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Pack logicmoo_utils -- prolog/debuggery/ucatch.pl
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Tracer modes:

quietly/1 - turn off tracer if already on but still dtrace on failure must/1 - dtrace on failure rtrace/1 - non interactive debug sanity/1 - run in quietly/1 when problems were detected previously otherwise skippable slow_sanity/1+hide_trace/1 assertion/1 - throw on failure hide_trace/1 - hide dtrace temporarily slow_sanity/1 - skip unless in developer mode

 pi_to_head_l(?Head, ?HeadPI) is semidet
Predicate Indicator Converted To Head (list Version).
 alldiscontiguous is semidet
 source_context_module(?CM) is semidet
Source Context Module.
 on_x_fail(:Goal) is semidet
If there If Is an exception in :Goal just fail
 match_predicates(?MSpec, -MatchesO) is semidet
Match Predicates.
 match_predicates(?Spec, -M, -P, -F, -A) is semidet
Match Predicates.
 if_may_hide(:GoalG) is semidet
If May Hide.
 mpred_trace_less(?W) is semidet
Managed Predicate Trace less.
 mpred_trace_none(?W) is semidet
Managed Predicate Trace none.
 mpred_trace_nochilds(?W) is semidet
Managed Predicate Trace nochilds.
 mpred_trace_childs(?W) is semidet
Managed Predicate Trace childs.
 term_to_string(?IS, ?I) is semidet
Hook To [pldoc_html:term_to_string/2] For Module Logicmoo_util_first. Term Converted To String.
 mustvv(:GoalG) is semidet
 unnumbervars(?X, ?Y) is semidet
 unnumbervars_and_save(?X, ?YO) is semidet
Unnumbervars And Save.
 unnumbervars4(TermIn, VsIn, NewVs, TermOut) is det
Unnumbervars And Save.
 add_newvars(:TermVs) is semidet
Add Newvars.
 add_newvar(?VALUE1, ?V) is semidet
Add Newvar.
 remove_grounds(:TermVs, :TermVs) is semidet
Remove Grounds.
 renumbervars_prev(?X, ?Y) is semidet
Renumbervars Prev.
 renumbervars1(?X, ?Y) is semidet
Renumbervars Secondary Helper.
 renumbervars1(:TermV, ?IVs, :TermX, ?Vs) is semidet
Renumbervars Secondary Helper.
 safe_numbervars(?E, ?EE) is semidet
Safely Paying Attention To Corner Cases Numbervars.
 safe_numbervars(?EE) is semidet
Safely Paying Attention To Corner Cases Numbervars.
 register_var(:TermN, ?IN, ?OUT) is semidet
Register Variable.
 register_var(?N, ?T, ?V, ?OUTO) is semidet
Register Variable.
 register_var_0(?N, ?T, ?V, ?OUT) is semidet
register Variable Primary Helper.
 samify(?V, ?V0) is semidet
 var_to_name(?V, :TermN, ?N) is semidet
Variable Converted To Name.
 name_to_var(?N, :TermT, ?V) is semidet
Name Converted To Variable.
 snumbervars(?Term) is semidet
 snumbervars(?Term, ?Start, ?End) is semidet
 snumbervars(?Term, ?Start, ?End, ?List) is semidet
 module_predicate(?ModuleName, ?P, ?F, ?A) is semidet
Module Predicate.
 user_ensure_loaded(?What) is semidet
User Ensure Loaded.
 user_use_module(?What) is semidet
User Use Module.
 export_all_preds is semidet
Export All Predicates.
 export_all_preds(?ModuleName) is semidet
Export All Predicates.
 module_predicate(?ModuleName, ?F, ?A) is semidet
Module Predicate.
 module_predicates_are_exported is semidet
Module Predicates Are Exported.
 module_predicates_are_exported(?Ctx) is semidet
Module Predicates Are Exported.
 module_predicates_are_exported0(?ModuleName) is semidet
Module Predicates Are Exported Primary Helper.
 export_if_noconflict(?M, :TermF) is semidet
Export If Noconflict.

:- redefine_system_predicate(system:export_if_noconflict/2),abolish(system:export_if_noconflict/2).

 module_predicates_are_not_exported_list(?ModuleName, ?Private) is semidet
Module Predicates Are Not Exported List.
 arg_is_transparent(:GoalArg) is semidet
Argument If Is A Transparent.
 module_meta_predicates_are_transparent(?ModuleName) is semidet
Module Meta Predicates Are Transparent.
 all_module_predicates_are_transparent(?ModuleName) is semidet
All Module Predicates Are Transparent.
 quiet_all_module_predicates_are_transparent(?ModuleName) is semidet
Quiet All Module Predicates Are Transparent.
 get_thread_current_error(?Err) is det
Thread Current Error Stream.
 if_defined(?G) is semidet
If Defined.
 if_defined(?Goal, :GoalElse) is semidet
If Defined Else.
 when_defined(?Goal) is semidet
When Defined.
 current_why(?Why) is semidet
Current Generation Of Proof.
 source_module(?M) is semidet
Source Module.
 loading_file(?FIn) is semidet
Loading File.
 source_variables_l(?AllS) is semidet
Source Variables (list Version).
 show_source_location is semidet
Show Source Location.
 as_clause_no_m(?MHB, ?H, ?B) is semidet
Converted To Clause No Module.
 is_ftCompound(?Goal) is semidet
If Is A Format Type Compound.
 is_ftVar(:TermV) is semidet
If Is A Format Type Variable.
 maplist_safe(?Pred, ?LIST) is semidet
Maplist Safely Paying Attention To Corner Cases.
 maplist_safe(?Pred, ?LISTIN, ?LIST) is semidet
Maplist Safely Paying Attention To Corner Cases.
 bad_functor(?L) is semidet
Bad Functor.
 warn_bad_functor(?L) is semidet
Warn Bad Functor.
 strip_f_module(?P, ?PA) is semidet
Strip Functor Module.
 catchv(:Goal, ?E, :GoalRecovery) is nondet
Like catch/3 but rethrows block/2 and $abort/0.
 functor_catch(?P, ?F, ?A) is semidet
Functor Catch.
 functor_safe(?P, ?F, ?A) is semidet
Functor Safely Paying Attention To Corner Cases.
 block3(+Name, ?Goal, ?Var) is semidet
 set_block_exit(?Name, ?Value) is semidet
Set Block Exit.
 block(?Name, ?Goal) is semidet
 !(?Name) is semidet
 dbgsubst(?A, ?B, ?Goal, ?A) is semidet
 trace_or_throw(?E) is semidet
Trace or throw.
 on_x_log_fail(:Goal) is semidet
If there If Is A an exception in :Goal goal then log fail.
 on_x_log_throw(:Goal) is semidet
If there If Is A an exception in :Goal goal then log throw.
 on_x_log_cont(:Goal) is semidet
If there If Is A an exception in :Goal goal then log cont.
 errx is semidet
 skipWrapper is semidet
Skip Wrapper.
 must_det_l(:GoalMGoal) is semidet
Must Be Successfull Deterministic (list Version).
 is_release is semidet
If Is A Release.
 not_is_release is semidet
Not If Is A Release.
 without_must(:Goal) is semidet
Without Must Be Successfull.
 y_must(?Y, :Goal) is semidet
Y Must Be Successfull.
 dump_st is semidet
Dump Stack Trace.
 dumpST0 is semidet
Dump S True Stucture Primary Helper.
 dumpST0(?Opts) is semidet
Dump S True Stucture Primary Helper.
 dumpST0(?Frame, ?MaxDepth) is semidet
Dump S True Stucture Primary Helper.
 dumpST is semidet
Dump S True Stucture.
 dumpST1 is semidet
Dump S True Stucture Secondary Helper.
 dumpST(?Depth) is semidet
Dump S True Stucture.
 get_m_opt(?Opts, ?Max_depth, ?D100, ?RetVal) is semidet
Get Module Opt.
 dumpST9 is semidet
Dump S T9.
 dumpST9(?Depth) is semidet
Dump S T9.
 dumpST9(?Frame, :TermMaxDepth) is semidet
Dump S T9.
 drain_framelist(?Opts) is semidet
Drain Framelist.
 drain_framelist_ele(?Opts) is semidet
Drain Framelist Ele.
 dumpST_now(?FrameIn, ?Opts) is semidet
Dump S True Stucture Now.
 printFrame(?N, ?Frame, ?Opts) is semidet
Print Frame.
 frame_to_fmsg(?N, ?Frame, ?Opts, ?N) is semidet
Frame Converted To Functor Message.
 fmsg_rout(:TermRROut) is semidet
Functor Message Rout.
 neg1_numbervars(?Out, ?Start, :GoalROut) is semidet
Negated Secondary Helper Numbervars.
 fdmsg1(?G) is semidet
Fdmsg Secondary Helper.
 fdmsg(?M) is semidet
 simplify_goal_printed(:TermVar, :TermVar) is semidet
Simplify Goal Printed.
 getPFA(?Frame, ?Ctrl, ?Goal) is semidet
Get Pred Functor A.
 getPFA1(?Frame, ?Txt, ?Txt) is semidet
Get Pred Functor A Secondary Helper.
 getPFA2(?Frame, ?Ctrl, ?Goal) is semidet
Get Pred Functor A Extended Helper.
 clauseST(?ClRef, :TermGoal) is semidet
Clause S True Stucture.
 dtrace is semidet
(debug) Trace.

:- redefine_system_predicate(system:dbreak()).

 dtrace(:GoalG) is semidet
(debug) Trace.
 dtrace(+MSG, ?G) is semidet
(debug) Trace.
 to_wmsg(:TermG, :TermWG) is semidet
Converted To Wmsg.
 dumptrace(?G) is semidet
Dump Trace.
 dumptrace(:GoalG, +C) is semidet
Dump Trace.
 dumptrace_ret(?G) is semidet
Dump Trace Ret.
 with_all_dmsg(:Goal) is nondet
Using All (debug)message.
 with_show_dmsg(?TypeShown, :Goal) is nondet
Using Show (debug)message.
 with_no_dmsg(:Goal) is nondet
Using No (debug)message.
 with_no_dmsg(?TypeUnShown, :Goal) is nondet
Using No (debug)message.
 dmsg_hides_message(?C) is det
(debug)message Hides Message.
 matches_term(?Filter, ?VALUE2) is det
Matches Term.
 contains_atom(?V, ?A) is det
Contains Atom.
 matches_term0(:TermFilter, ?Term) is det
Matches Term Primary Helper.
 dmsg_hide(?Term) is det
(debug)message Hide.
 dmsg_show(?Term) is det
(debug)message Show.
 dmsg_showall(?Term) is det
(debug)message Showall.
 indent_e(?X) is det
Indent E.
 dmsg_text_to_string_safe(?Expr, ?Forms) is det
(debug)message Text Converted To String Safely Paying Attention To Corner Cases.
 fmt0(?X, ?Y, ?Z) is det
Format Primary Helper.

fmt0(user_error,F,A):-!,get_main_error_stream(Err),!,smart_format(Err,F,A). fmt0(current_error,F,A):-!,get_thread_current_error(Err),!,smart_format(Err,F,A).

 fmt0(?X, ?Y) is det
Format Primary Helper.
 fmt0(?X) is det
Format Primary Helper.
 fmt(?X) is det
 fmt(?X, ?Y) is det
 fmt(?X, ?Y, ?Z) is det
 fmt9(?Msg) is det
 tst_fmt is det
Tst Format.
 fmt_ansi(:Goal) is nondet
Format Ansi.
 fmt_portray_clause(?X) is det
Format Portray Clause.
 fmt_or_pp(?X) is det
Format Or Pretty Print.
 with_output_to_console(:GoalX) is det
Using Output Converted To Console.
 with_output_to_main(:GoalX) is det
Using Output Converted To Main.
 dfmt(?X) is det
 dfmt(?X, ?Y) is det
 with_output_to_stream(?Stream, :Goal) is det
Using Output Converted To Stream.
 to_stderror(:Goal) is nondet
Converted To Stderror.
 logger_property(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3) is det
Logger Property.
 setLogLevel(?M, ?L) is det
Set Log Level.
 logLevel(?S, ?Z) is det[multifile]
Log Level.
 loggerReFmt(?L, ?LRR) is det
Logger Re Format.
 loggerFmtReal(?S, ?F, ?A) is det
Logger Format Real.
 with_dmsg(?Functor, :Goal) is det
Using (debug)message.
 sformat(?Str, ?Msg, ?Vs, ?Opts) is det
 portray_clause_w_vars(?Out, ?Msg, ?Vs, ?Options) is det
Portray Clause W Variables.
 portray_clause_w_vars(?Msg, ?Vs, ?Options) is det
Portray Clause W Variables.
 portray_clause_w_vars(?Msg, ?Options) is det
Portray Clause W Variables.
 portray_clause_w_vars(?Msg) is det
Portray Clause W Variables.
 print_prepended(?Pre, ?S) is det
Print Prepended.
 print_prepended_lines(?Pre, :TermARG2) is det
Print Prepended Lines.
 in_cmt(:Goal) is nondet
In Comment.
 with_current_indent(:Goal) is nondet
Using Current Indent.

with_current_indent(Goal):- use_html_styles,!, Goal.

 indent_to_spaces(:PRED3N, ?Out) is det
Indent Converted To Spaces.
 mesg_color(:TermT, ?C) is det
Mesg Color.
 prepend_each_line(?Pre, :Goal) is nondet
Prepend Each Line.
 if_color_debug is det
If Color Debug.
 if_color_debug(:Goal) is nondet
If Color Debug.
 if_color_debug(:Goal, :GoalUnColor) is det
If Color Debug.
 dmsg(?C) is det
 dmsg(?F, ?A) is det
(debug)message Primary Helper.
 wdmsg(?X) is semidet
 wdmsg(?F, ?X) is semidet
 wdmsgl(?CNF) is det
 dmsginfo(?V) is det
 vdmsg(?L, ?F) is det
 dmsg(?L, ?F, ?A) is det
 dmsg0(?V) is det
(debug)message Primary Helper.
 dmsg00(?V) is det
(debug)message Primary Helper Primary Helper.
 dmsg000(?V) is det
(debug)message Primary Helper Primary Helper Primary Helper.
 dmsg1(?V) is det
(debug)message Secondary Helper.
 dmsg2(:TermNC) is det
(debug)message Extended Helper.
 dmsg3(?C) is det
 dmsg4(?Msg) is det
 dmsg5(?Msg) is det
 dmsg5(?Msg, ?Args) is det

dmsg5(Msg,Args):- dmsg5(fmt0(Msg,Args)).

 get_indent_level(:PRED2Max) is det
Get Indent Level.
 ansifmt(?Ctrl, ?Fmt) is det
 ansifmt(?Ctrl, ?F, ?A) is det
 debugm(?X) is det
 debugm(?Why, ?Msg) is det
 colormsg(?Ctrl, ?Msg) is det
 ansicall(?Ctrl, :Goal) is nondet
 ansi_control_conv(?Ctrl, ?CtrlO) is det
Ansi Control Conv.
 is_tty(?Out) is det
If Is A Tty.
 ansicall(?Out, ?UPARAM2, :Goal) is nondet

in_pengines:- if_defined_local(relative_frame(source_context_module,pengines,_)).

 keep_line_pos_w_w(?S, :GoalG) is det
Keep Line Pos.

keep_line_pos_w_w(_, G):-!,G.

 term_color0(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2) is det[multifile]
Hook To [term_color0/2] For Module Logicmoo_util_dmsg. Term Color Primary Helper.
 f_word(?T, ?A) is det
Functor Word.
 mesg_arg1(:TermT, ?TT) is det
Mesg Argument Secondary Helper.
 defined_message_color(?A, ?B) is det
Defined Message Color.
 predef_functor_color(?F, ?C) is det
Predef Functor Color.
 functor_color(?F, ?C) is det
Functor Color.
 last_used_fg_color(?LFG) is det
Last Used Fg Color.
 good_next_color(?C) is det
Good Next Color.
 unliked_ctrl(?X) is det
Unliked Ctrl.
 fg_color(?LU, ?FG) is det
Fg Color.
 random_color(?M) is det
Random Color.
 tst_color is det
Tst Color.
 tst_color(?C) is det
Tst Color.
 next_color(:TermC) is det
Next Color.
 contrasting_color(?A, ?VALUE2) is det
Contrasting Color.
 sgr_on_code(?Ctrl, :PRED7OnCode) is det
Sgr Whenever Code.
 is_sgr_on_code(?Ctrl) is det
If Is A Sgr Whenever Code.
 sgr_on_code0(?Ctrl, :PRED6OnCode) is det
Sgr Whenever Code Primary Helper.
 sgr_off_code(?Ctrl, :GoalOnCode) is det
Sgr Off Code.
 sgr_code_on_off(?Ctrl, ?OnCode, ?OffCode) is det
Sgr Code Whenever Off.
 msg_to_string(:TermVar, ?Str) is det
Msg Converted To String.
 withFormatter(?Lang, ?From, ?Vars, ?SForm) is det
Using Formatter.
 flush_output_safe is det
Flush Output Safely Paying Attention To Corner Cases.
 flush_output_safe(?X) is det
Flush Output Safely Paying Attention To Corner Cases.
 writeFailureLog(?E, ?X) is det
Write Failure Log.
 cls is det

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.

 check_variable_names(Arg1, Arg2)
 cfunctor(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 dupe_term(Arg1, Arg2)
 maybe_fix_varnumbering(Arg1, Arg2)
 add_var_to_env(Arg1, Arg2)
 getenv_safe(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 cnas(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 export_if_noconflict_mfa(Arg1, Arg2)
 export_if_noconflict_mfa(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 ensure_compute_file_link(Arg1, Arg2)
 public_file_link(Arg1, Arg2)
 maybe_compute_file_link(Arg1, Arg2)
 printable_variable_name(Arg1, Arg2)
 v_name1(Arg1, Arg2)
 v_name2(Arg1, Arg2)
 same_streams(Arg1, Arg2)
 prepend_trim(Arg1, Arg2)
 wets(Arg1, Arg2)
 smart_format(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 smart_format(Arg1, Arg2)
 woto_tty(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 woto(Arg1, Arg2)
 wots(Arg1, Arg2)
 color_format(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 terminal_ansi_format(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)