(Codes0, []) :-
delete_trailing_white_lines(Codes0, Codes) :-
    append(Codes, Tail, [10|Rest], Codes0),
    delete_trailing_white_lines(Rest, Tail).
delete_trailing_white_lines(Codes, Codes).

%!  append(-First, -FirstTail, ?Rest, +List) is nondet.
%   Split List.  First part is the difference-list First-FirstTail.

append(T, T, L, L).
append([H|T0], Tail, L, [H|T]) :-
    append(T0, Tail, L, T).

all_spaces([H|T]) :-
    code_type(H, space),

copy_to(In, End, Out) :-
    line_count(In, Line),
    read_to(In, End, Codes),
    (   debugging(htmlsrc)
    ->  length(Codes, Count),
        debug(htmlsrc, 'Copy ~D chars: ~s', [Count, Codes])
    ;   true
    write_codes(Codes, Line, Out).

read_to(In, End, Codes) :-
    character_count(In, Here),
    Len is End - Here,
    read_n_codes(In, Len, Codes).

%!  write_codes(+Codes, +Line, +Out) is det.
%   Write codes that have been read starting at Line.

write_codes([], _, _).
write_codes([H|T], L0, Out) :-
    content_escape(H, Out, L0, L1),
    write_codes(T, L1, Out).

%!  content_escape(+Code, +Out, +Line0, -Line) is det
%   Write Code to Out, while taking care of.
%           * Use HTML entities for =|<&>|=
%           * If a line-no-tag is requested, write it
%           * On \n, post a line-no request.  If nonl/0 is set,
%             do _not_ emit a newline as it is implied by the
%             closed environment.

content_escape(_, Out, L, _) :-
    (   lineno
    ->  retractall(lineno),
        write_line_no(L, Out),
    ;   fail
content_escape(0'\n, Out, L0, L) :-
    L is L0 + 1,
    (   retract(nonl)
    ->  true
    ;   nl(Out)
content_escape(0'<, Out, L, L) :-
    format(Out, '<', []).
content_escape(0'>, Out, L, L) :-
    format(Out, '>', []).
content_escape(0'&, Out, L, L) :-
    format(Out, '&', []).
content_escape(C, Out, L, L) :-
    put_code(Out, C).

write_line_no(LineNo, Out) :-
    format(Out, '~|~t~d~5+', [LineNo]).

%!  copy_rest(+In, +Out, +StateIn, -StateOut) is det.
%   Copy upto the end of the input In.

copy_rest(In, Out, State0, State) :-
    copy_to(In, -1, Out, State0, State).

%!  read_n_codes(+In, +N, -Codes)
%   Read the next N codes from In as a list of codes. If N < 0, read
%   upto the end of stream In.

read_n_codes(_, N, Codes) :-
    N =< 0,
    Codes = [].
read_n_codes(In, N, Codes) :-
    get_code(In, C0),
    read_n_codes(N, C0, In, Codes).

read_n_codes(_, -1, _, []) :- !.
read_n_codes(1, C, _, [C]) :- !.
read_n_codes(N, C, In, [C|T]) :-
    get_code(In, C2),
    N2 is N - 1,
    read_n_codes(N2, C2, In, T).

%!  element(+Class, -HTMLElement, -CSSClass) is nondet.
%   Map classified objects to an  HTML   element  and CSS class. The
%   actual  clauses  are  created   from    the   1st   argument  of
%   prolog_src_style/2.

term_expansion(element(_,_,_), Clauses) :-
    findall(C, element_clause(C), Clauses).

%element_tag(directive, div) :- !.
element_tag(_, span).

element_clause(element(Term, Tag, CSS)) :-
    span_term(Term, CSS),
    element_tag(Term, Tag).

span_term(Classification, Class) :-
    syntax_colour(Classification, _Attributes),
    css_class(Classification, Class).

css_class(Class, Class) :-
css_class(Term, Class) :-
    Term =.. [P1,A|_],
    (   var(A)
    ->  Class = P1
    ;   css_class(A, P2),
        atomic_list_concat([P1, -, P2], Class)

element(_,_,_).                         % term expanded