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Pack nan_system_sources -- prolog/nan/system/sources.pl |
Part of Nan.System.Sources (nan/system/sources.pl
Module sources
) provides
the predicates that implement Answer Sources in Prolog.
For code docs syntax and meaning see sources_docs.txt
Ensures destruction of the source even if goal throws an error.
GExe() is nondet
.GUse() is nondet
?- using_source(I, between(1, 2, I), _S, ( repeat, source_next(_S, answer(_Det, the(I))), (_Det == last -> !; true) )). I = 1 ; I = 2.
Ensures destruction of the source even if goal throws an error.
GCom(Srcs, Src) is det
.GUse() is nondet
?- [user]. parallel_com(Srcs, Src) :- GRst = parallel_com__rst, GNxt = parallel_com__nxt, source_create_com(Srcs, GRst, GNxt, _, Src). parallel_com__rst(Srcs, _, _) :- maplist(source_reset, Srcs). parallel_com__nxt(Srcs, _, _, Ans) :- maplist(source_next_begin, Srcs), foldl(parallel_com__nxt__do, Srcs, [], As), Ans = answer(more, the(As)). parallel_com__nxt__do(Src, As0, As) :- source_next_end(Src, A), append(As0, [A], As). ^Z ?- using_source(1, sleep(1), _S1, using_source(2, sleep(1), _S2, using_source_com([_S1, _S2], parallel_com, _S, ( time(source_next(_S, answer(more, the(Anss)))) )))). % Warm run % 188 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 1.000 seconds (0% CPU, Infinite Lips) Anss = [answer(last, the(1)), answer(last, the(2))].
GExe() is nondet
.GRst(Srcs, Sta0, Sta1) is det
.GNxt(Srcs, Sta0, Sta1, Ans) is det
.Enforces determinism on GRst and GNxt.
For an example, see using_source_com/4.
Fails if no source exists.