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Pack r_session -- README.md

SWI-Prolog interface to R

This package provides library(r_session) that allows for communicating with The R Project for Statistical Computing. This package has been developed by [Nicos Angelopoulos](mailto:nicos.angelopoulos@gmail.com) and has been part of the SWI-Prolog default packages for several years as library('R').

This library has been superseeded by the real pack, which provides a much faster and robust interface to R by embedding the R dynamic library in Prolog using the foreign library interface. Still, the process based approach can come handy:

  • It may be easier to install (depending on the platform)
  • It can run R on a remote computer that provides more resources
  • Multiple R engines may be created and destroyed.
  • On some platforms, R cannot open graphical windows when embedded in Prolog.

Documentation about this pack is in doc/r_session.html and a simple demo is in examples/r_demo.pl.