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recaptcha.pl -- Add reCAPTCHA functionality to a form
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This module is a plugin for the SWI-Prolog HTTP/HTML framework to add reCAPTCHA functionality to a form. It works as follows:

  1. Load library(http/recaptcha) and define the reCAPTCHA keys as described in key/2.
  2. Create a form, typically using method('POST') and include, in addition to the data you request from the human user, the reCAPTCHA widget using e.g.,
  3. In the handler of the form, you must ask for the recaptcha parameters and pass them to recaptcha_verify/2. You can do that as follows:
    process_recaptcha_form(Request) :-
                           [ name(Name, []),
                             age(Age, []),
                           | RecapthaParams
           (   recaptcha_verify(Request, RecapthaParams)
           ->  <process normal user fields>
           ;   <you are not human>
See also
- examples/demo.pl contains a fully functional demo.
- This library is compliant with Google recaptcha v2.
Source recaptcha(+Options)// is det
Display the reCAPTCHA widget. Defined options are:
Set the theme. The default theme is clean.
See also
- https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/customization describes the available themes
Source recaptcha_parameters(-List) is det
List is a list of parameters for http_parameters/3 that is needed for recaptcha_verify/2.
Source recaptcha_verify(+Request, +Parameters) is semidet
Is true if the user solved the captcha correctly. Fails if the user did not solve the captcha correctly but there was no error processing the request.
- recaptcha_error(Error) is raised if there was an error processing the captcha.
See also
- https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/verify lists the errors.