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bug/0, list/0, suggestion/0, mean/2, median/2, mode/2, percentile/3, quartile/3, iqr/2, rms/2, sum_of_squares/2, variance/2, pop_variance/2, std_dev/2, pop_std_dev/2, range/2, midrange/2, mean_absolute_deviation/2, covariance/3, correlation/3, pearson_correlation/3, spearman_correlation/3, weighted_mean/3, harmonic_mean/2, trimmed_mean/4, trimmed_variance/4, skew/2, kurtosis/2, moment/3, sum/2, prod/2, rescale/2, rescale/4, mean_normalize/2, standardize/2, entropy/2, entropy/3, min_val/2, max_val/2, min_max_val/3, rank/2, rank/3, nth_row/3, nth_column/3, swap_rows_columns/2, split_n_parts/3, occurrences/2, occurrences/3, normalize_prob/2, delete_nth1/3, sample/3, sample/4, sample/5, empirical_distribution/3, seq/4, factorial/2, choose/3, search_position_sorted/3, search_position_sorted/4.
Mean is the mean of the list List. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists). Fails with a message if list is empty or if one of the lists of the list of lists is empty.
mean([1,2,3],M). % Expected: M = 2. mean([[1,3,4],[7,67]],L). % Expected: L = [2.666,37].
Mean is the geometric mean of the list List. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists). Fails with a message if list is empty or if the list contains at least one negative element or if the list sums to 0.
geometric_mean([54, 24, 36], GM). % Expected: GM = 36. geometric_mean([[54, 24, 36],[1,2]], GM) % Expected: GM = [36,1.4142135623730951].
WM is the weighted mean of the list List. Formula: \sum x_iw_i / \sum w_i. Weights must be positive and shoud sum to a value > 0.
weighted_mean([3,8,10,17,24,27],[2,8,10,13,18,20],WM). % Expected: WM = 19.1972.
HM is the harmonic mean of list List. Formula: n / (1/x1 + 1/x2 + ... + 1/xn). List can also be multidimensional (list of lists).
harmonic_mean([1,2,3,4,5,6,7],HM). Expected: HM = 2.69972
TM is the trimmed mean of the list List, i.e., the mean computed by considering only numbers in the range [Lower,Upper].
trimmed_mean([1,2,3,4,5,6,7],3,5,T). % Expected: T = 4
Median is the median of the list List. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists). Fails with a message if list is empty of if one of the lists of the list of lists is empty.
median([1,2,3],M). % Expected: M = 2. median([[1,5,64],[27,67]],M). % Expected: M = [5, 47].
Mode is the mode of the list List. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists). Fails with a message if list is empty of if one of the lists of the list of lists is empty. If the list contains multiple modes with the same frequency, it computes all.
mode([1,2,3,1],M). % Expected: M = 1. mode([[1,5,64],[27,67]],M). % Expected: M = [[1,5,64], [27,67]].
Percentile is the K-th percentile of the list List. Both List and K can be multidimensional (lists of lists). Fails with a message if list is empty of if one of the lists of the list of lists is empty.
Algorithm: arrange the data in ascending order, compute r = (p/100)* (n-1) + 1
where p
is the percentile.
If r
is integer, then the r-th element is the desired percentile.
Otherwise, it is `x_ceil(r)
+ (r - ceil(r)
) (x_(ceil(r)
+ 1) - x_ceil(r)
The last formula is valid in both cases.
percentile([1,2,3,4,6,5,9],40,P). % Expected: P = 3.4. percentile([1,2,3,4,6,5],40,P). % Expected: P = 3.0. percentile([1,2,3,4,6,5],[10,40],P) % Expected: P = [1.5,3.0]. percentile([[1,2,3,4,6,5],[15,25]],[10,40],P). % Expected: P = [[1.5,3.0],[16.0,19.0]].
Quartile is the Q-th quartile of the list List. Both List and Q can be multidimensional (lists of lists). Wraps for percentile/3.
quartile([15,25],2,Q). % Expected: Q = 20.
IQR is the inter quartile range of list List, computed as the difference between 3rd - 1st quartile. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists).
iqr([1,2,3,4,6,5],I). % Expected: I = 2.5.
RMS is the root mean square of the list List. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists). Square root of the sum of the squared data values divided by the number of values.
rms([1,5,8,3],S). % Expected: S = 4.97493.
SumOfSquares is the sum of squares of the list List. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists). Formula: \sum_n (x - \mu)^2.
sum_of_squares([1,2,3],S) % Expected: S = 2.
Variance is the sample variance of the list List. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists). Formula: (1/(N - 1)) \sum_n (x_i - \mu)^2.
variance([1,2,4,6,7,8,9],V). % Expected: V = 9.2380952.
Variance is the population variance of the list List. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists). Formula: (1/N) \sum_n (x_i - \mu)^2.
pop_variance([1,4,6,72,1],V). % Expected: V = 765.3600.
StdDev is the standard deviation of the list List (square root of the sample variance). List can also be multidimensional (list of lists).
std_dev([1,2,4,6,7,8,9],S). Expected: S = 3.039424.
StdDev is the population standard deviation of the list List (square root of the population variance). List can also be multidimensional (list of lists).
pop_std_dev([1,2,4,6,7,8,9],S). % Expected: S = 3.039424.
Range is the difference between the biggest and the smallest element of the list List. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists).
range([1,2,4,6,7,8,9],R). % Expected: R = 8.
Midrange is (max - min) / 2 of the list List (half of the range). List can also be multidimensional (list of lists).
midrange([1,2,4,6,7,8,9],M). % Expected: M = 4.
MAD is the sum of the absolute value of the differences between data values and the mean, divided by the sample size. Formula: MAD = 1/N \sum_i |x - \mu|. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists).
mean_absolute_deviation([1,2,4,6,7,8,9],M). % Expected: M = 2.5306122.
Covariance is the covariance of the lists List1 and List2.
covariance([5,12,18,23,45],[2,8,18,20,28],C). % Expected: C = 146.1
Correlation is the Pearson correlation of List1 and List2.
Formula: covariance(List1,List2)
/ (std_dev(List1)
Other correlations are self explanatory.
correlation([5,12,18,23,45],[2,8,18,20,28],C). % Expected: C = 0.9366. spearman_correlation([5,12,18,23,45],[2,8,18,20,28],C). % Expected: C = 0.999999
TV is the trimmed variance of the list List, i.e, the variance computed by considering only numbers in the range [Lower,Upper].
trimmed_variance([1,2,3,4,5,6,7],3,5,V). % Expected: V = 1.0
Moment is the M-th moment about the mean for the list List. Formula: 1/n \sum (x_i - x_mean) ^ M.
moment([1,2,3,4,5],2,MO). % Expected: MO = 2
Skew is the sample skewness of list List. Formula: m_3 / (m_2)^(3/2) where m_3 and m_2 are respectively the third and second moment. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists).
skew([2,8,0,4,1,9,9,0],S). % Expected: S = 0.26505541
Kurtosis is the fourth central moment divided by the square of the variance. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists).
kurtosis([3,5,7,2,7],K). % Expected: K = 1.3731508875.
RankList is the rank of the list List according to method Method. If Method is not provided, by default it performs average/fractional ranking. Method must be one of the following:
or fractional
: items that compare equal receive the same rank, which is the mean of ordinal ranking values (see below)min
or competition
: items that compare equal receive the same rank (there will be a gap in the ranking list)max
or modified_competition
: as min
, but the gap is left before, rather than afterdense
: as min
, but no gaps are leftordinal
: all the elements receive a different rank. If the same element appears more than one time, all the occurrences will have a different (increasing) rank
rank([0,2,3,2],R). % Expected: R = [1.0,2.5,4.0,2.5]. rank([0,2,3,2],average,R). % Expected: R = [1.0,2.5,4.0,2.5]. example: rank([0,2,3,2],min,R). % Expected: R = [1,2,4,2]. example: rank([0,2,3,2],max,R). % Expected: R = [1,3,4,3]. example: rank([0,2,3,2],dense,R). % Expected: R = [1,2,3,2]. example: rank([0,2,3,2],ordinal,R). % Expected: R = [1,2,4,3]. rank([[0,2,3,2],[1,4,5]],max,R). % Expected: R = [[1,4,5,4],[2,6,7]].
NthRow is the nth row of ListOfList, counting from 1.
nth_row([[1,2],[3,4]],2,N). % Expected: N = [3,4].
NthColumn is the nth column of ListOfList, counting from 1.
nth_column([[1,2],[3,4]],2,N). % Expected: N = [2,4].
LColumns is LRows transposed (rows and columns swapped).
swap_rows_columns([[1,2,4],[3,6,7]],R). Expected: R = [[1,3],[2,6],[4,7]].
PartsList is a list of lists obtained by splitting list List in Parts parts.
split_n_parts([1,2,4,3,7,6],2,[[1,2],[4,3],[7,6]]). % Expected: S = [[1,2],[4,3],[7,6]].
Occ is the occurrences of Number in list List. If Number is not provided, Occ is a list [Value,Occurrences] for each element in list List.
occurrences([1,2,4,6,7,8,9,1],O). % Expected: O = [[1,2],[2,1],[4,1],[6,1],[7,1],[8,1],[9,1]]. occurrences([1,2,4,6,7,8,9,1],1,O). % Expected: O = 2.
Min is the smallest value of the list List. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists).
min_val([1,2,4,6,7,8,9,1],M). % Expected: M = 1.
Max is the biggest value of the list List. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists).
max_val([1,2,4,6,7,8,9,1],M). % Expected: M = 9.
Min and Max are the minimum and the maximum value of the list List respectively.
min_max_val([1,2,4,6,7,8,9,1],Min,Max). % Expected: Min = 1, Max = 9.
Sum is the sum of the elements in the list List. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists).
sum([1,24,2,3,-1],S). % Expected: S = 29.
Prod is the product of the elements in list List. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists).
prod([1,24,2,3,-1],P). % Expected: P = -144.
NormalizedList is the list List normalized. List must contain only elements between 0 and 1 (included). List can also be multidimensional (list of lists). Formula: i / list_sum foreach i in List.
normalize_prob([0.07,0.14,0.07],L). % Expected: L = [0.25,0.5,0.25].
Rescaled is list List rescaled in the range [Lower,Upper]. Also known as min-max normalization. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists). If Lower and Upper are not provided, they are set by default to 0 and 1. Every x is rescaled as: Lower + ((x - min_list)(Upper - Lower)) / (max_list - min_list)
rescale([0.07,0.14,0.07],L). % Expected: L = [0.0,1.0,0.0] rescale([0.07,0.14,0.07],2,3,L). % Expected: L = [2.0,3.0,2.0]
Normalized is list List mean normalized. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists). Formula: (x - mean_list) / (Upper - Lower) foreach x in List.
mean_normalize([1,2,4],L). % Expected: L = [-0.444, -0.111, 0.555].
Standardized is list List standardized. Formula: (x - mean_list) / std_dev_list foreach x in List. List can also be multidimensional (list of lists). Population std_dev is considered (divided by n).
standardize([1,2,4],L). % Expected: L = [-1.0690449,-0.2672612,1.336306].
Entropy is the entropy of the list List.
Formula: if probabilities are not provided, then
E = -sum(pk log(pk)
E = sum(pk log(pk / qk)
Logarithm in base e (natural logarithm) is computed.
entropy([9/10,1/10],E). % Expected: E = 0.325082. entropy([1/2,1/2],[9/10,1/10],E). % Expected: E = 0.5108256.
LDeleted is List with the element at pos Index removed, counting from 1. If Index is greater than the length of the list, fails.
delete_nth1([1,2,7,4],3,L). % Expected: L = [1,2,4].
Takes a sample of size Size from list List.
Replace can be true or false, if not provided is false.
Probabilities is a list of probabilities.
If Replace is false and a list of probabilities is specified, the list is normalized, after the removal of the element.
sample([1,2,3,4,5],5,L). sample([1,2,3,4,5],5,true,L). sample([1,2,3,4,5],5,false,L). sample([1,2,3,4,5],5,true,[0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.6],L). sample([1,2,3,4,5],5,false,[0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.6],L).
Result is the empirical distribution of list List at point X. List and X can also be multidimensional (lists of lists).
empirical_distribution([0,1,2,2,4,6,6,7],0,E). % Expected: E = 0.125. empirical_distribution([0,1,2,2,4,6,6,7],2,E). % Expected: E = 0.5. empirical_distribution([0,1,2,2,4,6,6,7],7,E). % Expected: E = 1. empirical_distribution([[0,1,2,2,4,6,6,7],[1,2,4]],[6,7,8],E). % Expected: E = [[0.875,1,1],[1,1,1]].
List is a list with a sequence ranging from A to B with step Step. If Step is not provided, 1 is assumed.
seq(1,10,1,S). % Expected: S = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].
Factorial is N! = N*(N-1)*...2*1
factorial(10,F). % Expected: F = 3628800.
C is the binomial coefficient N,K
Formula: fact(N)
/ (fact(N-K)
choose(10,3,C). % Expected: C = 120.
Pos is the position that the element Element would have when inserted in list List to preserve its order.
0 means the first location.
If the element should be inserted in the last position, Pos = N
where N is the length of List.
Counting from 1.
List and Element can also be multidimensional (lists of lists).
Direction can be left (default) or right.
search_position_sorted([1,2,3,4,5],3,P). % Expected result: P = 2. search_position_sorted([1,2,3,4,5],3,right,P). % Expected result: P = 3.