John McCarthy
2004 March 23
- Will we ever reach human level AI?
- Sure. Understanding intelligence is a difficult
- scientific problem, but lots of difficult scientific
- problems have been solved. There’s nothing
- humans can do that humans can’t make com-
- puters do. We, or our descendants, will have
- smart robot servants.
- Research should use Drosophilas, domains that
- are most informative about mechanisms of in-
- telligence, not elephants.
- Alan Turing was probably first—in 1947, but
- all the early workers in AI took human level as
- the goal. AI as an industrial technology with
- limited goals came along in the 1970s. I doubt
- that much of this research aimed at short term
- payoff is on any path to human-level AI. Indeed
- the researchers don’t claim it.
- Is there a “Moore’s law” for AI? Ray Kurzweil
- seems to say AI performance doubles every two
- years.
- No.
- When will we get human-level AI?
- Maybe 5 years. Maybe 500 years.
- Will more of the same do it? The next factor
- of 1,000 in computer speed. More axioms in
- CYC of the same kind? Bigger neural nets?
- No.
- Most likely we need fundamental new ideas.
- Moreover, a lot of the ideas now being pursued
- by hundreds of research groups are limited in
- scope by the remnants of behaviorist and posi-
- tivist philosophy—what Steven Pinker [?] calls
- the blank slate. I’ll tell you my ideas, but most
- likely they are not enough. My article Philo-
- sophical and scientific presuppositions of logi-
- cal AI,
- explains what
- human-level AI needs in the way of philosophy.
- AI systems need to be based on the relation
- between appearance and the reality behind it,
- not just on appearance.
- can be told facts e.g. the LCDs in a laptop
- are mounted on glass.
- knowledge of the common sense world—
- facts about dogs— 3-d flexible objects, ap-
- pearance including feel and smell, the effects
- of actions and other events.
- the agent as one among many It knows
- about other agents and their likes, goals, and
It knows how its actions interact with- fears.
- those of other agents.
- independence A human-level agent must not
- be dependent on a human to revise its con-
- cepts in face of experience, new problems, or
- new information. It must be at least as capable
- as human at reasoning about its own mental
- state and mental structure.
- elaboration tolerance The agent must be able
- to take into account new information without
- having to be redesigned by a person.
- relation between appearance and reality be-
- tween 3-d objects and their 2-d projections and
- also with the sensation of touching them. Re-
- lation between the course of events and what
- we observe and do.
- reasons with ill-defined entities—the pur-
- poses of the USA, the welfare of a chicken,
- the rocks of Mount Everest.
- self-awareness The agent must regard itself
- as an object and as an agent and must be able
- to observe its own mental state.
- connects reactive and deliberated action
- e.g. finding and removing ones keys from a
- pocket.
- counterfactual reasoning “If another car had
- come over the hill when you passed, there would
- have been a head-on collision.” If the cop be-
- lieves it, you’ll be charged with reckless driving.
- These requirements are independent of whether
- the agent is logic based or an imitation of bi-
- ology, e.g. a neural net.
- biological—imitate human, e.g. neural nets,
- should work eventually, but they’ll have to take
- a more general approach.
- engineering—study the problems the world presents,
- presently ahead
direct programming, e.g. genetic algo-- rithms,
use logic, loftier objective
- The logic approach is the most awkward—
- except for all the others that have been tried.
- If the logic road reaches human-level AI, we
- will have reached an understanding of how to
- represent the information that is available to
- achieve goals. A learning or evolutionary sys-
- tem might achieve the human-level performance
- without the understanding.
- • Leibniz, Boole and Frege all wanted to for-
- malize common sense. This requires methods
- beyond what worked to formalize mathematics—
- first of all formalizing nonmonotonic reasoning.
- • Since 1958: McCarthy, Green, Nilsson, Fikes,
- Reiter, Levesque, Bacchus, Sandewall, Hayes,
- Lifschitz, Lin, Kowalski, Minker, Perlis, Kraus,
- Costello, Parmar, Amir, Morgenstern, Thielscher,
- Doherty, Ginsberg, McIlraith . . . —and others
- I have left out.
- • Express facts about the world, including ef-
- fects of actions and other events.
- • Reason about ill-defined entities, e.g.
- welfare of chickens. Thus formulas like
the- W elf are(x, Result(Kill(x), s)) < W elf
are(x, s)
- are sometimes needed even though W elf
are(x, s)
- is often indeterminate.
- Describes the way people think—or rather the
- way people ought to think. [web version note:
- Psychologists have discovered many ways in
- which people often think illogically in reaching
- conclusions. However, these people will often
- accept correction when their logical errors are
- pointed out.]
- The laws of deductive thought.
(Boole, de- Morgan, Frege, Peirce). First order logic is
- universal.
- Mathematical logic doesn’t cover all good rea-
- soning.
- It does cover all guaranteed correct reasoning.
- More general correct reasoning must extend
- logic to cover nonmonotonic reasoning and prob-
- ably more. Some good but nonmonotonic rea-
- soning is not guaranteed to always produce
- correct conclusions.
- The common sense informatic situation is the
- key to human-level AI.
information about myself- I have only partial
- and my surroundings. I don’t even have a final
- set of concepts.
- Objects are usually only approximate.
- What I think I know is subject to change and
- elaboration.
- There is no bound on what might be relevant.
- The barometer drosophila illustrates this com-
- mon sense physics.
[Use a barometer to find- the height of a building.]
[web version note:- The intended solution is to take the differ-
- ence d in barometer readings at the bottom
- and top of the building and use the formula
- height = dρg where ρ is the density of mercury,
- and g is the constant of gravitation. Physicists
- argued about the acceptability of the following
- common sense solutions: drop the barometer
- from the top of the building and count seconds
- to the crash, lower the barometer on a line
- and measure the length of the line, compare
- the length of the shadow of the building with
- the height of the barometer and the length
- of its shadow, and offer the barometer to the
- janitor in exchange for information about the
- height. The point is that there is no end to the
- common sense information that might allow a
- solution to the problem. That’s the common
- sense informatic situation.]
- Sometimes we (or better it) can connect a
- bounded informatic situation to an open in-
- formatic situation. Thus the schematic blocks
- world can be used to control a robot stacking
- real blocks.
- A human-level reasoner must often do non-
- monotonic reasoning.
- The world in which common sense operates
- has the following aspects.
- 1. Situations are snapshots of part of the world.
- 2. Events occur in time creating new situa-
tions. Agents’ actions are events.
- 3. Agents have purposes they attempt to re-
- 4. Processes are structures of events and sit-
- 5. 3-dimensional space and objects occupy re-
gions. Embodied agents, e.g. people andphysical robots are objects. Objects canmove, have mass, can come apart or com-bine to make larger objects.
- 6. Knowledge of the above can only be ap-
- 7. The csis includes mathematics, i.e.
ab-stract structures and their correspondencewith structures in the real world.
- 8. Common sense can come to include facts
discovered by science. Examples are con-servation of mass and conservation of vol-ume of a liquid.
- 9. Scientific information and theories are imbed-
ded in common sense information, and com-mon sense is needed to use science.
- • epistemology (what an agent can know about
the world—in general and in particular sit-uations)
- • heuristics (how to use information to achieve
- • declarative and procedural information
- • situations
- Situation calculus is a formalism dating from
- 1964 for representing the effects of actions and
- other events.
- My current ideas are in Actions and other events
- in situation calculus - KR2002, available as
- They
- differ from those of Ray Reiter’s 2001 book
- which has, however, been extended to the pro-
- gramming language GOLOG.
- Going from frame axioms to explanation clo-
- sure axioms lost elaboration tolerance. The
- new formalism is just as concise as those based
- on explanation closure but, like systems using
- frame axioms, is additively elaboration toler-
- ant.
- The frame, qualification and ramification prob-
- lems are identified and significantly solved in
- situation calculus.
- There are extensions of situation calculus to
- concurrent and/or continuous events and ac-
- tions, but the formalisms are still not entirely
- satisfactory.
CONCURRENCY AND PARALLELISM- • In time. Drosophila = Junior in Europe
and Daddy in New york. When concur-rent activities don’t interact, the situationcalculus description of the joined activitiesneeds is the conjunction of the descriptionsof the separate activities. Then the jointtheory is a conservative extension of theseparate theories. Temporal concurrencyis partly done. See my article [?].
- • In space. A situation is analyzed as com-
posed of subpositions that are analyzed sep-arately and then (if necessary) in interac-tion. Drosophilas are Go and the geometryof the Lemmings game. Spatial parallelismis hardly started. For this reason Go pro-grams are at a far lower level than chessprograms.
- In ordinary language concepts are objects. So
- be it in logic.
- CanSpeakW ith(p1, p2, Dials(p1, T
, s))
- Knows(p1, T T
, s) → Cank(p1, Dial(T elephone(p2)
, s)
- T elephone(M ike) = T elephone(M ary)
- T T elephone(M M ike) 6= T T elephone(M M ary)
- Denot(M M ike) = M ike ∧ Denot(M M ary) = M ary
- (∀pp)(Denot(T
) = T elephone(Denot(pp)))
- Knows(P at, T T elephone(M M ike))
∧¬Knows(P at, T T elephone(M M ary))
- Relations among expressions evaluated in dif-
- ferent contexts.
- C0 : V alue(T hisLecture, I) = “J ohnM cCarthy′′
- C0 : Ist(U SLegalHistory, Occupation(Holmes) = J udge)
- C0 : Ist(U SLiteraryHistory, Occupation(Holmes) = P oet)
- C0 : F ather(V alue(U SLegalHistory, Holmes)) =
- V alue(U SLiteraryHistory, Holmes)
- V alue(CAF db, P
) = V alue(CGEdb, P rice(GE610)
+V alue(CGEdb, P rice(Spares(GE610)))- Can transcend outermost context, permitting
- introspection.
- Here we use contexts as objects in a logical
- theory, which requires an extension to logic.
- The approach hasn’t been popular. Too bad.
- P ≤ P ′ ≡ (∀x . . . z)(P (x . . . z) → P ′(x . . . z))
- P < P ′ ≡ P ≤ P ′ ∧ ¬(P ≡ A′)
- Circm{E; C; P ; Z} ≡ E(P, Z) ∧ (∀P ′ Z′)(E(P ′, Z′) → ¬(P ′ < P ))
- In Circm{E; C; P ; Z}, E is the axiom, C is a set
- of entities held constant, P is the predicate to
- be minimized, and Z represents predicates that
- can be varied in minimizing P .
¬Ab(Aspect1(x)) → ¬f
→ Ab(Aspect1(x))
∧ ¬Ab(Aspect2(x)) → f lies(x)
→ Ab(Aspect2(x))
∧ ¬Ab(Aspect3(x)) → ¬f lies(x)
- Let E be the conjunction of the above sen-
- tences.
- Then Circum(E; {bird, penguin}; Ab; f lies) im-
- plies
- f
≡ bird(x)
∧ ¬penguin(x)
, i.e. the things
- that fly are those birds that are not penguins.
- The frame, qualification and ramification prob-
- lems are well known in knowledge representa-
- tion, and various solutions have been offered.
- Conjecture: Simple abnormality theories as de-
- scribed in [?] aren’t enough.
- (No matter what the language).
- Inference to a bounded model.
- 1. As a communication convention. A bird
- may be presumed to fly.
- 2. As a database convention. Flights not listed
- don’t exist.
- 3. As a rule of conjecture. Only the known
- tools are available.
- 4. As a representation of a policy. The meet-
- ing is on Wednesday unless otherwise specified.
- 5. As a streamlined expression of probabilis-
- tic information when probabilities are near 0
- or near 1.
Ignore the risk of being struck by- lightning.
- Drosophila = Missionaries and Cannibals: The
- smallest missionary cannot be alone with the
- largest cannibal. One of the missionaries is Je-
- sus Christ who can walk on water. The prob-
- ability that the river is too rough is 0.1.
- Additive elaboration tolerance. Just add sen-
- tences.
- See
- Ambiguity tolerance
- Drosophila = Law against conspiring to assault
- a federal official.
- Reliable logical structures on quicksand seman-
- tic foundation
- Drosophila = {Mount Everest, welfare of a
- chicken}
- No truth value to many basic propositions.
- Which rocks belong to the mountain?
- Definite truth value to some compound propo-
- sitions whose base concepts are squishy. Did
- Mallory and Irvine reach the top of Everest in
- 1924?
- Domain dependent heuristics for logical rea-
- soning
- Declarative expression of heuristics.
- Wanted: General theory of special tricks
- Goal: Programs that do no more search than
- humans do. On the 15 puzzle, Tom Costello
- and I got close. Shaul Markovitch got closer.
- Learning - what can be learned is limited by
- what can be represented.
- Drosophila = chess
- Creative solutions to problems.
- Drosophila = mutilated checkerboard
- Declarative information about heuristics.
- Domain dependent reasoning strategies
- Drosophilas = {geometry, blocks world}
- Strategy in 3-d world.
- Drosophila = Lemmings
- Learning classifications is a very limited kind
- of learning problem.
- Learn about reality from appearance, e.g 3-d
- reality from 2-d appearance. See
- for a relevant puzzle.
- Learn new concepts. Stephen Muggleton’s in-
- ductive logic programming is a good start.
- Succeeding in the common sense informatic
- situation requires elaboration tolerance.
- It must infer reality from appearance.
- Living with approximate concepts is essential
- Transcending outermost context, introspection.
- Nonmonotonic reasoning
- What can humans do that humans can’t make
- computers do?
- What is built into newborn babies that we haven’t
- managed to build into computer programs?
- Semi-permanent 3-d flexible objects.
- Is there a general theory of heuristics?
- First order logic is universal. Is there a general
- first order language? Is set theory universal
- enough?
- What must be built in before an AI system can
- learn from books and by questioning people?
- • Study relation between appearance and real-
- ity.
- • Extend sitcalc to full concurrency and con-
- tinuous processes.
- • Extend sitcalc to include strategies
- • Mental sitcalc
- • Reasoning within and about contexts, tran-
- scending contexts.
- • Concepts as objects—as an elaboration of a
- theory without concepts. Denot(T T elephone(M M ike)) =
- T elephone(M ike).
- • Uncertainty with and without numerical probabilities—
- probability of a proposition as an elaboration.
- • Heavy duty axiomatic set theory. ZF with
- abbreviated ways of defining sets. Programs
- will need to invent the E{x . . .} used in the
- comprehension set former {x, . . . |E{x, . . .}}.
- • Reasoning program controllable by declara-
- tively expressed heuristics.
Instead of domain- dependent or reasoning style dependent logics
- use general logic with set theory controlled by
- domain dependent advice to a general reason-
- ing program.
- • All this will be difficult and needs someone
- young, smart, knowledgeable, and independent
- of the fashions in AI.
- McC95
- John McCarthy. Applications of Circumscrip-
- tion to Formalizing Common Sense Knowledge
- Artificial Intelligence, 28:89–116, 1986. Reprinted
- in [?].
- John McCarthy. Situation Calculus with Con-
- current Events and Narrative
- 1995. Web only, partly superseded by [?].
- Steven Pinker. The Blank Slate: the modern
- denial of human nature. Viking, 2002.