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Pack trill -- prolog/trill.pl
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This module performs reasoning over probabilistic description logic knowledge bases. It reads probabilistic knowledge bases in RDF format or in Prolog format, a functional-like sintax based on definitions of Thea library, and answers queries by finding the set of explanations or computing the probability.

[1] http://vangelisv.github.io/thea/

See https://github.com/rzese/trill/blob/master/doc/manual.pdf or http://ds.ing.unife.it/~rzese/software/trill/manual.html for details.

- Riccardo Zese
- 6.0.2
- Artistic License 2.0
 load_kb(++FileName:kb_file_name) is det
The predicate loads the knowledge base contained in the given file. The knowledge base must be defined in TRILL format, to use also OWL/RDF format use the predicate owl_rdf/1.
 load_owl_kb(++FileName:kb_file_name) is det
The predicate loads the knowledge base contained in the given file. The knowledge base must be defined in pure OWL/RDF format.
 load_owl_kb_from_string(++KB:string) is det
The predicate loads the knowledge base contained in the given string. The knowledge base must be defined in pure OWL/RDF format.
 add_kb_prefix(:ShortPref:string, ++LongPref:string) is det[multifile]
This predicate registers the alias ShortPref for the prefix defined in LongPref. The empty string '' can be defined as alias.
 add_kb_prefixes(:Prefixes:list) is det[multifile]
This predicate registers all the alias prefixes contained in Prefixes. The input list must contain pairs alias=prefix, i.e., [('foo'='http://example.foo#')]. The empty string '' can be defined as alias.
 add_axiom(:Axiom:axiom) is det[multifile]
This predicate adds the given axiom to the knowledge base. The axiom must be defined following the TRILL syntax.
 add_axioms(:Axioms:list) is det[multifile]
This predicate adds the axioms of the list to the knowledge base. The axioms must be defined following the TRILL syntax.
 remove_kb_prefix(:ShortPref:string, ++LongPref:string) is det[multifile]
This predicate removes from the registered aliases the one given in input.
 remove_kb_prefix(:Name:string) is det[multifile]
This predicate takes as input a string that can be an alias or a prefix and removes the pair containing the string from the registered aliases.
 remove_axiom(:Axiom:axiom) is det[multifile]
This predicate removes the given axiom from the knowledge base. The axiom must be defined following the TRILL syntax.
 remove_axioms(++Axioms:list) is det[multifile]
This predicate removes the axioms of the list from the knowledge base. The axioms must be defined following the TRILL syntax.
 axiom(:Axiom:axiom) is det[multifile]
This predicate searches in the loaded knowledge base axioms that unify with Axiom.
 set_tableau_expansion_rules(:DetRules:list, ++NondetRules:list) is det
This predicate set the rules as taken in input, maintaining order and number of rules. DetRules is the list of deterministic rules, NondetRules the list of non-deterministic ones.
 instanceOf(:Class:concept_description, ++Ind:individual_name)
This predicate takes as input the name or the full URI of a class or the definition of a complex concept as a ground term and name or the full URI of an individual and returns one explanation for the instantiation of the individual to the given class. The returning explanation is a set of axioms. The predicate fails if the individual does not belong to the class.
 instanceOf(:Class:concept_description, ++Ind:individual_name) is det
This predicate takes as input the name or the full URI of a class or the definition of a complex concept as a ground term and name or the full URI of an individual and returns true if the individual belongs to the class, false otherwise.
 property_value(:Prop:property_name, ++Ind1:individual_name, ++Ind2:individual_name, -Expl:list, ++Opt:list)
This predicate takes as input the name or the full URI of a property and of two individuals and returns one explanation for the fact Ind1 is related with Ind2 via Prop. The returning explanation is a set of axioms. The predicate fails if the two individual are not Prop-related. * Opt is a list containing options for the execution of the query. Options can be:
  • assert_abox(Boolean) if Boolean is set to true the list of aboxes is asserted with the predicate final_abox/1.
  • compute_prob(mode,Prob) if mode is query trill is forced to find all the explanations, and compute the probability of the query is computed and unified with Prob (same as using prob_<query> but it also returns the set of justifications); if mode is expl trill will compute the probability of each single explanation.
  • max_expl(Value) to limit the maximum number of explanations to find. Value must be an integer. The predicate will return a list containing at most Value different explanations.
  • time_limit(Value) to limit the time for the inference. The predicate will return the explanations found in the time allowed. Value is the number of seconds allowed for the search of explanations.
 property_value(:Prop:property_name, ++Ind1:individual_name, ++Ind2:individual_name, -Expl:list)
This predicate takes as input the name or the full URI of a property and of two individuals and returns one explanation for the fact Ind1 is related with Ind2 via Prop. The returning explanation is a set of axioms. The predicate fails if the two individual are not Prop-related.
 all_property_value(:Prop:property_name, ++Ind1:individual_name, ++Ind2:individual_name, -Expl:list)
This predicate takes as input the name or the full URI of a property and of two individuals and returns all the explanations for the fact Ind1 is related with Ind2 via Prop. The returning explanations are in the form if a list (set) of set of axioms. The predicate fails if the individual does not belong to the class.
 property_value(:Prop:property_name, ++Ind1:individual_name, ++Ind2:individual_name) is det
This predicate takes as input the name or the full URI of a property and of two individuals and returns true if the two individual are Prop-related, false otherwise.
 sub_class(:Class:concept_description, ++SupClass:concept_description, -Expl:list, ++Opt:list)
This predicate takes as input two concepts which can be given by the name or the full URI of two a simple concept or the definition of a complex concept as a ground term and returns one explanation for the subclass relation between Class and SupClass. The returning explanation is a set of axioms. The predicate fails if there is not a subclass relation between the two classes. Opt is a list containing options for the execution of the query. Options can be:
  • assert_abox(Boolean) if Boolean is set to true the list of aboxes is asserted with the predicate final_abox/1.
  • compute_prob(mode,Prob) if mode is query trill is forced to find all the explanations, and compute the probability of the query is computed and unified with Prob (same as using prob_<query> but it also returns the set of justifications); if mode is expl trill will compute the probability of each single explanation.
  • max_expl(Value) to limit the maximum number of explanations to find. Value must be an integer. The predicate will return a list containing at most Value different explanations.
  • time_limit(Value) to limit the time for the inference. The predicate will return the explanations found in the time allowed. Value is the number of seconds allowed for the search of explanations.
 sub_class(:Class:concept_description, ++SupClass:concept_description, -Expl:list)
This predicate takes as input two concepts which can be given by the name or the full URI of two a simple concept or the definition of a complex concept as a ground term and returns one explanation for the subclass relation between Class and SupClass. The returning explanation is a set of axioms. The predicate fails if there is not a subclass relation between the two classes.
 all_sub_class(:Class:concept_description, ++SupClass:concept_description, -Expl:list)
This predicate takes as input two concepts which can be given by the name or the full URI of two a simple concept or the definition of a complex concept as a ground term and returns all the explanations for the subclass relation between Class and SupClass. The returning explanations are in the form if a list (set) of set of axioms. The predicate fails if Class is not subclass of SupClass.
 sub_class(:Class:concept_description, ++SupClass:concept_description) is det
This predicate takes as input two concepts which can be given by the name or the full URI of two a simple concept or the definition of a complex concept as a ground term and returns true if Class is a subclass of SupClass, and false otherwise.
 unsat(:Concept:concept_description, -Expl:list, ++Opt:list)
This predicate takes as input the name or the full URI of a class or the definition of a complex concept as a ground term and returns one explanation for the unsatisfiability of the concept. The returning explanation is a set of axioms. The predicate fails if the concept is satisfiable. Opt is a list containing options for the execution of the query. Options can be:
  • assert_abox(Boolean) if Boolean is set to true the list of aboxes is asserted with the predicate final_abox/1.
  • compute_prob(mode,Prob) if mode is query trill is forced to find all the explanations, and compute the probability of the query is computed and unified with Prob (same as using prob_<query> but it also returns the set of justifications); if mode is expl trill will compute the probability of each single explanation.
  • max_expl(Value) to limit the maximum number of explanations to find. Value must be an integer. The predicate will return a list containing at most Value different explanations.
  • time_limit(Value) to limit the time for the inference. The predicate will return the explanations found in the time allowed. Value is the number of seconds allowed for the search of explanations.
 unsat(:Concept:concept_description, -Expl:list)
This predicate takes as input the name or the full URI of a class or the definition of a complex concept as a ground term and returns one explanation for the unsatisfiability of the concept. The returning explanation is a set of axioms. The predicate fails if the concept is satisfiable.
 all_unsat(:Concept:concept_description, -Expl:list)
This predicate takes as input the name or the full URI of a class or the definition of a complex concept as a ground term and returns all the explanations for the unsatisfiability of the concept. The returning explanations are in the form if a list (set) of set of axioms. The predicate fails if the individual does not belong to the class.
 unsat(:Concept:concept_description) is det
This predicate takes as input the name or the full URI of a class or the definition of a complex concept as a ground term and returns true if the concept is unsatisfiable, false otherwise.
 inconsistent_theory(:Expl:list, ++Opt:list)
This predicate returns one explanation for the inconsistency of the loaded knowledge base. Opt is a list containing options for the execution of the query. Options can be:
  • assert_abox(Boolean) if Boolean is set to true the list of aboxes is asserted with the predicate final_abox/1.
  • compute_prob(mode,Prob) if mode is query trill is forced to find all the explanations, and compute the probability of the query is computed and unified with Prob (same as using prob_<query> but it also returns the set of justifications); if mode is expl trill will compute the probability of each single explanation.
  • max_expl(Value) to limit the maximum number of explanations to find. Value must be an integer. The predicate will return a list containing at most Value different explanations.
  • time_limit(Value) to limit the time for the inference. The predicate will return the explanations found in the time allowed. Value is the number of seconds allowed for the search of explanations.
This predicate returns one explanation for the inconsistency of the loaded knowledge base.
This predicate returns all the explanations for the inconsistency of the loaded knowledge base. The returning explanations are in the form if a list (set) of set of axioms. The predicate fails if the individual does not belong to the class.
This predicate returns true if the loaded knowledge base is inconsistent, otherwise it fails.
 prob_instanceOf(:Class:concept_description, ++Ind:individual_name, --Prob:double) is det
This predicate takes as input the name or the full URI of a class or the definition of a complex concept as a ground term and name or the full URI of an individual and returns the probability of the instantiation of the individual to the given class.
 prob_property_value(:Prop:property_name, ++Ind1:individual_name, ++Ind2:individual_name, --Prob:double) is det
This predicate takes as input the name or the full URI of a property and of two individuals and returns the probability of the fact Ind1 is related with Ind2 via Prop.
 prob_sub_class(:Class:concept_description, ++SupClass:class_name, --Prob:double) is det
This predicate takes as input two concepts which can be given by the name or the full URI of two a simple concept or the definition of a complex concept as a ground term and returns the probability of the subclass relation between Class and SupClass.
 prob_unsat(:Concept:concept_description, --Prob:double) is det
This predicate takes as input the name or the full URI of a class or the definition of a complex concept as a ground term and returns the probability of the unsatisfiability of the concept.
 prob_inconsistent_theory(:Prob:double) is det
If the knowledge base is inconsistent, this predicate returns the probability of the inconsistency.
 resume_query(:Expl:list) is det
Continues with the search for new justifications for the previous query if a previous query is open. It only works returning justifications one by one.
 compute_query_prob(:Prob:double) is det
Computes the probability of the previous query if there is one open.
 reset_query is det
Closes the open query and reset the reasoner status to prepare it for a new query.
It initializes the algorithms Alg

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.

 instanceOf(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 instanceOf(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 all_instanceOf(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 init_ex(Arg1, Arg2)
 one(Arg1, Arg2)
 zero(Arg1, Arg2)
 and(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 or(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 bdd_not(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 ret_prob(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 equality(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 add_var(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 add_abd_var(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 ret_abd_prob(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 add_query_var(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 ret_map_prob(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 onec(Arg1, Arg2)
 zeroc(Arg1, Arg2)
 andc(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 andcnf(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 bdd_notc(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 orc(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 ret_probc(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 equalityc(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 or_list(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 or_listc(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 make_query_var(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 create_dot(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 create_dot_string(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 em(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7, Arg8, Arg9)
 gamma_sample(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 gauss_sample(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 dirichlet_sample(Arg1, Arg2)
 symmetric_dirichlet_sample(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 discrete_sample(Arg1, Arg2)
 initial_values(Arg1, Arg2)
 add_decision_var(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 probability_dd(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
 add_prod(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 add_sum(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 ret_strategy(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
 debug_cudd_var(Arg1, Arg2)