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Pack logicmoo_nlu -- ext/pldata/SemLink_1.2.2c/vn-pb/README.TXT

================================ SemLink VerbNet/PropBank Mapping ================================

Version: 1.2 URL: http://verbs.colorado.edu/~edloper/semlink/ Citation: Edward Loper, Szu ting Yi, and Martha Palmer. 2007. Combining lexical resources: Mapping between propbank and verbnet. In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Computational Linguistics, Tilburg, the Netherlands.

Updated by Kevin, 4/4/2013


The SemLink mapping between VerbNet and PropBank consists of two parts: a lexical mapping and a token mapping. The lexical mapping specifieds the potential mappings between PropBank and VerbNet for a given word; but it does not specify which of those mappings should be used for any given occurrence of the word. The token mapping provides the correct mapping between arguments for every predicate in the PropBank corpus.

In some cases, a predicate from PropBank will not exist in VerbNet; will not exist in the correct sense; or will have arguments without corresponding roles in VerbNet. In these cases, the VerbNet role is listed as 'None' and the argument is left in its unmapped (ARGn) form.

Type Mapping

The type mapping is provided as a single xml file, containing entries of the form:

<predicate lemma="muzzle">
        <argmap pb-roleset="muzzle.01" vn-class="9.9">
                <role pb-arg="0" vn-theta="Agent" />
                <role pb-arg="1" vn-theta="Destination" />
                <role pb-arg="2" vn-theta="Theme" />
        <argmap pb-roleset="muzzle.01" vn-class="22.4">
                <role pb-arg="0" vn-theta="Agent" />
                <role pb-arg="1" vn-theta="Patient" />

Each <predicate> entry describes a single verb lemma, which are verbs found in VerbNet and PropBank. <predicate> entries also contain one or more <argmap> entries. Each <argmap> entry describes the mapping between arguments for a specific (PropBank roleset, VerbNet class) pair, using one or more <role> entries. Each <role> entry describes the mapping between PropBank ARGn labels and VerbNet thematic roles for a single argument role. In the above example, when the "muzzle" verb is used in the sense described by VerbNet class 9.9, the PropBank and VerbNet roles map as follows:

================================ PropBank VerbNet -------------------------------- ARG0 <-> Agent ARG1 <-> Destination ARG2 <-> Theme ================================


Relase 1.2 removed a handful of errors and improved the dataset. Release 1.0 contained a bug that caused some of the verbs that are not contained in VerbNet at all to get improper annotations in the vnpbprop.txt file. This bug has now been fixed.