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Pack orgref_fix -- prolog/orgref_search.pl
PublicShow source
- Christian Gimenez
- GPLv3
 search_citations(+Org:string, -Lst_cites:list)
Search for the citation keys used in the Org text. This citations have got the format expressed by the regexp citation_regexp/1.

Look for all of those "cite" and "parencite" and return only the key strings on Lst_cites.

Org- The whole Org file in string format.
Lst_cites- A list of citation key strings.
 search_refs(+Org:string, -Lst_refs:list)
Search for all the references and return their keys on Lst_refs.
Org- The whole Org file in string format.
Lst_refs- A list of reference key strings