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Pack purity -- docs/api_comparison.md

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Comparision Predicates

To use, import the following module

:- use_module(library(purity)).


pcompare(Domain, TermA, TermB, Comparator) -

Comparator is one of <, > or =

Comparator is the comparison between TermA and TermB

both TermA and TermB must be in Domain


pdif(Domain, TermA, TermB).

TermA is not TermB

TermA and TermB must be in Domain


pdif(Domain, TermA, TermB, Result).

Result is true if TermA is not TermB for domain, otherwise false


pif(Goal, TrueGoal, FalseGoal).

Goal is a callable with the last argument as a pbool.

if Goal results in true then TrueGoal is called.

if Goal results in false then FalseGoal is called.


eq(Domain, TermA, TermB).

TermA and TermB are equal for Domain.


eq(Domain, TermA, TermB, Result).

Result is true if TermA and TermB are equal for Domain.

Result is false if TermA and TermB are equal for Domain.


lt(Domain, TermA, TermB).

TermA is less than TermB for Domain.


lt(Domain, TermA, TermB, Result).

Result is true if TermA is less than TermB for Domain.

Result is false if TermA is not less than TermB for Domain.


lte(Domain, TermA, TermB).

TermA is less than or equal to TermB for Domain.


lte(Domain, TermA, TermB, Result).

Result is true if TermA is less than or equal to TermB for Domain.

Result is false if TermA is not less than or equal to TermB for Domain.


gt(Domain, TermA, TermB).

TermA is greater than TermB for Domain


gt(Domain, TermA, TermB, Result).

Result is true if TermA is greater than TermB for Domain.

Result is false if TermA is greater than TermB for Domain.


gte(Domain, TermA, TermB).

TermA is greater than or equal to TermB for domain.


gte(Domain, TermA, TermB, Result).

Result is true if TermA is greater than or equal to TermB for Domain.

Result is false if TermA is greater than or equal to TermB for Domain.