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Pack logicmoo_nlu -- ext/regulus/doc/CommandDoc/ebl_generation.txt

This command does all the processing needed to build a specialised Nuance generation grammar from scratch. You will need to have defined at least the following config file parameters: \begin{itemize}

\item {\tt ebl\_\-corpus} The training corpus, which should consist of Prolog records of the form {\tt sent(...)}.

\item {\tt ebl\_\-operationality} The file defining the operationality criteria.

\item {\tt generation\_\-grammar} The output file which will contain the generation grammar.


In many applications, you will also want the following:


\item {\tt ebl\_\-include\_\-lex} A file of ``include-lex'' definitions, which specify lexical entries to be included directly.

\item {\tt ebl\_\-regulus\_\-component\_\-grammar} The specialised grammar that will be loaded by the {\tt EBL\_LOAD} command, if it is not the default one.

\item {\tt generation\_\-incremental\_\-deepening\_\-parameters} Settings to control incremental deepening during generation. A typical value is {\tt [0, 50, 50]}.
