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Pack logicmoo_nlu -- ext/candc/src/scripts/boxer/sick/nocontradictions.txt

CONTRADICTION 1236 informative (wordnet novelty) T: A woman is dancing and singing alone H: A woman is dancing and singing with other women --------------------------------------- CONTRADICTION 2972 entailed (word overlap) T: A large green ball is hitting a potato H: A big green ball is missing a potato --------------------------------------- CONTRADICTION 3711 entailed (word overlap) T: A toy train is striking a toy car H: A toy train is missing a toy car --------------------------------------- CONTRADICTION 4831 entailed (word overlap) T: A man is slicing a potato into pieces H: A man is not cutting a potato --------------------------------------- CONTRADICTION 4852 entailed (word overlap) T: A band is not playing some instruments H: A band is playing some instruments --------------------------------------- CONTRADICTION 5454 entailed (word overlap) T: A man is playing a flute H: A man is not playing a flute --------------------------------------- CONTRADICTION 592 entailed (word overlap) T: A woman is taking off a cloak, which is very large, and revealing an extravagant dress H: A woman is putting on a cloak, which is very large, and concealing an extravagant dress --------------------------------------- CONTRADICTION 717 entailed (word overlap) T: A few men in a competition are running outside H: A few men in a competition are running indoors --------------------------------------- CONTRADICTION 7772 entailed (word overlap) T: A surfer is riding a big wave across dark green water H: The surfer is riding a small wave --------------------------------------- CONTRADICTION 8263 entailed (word overlap) T: Some people and vehicles are on a crowded street H: Some people and vehicles are on a almost empty street --------------------------------------- CONTRADICTION 9014 informative (wordnet novelty) T: A blond child is going down a slide and throwing up his arms H: A child with dark hair is going down a slide and throwing up his arms --------------------------------------- CONTRADICTION 9706 entailed (word overlap) T: A black and white dog with a large branch is standing in the field H: A black and white dog with a large branch is running in the field