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John McCarthy

Computer Science Department

Stanford University

Stanford, CA 94305



2001 Apr 14, 3:13 p.m.


The present note illustrates how logical formalizations of common

sense knowledge and reasoning can achieve some of the open-endedness

of human common sense reasoning. A plan is made to fly from Glasgow

to Moscow and is shown by circumscription to lead to the traveller

arriving in Moscow. Then a fact about an unexpected obstacle—

the traveller losing his ticket—is added without changing any of the

previous facts, and the original plan can no longer be shown to work

if it must take into account the new fact. However, an altered plan

that includes buying a replacement ticket can now be shown to work.

The formalism used is a modification of one developed by Vladimir

Lifschitz, and I have been informed that the modification isn’t correct,

and I should go back to Lifschitz’s original formalism. April 14,2001:

I still haven’t done it, so this article has to be regarded as tentative. I

hope to fix the problems without going back to Lifschitz’s formalism,

which I find awkward.


In contrast to reasoning within a formal theory of the conventional sort used

in science or operations research, common sense reasoning (McCarthy 1959)

is open-ended. More facts than were originally taken into account may turn

out to be relevant. Formalizing common sense requires a formal system that

preserves this open-endedness. It can be done by formalizing nonmonotonic


We present a straightforward example of how a system might take into

account new facts. An unexpected obstacle vitiates the inference that the

usual sequence of actions will achieve a goal. Then, without changing any

existing premise, a system can infer that inserting a suitable new action in

the sequence achieves the goal.

  1. We use a general formalism for describing the effects of actions. It is a variant due to Vladimir Lifschitz (1987) of the situation calculus

    (McCarthy and Hayes 1969).

  2. Specific facts concerning travel by airplane from one city to another are given. The need for a flight to exist and for the traveller to have a ticket

    are made explicit preconditions.

  3. Facts relevant for flying from Glasgow to Moscow via London are mentioned, i.e. the flights are mentioned.
  4. The circumscription formalism of (McCarthy 1980) and (McCarthy 1986)is used to minimize certain predicates, i.e. precond, noninertial, causes, occurs while allowing the predicate holds to vary.
  5. It can then be inferred (nonmonotonically) that flying from Glasgow to London and then flying to Moscow results in being in Moscow.
  6. Facts giving the consequences of losing a ticket and buying a ticket are included. They do not change the result of the previous inference.
  7. An assertion that the ticket is lost in London is then added to the previous facts. Now it can no longer be inferred that the previous plan

    succeeds. However, it can be inferred that the plan of flying to London, then

    buying a ticket and then flying to Moscow does succeed.

    This example shows that it is possible to make a formalism that (1) can

    be used to infer that a certain plan will succeed, (2) can no longer infer that

    the plan will succeed when an obstacle is asserted to exist, (3) can be used

    to infer that a different plan that includes actions to overcome the obstacle

    will succeed.

    Our formulas include only the parameters needed to illustrate the reason-

    ing. They don’t even include the traveller, i.e. the person whose actions are

    reasoned about. From the point of view of demonstrating full common sense

    reasoning this is a blemish. However, we believe that the very formulas used

    here can be preserved provided we enter a suitable context. Formal reasoning

    about contexts is discussed in (McCarthy 1993).

    2 The Formulas

    Here are the formulas.

    holds(not p, s) ≡ ¬holds(p, s)

    This relates the operator not as applied to fluents to logical negation.

    succeeds(a, s) ≡ (∀p)(precond(p, a)holds(p, s)).

    This tells us that an action succeeds in a situation s if all its preconditions

    hold in the situation. Actually, it’s a definition of the predicate succeeds.

    succeeds(a, s)causes(a, p)holds(p, result(a, s)).

    If an action succeeds in a situation and it is one that causes a fluent to hold,

    then the fluent holds in the situation that results from the preformance of

    the action.

    ¬noninertial(p, a)holds(p, s)holds(p, result(a, s))

    This tells us that unless an action affects a fluent, then the fluent holds after

    the action if it held before the action.

    occurs(e, s) ⊃ outcome s = outcome result(e, s)

    This and the next axiom give the effects of events different from actions.

    (∀e¬occurs(e, s)) ⊃ outcome s = s

    occurs(e, s) ⊃ outcome s = outcome result(e, s)

    rr(a, s) = outcome result(a, s)

    This is an abbreviation for the situation that results from an action after all

    the events that occur after it have happened.

    causes(f ly(x, y), at y)

    This is the first axiom specifically about the effects of flying. It says that

    flying from x to y causes being at y.

    precond(at x, f ly(x, y))

    You must be at x to fly from there to y.

    precond(hasticket, f ly(x, y))

    Also you must have a ticket.

    precond(existsf light(x, y), f ly(x, y))

    And there must be a flight.

    The effect of losing a ticket.

    causes(loseticket, not hasticket)

    The effect of buying a ticket.

    causes(buyticket, hasticket)

    holds(at Glasgow, S0)

    This is the first fact about the initial situation S0. The traveller is at Glas-


    holds(hasticket, S0)

    He has a ticket in S0

    holds(existsf light(Glasgow, London), S0)

    holds(existsf light(London, M oscow), S0)

    The necessary flights exist.

    circum(F acts; causes, precond, noninertial, occurs; holds)

    This is the circumscription of the predicates causes, precond, noninertial

    and occurs with holds allowed to vary that is done with the conjunction

    (called F acts) of these axioms. Understanding this may require reading

    (McCarthy 1987); (Lifschitz 1987) would also help. Once the circumscription

    has been done, we can show

    holds(atM oscow, rr(f ly(London, M oscow), rr(f ly(Glasgow, London), S0))),

    but not if we add

    occurs(loseticket, result(f ly(Glasgow, London), S0)).

    However, in this case we can show

    holds(atM oscow, rr(f ly(London, M oscow), rr(buyticket, rr(f ly(Glasgow, London), S0)))).3 Avoiding Considering Preconditions

    It is a precondition for air travel without additional actions that one be

    clothed, holds(clothed(traveller), s), that one not be lame holds(not lame(traveller), s),and holds(speaks-English(traveller), s), etc. With a bow towards later ex-

    plaining how to make this happen using formalized contexts ((McCarthy 1989)

    (McCarthy 1991,1992) we’ll abbreviate the above to the propositional fluents

    clothed, not lame and speaks-English. In one respect these conditions are

    similar to the condition that one have a ticket. However, one is willing to

    specify as part of the formalization of air travel that one have a ticket, but

    it is not reasonable to refer explicitly to these other conditions.

    Here’s an approach to doing it. The simplest approach would be to have a

    fluent ab7(traveller), abbreviated ab7, and have sentences not clothed ⊃ ab7,

    etc. We then use not ab7 as a precondition for flying. We then circumscribe

    ab7. This doesn’t work well enough for two reasons. First we still have to

    mention all these other conditions in the circumscription and circumscribe

    them also. Second, suppose one of the conditions fails, e.g. the traveller is

    lame so a wheelchair must be provided. Then we lose not ab7, and we haven’t

    got rid of the other conditions.

    At present I think the first problem has to be solved by some form of

    present resembling the scope of (Etherington et al. 1991). If we circumscribe

    it, we are jumping to the conclusion that the interfering phenomena aren’t

    present The second problem may perhaps be solved by introducing a parame-

    ter exceptions to ab7 and requiring that none of the exceptions be unresolved.

    Both of these ideas require details.

    Lifschitz, Vladimir (1987): “Formal theories of action”, in: The Frame

    Problem in Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings of the 1987 Workshop, 1987.

    4 References


    Etherington, D. E., S. Kraus, and D. Perlis. 1991. Nonmonotonicity and

    the scope of reasoning. Artificial Intelligence 52:221–262.

    McCarthy, J. 1959. Programs with Common Sense1.

    In Mechanisa-

    tion of Thought Processes, Proceedings of the Symposium of the National

    Physics Laboratory, 77–84, London, U.K. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

    Reprinted in (McCarthy 1990).

    McCarthy, J. 1980. Circumscription—A Form of Non-Monotonic Reason-

    ing2. Artificial Intelligence 13:27–39. Reprinted in (McCarthy 1990).

    McCarthy, J. 1986. Applications of Circumscription to Formalizing Com-

    mon Sense Knowledge3. Artificial Intelligence 28:89–116. Reprinted in

    (McCarthy 1990).

    McCarthy, J. 1987. Generality in artificial intelligence. Communications

    of the Association for Computing Machinery 30:1030–1035. Reprinted in

    (McCarthy 1990).

    McCarthy, J. 1989. Artificial Intelligence, Logic and Formalizing Common

    Sense4. In R. Thomason (Ed.), Philosophical Logic and Artificial Intelli-

    gence. Kl¨uver Academic.





    McCarthy, J. 1990. Formalizing Common Sense: Papers by John Mc-

    Carthy. Ablex Publishing Corporation.

    McCarthy, J. 1993. Notes on Formalizing Context5. In IJCAI-93.

    McCarthy, J., and P. J. Hayes. 1969. Some Philosophical Problems from

    the Standpoint of Artificial Intelligence6.

    In B. Meltzer and D. Michie

    (Eds.), Machine Intelligence 4, 463–502. Edinburgh University Press.

    /@steam.stanford.edu:/u/ftp/jmc/glasgow.tex: begun Sat Apr 14 13:33:30 2001, latexed April 14, 2001 at 3:13 p.m.

