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Given an ontology pizza.owl
:- ensure_loaded( library(rdfs2pl) ). :- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). gen :- rdf_load('pizza.owl'), tell('pizza.pl'), write_schema(pizza,'http://owl.cs.manchester.ac.uk/2009/07/sssw/pizza#',[use_labels(true)]), told.
Alternatively, use the command line wrapper:
rdfs2pl pizza pizza.owl -o pizza.pl
Compiles an RDFS schema to prolog program consisting of convenience wrapper predicates:
For example, if the ontology contains
:hasTopping a owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "has topping" .
Then the generated module will contain
:- rdf_meta has_topping(r,r). :- op(300,xfy,has_topping/2). has_topping(X,Y) :- rdf_has(X,pizza:hasTopping,Y).
This allows convenient querying of the form:
write_pizza_toppings :- pizza(P), P has_topping T, writeln(P-T), fail.
Additional arguments are provided where we want to determine the named graph a triple is asserted in, or inspect the reification of the statement/axiom. Note OWL uses a different reification vocabulary than RDF.
G` is the graph S-P-O
is asserted in where
N` is the node of the reified statement where
N` is the node of the reified statement where
A` is the node of the axiom reified using the owl vocabularyThese are on by default. These can be controlled via Opts in write_schema/3, or by command line options.
?- pack_install(rdfs2pl).
rdfs2pl pizza pizza.owl -o pizza.pl
For all options, see
rdfs2pl -h
Source code available and pull requests accepted at http://github.com/cmungall/rdfs2pl