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Pack matrix_utls -- prolog/matrix_utls.pl
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 kronecker(A, B, O)
Kronecker (Tensor) Product.

Where, A is the input (multiplicand) matrix of size [GxH], B is the input (multiplier) matrix of size [JxK], and O is the output matrix of size [(GxJ)x(HxK)].

 hadamard(A, B, O)
Hadamard (Element-Wise) Product.

Where, A is the input (multiplicand) matrix of size [GxH], B is the input (multiplier) matrix of size [GxH], and O is the output matrix of size [GxH].

 create_empty_matrix(Rows, Cols, Mat)
Create 2D matrix of empty cells.

Where, Rows is the number of rows, Cols is the number of columns, and Mat is the resultant matrix of size [Rows x Cols].

 create_val_matrix(Rows, Cols, Mat, Value)
Create 2D matrix and set with a unique (int/float/letters) value.

Where, Rows is the number of rows, Cols is the number of columns, and Mat is the resultant matrix of size [Rows x Cols].

 create_rand_matrix(Rows, Cols, Mat, Min_Value, Max_Value)
Create 2D matrix and set with a range of random (int/float) values.

Where, Rows is the number of rows, Cols is the number of columns, and Mat is the resultant matrix of size [Rows x Cols].

 create_I_matrix(Dim, Mat)
Creating Identity (MxM) Matrix.

Where, Dim is the number of rows and columns, and Mat is the resultant identity matrix of size [Dim x Dim].

 s_v_multiply(S, V, O)
Scalar-by-Vector Multiplication.

Where, S is the input (multiplicand) scalar (i.e. number), V is the input (multiplier) vector of size [1xH] or [Gx1], and O is the resultant vector of size [1xH] or [Gx1].

 s_m_multiply(S, M, O)
Scalar-by-Matrix Multiplication.

Where, S is the input (multiplicand) scalar (i.e. number), M is the input (multiplier) matrix of size [GxH], and O is the resultant matrix of size [GxH].

 v_v_multiply(V1, V2, O)
Vector-by-Vector Multiplication.

Where, V1 is the input (multiplicand) vector of size [1xJ] or [Kx1], V2 is the input (multiplier) vector of size [Jx1] or [1xK], and O is the resultant scalar of size [1x1] or matrix of size [KxK].

 v_m_multiply(V, M, O)
Vector-by-Matrix Multiplication.

Where, V is the input (multiplicand) vector of size [1xJ], M is the input (multiplier) matrix of size [JxK], and O is the resultant vector of size [1xK].

 m_v_multiply(M, V, O)
Matrix-by-Vector Multiplication.

Where, M is the input (multiplicand) matrix of size [JxK], V is the input (multiplier) vector of size [Kx1], and O is the resultant vector of size [Jx1].

 m_m_multiply(M1, M2, O)
Matrix-by-Matrix Multiplication.

Where, M1 is the input (multiplicand) matrix of size [GxH], M2 is the input (multiplier) matrix of size [HxJ], and O is the resultant matrix of size [GxJ].