/* Part of XPCE --- The SWI-Prolog GUI toolkit Author: Jan Wielemaker and Anjo Anjewierden E-mail: jan@swi.psy.uva.nl WWW: http://www.swi.psy.uva.nl/projects/xpce/ Copyright (c) 2003-2011, University of Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(tabbed_window, []). :- use_module(library(pce)). :- use_module(library(hyper)). /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This class creates a tabbed window: a window displaying a number of tabs, each displaying a window. Here is some simple code using it: test :- new(TW, tabbed_window('Nice tabs')), send(TW, append, new(P, picture)), send(P, display, box(200, 200), point(50,50)), send(TW, append, new(view)), send(TW, append, new(D, dialog)), send(D, append, text_item(name)), send(D, append, button(quit, message(TW, destroy))), send(TW, open). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ :- pce_begin_class(tabbed_window, dialog, "Resizeable window holding set of tabs"). variable(label_popup, popup*, both, "Popup shown on labels"). initialise(W, Label:label=[name], Size:size=[size], Display:display=[display]) :-> send_super(W, initialise, Label, Size, Display), send(W, hor_stretch, 100), send(W, ver_stretch, 100), send(W, hor_shrink, 100), send(W, ver_shrink, 100), send(W, pen, 0), send(W, border, size(0,0)), send_super(W, append, new(tab_stack)). resize(W, Tab:[tab]) :-> "Resize member tabs to fit the dialog":: get_super(W, member, tab_stack, TS), get(W, area, area(_,_,Width, Height)), new(LabelH, number(0)), send(TS?graphicals, for_all, message(LabelH, maximum, @arg1?label_size?height)), get(LabelH, value, LH), TabH is Height - LH, ( Tab == @default -> send(TS?graphicals, for_all, message(@arg1, size, size(Width,TabH))) ; send(Tab, size, size(Width,TabH)) ). layout_dialog(W, _Gap:[size], _Size:[size], _Border:[size]) :-> "Overrule to deal with nested tabbed windows":: new(S0, size(0,0)), send_super(W, layout_dialog, S0, S0, S0). :- pce_group(stack). on_top(W, Top:'name|window') :-> "Put the named tab or tab containing Window on top":: get_super(W, member, tab_stack, TS), ( atom(Top) -> ( get(TS, member, Top, Tab) -> send(TS, on_top, Tab) ; get(W, hypered, tab, @arg3?name == Top, Window) -> send(Window, expose) ) ; get(Top, container, window_tab, Tab) -> send(TS, on_top, Tab) ). current(W, Window:window) :<- "Window of currently selected tab":: get_super(W, member, tab_stack, TS), get(TS, on_top, Tab), get(Tab, window, Window). current(W, Window:window) :-> "Window of currently selected tab":: get(Window, container, window_tab, Tab), ( get(Tab, status, on_top) -> send(W, resize, Tab) ; get_super(W, member, tab_stack, TS), send(TS, on_top, Tab) ). :- pce_group(members). % ->append: Window, Label, [Expose] % % Append a new tab using Window with the given tab label. % % The call to ->'_compute_desired_size' should be properly delayed % until the tabbed window is actually created, but this doesn't % appear to work properly. If Expose == @on the tab is immediately % brought to the top. append(W, Window:window=window, Label:name=[name], Expose:expose=[bool]) :-> "Append a window to the tabs":: send(Window, '_compute_desired_size'), send(W, tab, new(Tab, window_tab(Window, Label))), ( Expose == @on -> send(W, resize, Tab), get_super(W, member, tab_stack, TS), send(TS, on_top, Tab) ; true ). member(W, Name:name, Window:window) :<- "Get named window from tabbed window":: get_super(W, member, tab_stack, TS), get(TS, member, Name, Tab), get(Tab, window, Window). members(W, Windows:chain) :<- "New chain with member windows":: new(Windows, chain), get_super(W, member, tab_stack, TS), send(TS?graphicals, for_all, message(Windows, append, @arg1?window)), ( get(W, all_hypers, Hypers) -> send(Hypers, for_all, if(@arg1?forward_name == toplevel, message(Windows, append, @arg1?to))) ; true ). clear(W) :-> "Remove all member tabs":: get_super(W, member, tab_stack, TS), send(TS, clear). tab(W, Tab:tab) :-> "Add normal tab":: get_super(W, member, tab_stack, TS), send(TS, append, Tab), ( get(W, is_displayed, @on) -> send(W, resize, Tab) ; true ). tab(W, Name:name, Tab:tab) :<- "Find named tab":: get_super(W, member, tab_stack, TS), get(TS, member, Name, Tab). empty(_W) :-> "Abstract method. Called if last window disappears":: true. :- pce_group(frame). frame_window(TW, Window:window, Name:name, Rank:'1..', Frame:frame) :<- "After un-tabbing, give the window a new frame":: new(Frame, window_tab_frame(Window, Name, Rank)), new(_, partof_hyper(TW, Window, toplevel, tab)). :- pce_end_class(tabbed_window). /******************************* * WINDOW TAB * *******************************/ :- pce_begin_class(window_tab(name), tab, "Tab displaying a window"). variable(window, window*, get, "Displayed window"). variable(closing, bool := @off, get, "We are about to close"). delegate_to(window). initialise(T, Window:window=[window], Name:name=[name]) :-> "Create from window and name":: ( Window == @default -> new(W, picture) ; W = Window ), ( Name == @default -> get(W, name, TheName) ; TheName = Name ), ( get(W, decoration, Decor), Decor \== @nil -> true ; Decor = Window ), send(Decor, lock_object, @on), ( get(Decor, slot, frame, Frame), Frame \== @nil -> send(Frame, delete, Decor) ; true ), send(Decor, slot, tile, @nil), send_super(T, initialise, TheName), send(T, border, size(0,0)), send_super(T, display, Decor), get(Decor, unlock, _), send(T, slot, window, W), new(_, mutual_dependency_hyper(T, W, window, tab)). unlink(Tab) :-> "Trap if I'm the last tab":: ( get(Tab, device, Dev), Dev \== @nil -> get(Dev?graphicals, size, Count), ( Count == 1 -> get(Tab, container, tabbed_window, TabbedWindow), send_super(Tab, unlink), send(TabbedWindow, empty) ; send_super(Tab, unlink) ) ; send_super(Tab, unlink) ). :- pce_group(resize). % ->size % % This method must update the size of the window. For some, to me % unknown, reason this does not work correctly when done % immediately. Possibly this has something to do with X11 % synchronisation. We use the hack in_pce_thread/1 to reschedule % the window resize in the event loop. size(T, Size:size) :-> "Adjust size of tab and window":: ( get(T, closing, @on) -> true ; in_pce_thread(resize_window(T)), send_super(T, size, Size) ). resize_window(T) :- ( object(T) % but the window may be gone -> send(T, resize_window) ; true ). resize_window(T) :-> get(T, size, size(W, H)), get(T, window, Window), ( get(Window, decoration, Decor), Decor \== @nil -> Resize = Decor ; Resize = Window ), send(Resize, do_set, 0,0,W,H). :- pce_group(event). status(T, Status:{on_top,hidden}) :-> send_super(T, status, Status), ( Status == on_top, get(T, is_displayed, @on), get(T, container, tabbed_window, TabbedWindow) -> send(TabbedWindow, current, T?window) ; true ). :- pce_group(delegate). display(T, Gr:graphical, Pos:[point]) :-> "Delegate to window":: get(T, window, Window), send(Window, display, Gr, Pos). append(T, Item:graphical, RelPos:[{below,right,next_row}]) :-> "Delegate to window":: get(T, window, Window), send(Window, append, Item, RelPos). :- pce_group(event). label_popup(Tab, Popup:popup) :<- "Get popup for label":: get_super(Tab, window, TabbedWindow), get(TabbedWindow, label_popup, Popup), Popup \== @nil. :- pce_global(@window_tab_label_recogniser, new(popup_gesture(@receiver?label_popup))). label_event(G, Ev:event) :-> "Show popup on label of tab":: ( send_super(G, label_event, Ev) -> true ; send(@window_tab_label_recogniser, event, Ev) ). :- pce_group(frame). rank(Tab, Rank:'1..') :<- "Get position number of the tab":: get(Tab, device, Stack), get(Stack?graphicals, index, Tab, Rank). rank(Tab, Rank:'1..') :-> "Move tab in rank":: get(Tab, device, Stack), get(Stack?graphicals, index, Tab, Rank0), ( Rank == Rank0 -> true ; ( Rank > Rank0 -> Rank1 is Rank+1 ; Rank1 = Rank ), ( Rank1 == 1 -> send(Tab, hide) ; Before is Rank1 - 1, get(Stack?graphicals, nth1, Before, BeforeGr) -> send(Tab, expose, BeforeGr) ; send(Tab, expose) % make last one ), send(Stack, layout_labels) ). untab(Tab, W:window) :<- "Remove a tab from the tabbed window and return the window":: get(Tab, window, W), send(W, lock_object, @on), send(Tab, delete_hypers, window), free(Tab), get(W, unlock, _). untab(Tab) :-> "Turn the window into a toplevel window":: get(Tab, rank, Rank), get(Tab, name, Name), get(Tab, container, dialog, TabbedWindow), get(Tab, display_position, point(X, Y)), get(Tab, untab, Window), get(TabbedWindow, frame_window, Window, Name, Rank, Frame), send(Frame, open, point(X, Y+20)). % ->close_other_tabs % % Close all tabs but me. To work around scheduled resize for the % subwindows we first indicate we are about to close the tabs. See % also ->size. close_other_tabs(Tab) :-> "Destroy all tabs except for me":: get(Tab, device, Stack), send(Stack?graphicals, for_all, if(@arg1 \== Tab, message(@arg1, slot, closing, @on))), send(Stack?graphicals, for_all, if(@arg1 \== Tab, message(@arg1, destroy))). :- pce_end_class(window_tab). :- pce_begin_class(window_tab_frame, frame, "Temporary frame for an untabbed window"). variable(rank, '1..', get, "Saved position in tabbed window"). initialise(F, Window:window, Name:name, Rank:'1..') :-> send(F, slot, rank, Rank), send_super(F, initialise, Name?label_name), send(F, append, Window), send(F, done_message, message(F, retab)). window(F, Window:window) :<- "Get the un-tabbed window":: get(F?members, head, Window). retab(F) :-> "Bring the window back to its tab":: get(F, window, Window), get(Window, hypered, tab, TabbedWindow), get(F, rank, Rank), send(F, delete, Window), send(Window, delete_hypers, tab), send(TabbedWindow, append, Window), get(Window, container, tab, Tab), send(Tab, rank, Rank), send(F, destroy). contained_in(F, TabbedWindow:tabbed_window) :<- "An untabbed window is consider part of the tab":: get(F, window, Window), get(Window, hypered, tab, TabbedWindow). :- pce_end_class(window_tab_frame).