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Something for the toolbox: What is a character?

character(A) :- atom(A),atom_length(A,1).

Note this little inconsistency

?- atom_length(a,-1).

So atom_length/2 is lenient, but length/2 is not:

?- length([1],-1).
ERROR: Domain error: `not_less_than_zero' expected, found `-1'

In fact, the ISO standard says that atom_length/2 should throw on negative length.

atom_length goes semantic

The ISO standard says that the first parameter must be an atom. SWI-Prolog accepts other things here, clearly "printing them" them, then counting the characters. This may be practical but seems odd, because it's no longer a purely syntactic operation:

?-  atom_length(1,N).
N = 1.

?- atom_length(1.334,N).
N = 5.

?- atom_length(1r3,N).
N = 3.

A list is fine too

It also takes lists of characters:

?- atom_length([a,b,c],N).
N = 3.

?- atom_length([a,b,12.33],N).
ERROR: Type error: `character' expected, found `12.33' (a float)

?- atom_length([h,e,l,l,o],N).
N = 5.

?- atom_length([h,e,l,l,o,555],N).
ERROR: Type error: `character' expected, found `555' (an integer)

And list of character codes (unicode codepoints):

?- atom_length([0'1,0'2,0'.,0'3],N).
N = 4.

?- X=`hello`.
X = [104, 101, 108, 108, 111].

?- atom_length(`hello`,N).
N = 5.

Unit test code

Some unit test code (including unit test code for length/2) can be found here:


This is based on


An atom_length_ng/2 which throws on negative length

In fact, I contend that a predicate should NOT just "silently" fail on out-of-domain arguments, but always throw. One does want to be informed when a predicate is called with garbage. It could be an important information (ok, Prolog is probably not going to be used in high-assurance software, but still..)

If the caller really wants to just have the predicate fail on bad input, doing so should be made explicit in the code. Thus there should be an atom_length_ng/2 and atom_length_ng/3:

% Not exported from the module in which this is defined.

atom_length_strict(Atom,Length) :-
   ((nonvar(Atom),\+atom(Atom))        -> type_error(atom,Atom) ; true),
   ((nonvar(Length),\+integer(Length)) -> type_error(integer,Length) ; true),
   ((nonvar(Length),Length<0)          -> domain_error(positive_integer,Length) ; true),

opts_contains_lenient(Opts) :-
   is_dict(Opts),               % fails if not dict
   get_dict(lenient,Opts,true). % fails if key does not exist

% Exported from the module in which this is defined.

% Decision whether to be strict or lenient is pulled from an
% "options" SWI-Prolog dict (one way of doing it, it seems the most palatable)

% Default behaviour is **strict**:

atom_length_ng(Atom,Length) :-
% Special way of eliciting **lenient** behaviour:

atom_length_ng(Atom,Length,Opts) :-
   -> catch(atom_length_strict(Atom,Length),_Catcher,fail)
   ;  atom_length_strict(Atom,Length).

And thus:

?- atom_length_ng(atom,-1).
ERROR: Domain error: `positive_integer' expected, found `-1'

?- atom_length_ng(atom,-1,_).
ERROR: Domain error: `positive_integer' expected, found `-1'

?- atom_length_ng(atom,-1,_{lenient:true}).

That's more like it.