built-in predicate



abolish_events(Event, Object, Message, Sender, Monitor)

Abolishes all matching events. The two types of events are represented by the atoms before and after. When the predicate is called with the first argument unbound, both types of events are abolished.

Modes and number of proofs

abolish_events(@term, @term, @term, @term, @term) - one


Event is neither a variable nor a valid event identifier:
type_error(event, Event)
Object is neither a variable nor a valid object identifier:
type_error(object_identifier, Object)
Message is neither a variable nor a callable term:
type_error(callable, Message)
Sender is neither a variable nor a valid object identifier:
type_error(object_identifier, Sender)
Monitor is neither a variable nor a valid object identifier:
type_error(object_identifier, Monitor)


% abolish all events for messages sent to the "list"
% object being monitored by the "debugger" object:
| ?- abolish_events(_, list, _, _, debugger).