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![]() | Pack maybe -- prolog/maybe.pl |
. Useful for include/3.nothing
. Useful for exclude/3.nothing
; fails for nothing
succeeds, Maybe=just(Value)
, otherwise
. Goal typically binds Value. If Goal produces
multiple solutions on backtracking, so will call_maybe/3. In that
case, Maybe will never be nothing
For example,
?- L = [a,b,c], call_maybe(L=[H|_], H, MaybeHead). H = a, MaybeHead = just(a). ?- L = [], call_maybe(L=[H|_], H, MaybeHead). MaybeHead = nothing.
Of course, that particular example could have been implemented with maybe_list/2 instead.
. A non-empty list is equivalent to just(Head)
case.maplist(default_maybe_value(7), Maybes, DefaultedValues).
call(Goal, Value0, Value)
succeeds for just
values. Goal
is not called for nothing
values, which remain unchanged. "Use the
source" for a clearer explanation.nothing
leaves Accum0=Accum
while just
relates them via Goal.
"Use the source" for a clearer explanation.