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Pack logtalk -- logtalk-3.84.0/tools/NOTES.md

This file is part of Logtalk https://logtalk.org/ SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1998-2023 Paulo Moura <pmoura@logtalk.org> SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


The following developer tools are available, each one with its own loader.lgt loader file (except for the built-in linter and make tools, which are integrated with the compiler/runtime) and NOTES.md documentation files:

  • asdf
  • assertions
  • code_metrics
  • dead_code_scanner
  • debug_messages
  • debugger
  • diagrams
  • doclet
  • help
  • issue_creator
  • lgtdoc
  • lgtunit
  • linter
  • make
  • packs
  • ports_profiler
  • profiler
  • tutor
  • wrapper

Loading the developer tools

To load the main developer tools, use the following goal:

| ?- logtalk_load(tools(loader)).

The ports_profiler tool is not loaded by default, however, as it conflicts with the debugger tool as both provide a debug handler that must be unique in a running session.

The profiler tool is also not loaded by default as it provides integration with selected backend Prolog compiler profilers that are not portable.

The tutor tool is also not loaded by default given its useful mainly for new users that need help understanding compiler warning and error messages.

The wrapper tool is also not loaded by default given its specialized purpose and beta status.

To load a specific tool, either change your Prolog working directory to the tool folder and then compile and load the corresponding loader utility file or simply use library notation as argument for the compiling and loading predicates. For example:

| ?- logtalk_load(lgtunit(loader)).

Tools documentation

Specific notes about each tool can be found in the corresponding NOTES.md files. HTML documentation for each tool API can be found on the docs directory (open the `../docs/index.html` file with your web browser). The documentation for these tools can be regenerated using the shell scripts `../scripts/update_html_docs.sh and ../scripts/update_svg_diagrams.sh`.

Tools common flags

The lgtdoc, lgtunit, and issue_creator tools share a suppress_path_prefix flag that can be used to suppress a prefix when printing file paths. For example (after loading the tools):

| ?- set_logtalk_flag(suppress_path_prefix, '/home/jdoe/').

This flag is mainly used to avoid user specific path prefixes appearing in documentation, test logs, and bug reports.

Tools requirements

Some of the developer tools have third-party dependencies. For example, the lgtdoc tool depends on XSLT processors to generate documentation final formats and uses Sphinx for the preferred HTML final format. Be sure to consult the tools documentation details on those requirements and possible alternatives. For convenience, follows a global list of the main tool requirements and suggestions for installing them per operating-system. If your operating-system or a dependency for it is not listed, see the dependency websites for installation instructions.

Tool dependencies for full functionality

  • diagrams: Graphviz
  • help: info
  • issue_creator: gh, glab
  • lgtdoc: Sphinx, libxslt, fop, texlive, texinfo
  • lgtunit: Allure
  • packs: coreutils, libarchive, gnupg2, git, curl, wget, direnv

Python dependencies (all operating-systems)

$ pip install --upgrade pygments
$ pip install --upgrade sphinx
$ pip install --upgrade sphinx_rtd_theme

macOS - MacPorts

$ sudo port install graphviz
$ sudo port install texinfo
$ sudo port install gh glab
$ sudo port install libxslt fop texlive
$ sudo port install coreutils libarchive gnupg2 git curl wget direnv

macOS - Homebrew

$ brew install graphviz
$ brew install texinfo
$ brew install libxslt fop texlive
$ brew install allure
$ brew install coreutils libarchive gnupg2 git curl wget direnv
$ brew install gh glab


$ sudo apt install graphviz
$ sudo apt install info
$ sudo apt install xsltproc fop texlive
$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:qameta/allure && sudo apt install allure
$ sudo apt install libarchive-tools gnupg2 git curl wget direnv


$ sudo dnf install graphviz
$ sudo dnf install libxslt fop
$ sudo dnf install bsdtar gnupg2 git curl wget direnv

Windows - Chocolatey

> choco install graphviz
> choco install xsltproc apache-fop texlive
> choco install gnupg git
> choco install gh glab
> choco install wget

Windows - installers

https://www.graphviz.org/download/ https://docs.qameta.io/allure-report/ https://www.gnupg.org/ https://gitforwindows.org https://cli.github.com https://glab.readthedocs.io https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/

Windows - PowerShell add-ons

PS> Install-Module -Name Set-PsEnv