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The Mutilated Checkerboard in Set Theory

John McCarthy

Computer Science Department

Stanford University



April 27, 2001

An 8 by 8 checkerboard with two diagonally opposite squares removed cannot

be covered by dominoes each of which covers two rectilinearly adjacent squares.

We present a set theory description of the proposition and an informal proof

that the covering is impossible. While no present system that I know of will

accept either the formal description or the proof, I claim that both should be

admitted in any heavy duty set theory.1

We have the definitions

Board = Z8 × Z8,

mutilated-board = Board − {(0, 0), (7, 7)},

domino-on-board(x) ≡ (x ⊂ Board) ∧ card(x) = 2

∧(∀x1 x2)(x = {x1, x2} → adjacent(x1, x2))


adjacent(x1, x2) ≡ |c(x1, 1)c(x2, 1)| = 1

c(x1, 2) = c(x2, 2)

∨|c(x1, 2)c(x2, 2)| = 1 ∧ c(x1, 1) = c(x2, 1).

If we are willing to be slightly tricky, we can write more compactly





adjacent(x1, x2) ≡ |c(x1, 1)c(x2, 1)| + |c(x1, 2)c(x2, 2)| = 1,


but then the proof might not be so obvious to the program.

Next we have.

in Mizar is 400 lines.

1The Mizar proof checker accepts the definitions essentially as they are, but the first proof


≡ (∀x)(x ∈ z → domino-on-board(x))

∧(∀x y)(x ∈ z ∧ y ∈ z → x = y ∨ x ∩ y = {})

¬(∃z)(partial-covering(z) ∧ (cid:91) z = mutilated-board)

x ∈ Board → color(x) = rem(c(x, 1) + c(x, 2), 2)


(∃u v)(u ∈ x ∧ v ∈ x ∧ color(u) = 0 ∧ color(v) = 1),


card({u ∈ (cid:83) z|color(u) = 0})

= card({u ∈ (cid:83) z|color(u) = 1}),

card({u ∈ mutilated-board|color(u) = 0})

(cid:54)= card({u ∈ mutilated-board|color(u) = 1}),







¬(∃z)(partial-covering(z) ∧ mutilated-board = (cid:91) z)




We define

and finally
