built-in predicate



create_logtalk_flag(Flag, Value, Options)

Creates a new Logtalk flag and sets its default value. User-defined flags can be queried and set in the same way as predefined flags by using, respectively, the current_logtalk_flag/2 and set_logtalk_flag/2 built-in predicates. For a description of the predefined compiler flags, please see the Compiler flags section in the User Manual.

This predicate is based on the specification of the SWI-Prolog create_prolog_flag/3 built-in predicate and supports the same options: access(Access), where Access can be either read_write (the default) or read_only; keep(Keep), where Keep can be either false (the default) or true, for deciding if an existing definition of the flag should be kept or replaced by the new one; and type(Type) for specifying the type of the flag, which can be boolean, atom, integer, float, or term (which only restricts the flag value to ground terms). When the type/1 option is not specified, the type of the flag is inferred from its initial value.

Modes and number of proofs

create_logtalk_flag(+atom, +ground, +list(ground)) - one


Flag is a variable:
Value is not a ground term:
Options is not a ground term:
Flag is neither a variable nor an atom:
type_error(atom, Flag)
Options is neither a variable nor a list:
type_error(atom, Flag)
Value is not a valid value for flag Flag:
domain_error(flag_value, Flag + Value)
Flag is a system-defined flag:
permission_error(modify, flag, Flag)
An element Option of the list Options is not a valid option
The list Options contains a type(Type) option and Value is not of type Type
type_error(Type, Value)


% create a new boolean flag with default value set to false:
| ?- create_logtalk_flag(pretty_print_blobs, false, []).