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Simple analysis for stringy and chary terms.

  • ../stringy_and_charylist_type.pl (MIT license)
  • [stringy_and_charylist_type.plt](../stringy_and_charylist_type.plt) (0BSD license) We introduce the following additional vocabulary:
  • A stringy term is a term that is either an atom or a string. In SWI-Prolog, the string is a distinct representation of a sequence of characters, distinct from the atom and mean to be used in text processing rather than as basis for identifiers.
  • A chary term is a term that is either a char (an atom of length 1) or a code (an integer and, more precisely in SWI-Prolog, a Unicode code point).
  • A charylist is less precise: it is a proper list of either codes or chars. It may or may not contain uninstantiated elements. An empty list is a charylist but we cannot know whether it is supposed to be composed of codes or chars. A list containing only uninstantiated variables is also a charylist and again we don't know what it is supposed to contain, at least not yet.

Loading the module and running its tests (in SWI-Prolog)

Please refer to the README.md file.


  • `charylist_type(@CharyList,?Type`
  • `stringy_type(@Stringy,?Type)`
  • `stringy_type(@Stringy,?Type,@Throw)`
  • stringy_type_with_length(@Stringy,Type)
  • stringy_type_with_length(Stringy,Type,Throw)
  • `stringy_length(@Stringy,?Length)`
  • `stringy_length(@Stringy,?Length,@Throw)`


?- charylist_type(_,T).
T = var.

?- charylist_type([],T).
T = empty.

?- charylist_type([h,e,l,l,o],T).
T = chars(5).

?- charylist_type([0'h,0'e,0'l,0'l,0'o],T).
T = codes(5).

?- charylist_type(foo,T).

?- charylist_type([x],foo).
?- stringy_type(foo,T).
T = atom.

?- stringy_type("foo",T).
T = string.

?- stringy_type(_,T).
T = var.

?- stringy_type([h,e,l,l,o],T).

?- stringy_type([h,e,l,l,o],T,throw).
ERROR: check failed : type error (the culprit is not of the required type)
ERROR:    message   : the value should fulfill 'stringy-ness'
ERROR:    culprit   : [h,e,l,l,o]
?- stringy_type_with_length("foo",T).
T = string(3).

?- stringy_type_with_length("",T).
T = string(0).

?- stringy_type_with_length('',T).
T = atom(0).

?- stringy_type_with_length(_,T).
T = var.
?- stringy_length("foo",T).
T = 3.

?- stringy_length(foo,T).
T = 3.

?- stringy_length(X,3).
ERROR: check failed : instantiation error (the culprit is not instantiated (enough))
ERROR:    message   : the value should fulfill 'nonvar-ness'