This module is typically used in the following way:
:- initialization
:- initialization
conf_json('my-application', Conf),
The configuration file location can be supplied from the command line
by using the following flag. If no location is supplied, the default
configuration file location is used, i.e., `~/conf.json'.
- cli_argument(+Key:atom, -Value:term) is semidet
- cli_argument(+Key:atom, +Default:term, -Value:term) is det
- cli_arguments(-Conf:dict) is det
- cli_arguments(+FlagMap:list(pair(atom,atom)), -Conf:dict) is det
- cli_arguments(+Argv:list(atom), +FlagMap:list(pair(atom,atom)), -Conf:dict) is det
- conf_json(-Conf:dict) is semidet
- Read a dictionary with configuration information from a file whose
FILE name is supplied as a command-line argument of the form
- throws
- - existence_error/1 if no configuration file exists.
- conf_json(+Key:atom, -Value:atom) is semidet
- Like conf_json/1, but only returns that part of the configuration
that resides underneath the given Key.
- throws
- - existence_error/1 if no configuration files exists.
- - existence_error/2 if Key does not occur in the configuration
- data_directory(-Directory:atom) is semidet
- data_file(-AbsolutePath:atom) is multi
- data_file(+RelativePath:atom, -AbsolutePath:atom) is det
Undocumented predicates
The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.
- cli_arguments(Arg1, Arg2)
- cli_arguments(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)