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Pack plumdrum -- prolog/humdrum/interps.pl |
This module defines the hook predicate hum_interp_hook//1 for recognising when a Humdrum spine contains interpretation data.
It currently produces interpretation terms with the following type:
interp ---> section(secname) ; section(atom,atom) ; explist(list(atom)) ; explist(atom,list(atom)) ; tb(natural) % timebase ; metre(natural,natural) % metre num and denom ; metro(float) % metronome ; metro(range(float)) % metronome range ; tempo(atom) % tempo marking (verbal) ; staff(list(natural)) % staff number ; clef(atom) % clef type name ; instr(atom) % instrument name ; igroup(atom) % instrument group ; iclass(atom) % instrument class ; keysig(list(pitch_class)) % key signature ; key(pitch_class,mode) % key as major/minor ; trans % transposed? . range(A) ---> A--A.
See humutils.pl
for definition of pitch_class type.