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Pack ninja -- prolog/ninja.pl
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This module contains helper dcg predicates to generate ninja build files akin to the ninja_syntax.py python module distributed by ninja. You can use these predicates if you want to generate your own build.ninja build file.

Example usage:

build_graph -->
  rule(cp, "cp $in $out"),
  build(["input.txt"], cp, ["output.txt"]).

main -->
  phrase(build_graph, L),
  open("build.ninja", write, Stream),
  string_codes(S, L),
  write(Stream, S),

Then build.ninja contains the following build specification:

rule cp
  command = cp $in $out

build input.txt: cp output.txt

See the ninja build format documentation for generating more complex build files.

- Kwon-Young Choi
 variable(+Pair:pair)// is semidet
Generate a variable declaration from a pair Pair. The key can be an atom or a dcg, value should be a dcg. A variable definition always end with a new line.
?- phrase(variable(name-"Value"), L), format("~s", [L]).
name = Value
L = [110, 97, 109, 101, 32, 61, 32, 86, 97|...].
 variable(+Name:atom;dcg, +Value:dcg)// is semidet
Generate a variable declaration as a variable Name with value Value. The variable name can be an atom or a dcg, value should be a dcg. A variable definition always end with a new line.
?- phrase(variable(name, "Value"), L), format("~s", [L]).
name = Value
L = [110, 97, 109, 101, 32, 61, 32, 86, 97|...].
 rule(+Name:atom;dcg, +Command:dcg)// is semidet
Generate a rule declaration with no additional variables. The name can be an atom or a dcg, the command should be dcg.
?- phrase(rule(cp, "cp $in $out"), L), format("~s", [L]).
rule cp
  command = cp $in $out
L = [114, 117, 108, 101, 32, 99, 112, 10, 32|...].
 rule(+Name:atom;dcg, +Command:dcg, +Variables:list(pair))// is semidet
Generate a rule declaration with no additional variables. The name can be an atom or a dcg. The command should be dcg and describe the command to run. Variables is a list and will be generate using the variable//1 rule.
?- phrase(rule(cp, "cp $in $out"), L), format("~s", [L]).
rule cp
  command = cp $in $out
L = [114, 117, 108, 101, 32, 99, 112, 10, 32|...].
 build(+Outs:list(dcg), +Rule:atom;dcg, +Ins:list(dcg))// is semidet
Generate a build statement between input Ins and Output Outs with the rule Rule.
?- phrase(build(["input.txt"], cp, ["output.txt"]), L), format("~s", [L]).
build input.txt: cp output.txt
L = [98, 117, 105, 108, 100, 32, 105, 110, 112|...].
 build(+Outs:list(dcg), +Rule:atom;dcg, +Ins:list(dcg), +Options:list)// is semidet
Generate a build statement between input Ins and Output Outs with the rule Rule. Optional arguments can be specify in the option list Options. Valid options are:
List of implicit dependencies, as list of dcgs.
List of implicit outputs, as list of dcgs.
List of order only dependencies, as list of dcgs.
List of validation targets, as list of dcgs.
List of variables as pairs.
?- phrase(build(["input.txt"], cp, ["output.txt"],
      variables([name-"value"])]), L), format("~s", [L]).
build input.txt | implicit_out.txt: cp output.txt | implicit_in.txt || orderonly_in.txt |@ validation.txt
  name = value
L = `build input.txt | implici...alue\n`.
 deps(++Source:string)// is semidet
Generate a whitespace separated list of dependencies from prolog source file Source. It also include Source as a dependency.
?- phrase(deps("ninja.pl"), L), format("~s", [L]).
ninja.pl /usr/lib64/swipl-9.0.4/library/dcg/basics.pl /usr/lib64/swipl-9.0.4/library/dcg/high_order.pl /usr/lib64/swipl-9.0.4/library/option.pl /usr/lib64/swipl-9.0.4/library/error.pl
L = `ninja.pl /usr/lib64/swipl...or.pl`.