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Pack mlu -- doc/Releases.txt

--- Releases ---

TBD 17.05.04 bootstrapping

0.5 @ 22.12.29 22.10.10 IFACE: mlu_frequncy_plot/2 binned vectors via new list_frequency/3 22.09.15 LIBS: explicit load of library(lists)

0.4 @ 22.01.02 21.01.02 VERS: SWI gives us grief about 0.3, trying to increase version

0.3 @ 21.12.31 21.12.31 DOC: make example images show on the static doc 17.08.29 ADDED: vectors in mlu_frequency_plot/2 via pl_vector/3

0.2 @ 17.03.11 for pack(lib) v1.1 17.03.11 FIXED: protected some dotted atoms passed to Real 17.02.22 UPDATE: to factorised lib/1 with dependencies to stoics_lib 16.11.08 ADDED: separated pred: mlu_mtx_header_rows/4 ADDED: separated interface k_fold_segments/3

0.1 @ 16.03.05 first public release