/* Part of XPCE --- The SWI-Prolog GUI toolkit Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org/packages/xpce/ Copyright (c) 2003-2019, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(pce_profile, [ pce_show_profile/0 ]). :- use_module(library(pce)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(persistent_frame)). :- use_module(library(toolbar)). :- use_module(library(pce_report)). :- use_module(library(tabular)). :- use_module(library(prolog_predicate)). :- require([ auto_call/1, reset_profiler/0, is_dict/1, profile_data/1, www_open_url/1, pi_head/2, predicate_label/2, predicate_sort_key/2, get_chain/3, send_list/3 ]). /** GUI frontend for the profiler This module hooks into profile/1 and provides a graphical UI for the profiler output. */ %! pce_show_profile is det. % % Show already collected profile using a graphical browser. pce_show_profile :- profile_data(Data), in_pce_thread(show_profile(Data)). show_profile(Data) :- send(new(F, prof_frame), open), send(F, wait), send(F, load_profile, Data). /******************************* * FRAME * *******************************/ :- pce_begin_class(prof_frame, persistent_frame, "Show Prolog profile data"). variable(samples, int, get, "Total # samples"). variable(ticks, int, get, "Total # ticks"). variable(accounting_ticks, int, get, "# ticks while accounting"). variable(time, real, get, "Total time"). variable(nodes, int, get, "Nodes created"). variable(ports, {true,false,classic}, get, "Port mode"). variable(time_view, {percentage,seconds} := percentage, get, "How time is displayed"). class_variable(auto_reset, bool, @on, "Reset profiler after collecting"). initialise(F) :-> send_super(F, initialise, 'SWI-Prolog profiler'), send(F, append, new(TD, tool_dialog(F))), send(new(B, prof_browser), left, new(prof_details)), send(B, below, TD), send(new(report_dialog), below, B), send(F, fill_dialog, TD). fill_dialog(F, TD:tool_dialog) :-> send(TD, append, new(File, popup(file))), send(TD, append, new(Sort, popup(sort))), send(TD, append, new(Time, popup(time))), send(TD, append, new(Help, popup(help))), send_list(File, append, [ menu_item(statistics, message(F, show_statistics)), gap, menu_item(exit, message(F, destroy)) ]), forall(sort_by(Label, Field, Order), send(Sort, append, menu_item(Label, message(F, sort_by, Field, Order)))), get(F?class, instance_variable, time_view, TV), get(TV, type, Type), get_chain(Type, value_set, Values), forall(member(TimeView, Values), send(Time, append, menu_item(TimeView, message(F, time_view, TimeView)))), send_list(Help, append, [ menu_item(about, message(F, about)), menu_item(help, message(F, help)) ]). load_profile(F, ProfData0:[prolog]) :-> "Load stored profile from the Prolog database":: ( is_dict(ProfData0) -> ProfData = ProfData0 ; profile_data(ProfData) ), Summary = ProfData.summary, send(F, slot, samples, Summary.samples), send(F, slot, ticks, Summary.ticks), send(F, slot, accounting_ticks, Summary.accounting), send(F, slot, time, Summary.time), send(F, slot, nodes, Summary.nodes), send(F, slot, ports, Summary.ports), get(F, member, prof_browser, B), send(F, report, progress, 'Loading profile data ...'), send(B, load_profile, ProfData.nodes), send(F, report, done), send(F, show_statistics), ( get(F, auto_reset, @on) -> reset_profiler ; true ). show_statistics(F) :-> "Show basic statistics on profile":: get(F, samples, Samples), get(F, ticks, Ticks), get(F, accounting_ticks, Account), get(F, time, Time), get(F, slot, nodes, Nodes), get(F, member, prof_browser, B), get(B?dict?members, size, Predicates), ( Ticks == 0 -> Distortion = 0.0 ; Distortion is 100.0*(Account/Ticks) ), send(F, report, inform, '%d samples in %.2f sec; %d predicates; \c %d nodes in call-graph; distortion %.0f%%', Samples, Time, Predicates, Nodes, Distortion). details(F, From:prolog) :-> "Show details on node or predicate":: get(F, member, prof_details, W), ( is_dict(From) -> send(W, node, From) ; get(F, member, prof_browser, B), get(B?dict, find, message(@arg1, has_predicate, prolog(From)), DI) -> get(DI, data, Node), send(W, node, Node) ). sort_by(F, SortBy:name, Order:[{normal,reverse}]) :-> "Define the key for sorting the flat profile":: get(F, member, prof_browser, B), send(B, sort_by, SortBy, Order). time_view(F, TV:name) :-> send(F, slot, time_view, TV), get(F, member, prof_browser, B), get(F, member, prof_details, W), send(B, update_labels), send(W, refresh). render_time(F, Ticks:int, Rendered:any) :<- "Render a time constant":: get(F, time_view, View), ( View == percentage -> get(F, ticks, Total), get(F, accounting_ticks, Accounting), ( Total-Accounting =:= 0 -> Rendered = '0.0%' ; Percentage is 100.0 * (Ticks/(Total-Accounting)), new(Rendered, string('%.1f%%', Percentage)) ) ; View == seconds -> get(F, ticks, Total), ( Total == 0 -> Rendered = '0.0 s.' ; get(F, time, TotalTime), Time is TotalTime*(Ticks/float(Total)), new(Rendered, string('%.2f s.', Time)) ) ). about(_F) :-> send(@display, inform, 'SWI-Prolog execution profile viewer\n\c By Jan Wielemaker'). help(_F) :-> send(@display, confirm, 'No online help yet\n\c The profiler is described in the SWI-Prolog Reference Manual\n\c available from www.swi-prolog.org\n\n\c Press OK to open the manual in your browser'), www_open_url('http://www.swi.psy.uva.nl/projects/SWI-Prolog/Manual/profile.html'). :- pce_end_class(prof_frame). /******************************* * FLAT PROFILE BROWSER * *******************************/ :- pce_begin_class(prof_browser, browser, "Show flat profile in browser"). class_variable(size, size, size(40,20)). variable(sort_by, name := ticks, get, "How the items are sorted"). initialise(B) :-> send_super(B, initialise), send(B, update_label), send(B, select_message, message(@arg1, details)). resize(B) :-> get(B?visible, width, W), get(B?font, ex, Ex), send(B, tab_stops, vector(W-10*Ex)), send_super(B, resize). load_profile(B, Nodes:prolog) :-> "Load stored profile from the Prolog database":: get(B, frame, Frame), get(B, sort_by, SortBy), forall(member(Node, Nodes), send(B, append, prof_dict_item(Node, SortBy, Frame))), send(B, sort). update_label(B) :-> get(B, sort_by, Sort), sort_by(Human, Sort, _How), send(B, label, Human?label_name). sort_by(B, SortBy:name, Order:[{normal,reverse}]) :-> "Define key on which to sort":: send(B, slot, sort_by, SortBy), send(B, update_label), send(B, sort, Order), send(B, update_labels). sort(B, Order:[{normal,reverse}]) :-> get(B, sort_by, Sort), ( Order == @default -> sort_by(_, Sort, TheOrder) ; TheOrder = Order ), send_super(B, sort, ?(@arg1, compare, @arg2, Sort, TheOrder)). update_labels(B) :-> "Update labels of predicates":: get(B, sort_by, SortBy), get(B, frame, F), send(B?dict, for_all, message(@arg1, update_label, SortBy, F)). :- pce_end_class(prof_browser). :- pce_begin_class(prof_dict_item, dict_item, "Show entry of Prolog flat profile"). variable(data, prolog, get, "Predicate data"). initialise(DI, Node:prolog, SortBy:name, F:prof_frame) :-> "Create from predicate head":: send(DI, slot, data, Node), pce_predicate_label(Node.predicate, Key), send_super(DI, initialise, Key), send(DI, update_label, SortBy, F). value(DI, Name:name, Value:prolog) :<- "Get associated value":: get(DI, data, Data), value(Name, Data, Value). has_predicate(DI, Test:prolog) :-> get(DI, data, Data), same_pred(Test, Data.predicate). same_pred(X, X) :- !. same_pred(QP1, QP2) :- unqualify(QP1, P1), unqualify(QP2, P2), same_pred_(P1, P2). unqualify(user:X, X) :- !. unqualify(X, X). same_pred_(X, X) :- !. same_pred_(Head, Name/Arity) :- pi_head(Name/Arity, Head). same_pred_(Head, user:Name/Arity) :- pi_head(Name/Arity, Head). compare(DI, DI2:prof_dict_item, SortBy:name, Order:{normal,reverse}, Result:name) :<- "Compare two predicate items on given key":: get(DI, value, SortBy, K1), get(DI2, value, SortBy, K2), ( Order == normal -> get(K1, compare, K2, Result) ; get(K2, compare, K1, Result) ). update_label(DI, SortBy:name, F:prof_frame) :-> "Update label considering sort key and frame":: get(DI, key, Key), ( SortBy == name -> send(DI, update_label, ticks_self, F) ; get(DI, value, SortBy, Value), ( time_key(SortBy) -> get(F, render_time, Value, Rendered) ; Rendered = Value ), send(DI, label, string('%s\t%s', Key, Rendered)) ). time_key(ticks). time_key(ticks_self). time_key(ticks_children). details(DI) :-> "Show details":: get(DI, data, Data), send(DI?dict?browser?frame, details, Data). :- pce_end_class(prof_dict_item). /******************************* * DETAIL WINDOW * *******************************/ :- pce_begin_class(prof_details, window, "Table showing profile details"). variable(tabular, tabular, get, "Displayed table"). variable(node, prolog, get, "Currently shown node"). initialise(W) :-> send_super(W, initialise), send(W, pen, 0), send(W, label, 'Details'), send(W, background, colour(grey80)), send(W, scrollbars, vertical), send(W, display, new(T, tabular)), send(T, rules, all), send(T, cell_spacing, -1), send(W, slot, tabular, T). resize(W) :-> send_super(W, resize), get(W?visible, width, Width), send(W?tabular, table_width, Width-3). title(W) :-> "Show title-rows":: get(W, tabular, T), BG = (background := khaki1), send(T, append, 'Time', bold, center, colspan := 2, BG), ( get(W?frame, ports, false) -> send(T, append, '# Calls', bold, center, colspan := 1, valign := center, BG, rowspan := 2) ; send(T, append, 'Port', bold, center, colspan := 4, BG) ), send(T, append, 'Predicate', bold, center, valign := center, BG, rowspan := 2), send(T, next_row), send(T, append, 'Self', bold, center, BG), send(T, append, 'Children', bold, center, BG), ( get(W?frame, ports, false) -> true ; send(T, append, 'Call', bold, center, BG), send(T, append, 'Redo', bold, center, BG), send(T, append, 'Exit', bold, center, BG), send(T, append, 'Fail', bold, center, BG) ), send(T, next_row). cluster_title(W, Cycle:int) :-> get(W, tabular, T), ( get(W?frame, ports, false) -> Colspan = 4 ; Colspan = 7 ), send(T, append, string('Cluster <%d>', Cycle), bold, center, colspan := Colspan, background := navyblue, colour := yellow), send(T, next_row). refresh(W) :-> "Refresh to accomodate visualisation change":: ( get(W, node, Data), Data \== @nil -> send(W, node, Data) ; true ). node(W, Data:prolog) :-> "Visualise a node":: send(W, slot, node, Data), send(W?tabular, clear), send(W, scroll_to, point(0,0)), send(W, title), clusters(Data.callers, CallersCycles), clusters(Data.callees, CalleesCycles), ( CallersCycles = [_] -> show_clusters(CallersCycles, CalleesCycles, Data, 0, W) ; show_clusters(CallersCycles, CalleesCycles, Data, 1, W) ). show_clusters([], [], _, _, _) :- !. show_clusters([P|PT], [C|CT], Data, Cycle, W) :- show_cluster(P, C, Data, Cycle, W), Next is Cycle+1, show_clusters(PT, CT, Data, Next, W). show_clusters([P|PT], [], Data, Cycle, W) :- show_cluster(P, [], Data, Cycle, W), Next is Cycle+1, show_clusters(PT, [], Data, Next, W). show_clusters([], [C|CT], Data, Cycle, W) :- show_cluster([], C, Data, Cycle, W), Next is Cycle+1, show_clusters([], CT, Data, Next, W). show_cluster(Callers, Callees, Data, Cycle, W) :- ( Cycle == 0 -> true ; send(W, cluster_title, Cycle) ), sort_relatives(Callers, Callers1), show_relatives(Callers1, parent, W), ticks(Callers1, Self, Children, Call, Redo, Exit), send(W, show_predicate, Data, Self, Children, Call, Redo, Exit), sort_relatives(Callees, Callees1), reverse(Callees1, Callees2), show_relatives(Callees2, child, W). ticks(Callers, Self, Children, Call, Redo, Exit) :- ticks(Callers, 0, Self, 0, Children, 0, Call, 0, Redo, 0, Exit). ticks([], Self, Self, Sibl, Sibl, Call, Call, Redo, Redo, Exit, Exit). ticks([H|T], Self0, Self, Sibl0, Sibl, Call0, Call, Redo0, Redo, Exit0, Exit) :- arg(1, H, ''), !, ticks(T, Self0, Self, Sibl0, Sibl, Call0, Call, Redo0, Redo, Exit0, Exit). ticks([H|T], Self0, Self, Sibl0, Sibl, Call0, Call, Redo0, Redo, Exit0, Exit) :- arg(3, H, ThisSelf), arg(4, H, ThisSibings), arg(5, H, ThisCall), arg(6, H, ThisRedo), arg(7, H, ThisExit), Self1 is ThisSelf + Self0, Sibl1 is ThisSibings + Sibl0, Call1 is ThisCall + Call0, Redo1 is ThisRedo + Redo0, Exit1 is ThisExit + Exit0, ticks(T, Self1, Self, Sibl1, Sibl, Call1, Call, Redo1, Redo, Exit1, Exit). % clusters(+Relatives, -Cycles) % % Organise the relatives by cluster. clusters(Relatives, Cycles) :- clusters(Relatives, 0, Cycles). clusters([], _, []). clusters(R, C, [H|T]) :- cluster(R, C, H, T0), C2 is C + 1, clusters(T0, C2, T). cluster([], _, [], []). cluster([H|T0], C, [H|TC], R) :- arg(2, H, C), !, cluster(T0, C, TC, R). cluster([H|T0], C, TC, [H|T]) :- cluster(T0, C, TC, T). % sort_relatives(+Relatives, -Sorted) % % Sort relatives in ascending number of calls. sort_relatives(List, Sorted) :- key_with_calls(List, Keyed), keysort(Keyed, KeySorted), unkey(KeySorted, Sorted). key_with_calls([], []). key_with_calls([H|T0], [0-H|T]) :- % get recursive on top arg(1, H, ''), !, key_with_calls(T0, T). key_with_calls([H|T0], [K-H|T]) :- arg(4, H, Calls), arg(5, H, Redos), K is Calls+Redos, key_with_calls(T0, T). unkey([], []). unkey([_-H|T0], [H|T]) :- unkey(T0, T). % show_relatives(+Relatives, +Rolw, +Window) % % Show list of relatives as table-rows. show_relatives([], _, _) :- !. show_relatives([H|T], Role, W) :- send(W, show_relative, H, Role), show_relatives(T, Role, W). show_predicate(W, Data:prolog, Ticks:int, ChildTicks:int, Call:int, Redo:int, Exit:int) :-> "Show the predicate we have details on":: Pred = Data.predicate, get(W, frame, Frame), get(Frame, render_time, Ticks, Self), get(Frame, render_time, ChildTicks, Children), get(W, tabular, T), BG = (background := khaki1), Fail is Call+Redo-Exit, send(T, append, Self, halign := right, BG), send(T, append, Children, halign := right, BG), ( get(W?frame, ports, false) -> send(T, append, Call, halign := right, BG) ; send(T, append, Call, halign := right, BG), send(T, append, Redo, halign := right, BG), send(T, append, Exit, halign := right, BG), send(T, append, Fail, halign := right, BG) ), ( object(Pred) -> new(Txt, prof_node_text(Pred, self)) ; new(Txt, prof_predicate_text(Pred, self)) ), send(T, append, Txt, BG), send(W, label, string('Details -- %s', Txt?string)), send(T, next_row). show_relative(W, Caller:prolog, Role:name) :-> Caller = node(Pred, _Cluster, Ticks, ChildTicks, Calls, Redos, Exits), get(W, tabular, T), get(W, frame, Frame), ( Pred == '' -> send(T, append, new(graphical), colspan := 2), send(T, append, Calls, halign := right), ( get(W?frame, ports, false) -> true ; send(T, append, new(graphical), colspan := 3) ), send(T, append, Pred, italic) ; get(Frame, render_time, Ticks, Self), get(Frame, render_time, ChildTicks, Children), send(T, append, Self, halign := right), send(T, append, Children, halign := right), ( get(W?frame, ports, false) -> send(T, append, Calls, halign := right) ; Fails is Calls+Redos-Exits, send(T, append, Calls, halign := right), send(T, append, Redos, halign := right), send(T, append, Exits, halign := right), send(T, append, Fails, halign := right) ), ( Pred == '' -> send(T, append, Pred, italic) ; object(Pred) -> send(T, append, prof_node_text(Pred, Role)) ; send(T, append, prof_predicate_text(Pred, Role)) ) ), send(T, next_row). :- pce_end_class(prof_details). :- pce_begin_class(prof_node_text, text, "Show executable object"). variable(context, any, get, "Represented executable"). variable(role, {parent,self,child}, get, "Represented role"). initialise(T, Context:any, Role:{parent,self,child}, Cycle:[int]) :-> send(T, slot, context, Context), send(T, slot, role, Role), get(T, label, Label), ( ( Cycle == 0 ; Cycle == @default ) -> TheLabel = Label ; N is Cycle+1, % people like counting from 1 TheLabel = string('%s <%d>', Label, N) ), send_super(T, initialise, TheLabel), send(T, colour, blue), send(T, underline, @on), ( Role == self -> send(T, font, bold) ; true ). label(T, Label:char_array) :<- get(T?context, print_name, Label). :- free(@prof_node_text_recogniser). :- pce_global(@prof_node_text_recogniser, make_prof_node_text_recogniser). make_prof_node_text_recogniser(G) :- Text = @arg1, Pred = @arg1?context, new(P, popup), send_list(P, append, [ menu_item(details, message(Text, details), condition := Text?role \== self), menu_item(edit, message(Pred, edit), condition := Pred?source), menu_item(documentation, message(Pred, help), condition := message(Text, has_help)) ]), new(C, click_gesture(left, '', single, message(@receiver, details))), new(G, handler_group(C, popup_gesture(P))). event(T, Ev:event) :-> ( send_super(T, event, Ev) -> true ; send(@prof_node_text_recogniser, event, Ev) ). has_help(T) :-> get(T, context, Ctx), ( send(Ctx, instance_of, method) % hack -> auto_call(manpce) ; true ), send(Ctx, has_send_method, has_help), send(Ctx, has_help). details(T) :-> "Show details of clicked predicate":: get(T, context, Context), send(T?frame, details, Context). :- pce_end_class(prof_node_text). :- pce_begin_class(prof_predicate_text, prof_node_text, "Show a predicate"). initialise(T, Pred:prolog, Role:{parent,self,child}, Cycle:[int]) :-> send_super(T, initialise, prolog_predicate(Pred), Role, Cycle). details(T) :-> "Show details of clicked predicate":: get(T?context, pi, @on, Head), send(T?frame, details, Head). :- pce_end_class(prof_predicate_text). /******************************* * UTIL * *******************************/ value(name, Data, Name) :- !, predicate_sort_key(Data.predicate, Name). value(label, Data, Label) :- !, pce_predicate_label(Data.predicate, Label). value(ticks, Data, Ticks) :- !, Ticks is Data.ticks_self + Data.ticks_siblings. value(Name, Data, Value) :- Value = Data.Name. sort_by(cumulative_profile_by_time, ticks, reverse). sort_by(flat_profile_by_time_self, ticks_self, reverse). sort_by(cumulative_profile_by_time_children, ticks_siblings, reverse). sort_by(flat_profile_by_number_of_calls, call, reverse). sort_by(flat_profile_by_number_of_redos, redo, reverse). sort_by(flat_profile_by_name, name, normal). %! pce_predicate_label(+PI, -Label) % % Label is the human-readable identification for Head. Calls the % hook user:prolog_predicate_name/2. pce_predicate_label(Obj, Label) :- object(Obj), !, get(Obj, print_name, Label). pce_predicate_label(PI, Label) :- predicate_label(PI, Label).