1/* Part of SWI-Prolog 2 3 Author: Jan Wielemaker 4 E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl 5 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 6 Copyright (c) 2006-2020, University of Amsterdam 7 VU University Amsterdam 8 CWI, Amsterdam 9 All rights reserved. 10 11 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 12 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 13 are met: 14 15 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 16 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 17 18 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 19 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 20 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 21 distribution. 22 23 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 24 "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 25 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 26 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 27 COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 28 INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 29 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 30 LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 31 CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 32 LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 33 ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 34 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 35*/ 36 37:- module(pldoc_process, 38 [ doc_comment/4, % ?Object, ?Pos, ?Summary, ?Comment 39 doc_file_has_comments/1, % +File 40 is_structured_comment/2, % +Comment, -Prefixes 41 parse_comment/3, % +Comment, +FilePos, -Parsed 42 comment_modes/2, % +Comment, -Synopsis 43 process_comments/3, % +Comments, +StartTermPos, +File 44 doc_file_name/3, % +Source, -Doc, +Options 45 doc_clean/1 % +Module 46 ]). 47 48:- dynamic user:file_search_path/2. 49:- multifile user:file_search_path/2. 50 51user:file_search_path(pldoc, library(pldoc)). 52 53:- use_module(pldoc(doc_register)). 54:- use_module(pldoc(doc_modes)). 55:- use_module(pldoc(doc_wiki)). 56:- use_module(library(debug)). 57:- use_module(library(option)). 58:- use_module(library(lists)). 59:- use_module(library(apply)). 60:- use_module(library(operators)). 61:- use_module(library(prolog_source)).
72:- predicate_options(doc_file_name/3, 3,
73 [ format(oneof([html,tex]))
74 ]).
, used by the IDE tools.81:- multifile 82 prolog:predicate_summary/2. % ?PI, -Summary
91is_structured_comment(Comment, Prefixes) :- 92 is_structured_comment(Comment, Prefixes, _Style). 93 94is_structured_comment(_Pos-Comment, Prefixes, Style) :- 95 !, 96 is_structured_comment(Comment, Prefixes, Style). 97is_structured_comment(Comment, Prefixes, Style) :- 98 is_list(Comment), 99 !, 100 ( phrase(structured_comment(Prefixes, Style), Comment, _) 101 -> true 102 ). 103is_structured_comment(Comment, Prefixes, Style) :- 104 atom_string(CommentA, Comment), 105 structured_command_start(Start, Prefixes, Style), 106 sub_atom(CommentA, 0, Len, _, Start), 107 !, 108 sub_atom(CommentA, Len, 1, _, Space), 109 char_type(Space, space), 110 ( Style == block 111 -> true 112 ; \+ blanks_to_nl(CommentA) 113 ). 114 115structured_command_start('%%', ["%"], percent_percent). % Deprecated 116structured_command_start('%!', ["%"], percent_bang). % New style 117structured_command_start('/**', ["/**", " *"], block). % block 118 119blanks_to_nl(CommentA) :- 120 sub_atom(CommentA, At, 1, _, Char), 121 At >= 2, 122 ( char_type(Char, end_of_line) 123 -> ! 124 ; ( char_type(Char, space) 125 ; Char == '%' 126 ) 127 -> fail 128 ; !, fail 129 ). 130blanks_to_nl(_).
137structured_comment(["%"], percent_percent) --> 138 "%%", space, 139 \+ separator_line. 140structured_comment(["%"], percent_bang) --> 141 "%!", space. 142structured_comment(Prefixes, block) --> 143 "/**", space, 144 { Prefixes = ["/**", " *"] 145 }. 146 147space --> 148 [H], 149 { code_type(H, space) }.
155separator_line --> 156 string(S), "\n", 157 !, 158 { maplist(blank_or_percent, S) 159 ; contains(S, " SWI ") 160 ; contains(S, " SICStus ") 161 ; contains(S, " Mats ") 162 }. 163 164string([]) --> []. 165string([H|T]) --> [H], string(T). 166 167blank_or_percent(0'%) :- !. 168blank_or_percent(C) :- 169 code_type(C, space). 170 171contains(Haystack, Needle) :- 172 string_codes(Needle, NeedleCodes), 173 append(_, Start, Haystack), 174 append(NeedleCodes, _, Start), 175 !.
191doc_file_name(Source, Doc, Options) :-
192 option(format(Format), Options, html),
193 file_name_extension(Base, _Ext, Source),
194 file_name_extension(Base, Format, Doc),
195 ( Source == Doc
196 -> throw(error(permission_error(overwrite, Source), _))
197 ; true
198 ).
204doc_file_has_comments(Source) :-
205 source_file_property(Source, module(M)),
206 locally_defined(M:'$pldoc'/4),
207 M:'$pldoc'(_, _, _, _),
208 !.
If Object is unbound and multiple objects share the same description, Object is unified with a list of terms described above.
234doc_comment(Object, Pos, Summary, Comment) :- 235 var(Object), 236 !, 237 locally_defined(M:'$pldoc'/4), 238 M:'$pldoc'(Obj, Pos, Summary, Comment), 239 qualify(M, Obj, Object0), 240 ( locally_defined(M:'$pldoc_link'/2), 241 findall(L, M:'$pldoc_link'(L, Obj), Ls), Ls \== [] 242 -> maplist(qualify(M), Ls, QLs), 243 Object = [Object0|QLs] 244 ; Object = Object0 245 ). 246doc_comment(M:Object, Pos, Summary, Comment) :- 247 !, 248 locally_defined(M:'$pldoc'/4), 249 ( M:'$pldoc'(Object, Pos, Summary, Comment) 250 ; locally_defined(M:'$pldoc_link'/2), 251 M:'$pldoc_link'(Object, Obj2), 252 M:'$pldoc'(Obj2, Pos, Summary, Comment) 253 ). 254doc_comment(Name/Arity, Pos, Summary, Comment) :- 255 system_module(M), 256 doc_comment(M:Name/Arity, Pos, Summary, Comment). 257 258 259locally_defined(M:Name/Arity) :- 260 current_predicate(M:Name/Arity), 261 functor(Head, Name, Arity), 262% \+ predicate_property(M:Head, imported_from(_)). 263 \+ '$get_predicate_attribute'(M:Head, imported, _). 264 265 266qualify(M, H, H) :- system_module(M), !. 267qualify(M, H, H) :- sub_atom(M, 0, _, _, $), !. 268qualify(M, H, M:H). 269 270system_module(user). 271system_module(system). 272 273 274% Make the summary available to external tools on plugin basis. 275 276prolog:predicate_summary(PI, Summary) :- 277 doc_comment(PI, _, Summary, _). 278 279 280 /******************************* 281 * CALL-BACK COLLECT * 282 *******************************/
option. It creates clauses of the form
where Id is one of
306process_comments([], _, _). 307process_comments([Pos-Comment|T], TermPos, File) :- 308 ( Pos @> TermPos % comments inside term 309 -> true 310 ; process_comment(Pos, Comment, File), 311 process_comments(T, TermPos, File) 312 ). 313 314process_comment(Pos, Comment, File) :- 315 is_structured_comment(Comment, Prefixes, Style), 316 !, 317 stream_position_data(line_count, Pos, Line), 318 FilePos = File:Line, 319 process_structured_comment(FilePos, Comment, Prefixes, Style). 320process_comment(_, _, _).
339parse_comment(Comment, FilePos, Parsed) :-
340 is_structured_comment(Comment, Prefixes),
341 !,
342 compile_comment(Comment, FilePos, Prefixes, Parsed).
347comment_modes(Comment, Modes) :- 348 is_structured_comment(Comment, Prefixes), 349 string_codes(Comment, CommentCodes), 350 indented_lines(CommentCodes, Prefixes, Lines), 351 ( prolog_load_context(module, Module) 352 -> true 353 ; Module = user 354 ), 355 process_modes(Lines, Module, dummy:0, Modes0, _Vars, _), 356 maplist(bind_mode, Modes0, Modes). 357 358bind_mode(mode(Mode, Bindings), Mode) :- 359 maplist(bind_var, Bindings). 360 361bind_var(Name=Name).
377process_structured_comment(FilePos, Comment, _, _) :- % already processed 378 prolog_load_context(module, M), 379 locally_defined(M:'$pldoc'/4), 380 catch(M:'$pldoc'(_, FilePos, _, Comment), _, fail), 381 ( FilePos = File:_, 382 source_file_property(File, reloading) 383 -> debug(pldoc(reload), 'Reloading ~q', [FilePos]), 384 fail 385 ; true 386 ), 387 !. 388process_structured_comment(FilePos, Comment, Prefixes, Style) :- 389 catch(compile_comment(Comment, FilePos, Prefixes, Compiled), E, 390 comment_warning(Style, E)), 391 maplist(store_comment(FilePos), Compiled). 392process_structured_comment(FilePos, Comment, _Prefixes, Style) :- 393 comment_style_warning_level(Style, Level), 394 print_message(Level, 395 pldoc(invalid_comment(FilePos, Comment))). 396 397comment_style_warning_level(percent_percent, silent) :- !. 398comment_style_warning_level(_, warning).
we remain silent about comments that start with %%
406comment_warning(Style, E) :-
407 comment_style_warning_level(Style, Level),
408 print_message(Level, E),
409 fail.
418compile_comment(Comment, FilePos, Prefixes, Compiled) :- 419 string_codes(Comment, CommentCodes), 420 indented_lines(CommentCodes, Prefixes, Lines), 421 ( section_comment_header(Lines, Header, _RestLines) 422 -> Header = \section(Type, Title), 423 Id =.. [Type,Title], 424 Compiled = [section(Id, Title, Comment)] 425 ; prolog_load_context(module, Module), 426 process_modes(Lines, Module, FilePos, Modes, _, RestLines) 427 -> maplist(compile_mode, Modes, ModeDecls), 428 modes_to_predicate_indicators(Modes, AllPIs), 429 decl_module(AllPIs, M, [PI0|PIs]), 430 maplist(link_term(M:PI0), PIs, Links), 431 summary_from_lines(RestLines, Codes), 432 string_codes(Summary, Codes), 433 append([ ModeDecls, 434 [ predicate(M:PI0, Summary, Comment) ], 435 Links 436 ], Compiled) 437 ), 438 !. 439 440 441store_comment(Pos, section(Id, Title, Comment)) :- 442 !, 443 compile_clause('$pldoc'(Id, Pos, Title, Comment), Pos). 444store_comment(Pos, predicate(M:PI, Summary, Comment)) :- 445 !, 446 compile_clause(M:'$pldoc'(PI, Pos, Summary, Comment), Pos). 447store_comment(Pos, link(PI, M:PI0)) :- 448 !, 449 compile_clause(M:'$pldoc_link'(PI, PI0), Pos). 450store_comment(Pos, mode(Head, Det)) :- 451 !, 452 compile_clause('$mode'(Head, Det), Pos). 453store_comment(_, Term) :- 454 type_error(pldoc_term, Term). 455 456link_term(To, From, link(From,To)). 457 458decl_module([], M, []) :- 459 ( var(M) 460 -> prolog_load_context(module, M) 461 ; true 462 ). 463decl_module([H0|T0], M, [H|T]) :- 464 ( H0 = M1:H 465 -> M = M1 466 ; H = H0 467 ), 468 decl_module(T0, M, T).
474doc_clean(Module) :- 475 abolish(Module:'$mode'/2), 476 abolish(Module:'$pldoc'/4), 477 abolish(Module:'$pldoc_link'/2). 478 479 480 /******************************* 481 * MESSAGES * 482 *******************************/ 483 484:- multifile 485 prolog:message//1. 486 487prologmessage(pldoc(invalid_comment(File:Line, Comment))) --> 488 [ url(File:Line), ': PlDoc: failed to process structured comment:~n~s~n'- 489 [Comment] 490 ]
Process source documentation
The pldoc module processes structured comments in Prolog source files into well formatted HTML documents.