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Pack logicmoo_nlu -- ext/regulus/doc/CommandDoc/nuance_compile_with_pcfg.txt

First perform PCFG training on the generated Nuance grammar, defined by the {\tt ebl\_\-nuance\_\-grammar} or {\tt nuance\_\-grammar} config file entry. The training data is taken from the file defined by the {\tt ebl\_\-grammar\_\-probs} config file entry.

Next, compile the PCFG-trained version of the Nuance grammar, produced by the first step, into a recognition package with the same name. This will be done using the Nuance language pack defined by the {\tt nuance\_\-language\_\-pack} config file entry and the extra parameters defined by the {\tt nuance\_\-compile\_\-params} config file entry. Typical values for these parameters are as follows: \begin{verbatim} regulus_config(nuance_language_pack, 'English.America'). regulus_config(nuance_compile_params, ['-auto_pron', '-dont_flatten']). \end{verbatim}