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Pack logicmoo_utils -- prolog/logicmoo/util_structs.pl
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This module allows use of C++ like structures in prolog.

  • @author Douglas R. Miles
  • @license LGPL
 record_onto_var(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3) is semidet
Record Onto Variable.
 record_var_names(:TermARG1) is semidet
Record Variable Names.
 record_var_names(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2) is semidet
Record Variable Names.
 record_var_type(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2) is semidet
Record Variable Type.
 sisctus_key(?CALL1, -IN2) is semidet
Sisctus Key.
 prop_get(?VALUE1) is semidet
Prop Get.
 prop_get(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3) is semidet
Prop Get.
 hooked_gvar_get(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2) is semidet
Gvar Get.

hooked_gvar_get(Name, Value):- sisctus_key(Name,N),nb_current(N,ValueV),!,Value=ValueV.

 hooked_gvar_put(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2) is semidet
Gvar Put.

hooked_gvar_put(Name, Value):- sisctus_key(Name,N),nb_current(N,_),!,nb_setval(N,Value).

 key_match(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2) is semidet
Key Match.
 prop_get_try(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3, ?VALUE4) is semidet
Prop Get Try.
 prop_get_map(?VALUE1, :TermARG2, ?VALUE3) is semidet
Prop Get Map.
 prop_put_extra_extra(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2) is semidet
Prop Put Extra Extra.
 prop_set(?VALUE1) is semidet
Prop Set.
 prop_set(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3) is semidet
Prop Set.
 prop_set_try(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3, ?VALUE4) is semidet
Prop Set Try.
 prop_set_map(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3) is semidet
Prop Set Map.
 prop_set_dict_real(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3, ?VALUE2) is semidet
Prop Set Dict Real.
 nb_set_pairlist(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3) is semidet
Non Backtackable Set Pairlist.
 nb_set_pairlist0(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3) is semidet
Non Backtackable Set Pairlist Primary Helper.
 nb_set_s2list(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3, ?VALUE4) is semidet
Non Backtackable Set S2list.
 nb_set_s2list0(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3, ?VALUE2) is semidet
Non Backtackable Set S2list Primary Helper.
 prop_merge(:TermARG1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3) is semidet
Prop Merge.
 term_to_ord_term(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2) is semidet
Term Converted To Ord Term.
 t2ot(?VALUE1, ?VALUE1) is semidet
 t2ot_0(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2) is semidet
t2ot Primary Helper.
 merge_values(?VALUE1, ?VALUE3, ?VALUE3) is semidet
Merge Values.
 nb_setarg_ex(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3) is semidet
Non Backtackable Setarg Ex.
 by_name_datatype(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2) is semidet
By Name Datatype.
 struct_sclass(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2) is semidet
Struct Sclass.
 member_arg_convert(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3, ?VALUE4, ?VALUE4) is semidet
Member Argument Convert.
 if_changed_struct(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3) is semidet
If Changed.
 to_datatype(?Type, ?Value, ?Value) is semidet
Converted To Datatype.
 decl_struct(?VALUE1) is semidet
Declare Struct.
 decl_argtypes(?VALUE1) is semidet
Declare Argument Types.
 compile_argtypes(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3) is semidet
Compile Argument Types.
 compile_struct_slots(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, :TermARG3, :TermARG4, :TermARG5, :TermARG6) is semidet
Compile Struct Slots.
 extract_struct_parameter(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3, ?VALUE4, ?VALUE5) is semidet
Extract Struct Parameter.
 extract_struct_parameter(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE1) is semidet
Extract Struct Parameter.
 ensure_instance(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2) is semidet
Ensure Instance.
 ensure_instance(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3) is semidet
Ensure Instance.
 ensure_struct(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2) is semidet
Ensure Struct.
 ensure_struct(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2, ?VALUE3) is semidet
Ensure Struct.
 prop_set_nvlist(?VALUE1, :TermARG2) is semidet
Prop Set Nvlist.
 prop_get_nvlist(?VALUE1, :TermARG2) is semidet
Prop Get Nvlist.
 new_struct(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2) is semidet
New Struct.
 datatype_to_init(?VALUE1, ?VALUE2) is semidet
Datatype Converted To Init.